Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1)
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Chapter 40






She was frozen in a defensive position. Her tiny fists were still clutching Vareilious’s clothing where the massive energy had exploded from her, lending her the power to press this giant into the wall and hold him there. She wanted desperately to run away. Yet that familiar, miraculous voice had rendered Jenevier completely immobile.

Am I breathing? Did he kill me? I don’t think I’m breathing. What just happened? How did I expel energy from my very bones? And, how is that voice here? Why does it have a body? Who does it belong to?

Her thoughts ran wild. The only movement she could even manage from her unresponsive body was to slowly unclench her fingers. The massive Vanir’s clothing fell from her hands. She watched in slow motion as the subtle cloth landed upon Vareilious’s sculpted chest. Only her eyes moved, her gaze gradually scanning up the angelic form of her handsome nemesis. Those leaking blue orbs of hers finally found their target. She was met with a sadistic grin and a taunting wink.

The paralyzing spell the enchanting voice had cast over her was broken. Her hatred and fear welled into extreme panic. She was free, yet trapped. She wanted desperately to turn her head and visualize the embodied owner of her inner accent. She longed to see his face, yet dared not move.

Vareilious’s bicep twitched, ever so slightly, an instant before he lifted his powerful arm. Nestled within her extremely heightened state, Jenevier moved with speed she did not truly possess. She effortlessly spun her body, swinging the heel of her foot up, striking the ethereal giant with a crashing blow to his masterfully carved nose. Within the same fluid movement, she leapt from the sparkling crystal balcony and blindly ran into the dense forest surrounding the hallowed arena. She now needed, and longed for, her familiar comforting voice to return to her, lead her in the right direction.

Bloody hell! Bloody hell! Bloody hell! Which way? Which way? Oh god!

She knew she had no hope of outrunning
outfighting Vareilious. He
catch her. She shuddered at the images playing out before her, revealing all the creative punishments the ferocious warrior would bring upon her. She darted to the right just as the vise-like arms wrapped around her waist, sweeping her up through the treetops and out into the open sky.

She fought frantically. Jenevier knew the tiny blow she’d landed on the enormous sentinel had served only to ignite his fury. He would definitely make her pay. She could feel her slow, methodical death approaching as the glowing dome came nearer and nearer.

“No! Let me go, you giant freak,” she hissed. “Kill me now. For if I survive, I swear I shall see you dead.”

Struggling within the sparkly massive arms, she tried to again summon forth the strength and power that infuriating sentinel had only just awakened within her. Nothing came.

“Oh, how I hate you.” She spat her words through gritted teeth as tears of anger burned her eyes. “You disgust me.”

“Ahh, but we have yet to even be properly introduced, lovely maiden. I’m really not that bad of a guy. Will you not give me a chance to show you?”

That precious, familiar voice whispering in her ear rocked her to her very core. She quit her feeble struggles, falling limp, staring straight ahead as the unmistakable form of the angelic Vareilious came into view.

Jenevier numbly focused on the target of her rage. The shining giant was leaning casually against the outer wall of the sacred luminescent hall. His enormous arms were crossed over his faultless chest. His silver hair sparkled, dancing lightly on the wind. Oh, and that ever-present smirk was firmly fixed upon his beautiful face.

She was gently lowered to the cold marble floor not two feet from the waiting warrior. She never took her eyes from his. She dared not turn to the winged voice she had always treasured, and now feared.

Jenevier’s world was hopelessly shifting. Her reeling mind was having a difficult time processing what was being forced upon her as reality. Talking dogs, ethereal winged living sculptures, sparkling houses, glowing giants, and now even her
had come to life. It had taken physical form and stood embodied near her now. She was shutting down fast. Reality no longer existed. Madness was creeping into her slipping mind with hysteria close on its heels.

I’ve gone mad. That’s it. My ridiculous dreams have finally taken me.

“Maiden, I am amazed.” Vareilious’s eyes sparkled brightly. “There lives
power within you—released with but a touch and a kiss. Imagine the possibilities, little one. You will be truly lethal once you have been properly trained.” He half chuckled. “Watch out for this one, Brother. There’s more to her than meets the eye, much more.”

The Gate Guardian’s laugh sounded like a distant echo in her mind. Her muscles twitched involuntarily and her eyelids fluttered. She remained focused on the hated sentry before her, but even
was beginning to blur.

Jenevier blinked and shook her head. She tried to focus once again on the gorgeous Vareilious but there now stood two, no, three of the smirking giant. She swayed.

“This isn’t real,” she whispered.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as her knees betrayed her. She felt firm hands grasp her arms, stopping her fall. He gently shook her. She tried to open her blurry eyes, only to see that his ever-present smirk had been replaced with growing concern. She used this tiny moment of lucidity to fling her arms around her foe, locking them there.

“Vareilious, you want me to hate you, and I do.” She drew in a haggard breath. “But, horribly so, you are my only constant in this unimaginably altered reality I now find myself. I am slipping around inside my head, Vareilious. My mind is near to shattering. Help me. Please.”

She spoke into the finely chiseled abdomen of her fierce adversary. Her eyes were tightly closed when she felt him lift her up as a mother would her child. He laid her weary head upon his shoulder.

“Shhh, now, Kitten.”

Jenevier immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him, grateful for the stabilizing comfort. He gently patted her back as he carried her inside the sacred fortress of glittering crystal.

“I have you, Maiden. All is well now. I pushed too hard. I don’t know what came over me. Apologies, little one.”

She spoke not. She only held firmly to the now tender warrior and refused to open her betraying eyes.

“Are you listening to me, precious lady?” He continued rubbing her trembling back as he spoke. “I felt that incredibly sensuous fire within you and… I simply forgot my place. Forgive me.”

“Come. Lay her here,” the lovely voice beckoned.

Jenevier wouldn’t let go of him. He tried to gently pry her away. She only cleaved tighter.

“Do you not wish to rest, my love?” Vareilious whispered.

A muffled “Uh uh,” was her only reply.

“I believe she prefers I hold her for now.” He gently stroked her tangled curls. “I suppose I
a little rough on you. Huh, Kitten? I honestly didn’t mean for it to go that far. I swear it. It’s just… once I tasted your delicious unadulterated fear I lost my mind for a moment. It won’t happen again, Maiden. This I vow. I will protect you. Even from myself.”

“Vareilious, you are only confusing her more. You recklessly began her training before she had even been properly oriented. She has absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

The sound of that haunting voice only made her squeeze the comforting sentry even more.

“Aww, now. I think she understands. She is desirous of me. That’s all. She holds so tightly now only because of want. Isn’t that right, Kitten? Come now. Give voice to those hidden fantasies, Maiden, and see love bloom.” He gently tugged on one of her curls. “I knew you wanted me. I could feel your lustful eyes creeping over my glorious body as you approached my gate. It was wretched. I felt so violated.” He lightly kissed the side of her head. “Yes, I knew you desired me, little one. Yet I knew not to what extent you would go to touch my awesomeness.”

Her answer was a muffled snicker.

“In truth, you had only but to ask, delectable lady.” He yanked a little harder on the captive curl. “Normally, I’m

“He speaks true,” the warm voice interrupted. “Ask anyone.”

Her snicker turned into a soft chuckle.

“Yes, it is true. All the beautiful ladies love me and want a piece of this incredible body. I can’t help it. It’s a curse I am
to live with.”

Her laughter was pressed against his neck. She only realized this when the tip of her nose grazed his skin there. Jenevier slowly opened her clenched eyes and seized the perfect opportunity to exact a little promised vengeance. She licked the sarcastic sentinel up his moistened neck all the way to his angelic ear. The same as he had done to her. She felt the tremor run throughout his massive form.

“Oooh… Kitten…”

“I told you not to call me that, Guardian.”

“Mmm, Princess. Do that again. A little more to the left this time.”

She giggled, nuzzling into his
silver locks and intentionally let her lips brush his waiting ear as she whispered, “How are you going to make me hate you now, Warrior? Now that I know you care?”

“Oh, I have my ways,” he answered, sardonically.

The mighty Vanir grabbed Jenevier’s mussed hair, pulling back her head, and forced a deep, passionate kiss upon her. Alas, it was too late. She knew him now. She knew his intent, was wise to his purpose. Vareilious had the ability to pull raw emotions from buried tombs only so he could master them, could master her. This kiss wasn’t a kiss. This giant used kisses the way normal men used fists and swords. His kisses were a weapon used to illicit emotions, any emotion, and turn them against his foe.

Jenevier matched his force
his passion, refusing to be the first to stop. The power this Guardian warrior had previously unlocked within her marrow, had given her a tiny glimpse into unimaginably impossible things. It had opened her eyes to a powerful side of herself, one she never knew existed.

She ran her fingers into his shimmering hair and pulled him ever nearer. She would not be defeated by this angelic man. She would win her freedom, break her curse, and run to her Alzeen… no matter what it took. She felt a tiny hint of evil surge up within her, mixing effortlessly with tons of fierce determination.

Vareilious thrilled in her attempt to best him.
I would eagerly fight like this daily,
he thought.

She tasted so sweet, so pure. He wanted to devour her. His kisses changed from intended torture to deep want and forbidden desire.

You will not best me again, Warrior.

When Jenevier’s touch mirrored his, when her kiss matched his intimately, she won and he knew it.

Still, he refused to relinquish victory if it meant this divine maiden would remain pressed against him.

If this is a loss, then may I lose tomorrow as well
, he thought.

The angelic warrior remained joyously in charge of their battle, until her tiny moan of faked pleasure escaped with Jenevier’s next delicious kiss. He felt his body betraying his nonchalant guise. His obvious arousal would only punctuate the fact she had outdone him.

He pulled away just in time to spare himself the unpleasant embarrassment.

“I told you I would pay you back, Guardian. You chose the arena for this battle, yes, but your loss came only because of borrowed strength. I would have crumbled within your grasp but a couple days past. Yet, I now have an additional purpose. I will not fail in this quest. I have a
reason to fight, Warrior. You would do well to remember that.”

“Give this new purpose a name and see it crushed,” he rasped.

She smiled. “You boast no such power.”

“Speak not of things you do not understand, tiny Princess. Show me the source of your strength and see it know its last day.”

She gasped. “You would destroy an innocent soul? You would stamp out love to see your pride healed?”

“Innocent soul? Love? Gain breath and return your bearing, Maiden. Speak your true meaning.”

Vareilious held her shoulders and looked deep into her determined eyes. Jenevier knew the moment he understood. She watched as the realization of her words showed plainly upon his face.

Anger sent blood rushing to her cheeks. “If you so much as
a single hair upon his glorious hea

“You dare threaten me? Over that… that…
?” Vareilious burst into laughter.

“He is no boy, Sentinel. He is worth ten of you. Nay… a thousand for his heart alone.”

Vareilious’s boisterous laughter echoed through the mountains.

Chapter 41






“I will pay whatever price you set. Name it and see it done.”

“What?” Halora narrowed her gaze. “Are you mad, child? Have you heard nothing I just said?”

“Name your price, Witch.” Jezreel turned from the colorful swirling pond and faced Halora. “I have patiently listened to your prophetic words and I fully understand their meaning. I am not entirely ignorant of the vast ramifications accompanying magic.”

Halora snorted. “You only think so, child.”

is the path I choose. If you will teach me, then set your price. I shall
be dismissed.”

“So rash. So pretty. And so very, ridiculously naïve. Do you realize magic may very well demand your life as payment?”

“I understand fully that it can, yes. But I know it will not. I have faith that I am strong enough to wield whatever power I may receive. I am not asking for a hand-out
free advice. I will willingly pay any price you set. Speak it now and let it be so.”

Halora only smiled. “Is that so? Well then, why rush? Are you in that big a hurry to lose everything you have ever known and loved?”

Jezreel glared at the other woman, but took a deep breath and chose her words carefully.

“As I have already told you, Ma’am. Everything that was my life, all that I love, is already gone. There’s nothing in this world you could take from me, nothing I could possibly miss as much as what I have already lost.”

Halora’s anger was now kindled, and she made certain Jezreel knew it.

“You have lost nothing, you stupid little girl. Bloody hell, child! You sit here—pining away for your absent friend—as if she were dead. By the old gods, Jezreel! Everyone you love yet lives.” She stood and dusted off her skirt. “You do this thing out of a prideful heart. Did you think I could not read it? What kind of witch would I be if a heart’s desire was hidden from me? You are vain. You are selfish. You are foolish. And now, you will pay the highest price imaginable for your worthless self-pity and crippling pride.”

Ahh… What have I done?

Jezreel’s tongue was frozen behind her clenched teeth. Her resolve was fading fast. What Halora said was all true. She had lost nothing. All was merely postponed and everyone had told her thusly. The epiphany was long in coming only because of her own stubborn, defiant will.

“You’re right. I can see it now. How could I have been so foolish?” Her voice was now soft, trembling. “My reasoning was not purely selfish, no. But yes, my pride alone made me climb this ridge. And I will admit… malicious jealousy forced me to play the hand I knew would give me the most power.”

Jezreel sniffed and wiped at her eyes as she turned to face the dark witch she had only just challenged. Halora glared at her, venomously.

“I started my quest with the purest of intentions, this is true. But I came to
because I wanted to prove a point. I wanted to be the glorious hero. I wanted to play the most important role. I wanted to show Alastyn he wasn’t needed. And… I wanted Jenevier to know she was saved by
hand. Not his.”

She released a self-deprecating snort. The other woman hissed under her breath. Jezreel didn’t notice. Her attention was back on the little pond. She stared blindly at the large yellow fish swimming so slowly, lazily.

“Yes, Halora. You said it true. It was all to stroke my own selfish ego. Forgive me. I have intruded upon your hospitality long enough. I will leave you be. Gratitude for your words. I now see what is
important. I thank you for your help in that realization.”

Jezreel turned her back upon the mesmerizing little fish swimming around in that magically enchanted pond. She took a deep breath to cleanse her mind. She smiled sadly as the harsh reality of Halora’s sharp words played about in her thoughts.

I can do this
, she thought, happily.
I can do this on my own.

Jezreel took her first rejuvenated step with a renewed sense of purpose. She was a healer, and now she was determined to be the best damn healer this quaint little village had ever known.

“So you have spoken, child,” Halora hissed as the girl passed by. “And so it shall be.”

With her next step, Jezreel fell to the ground, writhing from the deep searing pain dark magic inflicted upon her. It hit her in the back first, but soon spread to encompass not only her body, but her mind as well. Her pain-filled cries mingled together with Halora’s maniacal laughter. Madness filled the air, swirling maliciously around them, engulfing the top of Waverly Ridge.

Slowly the pain eased and Jezreel tried to stand. She felt as weak as a kitten. She rolled onto her knees and raised her head, only to see Halora’s infuriated eyes were firmly fixed upon her.

“Are you mad?” Jezreel yelled.

“Why yes, I am. You soon will be as well—mad, jealous, stupid, foolish, prideful, arrogant. Oh, and don’t forget… old and hideous.”

Halora cackled as she turned back to her beloved fish.

“But I changed my mind!” Jezreel cried. “I told you thus!”

The mad witch only continued with her laughter, dancing gaily around her enchanted prison-pond filled to the brim with her cursed former house guests.

When Jezreel managed to get to her feet, she slowly made her way back down the accursed ridge. Alas, the hysterical ranting of the demented woman continued to ring in her aching ears.


BOOK: Cursed by Diamonds (A Dance with Destiny Book 1)
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