Read Corrupting Cinderella Online

Authors: Autumn Jones Lake

Tags: #MC President, #MC Romance, #Motorcycle Club, #biker romance

Corrupting Cinderella (3 page)

BOOK: Corrupting Cinderella
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Rock reaches out and catches her hand. “Thanks, Trinny.”

“Happy Birthday, Rockstar,” she says before taking off.

I want to ask him about her, but I don’t know what to say without sounding like a crazy person. Besides, Wrath is still near, and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of my insecurity.

“Okay, now I really need you naked, Hope.” This time he says it loud enough that Wrath hears it and responds with an obscene whistle.

Ignoring Wrath, I whip my head around. “We can’t leave now. They’re bringing you cake.”

He shakes his head.

“You’ll hurt their feelings if you don’t stay,” I protest.

“You’re such a sweetheart, but you forget I’m the king of this jungle, baby.” It’s so absurd, I laugh, but I see he’s only half joking. A wicked smile lights up his face, and he pulls me so I’m now straddling his lap, shifts his hands under my ass, and lifts us off the couch.

“God, you’re strong,” I whisper. “It’s so fucking sexy.”

His mouth twists into that panty-dropping smile of his. “Wrap your legs around me and hold on.”

I’m a little embarrassed being carried around like this, but it also turns me on like crazy. He swings by the bar, and Trinity pushes a plate piled high with cake into my hand while giving me a sweet smile. Before we can turn back to the stairs, there’s a lot of yelling and commotion at the front door. One of the guys—whose name I don’t know—Zero, and two girls walk through the front door. I recognize the tall, skinny blonde right away.

“Happy Birthday, Mr. President!” Inga shouts.

The plate of cake in my hand splatters on the floor.




Fucking hell. Why on earth is Inga here?

In the four or five years I’ve known her, she’s never once come to the clubhouse. I prefer to keep the dancers separate from the MC. Otherwise, lines get blurred, and shit gets complicated.

Like this kind of complicated.

Hope unwraps her legs from me and slides down to the floor. I steady her with an arm around her waist.

Now, Inga is most certainly
the only girl in this room I’ve fucked. Without even turning my head, I can count at least three others. But Inga is the only one Hope
for a fact I’ve fucked, making for one hell of an awkward situation. I don’t want her uncomfortable in my clubhouse. I shoot a glare at Zero and Dex. I expect the “what the fuck” is coming through loud and clear in my expression.

“Uh, Inga knew it was your birthday, heard there was a party, and asked if she could follow Dex up,” Z gets out before I clock him.

Inga pops a hand on her hip and settles into one of her favorite poses. “Hey, Big Poppa, it’s been a minute.”

I really hate her fucking nickname for me. She leans in to give me a kiss, but I hold my hand up. Her wounded expression might bother me except I’m so furious, I can’t find a single fuck to give. Her eyes shift to Hope and widen in shock.

“Hey, Hope.” She swings her gaze back to me, and I can already see the questions forming. “Hope and I just ran into each other not that long—”

“I know. She told me.” Actually, because of that run-in, Hope and I had a heart-to-heart that cemented our relationship. Lucky for Inga, the memory of that conversation lessens my fury at her surprise appearance.

She pops her hand back on her hip, and this time my eyes are drawn to her almost non-existent outfit. The only way to describe the black leather and gold shiny stuff is a sort of biker-meets-school-girl-hooker costume.

“Why didn’t you tell me you guys were together?” Inga asks Hope.

“It’s recent. And none of your business,” I answer. Hope still hasn’t moved or said a word.

Not at all ruffled, Inga continues as if this falls right into line with her plans. “Well, this here is my friend Peach. She’s touring with me, and we wanted to do a special show just for you as a birthday present. Dex said you guys got a private room here.”

Like fuck am I going in there alone with her and “Peach.”

She leans in closer. “Peach and I just did a film together, and I brought you an advance copy.” She reaches into her smart-car-sized purse and pulls out a thick DVD case with a topless Inga on it. Fantastic. Could this night go to shit any faster? Wrath walks up and snatches the movie out of my hand, finally making himself useful.

“Fuckin awesome. We’ll toss this in the player out here. Thanks, Inga.”

She looks put out but recovers quickly.

“So, where’s the private room?”

Z points down the hall. “It’s probably full. I’ll go clear it out.”

“Uh, where’s Murphy?” I glance around for my ginger Road Captain. I spot Wrath by the television. “Wrath? Get back here.”

Wrath and Murphy lumber up.

“Inga’s gonna do a private show.”

She frowns at the addition of the other guys. “It’s a big room, Ing.”

“Peach too,” Inga says.

“You know no one here is paying either of you, right?” I remind her.

She laughs, “Poppa, I didn’t come here for money.”

I wish you hadn’t come at all.

“Cookie,” Murphy yells, and she comes running.

Wrath picks Trinny up and tosses her over his shoulder before heading down the hall. She playfully slaps his ass, and I wish those two would just get it over with.

People head down the hall, thank fuck, because I am planning to escape upstairs with Hope.

When we’re finally not surrounded by ears and eyes, I pick her up and set her on the bar. “Baby doll, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that was going to happen.” There’s no reason to pretend I don’t know why this is awkward.

She runs a hand over my cheek looking so damn sad, I want to wrap my hands around Z’s neck and squeeze really hard. “You can go. I’ll, uh, wait upstairs.”

“Fuck, no.”

She hangs her head. “Do you want me to go home?”


“Baby. No. I want to go upstairs with you. Fuck, why don’t we just leave and go to your house?”

She smiles at me like she doesn’t quite believe me.

“Rock! Show’s about to start,” Wrath shouts.

Fuck me.

“Come on, Hope. Hurry.” Trinny yells.

Hope turns and sees Trinity waving at her to join them. Wrath’s doing some ridiculous bump and grind dance behind Trinity that I will make fun of him for until the day he fucking dies. Hope giggles and hops off the bar. She holds out her hand to me.

“Let’s go, birthday boy.”


Z must have realized the error of his ways because his ass is firmly planted in the chair Inga clearly reserved for me. Swan sits in his lap, giggling and whispering in his ear. Inga’s frustrated, but she knows better than to mess with Z. Wrath and Trinity are sitting in the middle of the plush bench that runs against the wall. Dex and Cookie are spread out a little farther down from them. Murphy is perched on the bench on the other side of the room. I pull Hope into a corner spot and position her on my lap so I can watch her face. At the first sign of unease across her pretty features, we are gone.

The opening notes of “Rock You All Night Long” come over the speakers, and I groan. Some time ago, the girls at the club decided that should be my theme song, and not a night went by when at least one of them would throw it on. The song brings up a lot of old memories. Not unpleasant ones, but not what I want to think about anymore. Honestly, this is awkward as fuck. That part of my life needs to stay in my rearview so I can move forward with my girl. Instead, the two worlds are colliding violently tonight. Burying my face in Hope’s neck, I let her sweet scent relax me. Realizing she’s breathing heavy, I lift my head. She’s watching the girls intently, lips parted.

Well, fuck me. My girl’s into this.

Okay, then.

“You all right?” I ask.

“Never seen anything like this,” she answers without taking her eyes off the girls.

That’s fine. I’ve seen enough porn star flesh to last a lifetime. But Hope? This is a brand new vision, and I want to sear it into my memory to take with me when I’m on long rides without her.

I can’t take my eyes off her.

The expression that flickers over her face fascinates me. The corner we’re in is pretty dark, so I pull her back against my chest and shift my legs so that hers fall open. Holding both her hands in one of mine, I press them between her breasts. I work my other hand between her legs. Rubbing the seam of her jeans. Feeling the heat pouring from her center. Her breath hitches, and she squirms in my grasp. My lips find the pulse point at her neck where I nip and suck at her sensitive skin until she’s trembling.

“Rock,” she gasps.

At her tone, I glance up and realize a half-dressed Inga is headed our way. Removing my hand from between Hope’s legs, I mutter a curse. Inga—she devil that she is—pulls Hope out of my lap and into the middle of the floor. The guys hoot and encourage this insanity.

I’m going to kill every one of them.

Inga and Peach are all over my girl. Hope is being a good sport, trying to dance along with the two pros. Damn, if she isn’t sexy as fuck doing it too. Of course, Inga encourages Hope to take her top off.

Oh, fuck, no.

Trinity jumps into the fray, distracting Inga with her wild dance moves. Damn, I love that girl. Wrath yells “take it off” to Hope or Trinny, I’m not sure. Trinity flips him off and starts giving Dex a lap dance.

That’s my cue to get my woman. Because…nope. Not happening. What’s under Hope’s clothes belongs to me alone, and if she’s giving anyone a lap dance tonight—it’s me. Pulling a page from Wrath’s caveman handbook, I toss Hope over my shoulder and head into the hallway. She’s giggling and thankfully not at all pissed. The volume in the room detonates after the door closes behind us.

God only knows how far Inga will go. I’ve never seen her amped up like this.

Upstairs. Please, can I just get my woman upstairs?

No. Of course not.

Teller stops me at the foot of the stairs. So fucking close.

“Prez, can I have a word?”

“Yeah, of course.” I motion him to a corner of the room where the least amount of debauchery is going on. Hope takes the detour in stride. Once again she’s on my lap. This time she’s more engaged with the crowd around her. She nods and smiles at people when they stop over to say hello. I know how shy she is, so I appreciate the effort she’s making.

Teller is laying out some personal shit. I feel for the kid. He’s only been a full-patched member for a little over seven years, but he stepped up to be treasurer when I needed him to and he’s a hard worker. Unfortunately, none of that work gets reported to the government.

“I gotta get custody of Heidi. She’s going to end up killing our grandmother. Just two more years ‘til she’s eighteen. My lawyer says I gotta show I have a steady job. Something on the books.”

“Okay. I’d put you on at CB, but I don’t think working at a strip club is going to help you get custody of your sixteen-year-old sister.”

He snorts.

“My bike shop is official. I could set up payroll or something for that.” Not to be a dick, but that’s a lot of extra hassle I don’t feel like dealing with.

Voices get louder from down the hall—sounds like the party in the champagne room is winding down. Glancing up, I spot Trinity fuming and call her over. “Where’s Wrath?”

She practically snarls, “Trying to fuck Inga or Peach.”

I lift an eyebrow, and she shrugs. I’m not surprised Wrath would go after a girl he knew I’d been involved with, but that he would do it in front of Trinity tonight does surprise me. A flash of his blond hair catches my attention. Fucker’s trying to sneak upstairs with Peach.

My voice easily carries over the crowd. “Wrath! Get over here.”

He turns and gives me a face full of pissed off, but strides over. He glances at Trinity, and she ignores him.

“What’s doin’, prez?”

“I need you to do a brother a solid. Can you put Teller on the books at the gym?”

He glances at Teller. “Yeah, of course. I’ll find something. Full time?”

“Yeah, club will cover it.”

“No prob. You didn’t have to call me over now to do it.”

I’m glad he’s going to help out. But I’m still pissed at the way he’s treated Trinny tonight—time for a lesson.

“I also need you to bring some stuff down to CB. Got a call from them earlier.”

His jaw drops. Trinny ducks to the side and stuffs down a giggle.

“Fuck, prez. You serious? Send a prospect.”

I arch a brow.

“Fine. Fuck.” He shoves his fingers through his hair and tries to locate Peach, who has disappeared into the crowd. I nudge Hope.

“Baby doll, give me a minute, okay?”

“Of course.” She scoots off my lap, but before I get up, she swoops in and plants a kiss on my cheek.

“Stay here,” I instruct Hope.

I glance at Trinity. “Will you sit with her?” As our longtime club girl, I want Trinity to give Hope some info.

BOOK: Corrupting Cinderella
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