Read Convincing Arthur Online

Authors: Ava March

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Convincing Arthur (8 page)

BOOK: Convincing Arthur
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The relationship reconciled, and every last bit of lingering ache pushed from his heart.

But not the memory of it. That more than anything had delayed his appearance in

Thornton's bedchamber.

Hopefully his early departure tomorrow wouldn't ruin their newfound friendship.

They had been friends once, without the added complexity of sex muddying the waters.

Their short holiday simply illustrated they suited better as friends and not lovers. As his

friend, the indiscretions he could accept, a mere given that came along with Thornton.

The gossip and rumor surrounding Thornton could wash over him with no ill effect, as

long as he wasn't one of the many inhabiting Thornton's bed.

For if so, Thornton would break his heart, harder and quicker than he feared he

could recover. And he'd never find that sense of steadiness he craved. Forever waiting

for the day when Thornton tired of him and flitted out of his life, just as he had done ten

years ago.

But the attraction, the intense pull he felt only with Thornton, coupled with the

knowledge the man waited for

Clearly reason and logic held little power over it, for here he sat.

Convincing Arthur


He shifted in the chair. Reaching out, he snatched the almost full glass of whisky

from the bedside table and took a long swallow, but it did little to soften the coarse rub

of irritation riding over the heavy disappointment. And after all the debating whether

to come to Thornton's bedchamber, after all that pacing and arguing with himself, he

found this.

But something he needed to see for himself, a blunt reminder of Thornton's true


He set the glass down and scrubbed a hand over his face.
. Yes, indeed, he

should go back to his bedchamber and get a few hours of sleep before returning to

London to start his search for someone to share his life with. Staying the full length of

their short holiday was now out of the question. More days spent with Thornton would

only make it harder to leave. But…

His gaze traveled once more over the sinfully beautiful man sprawled on the large

four-poster bed. Their previous encounters had been hasty affairs, clothing only

unbuttoned enough to bare the essentials. He was already here… What harm could

come from indulging one last time? He nudged the whisky bottle with his toe, pushing

it against a leg of the bedside table. Thornton likely wouldn't remember it anyway. But

he would.

One night of complete and utter abandon. The chance to give free rein to every

sexual impulse he had ever tamped down. And to do it with Thornton, a man

accustomed to walking away in the morning without a backward glance.

Such an opportunity would likely never present itself again. Such stark, blinding,

raw lust did not go hand in hand with a steady, amiable man capable of a long-term,

discreet commitment. The only type of man he would share his bed with once he

returned to London. But as long as he kept the knowledge of exactly whom he indulged

with in the forefront of his mind, he was fairly certain he could survive one night with

Thornton and walk away with his heart intact.


Ava March

He toed off his shoes and whisked his shirt over his head, flicking it to the floor

before he could give it another thought. The navy coat, waistcoat, and cravat had been

discarded a good hour ago, well before he'd even left his own bedchamber. Anticipation

now coursing through his veins, he stood and removed his trousers, leaving them in a

pile at his feet. His erection sprang free, hard and heavy and eager to feel those skilled

hands and lush lips one last time.

Gaze pinned on the most beautiful man he'd ever laid eyes on, he went to the foot

of the bed. Careful not disturb the mattress, he slowly crawled up Thornton's body and

dropped a light kiss on that firmly rounded arse.

* * * * *

A light, soft tickle roused Leopold from a deep sleep. He reached back to swat

lazily at his bum and encountered…

He levered up on his forearms to look over his shoulder.

A dream? He blinked and passed a hand over his eyes. His head certainly felt

fogged. But he never dreamed of Arthur when he overimbibed before bed. He looked


Arthur. Naked. Crouched behind him, his head bowed over Leopold's arse, his

lips less than an inch from his skin.

Holy hell
. He had come after all. Grinning, Leopold shook his head in amazement,

happiness flooding his senses, chasing away the despair that had nearly broken his


“Evening, Barrington,” he said, voice raspy from sleep. “Find anything that

interests you back there?”

The sharp nip zinged along his nerves and made him ache for more.

“Most assuredly.” At Arthur's low, rumbling growl, blood pooled to Leopold's

groin so quickly his head went light.

Even in his wildest fantasies, Arthur Barrington hadn't bitten him on the arse.

Convincing Arthur


Dragging his lips along his spine, Arthur crawled up his body. Pressed kisses

across his shoulder to his neck and up to his ear. Soft, light kisses that made Leopold

feel cherished. Wanted. Treasured. With a moan, he hung his head, resting his forehead

on his pillow, and lifted his hips, brushing against Arthur's erection. Arthur let out a

barely perceptible grunt and then worked a knee between Leopold's thighs. He quickly

swung his leg up, opening for Arthur. Hot, silken skin nestled in the crease of his arse.

Slow and with deliberate purpose, Arthur humped him, the base of his cock teasing his

entrance with each stroke, reminding him vividly of how that cock felt buried deep.

Stretching him wide. Pounding into him.

A heavy wave of lust washed over him. He clutched the sheet, a whimper

tumbling passed his lips. Shameless and needy, he pushed back, wanting more. The

mattress shifted and heat scorched his back as Arthur lowered fully on top of him, the

weight of his body pinning him down. Solid, strong, just like the man himself. Soft chest

hair brushed between his shoulders. Panting breaths fanned his nape. He could feel the

hair on Arthur's groin rub against his cheeks as the man ground into him. The power

and promise behind each tantalizing thrust brought him closer to the point of begging.

His cock was smashed between his belly and the mattress. The friction of the soft

sheet was not even close to what he needed. And his lips… He needed Arthur's against

his own. Needed to wrap his arms around his lover, hold him tight. Verify this was not,

in fact, a dream. He twisted, bare skin sliding against bare skin, limbs tangling and

untangling, until they were on their sides. Leg hooked over Arthur's hip, arms wrapped

around him, he kissed him fiercely.

The taste of Arthur was so perfect, so right. An exact match to his memory from

the forest. Except this time, leaves didn't crunch beneath his feet. This time he wasn't

intent on pushing a memory of an old lover from Arthur's mind. This time Arthur had

come to him.

He slanted his mouth over Arthur's again and again. Unable to get enough. A

growl shook Arthur's chest. He gripped Leopold's arse, fingers digging into the crease,


Ava March

and yanked him closer, delivering a tug on his hole. His ballocks lurched up tighter

against his body. With every move he made, his prick bumped against Arthur's. A

luxurious caress. Seeking more, he thrust his hips. The tip of Arthur's prick rubbed

against his, leaving a wet trail of precum along his length.

He tore his lips from Arthur's, breaking the kiss. “I want to taste your cock.”

Panting hard, he pushed on the man's rock-hard shoulder.

Arthur moved onto his back, and Leopold went with him, sitting up to straddle

his waist. Palms flattened on his chest, he rolled his hips, rubbing his ballocks over the

arch of Arthur's erection. That earned him another low growl from Arthur, his firm lips

pulling in a feral grin that vanquished all traces of the restrained, conservative facade

from his expression, leaving only the man.

To finally have this man with him, in his bed, as he'd hoped for so long… It was

almost too much to comprehend. He wanted to do everything with him. Right now. All

at once. Taste every inch of his skin. Know him in every carnal way possible. Give

Arthur every inch of his soul.

He trailed his fingers through the smattering of hair on his broad chest, pausing

briefly to pluck at one of the copper nipples. Then he bent his head and sucked on the

hard tip. Arthur stiffened and hissed, his prick jerking against Leopold's ballocks. The

reaction immediately imprinted itself on his brain.

As did the way Arthur's stomach muscles twitched as he dragged his lips down to

the thick cock he just had to taste again. The next instant, he had his hand wrapped

around the heavy weight of Arthur's prick. With a swipe of his tongue, he lapped up

the fluid beaded at the tip. The hint of salt, musk, and Arthur had him opening his

mouth, taking him inside, needing more.

Arthur gasped. “Damnation, Thornton.”

He practically purred in response.

As he bobbed along the length, he looked up. Arthur had levered onto his

forearms, but with Leopold's forelock hanging over his eyes, coupled with only the fire

Convincing Arthur


to light the room, he couldn't make out Arthur's expression from the shadows of his

face. Arthur must have heard his thoughts, for with a light touch, he smoothed the hair

from his eyes, holding it back as he palmed his skull.

The lust and need in Arthur's intent gaze flooded Leopold's senses. Damn, it felt

beyond good to give Arthur pleasure. Unlike anything he'd ever experienced.

He sucked harder, relaxed his throat, and took him down to the base, reveling in

the tremor racking Arthur's body. In the guttural groan filling his ears. On the next

upward glide, he paused to lavish attention on the crown, drinking up the fresh bead of

precum, teasing the highly sensitive slit. Then he pulled free, planted his hands on

Arthur's inner thighs, and pushed. The man spread for him, fully exposing the ballocks

drawn up tight to his body. Leopold bowed his head to trail his tongue over the soft

skin, the fine hairs a tickle on his lips. Gently sucked on first one and then the other

testicle. All the while, his senses acutely attuned to Arthur, instinctively sorting out

what he liked best and doing it again.

For by dawn tomorrow, he'd have Arthur bound so tightly to him with pleasure,

he'd never so much as look at another man again.

He shifted up. Grabbed Arthur's neck and slanted his mouth harshly over his in a

quick, hot kiss. “Turn over. I want to lick your arse.”

Arthur's breath caught, his eyes wide with surprise yet glazed with desire. “Oh,

fuck, Thorn. You're going to be the death of me.”

“I should hope not. Though it wouldn't be a bad way to go.” He nipped Arthur's

jaw. “Now turn.”

Arthur twisted, and Leopold wasted no time scooting down to palm the firmly

muscled backside he'd only seen in his fantasies. A tug on his hips got Arthur canted at

the necessary angle. Spreading the firm cheeks, he let his breath fan the exposed crack

of his arse. The tight ring of muscle contracted.

Arthur sucked in a breath as Leopold's tongue danced over his skin, liberally

wetting it. Then he swirled his thumb over that tight hole, trying to coax it to relax.


Ava March

Letting out a moan, Arthur pushed back, seeking more. Leopold ignored the lust

clawing at his own throat and eagerly gave Arthur what he wanted. He rimmed the

perimeter. Nipped and teased. Focused all his attention on giving Arthur the most

decadent of pleasures.

Scattered between Arthur's indecipherable grunts and moans, he could make out a

few words. “Didn't know… Damnation, Thorn… Feels

It almost sounded like… He paused, recalling the surprise in Arthur's eyes when

he'd told him what he wanted to do to him. “Haven't you had a man kiss your arse


Arthur glanced over his shoulder. Even with the dim lighting, he could make out

the flush staining his cheeks, the sweat beading his brow.

He shook his head.

“And do you like it?”

The guttural groan spoke for itself.

“And I haven't even gotten to the best part yet.”

A quick wink and then the tip of his tongue slipped into that tempting hole. He

felt the instant when Arthur opened for him, the ring of muscle relaxing. He alternated

between tongue fucking and teasing the perimeter, occasionally slipping a finger inside,

stroking him deep, until the need building within himself became more than he could

keep at bay.

He levered up to cover the man and nuzzled his ear, his pulse skittering through

BOOK: Convincing Arthur
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