Convince Me (Holton Series #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Convince Me (Holton Series #1)
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little, but I am glad to know that I am not the only one suffering from the
particular ailment."

been jealous?" Anna asked with a surprised look on her face.

nodded.  "You said so yourself earlier this evening when you met

is your brother."


aren't really jealous of Mitch are you?"

said he was sexy."  Steven walked over to the sink and leaned against
it.  He wasn't sure if he wanted to continue this conversation but Anna
still seemed a little angry.

Mitch is sexy," Anna said slowly and Steven's heart sank.  She walked
slowly toward him and he watched her with apprehension.  Suddenly, she
smiled a very wicked smile and Steven's body leaped to attention.  She
leaned forward and kissed him deeply before whispering, "Mitch is sexy but
you are sexier."

her into his arms, Steven grinned at her once before covering her mouth with
his own.  He deepened the kiss as her lips parted under his.  Pulling
her closer, Steven molded her body to his and captured her head with one
hand.  Holding her still, his mouth trailed kisses all along her jaw
before returning once more to her lips.

me," said an amused voice.

Steven raised his head and glared at his brother who stood in the doorway
grinning.  Unfazed by the look, Mitch walked toward them.  He picked
up the extension cord that was lying on the counter.  "Tori is ready to
start the entertainment."

flashed them another grin and walked out of the room.  Steven looked down
at Anna who was still in his arms.  She had buried her head on his chest under
his chin.  "You still think he is sexy?"

laughed and stepped away.  "Yes, he is still sexy.  Annoying
perhaps but still sexy.  Come on, Steve, I don't want to miss the

his hand, Anna pulled Steven from the room and they joined the others. 
The rest of the evening went smoothly.  Once again Victoria had proved him
wrong.  Not only did his parents sing along with the karaoke machine, they
taught the younger people some of the dance steps.  Everyone his parents'
age enjoyed listening to songs from their youth and Victoria knew just what to
do to keep everything flowing well.  The party lasted until almost one
o’clock and Steven was glad when the last guest had finally left.  His
family soon followed leaving him and Anna alone at last.

of the cleaning had been completed.  Victoria had restored his home almost
back to normal.  She had gone home with his parents and Mitch had
retreated to the small apartment above Steven's garage.  It was stretching
it to call the two-room space an apartment but it had its own bathroom and
bedroom.  As Mitch came and went with such irregularity, Steven had
converted the rooms to accommodate his brother's lifestyle.  Mitch tended
to stay longer when he had a place to call his own.

close on the couch, Steven and Anna talked quietly about the party. 
Steven had wanted Anna to stay simply for this reason.  He had wanted to
end the evening with her.  They were both pleasantly exhausted and it
didn't take much persuasion on Steven's part to convince Anna to sleep in his guest

lent her an old t-shirt to sleep in and Steven hoped he was so tired that the
thought of Anna sleeping just a few feet away wouldn't keep him awake all

Chapter 9

tantalizing smell of freshly brewed coffee and something else woke Anna the
following morning.  She leisurely stretched out on the comfortable bed in
Steven's guest room tying to identify the other smell coming from down the
hall.  It wasn't very strong but it was pleasantly sweet like fresh apple
pie.  The thought brought a smile to her face and she closed her eyes and
breathed deeply.  It was a very pleasant way to wake in the morning.

rolled over and looked out the window at the morning sun.  She could tell
it was going to be another beautiful day.  The sun was shinning bright and
there were no clouds in the sky.  She looked at the clock and was
surprised to see that it was only a little after eight.  She had not
planned on opening her office until after lunch because she knew the party
would last late.  Anna closed her eyes again and enjoyed the luxury of
sleeping late on a weekday.

the smells from the kitchen pulled her out of bed and Anna glanced down at her
attire before heading out of her room.  Steven's shirt was long almost
hitting her knees. She was modestly covered and wasn't too worried about Steven
seeing her dressed as she was.  She ran a quick comb through her hair and
washed her face before heading out of the bedroom.

that smells wonderful," she said as she pushed open the door to the

glad you think so," came a soft, soothing voice.

froze in her tracks.  Coming face to face with Victoria at eight in the
morning dressed only in Steven's t-shirt was not what Anna had planned. 
She stood awkwardly in the doorway trying to find a graceful way out.

down and have a cup of coffee," Victoria said making no comment on Anna's
attire.  "The apple strudel will be ready in a few minutes."

Anna obeyed.  She was too embarrassed to retreat and too tongue-tied to
saying anything.  It didn't seem to matter to Victoria who carried on a guileless
conversation about the weather and last night's party.  Soon a cup of hot
coffee appeared before Anna and shook her out of her trance.

she said softly.  Picking up the cup she watched Victoria return to the
stove.  As before, Victoria was dressed in bold, bright colors.  Her
top was a brilliant green and the ties on her tennis shoes matched her
top.  Her jeans were the traditional faded denim blue but the jacket lying
on a nearby chair was bright red.  Victoria's hair was pulled back in a
simple ponytail.  She looked relaxed and full of life.  Once again,
Anna was struck by the differences between Steven and his siblings.

did not seem at all concerned about finding Anna in Steven's house.  It
was somewhat of a disturbing thought.  Was Victoria so used to women
sleeping in Steven's home?  Anna quickly dismissed that thought.  The
one thing she did know about Steven was that he wasn't the type of man who had
women coming and going in his life.  If there had ever been anything of
that sort concerning Steven, Anna would have heard about it by now.  The
small town grapevine worked all too well.

pulled the strudel from the oven and turned to see Anna watching her. 
Anna quickly put down the cup and looked away.  Victoria grinned before
saying, "I hope you like apple strudel."

love it," Anna replied honestly.  She was beginning to feel a little
more comfortable as she watched Victoria slice up the pastry.

guess you are wondering what I am doing here," Anna finally ventured after
a few minutes of silence.

know what you are doing here," came the surprising reply.

Anna said quickly not wanting Victoria to have the wrong idea.  "It's
not what you are thinking.  I mean, nothing happened."

know," Victoria said in her rich voice.  "I am sure you slept in
the guest room last night, right?"

Anna was somewhat confused.  "You believe that Steven and I didn't
sleep together last night?"

act surprised."

I guess I am.  I think that if I walked into my brother's house and found
a woman dress in his t-shirt that I would find it hard to believe that she
slept in the guest room."

laughed.  It was a wonderful sound, full and deep and it brought a smile
to Anna's face.  "If this was Mitch's house, then I would have to
agree with you but we're talking about Steven here.  It's a totally
different situation.  Besides, as far as Steve is concerned, you are the
one he is going to marry so he will wait."

Anna squeaked as Victoria walked to the table with two plates of the
strudel.  "Look, Tori, Steve and I aren't getting married."

sister didn't say a word but calmly placed the plate in front of Anna before
taking the seat opposite her.  Anna's head was spinning.  She didn't
want Steven's family to get the idea that they were going to marry.  She
had only known him for a few weeks.  She tried to explain this to Victoria
but it didn't seem to be working.  No matter what she said, Victoria
always had an answer.

Anna," Victoria said abruptly "if you think that Steven isn't serious
then the two of you aren't communicating.  Believe me, I know my brother
and you are just what he has been waiting for all his life."

absolutely right,” came a deep, gravely voice.  Anna turned to see Mitch standing
in the doorway that led out to the garage.  He flashed her his signature
grin before heading straight for the coffee pot.  "You, my dear, are
all my dreams come true."

up, Mitch," Victoria said indulgently.  "Anna is too smart to
take up with the likes of you."

Mitch said dramatically placing his hand over his heart, "my heart is
broken.  Anna, my dearest, say that isn't true.  I don't think I can
live another day without you in my life."

live," Victoria said sardonically.

probably right especially if I can have a piece of that apple strudel."

didn't realize I was so easy to get over," Anna said with a laugh enjoying
the playful humor.  She had never known people who so enjoyed life. 
"Offer the man a pastry and his heart is mended."

and Mitch laughed with her as Mitch joined them at the table.  He was even
more dangerous looking this morning as he still hadn't shaved and he was
dressed in a tight fitting t-shirt and faded blue jeans.  Anna wondered
how many hearts he had broken.  The rebel in Mitch would present an
interesting challenge to some women.  She was just glad she wasn't one of

on earth are you doing up so early?" Victoria asked him.

on earth are you both doing in my kitchen?"

walked into the room wearing just a pair of jeans.  He hair was out of
place as if he had just run his fingers through it and he also hadn't
shaved.  He looked rumbled and sleepy.  Anna thought he was
beautiful.  She was surprised when he kissed her causally before walking
over to the coffee pot.

here making you breakfast," Victoria said gesturing toward the
stove.  "It's a thank you for taking me to the airport.  Mitch
is here being annoying.  You do remember that you are taking me to the
airport, don't you?"

could tell Steven didn't really remember but agreed with her anyway.  It
was fun to watch him with his siblings.  He was more relaxed around them
and more open.  It was obvious to Anna that the three of them shared a
special bond.  Victoria flashed her a grin showing Anna she also knew
Steven had forgotten.

I remember but doesn't your flight leave tonight?"

had to change it.  I have to be back in L. A. this afternoon.  I told
you all about it last night."

well, when do we have to leave for the airport?"

about a hour."

guess I better go take a shower."  He pointed a finger at
Mitch.  "Don't eat all the strudel."

watched him go with a mixture of affection and fear.  No one seemed at all
concerned about her being here among his family and she felt as if she
belonged.  It was an odd feeling and a frightening one.  Maybe
Victoria's earlier statement wasn't so far off the mark after all.  Maybe
Steven was considering marriage.  It was something she needed to think
about, later, when she was alone.

Victoria was saying, "why don't you ride with us to the airport?  I
have something I want to talk to you and Steve about."

Mitch said running a hand through his hair.  Anna noticed a small scar on
his temple and she wondered where he got it.  It added even more to his
rugged image.  She watched him covertly as he rose from his chair and walk
to the door.  "If I'm going with you, I better clean up too."

at once, Anna was alone again with Victoria.  She found it hard to believe
she was still sitting at Steven's table in his shirt casually having breakfast.

you want to go with us, Anna?" Victoria asked.

no, thanks but I won't intrude."  Victoria had sounded serious when
she had said she wanted to talk to her brothers and Anna didn't want to be in
the way.

won't be intruding, Anna," Victoria said with a smile.  "I
wouldn't have asked you if you were.  Trust me, I am not the type of
person that would have asked just to be polite."

know.  I thought that when I first met you."  Anna rose with
Victoria and carried her plate to the sink.  "Tori, can I ask you

Victoria was covering the strudel with foil.  "Ask away."

BOOK: Convince Me (Holton Series #1)
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