Curves 'em Right (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Curves 'em Right (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 4)
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He’d watched her the night of the ball. She’d walked in with that sexy itty bitty costume and floored him. He hadn’t known that it was her, but his first instinct was to take her. And when he’d realized he couldn’t scent her, he still knew that she was special to him. That they shouldn’t waste any time and take her as their own.

“What are you going to do about Dani?” his mother asked, breaking into his thoughts.

“We’re going to do whatever we can to keep her. She’s coming over tonight so we can spend some time together.”

She nodded. “It’s a good thing you can cook or I’d worry about you. You are such a good man, Kane. I know you are bossy, but you have that in your genes, from your father, of course.”

She always told him that whenever she felt he needed a pep talk. Right now, he didn’t. What he needed was a way to get Dani naked later. And then he wanted her agreement to join in their Alpha Triad.

“I need her to willingly agree to be with us.”

“Damn. That’s going to be tougher than sex, son.”

He filled a cup with cold water and frowned. “Why? Why is that harder than sex? You’d think it would be the opposite.”

She shook her head with a small smile. “Not at all. Women fantasize all the time about two hot men wanting them. You and Blake are probably a dream come true. But reality? That’s scary. A relationship with two men? Most women don’t think that can work. Especially human females. We know the score. Other shifters know what’s needed to make a Triad work. Sex is fun. It’s easy. All you need is chemistry and you’re good. A relationship takes work. Effort. Commitment.”

“I’m committed to making sure this works with Dani.”

“That’s because you already know deep down she’s the one for you. In the human world, a person doesn’t know that quickly. They don’t have an animal giving them guidance and an extra sensory perception. All they have is their gut instinct. She’d have to follow her gut. Make sure that all your promises to her are things she wants as well.”

“Thanks, mom.” He bent down and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and sighed. “I wish there was more I could do to help you, but I know this is all about you and Blake. Make it special, Kane. Make her feel like she’s the only one for you because that’s exactly how it is.”

He nodded. It was time to make Dani realize how special she was.


That evening, he went with his gut and decided to surprise her with something out of the ordinary. He’d done a lot of work lighting up the trees that led to a cool cliff overlooking the valley. There, he’d set up a picnic and even went as far as laying out cushions and blankets for their time together. He wanted to make sure she understood this was for her. That it was all about making her feel special.




Dani shivered in her pretty red flats. The black and red polka-dot dress had been a bargain find and she loved wearing it because it made her feel pretty and feminine. She’d even curled her hair for Kane. Not just curled with a hot iron, but spent hours straightening the frizzy hair and then curling it to make big bouncy curls. If he knew the times she’d burned herself with that thing, he’d think she was nuts for sure.

She left her car near his cabin and made it to the front door without tripping over her own two feet. Whenever she was nervous, she tended to get really clumsy. Marcos loved making fun of that but she would just smack him upside the head and call him a jerk.

She knocked softly, knowing he’d probably heard her arrive with his super shifter hearing anyway.

Not a minute later, Kane opened the door and she forgot how to breathe. He’d dressed up. For her. It was like something out of a movie. He’d put on a nice perfectly pressed black dress shirt and slacks. Gone were his well-worn and sometimes torn jeans that hugged his ass better than should be legal. His usual T-shirts were gone and the dress shirt sleeves were rolled up showing impressive forearms.

“Hi,” she said, almost swallowing her tongue.

He smiled, pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips over hers in a scorching kiss. Then he pulled back, his smile full of heat. “You look beautiful.”

Well, okay then. She wished she could bottle both him and Blake and keep them forever. How were they still single when both men wanted a mate more than anything in the world?


He grabbed her hand, enveloping it with his much bigger, warmer one. “Come on, I have a surprise for you.”

She didn’t get a chance to look around the inside of his house. He tugged her through a giant living room, with only the bare necessities, and then through a giant kitchen, fit to feed an army, to the back door.

When they got to the yard, he lifted her hand to his lips and grinned. “Are you ready?”

She was worried about asking for what, so she nodded instead. He flipped a switch near the door and a row of trees lit up with white lanterns.

She gasped, turning to face him and smiled. “Wow. This is impressive.”

He laughed and hugged her to his side. “There’s more.”

More than pretty lights? She really wasn’t sure why he had gone to the trouble. Not that she’d complain, but all this romance made it hard to keep her feelings from trying to make something out of a dinner date.

With every step they took, she became more and more enthralled in the amount of work he’d put in to decorating these trees. It was a good few hundred yards before they reached the cliff overlooking the valley. There, he’d set up various lanterns, a giant blanket with their meal and another one with cushions to sit or lay on.

“Oh, my God!” she shrieked, rushing over to look at the beautiful view from the ground. She could see the valley, and the moon and stars from that spot. Not to mention there was a giant tree right next to the blankets which he’d hung more lanterns from. The entire thing looked like something out of a fairy tale.

“Do you like it?” he asked, his wicked smile filled with pride. He knew she loved it.

“What do you think?” She ran back and threw her arms around him, pulling his head down for a kiss. “This is really an amazing way to start a date, Kane.”

He kissed her long and hard, twisting his tongue over hers and lighting a new fire at her core. Her body throbbed with need. There was no urgency to his kiss. It was like he was only teasing her into seeing how good he was.

After making her so turned on she was ready to rip out of her clothes and ask him to take her then and there, he pulled away and shook his head. “Not yet, Little Red.”

She groaned and pouted. “Are you still going to keep calling me that? It’s not like you don’t know who I am now.”

He lifted a hand to caress her cheek, moving slowly to cup her neck, and then grabbing a fistful of hair to pull her head back.

She gulped, loving this unexpected aggression in him.

“You’re my Little Red,” he breathed, his lips hovering just above hers. “I keep visualizing you in that tiny outfit.” His gaze locked on her lips before sweeping over her face. “I keep remembering your legs spread open with your wet pussy on display.”

She whimpered. She remembered it too. Better than he knew. “Kane that was—”

“You. The you that you try to hide. You’re a sensual woman, Daniella. I loved having my tongue inside you. I loved having my cock inside you. But more than that, I loved seeing that side of you.”


“It’s who you really are. Don’t hide behind your glasses,” he said, pulling away the glasses and shoving them in his shirt pocket. “Don’t hide the beauty we both know lies beneath your clothes.”

No man had ever spoken of her body in that way. No man had ever made her feel as if she was absolutely perfect as she was. Kane and Blake did that. It was why she was having a hard time keeping her feelings at bay. They were catering to the insecure woman inside her. The one who hated to hear men tell her she needed to drop the pounds or cover her body because she had too many curves.

“Come,” he said, pulling her down on the blanket with all the cushions. He opened containers of salad, grilled chicken, fruit, cheese, cookies and cakes. He filled her plate with food and handed it over with a napkin and a fork.

She stared at the food in awe. “Did you cook this?”

He nodded, reaching for a bottle of wine and two crystal wine glasses. “Yes.”

That was it. Just yes. No boasting about how hard he’d worked making a meal for her or even telling her she was lucky he’d cooked at all instead of getting takeout or having her eating burgers. Kane was a man that treated her better than any other had that had already gotten into her pants yet.

“You did a great job. I had no idea you knew how to cook.” She ate slowly, enjoying the selection of items on her plate.

He shrugged and handed her a glass of wine before sipping his own. “My mom was home cooking many hours of the day when I was young, and I told her I wanted to help her do it.”

She raised her brows. “With your father being an Alpha, didn’t that cause problems?”

He shook his head and licked his lips. She forgot all about the food on her plate. “My dad was an Alpha, but he was also part of the Alpha Triad with his Omega and my mom. His Omega helped center him, and kept him from making decisions that would hurt my mother or our family. Not to mention our pack.”

She thought about what he said for a moment. “Is that how it will be with you, Blake and your mate?”

The smile dropped from his lips. “Yes. Our mate will have both sides of our personalities. Once mated, a link forms between the three of us. It’s why not just any woman will do.”

She blinked. Wow. That sounded harder than finding true love. People found that all the time. Then they divorced it a few years later. “How do you know if you’ve found the right woman?” She stopped eating, put the plate to the side and took a sip of her wine.

He leaned forward, his open collar pressed against his chest and showed off a hint of the muscles hidden beneath. That body. He was going to drive her crazy soon from wanting to see him with the shirt off.

“We’ll know we’ve found the right woman…” he said, curling his hands around her waist and setting her on his lap like she weighed no more than a feather. “When both of us and our animals feel a connection to her.”

She wiggled on his lap, feeling the hardness of his erection pressing against her ass and turning her throat dry even as she drank wine. “You mean to tell me both of you and your inner beasts have to want the woman?”

“Not just want her.” He pushed the hair blowing across her face over her shoulder. “We have to feel some kind of deep meaningful connection. More than sexual chemistry.”

She met his gaze, losing herself in the pool of gold in his eyes. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s a feeling. Like you’ve finally come home.”

She sighed. Her heartbeat tripped in her chest.

He leaned in to her. “The thing is, Little Red. I’m already home.”

Oxygen punched in and out of her lungs. Desire thickened her blood to the consistency of molasses. Lord, how could she survive the rest of this meal without doing something stupid like asking him to eat her instead? She didn’t get a chance to ponder that question too much. Once their lips met, everything else flew out of her mind.

He kissed her softly. Tentatively. Almost as if giving her a chance to back away. She put the wine glass down, not caring if the thing spilled over. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and turned over to straddle him, placing her legs on either side of him and rocking over his cock. Her pussy ached with need and desperation.

She rubbed her palms over his chest. He was hard. She wanted so badly to touch the warm flesh hidden by the soft material. She tugged at the buttons, jerking until the shirt flew open. The moment her fingers touched his skin, she knew what he’d meant about feeling like being home. Both he and Kane had given her that feeling of perfect connection. Not just with the way they touched her body and made her go up in flames, but from the looks, the touches and the words that somehow hit a deep cord inside her.

He splayed his hands on her thighs, pushing her dress up and over her head causing them to break their kiss for it to come off. She allowed him to remove it, not even a little worried over him seeing her naked any longer. He kissed his way down her chest, tugging away the bra straps and freeing her breasts.

Then, just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he sucked a nipple into his mouth and she saw stars. She moaned, arched her back and pushed her chest forward. He cupped her ass with his other hand, squeezing, and then tearing at her panties. There wasn’t time to think too hard. His mouth moved from nipple to nipple. Licking. Sucking. Biting. Her world had narrowed down to feeling.

She gripped his hair in her hands, sliding her fingers through his soft locks and then digging her nails into his skull. Her body moved over his involuntarily. She couldn’t stop rocking over his pants, wanting him inside.

Each pull and tug he did on her nipples with his teeth sent fresh charges of heat down to her clit. Pulling away from him was hard, but she wanted him inside her. She crawled back, until she was able to help him pull down his pants and take off his shirt. Once he was naked, then she was happy. She pushed him to lay flat on the blanket with a cushion under his head.

“Come here,” he said, his order low and rough.

She grinned, shaking her head. “No way. I get to touch you now.”

He raised a brow, his eyes bright with his animal. “Touch me then, Little Red. I want your hands and lips all over me.”

He didn’t have to tell her twice. She moved up to his face, hovering above him and kissed his jaw. He had a few days old beard that tickled her lips. She found the damn beard so sexy. Just like his animal side. It reminded her how wild Kane was. How he had two sides that were opposites but could still make her insane with desire for him.

She licked her way down to his nipples and bit down on one of his tiny buds.

“Fuck, Dani!” He jerked under her, lifting his hips to rub his erection on her wet sheath.

He moved his hands up to her hair, holding the strands away from her face.

Flicking her tongue in circles over his skin, she tortured him a little longer. “Like that?” she asked, wanting to hear his thoughts.

“Baby, I fucking love it. Your mouth is pure magic. I’ve told you that before.”

He had. The night of the masquerade. He’d told her that when she’d sucked his dick.

She continued licking her way down to his navel. His abs contracted under her kisses. She bit down on his belly button and heard him suck in a breath before going lower.

Finally, she reached his hard length. She wasted no time and licked from base to crown, enveloping the head of his cock with her lips.

“Ah, Little Red. Suck my dick, baby.”

She let her saliva dribble down the sides of his cock and jerked him off as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. His moans and groans were music to her ears. Not to mention the way he gripped her hair, urging her head down to take him further, was sexy as hell. She sucked her cheeks in, ignoring the pinch of pain starting to take hold of her jaw in favor of bobbing her head up and down over him.

“That’s it. Take me deeper. God, you have a tight little mouth. Do that thing with your tongue again,” he groaned.

She swooshed her tongue from side to side, sweeping it on the underside and then up to the head of his cock. She jerked him in her grasp. He felt harder. Like her touch made him even more aroused.

“Watching you do that is so fucking sexy. My dick sliding into your mouth and coming out wet with your saliva is so hot.”

She agreed. Taking him deep into her mouth and pulling back to see his cock coated with her saliva was more of a turn on than she could have imagined.

“Come on, Little Red. Spread your legs and take my cock into your wet pussy,” he said, pulling her head away from his shaft. “It’s time for me to get inside you. Balls deep.”

BOOK: Curves 'em Right (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 4)
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