Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance (17 page)

BOOK: Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance
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The End!





About the Author


Naomi Wyatt has been a romance writer since her teens. However, she received her first chance at becoming a published author once signing to Jessica Watkins Presents in April 2014. Being single with no children, when she is not writing or working as a HR Manager, she is traveling with friends, dining, or simply hanging out, because enjoys a cocktail or two! Feel free to contact Naomi and keep in touch with her in order to keep abreast of future releases:


Naomi Victoria Wyatt

[email protected]


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Become a published author

Jessica Watkins Presents is currently accepting submissions for the following genres: African American Romance, Urban Fiction, Women’s Fiction and BWWM Romance.


If you have a complete manuscript, send the synopsis and the first three chapters to
[email protected].






BOOK: Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance
7.17Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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