Cursed (The Order of the Wolf) (2 page)

BOOK: Cursed (The Order of the Wolf)
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Raven groaned as he released his cock and moved forward, forcing her back until she was propped up on her elbows. He leaned in and captured her bottom lip with his, nibbling lightly before pushing his tongue deep into her mouth and stroking her into a frenzy. Lord, the man could kiss.

While he continued to explore her mouth, he ran his hand between her legs, spreading her thighs as he trailed his fingers along the inside of her sensitive flesh.

He pulled away just as his fingers touched her wet panties, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Mmm, sweets, that’s what I like to feel.”

Instead of pushing her panties out of the way like she expected, he hooked a finger and thumb on either side and yanked the lace up, pulling it between her pussy lips to abrade her clit. The friction made her gasp, the pleasure enough to make her sopping wet.

“Ohh,” she cooed as she arched her back and rocked her hips. “That feels good.”

Raven chuckled softly. “We’re just getting started, sweets.” He released her panties and dipped his fingers underneath, rubbing along her wet slit for the briefest moment, pulling another moan from her as he did.

He slid his fingers out of her panties and offered them to her. She sucked one then another into her mouth, loving the taste of her own desire.

“Now, it’s my turn to taste you.” He lowered his lips to her breasts, his fingers slipping behind her back to unhook her bra. Her breasts popped free a second later and he pushed the lace aside, quickly latching and rolling one jutted nipple between his lips. “Mmm.”

She arched into him as he tugged her nipple deeper into his warm, wet mouth, flicking her to the point of madness. He slipped his fingers back into her panties and rubbed over her clit and along her slit, dipping between her lips teasingly before repeating the cycle all over again.

She was bucking before long, desperate for his fingers, his tongue, his fucking cock—anything—to penetrate her.

“Please, Raven,” she moaned, as she reached down to grip his dick, her fingers finding his piercing and giving a little flick of her own.

Raven groaned as she encircled his cock and gave one long stroke down. He pulled himself out of her grasp and moved between her legs, his big shoulders forcing her thighs open wider to accommodate his bulk.

This man, this wild man, was between her thighs, staring at her with such lust her pussy clenched in excited anticipation. He smiled wickedly as he hooked his fingers under the thin elastic of her panties and pulled them away, leaning down to take the lace into his mouth and then—
—and then with a snap the elastic broke, like he’d used his teeth to bite through it. He did the same on the other side and she had to wonder what kind of teeth the man had to bust through fabric.

He tossed the scraps aside then sat back and stared, like he was appraising her, his smile fading as he grew serious. She squirmed, tempted to cover herself and hide from his hungry eyes. He ran his fingers through his spiky, short Mohawk then along his neck.

“That is just…” He snapped his eyes up to meet hers. “That is one of the sexiest little cunts I’ve ever seen.” Then he smiled again, this time with such feral want Darcy felt her pussy weep for him.

He took in a deep breath and lowered himself, one hand on her hip forcing her to stay put while he used the other to spread her folds and slick her juices all over her skin.

She whimpered with want, bucking her hips in a vain attempt to get his mouth on her.

“Mmm, sweets, you smell good enough to eat. You’re so wet for me, baby. I can’t wait to slip my cock in hard and deep.” He moved in closer, his breath a teasing stroke against her hot, sensitive flesh.

Just as she thought she couldn’t take a moment more, he darted his tongue out and finally tasted her. This time it was his turn to moan. Like a man starved, he didn’t hold back, licking and sucking, plunging his tongue into her before nipping at her clit. Cycling so quickly, so thoroughly, she felt the rise of her orgasm and desperately tried to rein it in, wanting to keep the build up from cresting too soon.

He didn’t give her a chance to chill out. Instead, he amped it up, stroking her so well that she lost all control, her pussy clenching in release, sending spasms of pleasure through her whole body. Fuck, the man was good.

Chapter Three

This woman was hot as hell and Raven was having a hard time keeping his shit together. She was sex embodied, a goddess in beauty—her body plump in all the right places, lean and smooth everywhere else. As she writhed through her orgasm, her pussy clenching, swollen and dripping wet, he just wanted to stay there forever and devour each and every drop she gave him.

But his dick was screaming for attention, weeping pre-come like he couldn’t believe. She was the epitome of fuckable and he was going to treat his cock to her all night long.

He pulled away from her pussy, sliding his mouth up her quivering thigh, leaving a trail of her juice and his saliva along her skin. She tasted unbelievable, all of her, like sweet nectar made especially for him. From deep within, his wolf growled a warning. A sense of urgency pulled him from his slow meander over her skin. He squeezed his hips between her legs and nudged his cock at the wet opening she offered him. His wolf prodded him again.

Claim her,
it growled.
Make her ours.

Claim her?
Raven gave his head a shake.
No fucking way.

Still recovering from her orgasm, Darcy stared up at him with hooded eyes. Her hands moved to her generous breasts, playfully flicking her hard nipples until her skin was more than rosy, enticing him to lean down and give one then the other a lick and suck.

“Mmm.” His cockhead wedged inside, so tight, so wet and hot he struggled not to thrust.

Darcy smiled and arched into him, pushing him back with her hands on his chest. Once he was up, she leaned over the side of the bed and pulled out a row of condoms. “Slip one of these bad boys on and you can fuck me as hard as you want, Raven.”

His eyes flashed open. “I loathe condoms. Besides, I’m clean. Not gonna catch anything from me.”

“You don’t want any little rock star babies showing up on your tour bus, do ya?” Darcy smiled and shook her head. “It isn’t going happen if you’re not covered, sugar. So make your choice.”

He glanced at his hard cock, aching to be inside of her. Okay, normally he’d say
fuck it
and walk away. Werewolves couldn’t give or get diseases and she wasn’t ovulating—he could smell it—so there was never any risk where unprotected sex was concerned. But he wanted this girl in the worst way, needed to slake his hunger for her.

She tore one of the condoms from the row and tossed it onto her belly. “What’s it gonna be, big boy? Just think: it’ll make the clean-up much easier.”

Raven smiled as he gripped her legs and positioned them over his shoulders. Then he grabbed the condom, tore it open and quickly slipped it on. “Trust me, baby, there ain’t gonna be anything clean about what we’re about to do.”



Raven awoke feeling blissfully well used and satiated. He stretched across the bed, his back cracking in the most satisfying way. The sun had yet to peek over the horizon but he felt its approach like a tingle of electricity. Once it crested, the magic that made him what he was would take over. He would become a wolf, a giant fucking wolf for the day. Trapped in a hotel room.
. That was the trade-off while on tour…away from the safety of the mansion. No place to run. No little bunnies to hunt. His wolf was restless, but nights of hot and heavy sex helped a lot. Especially when those nights were as long and satisfying as last night’s had been.

With a jolt, he pushed himself up, suddenly realizing that he didn’t remember the girl, Darcy, actually leaving.
He’d gotten so caught up in the endless hours of pleasure he hadn’t given her the speech…the one where he made it very clear that she was to be gone come morning. In fact, he was totally unlike him to just fall asleep as he had—usually he was the one escorting his lady out. The girl was hot as fuck, a total sex goddess, but she definitely needed to be out before daybreak.

He jumped from the bed, listening intently as he made a quick search of the suite. Her clothes were gone. Looked as though she’d left. He was almost at the point of letting out a deep sigh of relief when he smelled it—a distinct scent of something burning…growing more and more noxious by the second.

He sniffed out the source and came to an abrupt halt outside the closed bathroom door. How could he have missed the bathroom? “Shit!”

As if on cue, the doorknob started to turn and Raven took two steps back. The distinct sensation of the rising sun sent a wash of terror over him. “Oh, fuck!” He moaned.

The door swung open and there she was, smiling at him, and not in a friendly way either. She raised her hand, outstretched to show him what looked like a small pile of ash in her palm.

“You, Raven Glock, have been marked.” She blew the ash. It struck him like a brick.

He staggered back. “What the fuck!” Ash coated him, burning his skin just as the sun peeked over the horizon.

He froze, his mouth gaping, his eyes screaming from the burning ash as the magic of the sun transformed him into his wolf.

He heard a gasp, a stifled curse.

A whoosh of air across his snout let him know she was running. He shook his head in a vain attempt to clear his eyes, snorting a few times to clear his nostrils. The ash—it burned like nothing he’d ever felt before.

Get the girl, stop her. Can’t let her leave.
He bolted to his paws, staggering as a wave of dizziness rolled over him.

He took two steps, then collapsed on his side. What had she done to him? His wolf mind struggled to comprehend, working purely on instinct.
Get the girl.
Strangely, the wolf hadn’t marked her as an enemy. She’d crippled him and the only way to find out how and why was to capture her, but his wolf wanted her for a different reason. His wolf wanted to lay claim to what was his.

Our mate.

Raven’s thoughts were scrambled, not comprehending. He needed to get the girl, stop her, find out what she’d done.

claim her…mark her as ours

His wolf was confused.

not our mate…danger…burning

Try as he might, he couldn’t get his legs to work, couldn’t rise from the floor.

Seconds later, he heard and felt the thud and vibration of the door slamming closed and knew she was gone. His wolf let out a primal roar of fear, pain and anger, understanding that the woman he needed had just bolted.

Chapter Four

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Darcy ran. She ran like her life depended on it. Well, it did actually, ’cause she just fucked up royally and if that werewolf caught her, she was as good as dead.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She slammed her finger and then her fist into the elevator button, glancing fearfully over her shoulder for the gigantic wolf that had transformed right before her eyes.

Her heart was pounding, her body trembling, her eyes tearing.
Oh god, how could I be so fucking stupid? A werewolf? A fucking werewolf?

The elevator dinged open and she stumbled in, jabbing the buttons, desperate to close the doors again while she wedged herself as far into the corner as possible.

She held her breath as the doors slid shut, envisioning a paw sliding in between to keep her from escaping.

When they finally sealed, she collapsed in a whoosh of breath, slumping to the floor as the elevator started its descent.

Her mind whirred. A werewolf. Oh god, it made so much sense. She knew there was something different about the band. Something different about Raven. He was wild, not only as a lover but in general. She’d been studying him for weeks. Watching videos of him on stage, giving the rare interview in place of Mayhem. He was a take-no-shit wild man. A beast. She should have known.

But it wasn’t like the supernaturals wore badges. There wasn’t a tattoo that marked you as one.


Oh fuck!

She’d marked him. She’d completed the spell. A whimper of fear bubbled out of her mouth.

When the doors binged open, she realized she was still on the elevator floor, a crumbled heap on the verge of crying. She needed to get it together and get the hell out of the building before the pack came for her. Give herself time to figure out how to undo what she’d done. She needed to talk to Annie, the old crone. Annie would know what to do.

Okay, suck it up.
She’d forgotten the most important thing. She’d
the spell—a spell that would make Raven Glock lust for her in unimaginable ways but never, ever be able to find her. That would buy her some time at least, but she needed to find a way to reverse the spell. She sure as shit didn’t want to live her life fearful of running into a werewolf marked by her own hand. No fucking way. She’d broken some kind of supernatural code with this one. Fucking with a pack wolf? Nah uh, bad news. She needed to find a way to undo it and disappear for a while. She hoped like hell that Annie would know how to fix it.

Darcy grasped at her flimsy hope and with a deep sigh that bordered on relief, she pulled herself up and did her best to walk through the lobby without attracting attention.

BOOK: Cursed (The Order of the Wolf)
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