Authors: Toby Poznanski


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But Ryan didn’t heed her
supplication.  Instead that aggressive tongue found her sweet entrance and
entered her.  Jennifer sobbed when the first spasm hit her.  Her knees gave
way, but Ryan held her hips steady.  “Easy, Baby,” he whispered.

Jennifer waited for the racking
spasms to overtake her, but instead they subsided.  Confused, she looked into
the mirror just in time to see him sheath himself, then lower her down to him. 
She gasped as he penetrated her entrance, then relaxed while he filled her
completely.  He pulled her shoulders back close to him and slipped his hands
around to her breasts.  Toying with her nipples, he quickly brought her back to
a fever pitch.

“Watch our reflection, Jenn.  See
how good we are together!”  With that he lifted her and lowered her slowly on
him, allowing her to brace herself by holding onto his strong wrists. Again and
again, he slowly lifted her and lowered her.  Over and over again, while her
body grasped at him, objecting to being separated from him, if even for
seconds.  Jennifer threw her head back and cried in frustration, then in
rapture and joy while her body burst with sensation after sensation, slamming
her into a shuddering climax.

Jennifer gasped for breath and
looked into the mirror, straight into dark heat filled eyes.  She smiled.  A
smile of satisfaction.  A smile of joy.  “Now for you, big guy,” she teased.

Ryan returned her smile but said
nothing.  After the incredible experience of watching her and feeling her at
the same time, he was overwhelmed with unfamiliar emotions.  Never in his
wildest dreams had he envisioned ever feeling this way about a woman.  A look
of tenderness crossed his passion filled features while he studied her
reflection in the mirror.  He knew she had to be tired.  “Lie down,” he
commanded softly.



Jennifer laughed and wiggled her
bottom against him, squeezing him tightly with her muscles.  “Not this time,
big guy.  I have plans for you.”  With that she began her rhythm, watching his
face reflected in the mirror.  She smiled at him sweetly and continued her slow

Ryan leaned back in the vanity
chair and let the sensations flood over him.  His sweet Jennifer was driving
him out of his mind.  He closed his eyes, unable to concentrate on anything but
the wild feelings taking over his senses.  Liquid fire flashed through his body
and he found his release in a haze of pleasure.

“Jennifer, sweet Jennifer,” he
crooned softly in her ear.  “That was wonderful.  You are incredible.”

“So are you,” she sighed.

Ryan hugged her close.  “Now, we
need to rest for a few minutes.”  Ryan lifted her up and tumbled them both into
bed.  He figured they had about forty-five minutes before room service
delivered dinner to his suite.  Until then, they could nap.  Looking at her
lying there next to him brought him an unusual sense of peace, one that he
wanted to savor.

For a while they just closed
their eyes and savored the feelings of contentment, but Ryan slowly became more
aware of his surroundings and the soft persistent ringing of the cabin
telephone.  He glanced over at the vanity, annoyed that someone was
interrupting these beautiful moments with Jennifer.

“Let it ring, Jenn,” Ryan
insisted.  “Whoever it is can leave a message.”


*     *


Swish . . . swish . . . swish . .
. Ryan listened as the gossamer fabric of Jennifer’s dress made faint music
while they walked.  The delicate shimmering fabric moved with the graceful
motion of her body, arousing Ryan, teasing him, promising him the pleasures of
her love making.  With each step, her long shapely legs tantalized him,
reminding him they were one step closer to his cabin.  One step closer to wine
and dinner by moonlight.  One step closer to dessert.  He smiled to himself at
the thought of the surprises he’d planned for Jennifer.  This would truly be a
night to remember.

When they reached the cabin and Ryan
slipped his card into the lock, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief.  Soon she would
be in his arms, naked and squirming with desire.  Holding the door slightly
ajar, he turned to Jennifer and smiled.  “Welcome to my cabin.  If there’s
anything you want or need, you have only to tell me.”

“Why, thank you,”
Jennifer responded with a laugh.  “That’s an invitation I won’t refuse.”

Ryan turned and pushed the heavy
door open, allowing Jennifer to precede him into the sitting room, closely
watching the surprised look on her face with pleasure and satisfaction.

Luxury surrounded Jennifer.  From
the plush taupe carpeting beneath her feet, to the beige leather sofa and
chairs, to the golden appointments and gilt-edged mirrors, the roomy suite
beckoned her with its tasteful luxury.  “Oh, my!”  Jennifer was speechless. 
Everywhere she looked there were flowers.  Sweet-smelling blossoms filled her
senses.  Flowers from the islands, dainty roses from the mainland, and exotic
tropicals bursting with color, all arranged in beautiful groupings were placed
throughout the suite.  A spray of chocolate roses adorned the cocktail table in
front of the fireplace.  She shivered with delight.

“Oh, Ryan!” she managed.

Ryan stood by the hot tub where
blossoms floated in random disarray.  “Come see the bedroom,” he coaxed. 
“There’s a robe on the bed for you to change into later.”  He flipped a switch
by the door and soft lighting cast the bedroom in muted earth tones.  “Through
there,” he motioned to a small hallway, “you will find a separate dressing area
and closet adjoining the bath.”

“It’s lovely, Ryan.  Truly
lovely.”  Jennifer smiled, pleased that the bedroom was also filled with beautiful
fragrant flowers.  “Thank you.”

“Ah, Jennifer, my sweet
Jennifer,” he breathed, and took her into his arms.  His lips traced a path
from her ear to her shoulder and back.  Taking his time he caressed her
shoulders before pulling her hips close against his, allowing her to feel his
arousal.  In his arms, her body against his, he felt at home and at peace. 
Odd, how no other woman had ever made him feel this way.  It was a comfortable
feeling, but he could feel a sense of urgency for her building with each soft
touch of her hands as she explored his body.

Her caresses were going to get
them both right into bed if he didn’t put a stop to them.  Bed was going to be
a long time coming tonight.  He had other plans and didn’t want them over
before he even got started.   He stepped back and kissed the tip of her nose. 
“Dinner will be arriving soon, so we’ll start the evening with a glass of

Jennifer nodded her agreement and
wandered toward the balcony.  Soft light from the cabin illuminated the balcony
with a romantic aura.  Once outside, she realized the suite was situated at the
stern of the ship with the balcony extending the length of the bedroom, hot
tub, and sitting room.  From her vantage point on the railing, she could see
where the ship had been, although tonight there was no scenery, just flat
ocean, mile after mile, stretching out to nowhere, beneath the light of the
moon and stars.

Only a thin privacy partition
separated Ryan’s balcony from the one next door.  The occupants in the next
cabin appeared to be entertaining friends, she thought, when she heard laughter
filtering through the open doors of the neighboring balcony.  Soon they too
would probably be out on their balcony, enjoying the evening.

At the sound of Ryan’s voice,
Jennifer turned and watched while the steward rolled their dinner cart onto the
balcony, then lifted covers allowing Ryan to approve the dinner.   Ryan
followed the steward out and placed a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.  When
he returned, Jennifer saw that he’d brought their champagne.  She took a flute
from his hand and brought it to her lips.  The golden liquid bubbled to the
top, breaking the surface with just enough energy for the champagne to tickle
her nose.  The first sip tingled as it went down, but Jennifer wasn’t paying
too much attention to her champagne, she only had eyes for Ryan.  He was busy
watching her with a look of amusement on his handsome face.  His dark eyes took
in all of her, reflecting back the same heated pleasure she was feeling.

Anticipation coiled deep within
her at the thought of his passionate kisses and his hard body pressed
intimately against hers.  At this moment, she wasn’t sure she could wait for
dinner.  She wanted the luxurious feeling of him inside her, building her to a
fever pitch.  She blushed at her thoughts, wondering if Ryan could read them on
her face.  Apparently he could, because he smiled and whispered at her ear,
“Later Jenn.  After dinner.  Then I’ll give you all the pleasure you can
handle---and then some!”

“Promises, promises,” she
teased.  “Just remember, big fella, I’m not wearing any panties and I’m not
wearing a bra.”  She stepped back and twirled in front of him, enjoying the way
his gaze fastened on the rise and fall of the hem of her dress.  “That may turn
you on, but what are you going to do for me?”

Ryan couldn’t answer.  His
thinking was fuzzy with outrageous and definitely inappropriate thoughts, none
of which he could repeat.  Instead he removed his jacket and tie, rolled back
his sleeves to the elbow, and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt.

“That’s not nearly enough,”
Jennifer breathed in a low husky voice.

“Oh, no?”


Without another thought, Ryan
ripped his shirt open, the buttons flying across the balcony.  “Enough?”

Jennifer’s eyes widened at the
sight of the broad expanse of muscular chest exposed to her view.  “For now,
big guy, for now.”  Reluctantly she admitted to herself, she didn’t think she’d
make it through dinner if he took anything else off.

Ryan pulled out Jennifer’s chair
and helped her get settled at the table before retrieving the champagne
flutes.  After refilling them, he toasted Jennifer and settled back, sipping at
his champagne and planning his next move.  The first thing he had to do was get
them through dinner without making love to her on the tabletop between the
Châteaubriand and the asparagus with hollandaise sauce.  It certainly wouldn’t
be easy, not with the fluid fabric of her dress playfully exposing delightful
areas of skin, as it moved in tandem with every dip and sway of her body.  He
set down the flute and reached for his steak knife.  A long night stretched out
before him.  His plans were in place, but he’d forgotten one important thing. 
He’d forgotten to factor in his own raging hormones.

Jennifer felt deliciously sexy
throughout the meal.  Acutely aware that she was naked beneath the luminous
dress, kept her aroused and needy---and slightly embarrassed.  After all, she
was no femme fatal—she was just an ordinary woman dining with an extraordinary
man.  So what if she had no panties or bra on to make her feel more secure? 
She knew where the night was going to end.  The sooner the better.  Jennifer
wanted him.  She wanted to feel his mouth on hers.  She wanted to feel his hard
body pressed against her erotically while his hands caressed her soft skin. 
Seeing him sitting across the table with his open shirt and sexy arms was
enough to drive any woman insane.  She was pretty much there she decided, and
with that thought, rose from her chair, barely registering the surprised look
on Ryan’s face.

When she reached Ryan, she leaned
over and kissed him—a long teasing kiss that nibbled at his lips and licked the
center where his lips met.  She knew exactly when he lowered his fork to the
table and gave in to her provocation.  When he opened his mouth to return her
kiss, she left his mouth and continued on a path to his throat.  There she
licked his skin and blew gently before traveling down his chest to his nipples
where she nibbled and sucked.  At the same time, she slipped her hand beneath
the waistband of his slacks and found him hard and wanting.

So . . . Mr. Gorgeous wasn’t so
detached after all.  With quick movements she unzipped his pants and captured
him in her hand.  At his moan of protest, she felt his hand slide up the side
of her inner thigh until it reached her vulva, where he caressed her, then
slipped his fingers inside her.  She froze, unable to finish her onslaught of
his senses.  Before she realized what had happened, her dress was off, and she
found herself in mid-air being carried into the cabin, then gently dropped onto
pillows piled high in front of the fireplace.

Jennifer blinked.  It seemed to
her that just moments ago, Ryan had been fully dressed.  Now he was spreading
her thighs and situating himself on his knees between them.  Naked.  Buck
naked.  She looked at him with such longing that she thought she might die.  He
was gorgeous.  His firm body glistened in the light from the fire.  He was
perfect, with broad shoulders and slim hips.  His thighs were hard and
muscular, just like his arms, and his abdomen was flat and taut.  But, his
masculine face was what held her attention.  His cheekbones were high, hinting
at a Native American ancestry, and his dark eyes with their sooty lashes danced
with emotion.

Jennifer closed her eyes and
sighed.  He was everything she’d ever wanted and so much more.  She wished she
could have him and these moments forever.  Then she felt a strange sensation
around her breasts.  She opened her eyes and to her surprise, Ryan was dripping
something on her.

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