CONTROLLING HER: 7 BOOKS COMPLETED BOX SET - (Adult Short Reads Romance Novel Stories Series): Contemporary Love Thriller, Suspense, Control & Erotic Menage ... Male Domination Novellas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (15 page)

BOOK: CONTROLLING HER: 7 BOOKS COMPLETED BOX SET - (Adult Short Reads Romance Novel Stories Series): Contemporary Love Thriller, Suspense, Control & Erotic Menage ... Male Domination Novellas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
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Part Four

“Love sustains all Things”

The Real World


Claire Bell


What have I done to myself? Who have I become? I was so confused. I didn’t know if I should’ve even felt the way I felt, I knew Bill wasn’t mine, I knew I was his and no more, no reversal of power, no reversal of belonging. I guess this is what it feels like to be a side bitch. Why were women like this? Why was I like this? I’d been hiding, chasing dying to be a side bitch when I was already a wife at home. I guess men are right. Women don’t really know what they want. Maybe not, I think we are sometimes confused as to what it is that we need. I know I wanted Bill, I know I wanted to be treated like I belonged to him, to feel like for once I never had a care in the world because he would control and worry about everything. Well this is the real world. I had no choice but to embrace that I was folding out of this arrangement, I was leaving shorthanded, the exact same way I walked into it. Maybe worst off. Alex was sitting in his play pen so sweet, so innocent, he is my all, I live and breathe for him, I stayed with his father because of him, ok, maybe Alexander became an excuse, His birthday was coming up soon, I made a mental note to talk to Adam about making plans, if we could stand each other long enough to have a decent conversation, ok, maybe if I could keep my shit together long enough is a better choice of worlds. I sighed, I was just lost, maybe it shouldn’t take me alone to try and fix this broken relationship, and I didn’t want a broken home.

Where had the communication gone? Where has the late night conversations that usually turned into passionate love making gone? I was bordering depression, depressed by my relationship, depressed by my wrong choices, depressed that what had been my source of release had just ended. I wasn’t going to kill myself; this was Australia that shit only happens to crazy people. What was I saying, it happened to everyday people, anyone, I didn’t consider myself anyone. I was Claire Bell, beautiful, independent, head strong and stubborn. But had Bill stripped me of all those things? I’d been dependent on him, had not voiced an opinion, was too conforming and was never stubborn, I’d save all those traits for making Adam feel bad, talking down to him. I was a mess. I sighed, ran my fingers through my hair.

It was time for Alex’s bath.

“Come on sweetie.” I said looking down on his innocent face. I would raise him to respect women. I would start by respecting myself and teaching him to respect me as well. Already at one year old almost two he was so much like his father.

I climbed into the tub, Alexander on one side playing with some toy that didn’t float; I needed to wash my hair. I liked long showers, but getting into the tub with baby Alex was just as good, I watched him playing with the toy, I’d give him five or ten minutes then it would be time to come out. He was so sweet, he was a fast learner, and he would be a bright boy like his father and mother. I watched the way his smile formed, a mouth that reflected my own. He would be drop dead gorgeous; yes I’d raise a handsome son who respected women. He giggled and it was like music to my ears, in his sweet little baby voice he’d squeal,

“Mam vook, bite!” which loosely translated into, mom look! Bike. His toy bike. Where was the action figure that came on it? I searched the water, found it, put it beside my leg all the time keeping my hand beneath the water,

“Oh no!! What’s this? Alex, what’s that in the water??? Shark??” He squealed in delight, not afraid because this was our little game. He’d laugh and laugh and laugh. I smiled for what felt like the first one today. Alex made everything better. After all Adam and I have been through, I don’t regret the beautiful baby boy he’d given to me. I thought back to the day I gave birth, the agony of labour, the doctors convinced that my body would give way, me screaming “help me” Adam not knowing what to do.

When it was over, it had all been worth it. He was perfect, hair already on his head, ten fingers and toes 6lbs eight ounces. Baby Alexander David Bell.






When Adam finally came home from gym he looked exhausted, looked like he was emotionally drained. I stood in front of the refrigerator my back turned to him after giving him a good head to toe overlook. He spent most of his time at the gym instead of home, and when he was here he mostly played with Alex or slept. He looked good, that was the truth, better than Bill did actually, a complexion a little lighter than mine, one hundred and eighty pounds a chest from here to Westmoreland, arms that made me think
guns of steal
, long eye lashes, puffy  lips, soft lips, a gap in the centre of his smile. I stood facing the fridge, perfectly envisioning the man standing but a few feet away from me, not looking around because I was too afraid to face him knowing the wrong I’ve done him.

“Alex’s birthday’s coming up” I said finally turning, should I have started with how was your day? I’d gotten so bad at this.

“Yea I know, you know I can’t forget that Claire.” He was sitting by the table, not doing anything, pretending he had been taking his shoes off for five minutes. Did he always do that? Was I too caught up to realise he’d been around even in the silence?

“I didn’t say you did, I’m just acknowledging it.” I replied trying not to get frustrated as I suppressed a sigh. “What are you getting him?” He scratched the after shadow on his chin thinking about it. I liked his rusty look more than his clean-shaven look, he looked much more manly, not like a school boy who hadn’t reached puberty, not that anyone could mistake him for such.

“I’m thinking about getting him one of those toy cars, not a toy, the ones you can actually get in a drive around.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little much? Do you know the cost of one of those? I’m not so sure. He’s just going to be two, maybe for his fifth birthday.”

Adults needed to understand at his age children where easily impressed, we didn’t need to go all out on expensive gifts; I wasn’t trying to raise a spoilt brat. Without arguing his point Adam said,

“I guess that’s true, what did you have in mind?” ok, so I understood the ‘my wife is always right’ policy that most husbands had, but sometimes I wished he’d understand that I don’t feel like I need to always have the final say. In some situations I did in fact have it. But this wasn’t one of those. Alexander was his son too, he by all means had the choice to buy him whatever he wanted for his birthday. I let it go. “I was thinking we could have a little party or small get together or out to E-park or something, take a few pictures, put them in his baby album so he can see them and share it with his family when he gets older; maybe when he has a son.” He smiled. “You were always better at things like this.” I smiled back at him, not a real smile, just a smile I use when I don’t know what to say I guess. I turned to leave.

“Claire wait.” He was standing now, behind me.


Claire  Bell
Adam Bell

“Claire wait.” I was tired of this, tired of living like we were two strangers, tired of watching her demise; Tired of not doing anything about it. I pulled her arm gently to me. She came, “we can do whatever you want for Alex’s birthday, that’s why you’re the mother. Its ‘mothers know best’ and not fathers know best, I trust your judgement. And you know I get overly excited about him. This is a journey we both have to take.” I was standing this close to my wife in our home, after knowing her pretty much all my life and I felt as nervous as I did on our wedding day, she with her hair high on top of her head, looking like an angel cloaked in white. My palms had begun to sweat like they always did when my heart began to race. I wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her, tell her how much I missed her, but I knew or believed that I’d only scare her away.

She smiled at me for real now. “Ok.” Her lips pouting in the way I remembered they used to whenever she wanted me to say yes. It was a habit she had no control of. I’d already said she could do whatever she wanted. “Ok,’ I smiled back at her. I let her arm go and instantly regretted it. Felt like I was letting go of her again, the way I had before. “Claire wait,” she turned around, hand akimbo, ‘yes Adam?” 

“When will this be over? I don’t know if it can go on anymore, I want my wife back.” She stood there, said nothing, twisting her fingers in her palm looking at the floor.  “Claire, look at me, I don’t know how ok you are with this, but I am not ok, we’re not ok, our marriage is dying, a quickly, I don’t want to lose you.” She looked at me then, water in her eyes, instead of running to me, she walked away. Had I already lost her?

I had sat at the table, stared at her, staring at the close refrigerator, when did we become strangers in the same home? When did we become strangers who slept in different beds, strangers who had only one thing in common, our son; might as well we were living in two different houses, because this was no longer a home. I had changed for her, after being stuck as her friend for so long she’d finally realise that there was nothing better than being with someone who knew you better than you knew your own self.

I thought about all the things I did wrong, as a friend as a boyfriend as a husband, only one thing could have caused this, but that was so long ago. She had forgiven me. But did I forgive myself? I had come home, football had me tired, she offered to give me a massage, I was too on edge from losing a match we could’ve won if some people actually believed in team work. “Now we’re supposed to be going out, second place apparently is a big deal to them.” I had showered, left, gone to a drink up one of my teammates was keeping. Drank a little too much, got in a fight with the ball hogger Andre, had to leave my car there, when Fitz-Roy offered to drive me home, forced me to drive me home, saying “We don’t want anyone dying over football”. I’d gotten home, still in the rotten mood I’d been in. Claire was waiting up for me, greeted me by the door, but I wasn’t in the mood. She probably lost her mood when she saw and smelled me. Busted eyebrow, and a swollen lip.

“What the fuck happened to you?!” I laughed a little too loudly,

”You should see the other guy.”

“I’m not laughing with you Adam, what you did? Did you kill him?”

“Yea exactly? If I’d kill him you would see more blood I promise, and nobody would’ve brought me home. Hsst . . . Don’t ask stupid question as if you’re a stupid.” “Stupid? Who the fuck are you calling stupid??”

She got loud, I got loud, we were arguing about nothing, I never called her stupid before, I guess that was a word that really offended her.

“Babes you know I don’t mean that.”

“Fuck you!” she was screaming, my head started spinning I wasn’t trying to be in a stupid argument over what I supposed to be nothing. She began to hit me her tiny fists annoying more than hurting me. I shoved her, heard her head hit the back of the wall, saw the tears well up in her eyes. Watched as she walked away closing the door behind her without another word. I hadn’t meant to. It was an accident. They happen, especially when one party is under the influence, she didn’t talk to me for weeks, got up and left early, came home late when she knew I’d be asleep. On weekends, went jogging for long amount of hours, the silence had eaten me alive. I apologised, and apologised. Until she finally forgave me. I never forgot it. And now this?

When did we stop knowing each other? I wanted to know her, and of course I wanted to you know, ‘know’ her. That stopped a longer time ago, I’d gotten used to my hand, it did a great job, I got that energy out in the gym, but I was still attracted to my wife, the last time we had sex was when she was three months pregnant, she thought she wasn’t as attractive, with the baby weight, with the belly. But I never thought she looked any better than she did barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen, as sexist as it sounds I just thought she looked good that way, her tiny feet swollen her face rosy. I loved her, after all these years still loved her, I don’t think I could ever stop. This needed to end, and soon. I went to sleep, in the guest room as per usual, Alex slept beside me tonight.


… To those who wait.

It was Saturday morning, I’d been here for a week and half, my flight would leave tomorrow and I still haven’t confronted my father. I thought about what mom said, thought about the story she shared with me, thought about my reaction, my hostility towards him, I was to blame for some of this. Communication didn’t happen in a vacuum it was a two way street, my anger was a barrier to communication. Was I preventing my father from coming to me? How could he be ok knowing his daughter hated him? I didn’t hate him.

I was laying in bed, I couldn’t tell the last time I had pink bed sheets, I always bought green blue or something black, Jonny’s favourite colours. It was early; Australians were probably the earliest people to rise in the world. I got out of bed, went down the stairs; saw my dad in the living room fooling around with whatever those tools were. This early? My father was completely American, six o clock was too early for him no matter the occasion. While mom and me where probably used to it, I was sure he wasn’t. Mom was up of course, in the kitchen, many jars and containers out, something smelt good.

“Morning,” I said, passing daddy, he gave me a morning, no pumpkin, no affection.

“Good morning baby, come in here and give your mom a hand.”

I had just gotten up, I wasn’t trying to be in the kitchen fooling with all that mess. Though I had been laying awake for almost two hours, my heart wouldn’t rest, my mind wouldn’t rest. I needed to set my soul straight, before it walked onto the railway and into an oncoming train.

“Mom, what’s going on?” I asked rubbing my eyes trying to make heads or tails of what she was really doing.

“Oh sweetie your dad is going fishing,” fishing? I raised an eye at her. She chuckled and used her shoulder to nudge me.

“Yes fishing, he acts as if he’s already retired. I think you should go with him. Connect. Have some father daughter time, you haven’t done that your entire trip here. You have two parents not one, be grateful”.
My trip? How about I’ve never had ‘father daughter time in my life?’
I didn’t argue, I was always in a good mood in the mornings. She was right though. I did have two parents. I’d gone to so many places with mom, we drove to Alpine Village twice in my one week. I watched the people, the difference with Lawndale streets compared to the streets of Kingston, the similarities stood out the most. I was ready to go home. I didn’t say much more to mom, didn’t help her either.

“Where you going fishing?” I sat on the other side of the long couch. I could see the equipment now, his fishing tools. I had a small idea of what fishing was like, you know the movie scenes you’d see. That was a long time to be sitting quietly. “Alondra Lake. You want to come?” I was taken aback by his invitation. Maybe I really never did give him a chance. “Sure dad, I’d love to.”

We were packed and ready to go. Daddy looked like he came out of a commercial, his red fishing hat, lined with bait, his glasses, his red shirt that matched his hat, water boots and rod in hand khaki pants. I looked so much like him, inherited his small nose and hair. He was of a lighter complexion, barely above my height. I’d gotten his height instead of my mother’s tiny frame. I just hope I didn’t get any taller. I felt abnormal sometimes, all the women I knew where so tiny. Becky, most of the girls she dated, Sophia, they all claimed to envy me. When really I envied them, they’d have so many options with men. I wasn’t about to date a shorter guy. Short men claimed they loved my long legs.
‘Small axe cut down big tree’
they all said. I didn’t want to be a tree; inside I felt like a flower, most times my face wasn’t turned to the sun.

I’d put on a shorts first, daddy told me it wasn’t a good idea. I put on jeans pants that he didn’t think twice about or give them a second look. Were my shorts really a bad idea? Or was he just being a dad? I was an adult for crying out loud. I wasn’t sixteen anymore and besides. I wasn’t going anywhere. To the car, to the lake, to the car and then back home. What was the big deal? I didn’t let it bother me; it was a beautiful day to be out in the sun. Wasn’t too hot and definitely wasn’t cold. Shades arm, novel in hand, I climbed into the passenger seat of his ford and we were cruising through the summer air, summer was almost over.

When we arrived to the lake I was surprised by all the vans parked at the side. It seems like the whole state had realised it was a day to go fishing. I didn’t know so many people fish, men and women alike. I watched dad take the chairs out single handily and wondered if he always came by his self or with someone else. I wouldn’t have been of much help if I’d offered my assistance to him. He didn’t ask for it either.

He got the igloo out the back and handed it to me.

“Is it too heavy?” I laughed,

“No daddy, I’m a grown up, I can handle an igloo.” He smiled at me. He then turned, rested them both down, and started to bring them towards the water, I looked at him wondering how I was going to really tolerate the silence. The car ride had been easy, the music on the air waves were mid ground, not too young from him to change the station, not too old to bore me. He smiled again, “I got it.” He retrieved another pair of boots from the back. Maybe they were mom’s? That’s sweet, they went fishing together? He took the igloo, set it down as well and we were almost settled in. He strung my rod, mom’s rod. And funny enough I didn’t feel awkward. Nothing bit, I mean, all the fish must’ve been scared, all the food magically appearing in the water? They must’ve thought something was fishy. I voiced it aloud and dad laughed and laughed and laughed. I tried to remember hearing him laugh before. After moments of comfortable silence he broke it, “How have you been?”

“I’ve been good. Better now that I’m home. I needed this trip.”

“I think we all needed you home for a change,” he said looking out at the water and not at me. I looked at him anyways. Talked to his profile he looked so composed, steady.

“We?” I asked, my father thought it necessary to see me?

“Yes we little girl,”

I was taken aback. Little girl? Had daddy realised I was twenty-three? Had he realised I was a woman, living on my own, since I was no longer living with Jonathan.

“Daddy, I’ve grown up.”

“You’ll always be my little girl, always Veronica.”

I didn’t know what to think, what to feel, it wasn’t much but it was more than I could’ve ever wanted. I eased up from my seat. Hugged, him, hugged him tightly, he wrapped one arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the forehead. That’s most of the affection I’d ever gotten from my father, it was real. I wanted to cry tears of happiness and release. It felt like all the anger I’ve been harbouring towards him, died in that very moment. He’s never done me anything wrong, he just didn’t do anything at all, always there, always quite. I was a mom’s girl when every princess wanted to be a daddy’s girl.

I’d felt like I hated him growing up, he’d always say no she can’t go here, or give me a spanking when I was naughty. Maybe he hadn’t want to, maybe mom just couldn’t, and most times I really had deserved them, in retrospect with my maturity now, I realized I had been way too hard on my family. I made a promise to myself to always reach out to them, to appreciate mom’s calls. I was now at an age where she could be not just a mother, but a friend, and god knows I needed one of those. Especially now.

As I eased out of daddy’s arms my rod fell. I soon realised it was been pulled towards the water, and fast. I’d got a bite! I began to scream in excitement! Jumping and grabbing the rod, pulling it backward as I realised I was being pulled towards the water.

“Turn the handle Veronica!!! Reel that baby in!!!” daddy was even more hysterical than me. I tried, it struggled.

“That must be a bad boy!!” daddy was saying so many things at once I wasn’t even paying attention! He grabbed the rod from me and heaved at the line; finally I could see the fish, silver, beautiful, big flapping in the air. Daddy brought in it, caught it, asked me if I wanted to hold it, of course my ass said no. I was clumsy most time I wasn’t trying to have this huge ass fish get away. Daddy smiled at me, grinned.

“You must be good luck; I’ve never caught anything this big!”

He did away with it and we sat back down, putting more bait on my line and fresh bait on his.

We sat talked, about what school had been like in Australia, it was like he knew to stay away from the Jonathan subject. I was sure he knew he existed, but he didn’t ask and I was grateful, mom must’ve told him what happened. I asked about work, he didn’t give much away but he loved his job, was passionate about it. I knew he didn’t have any family. His childhood must have been rough. I think the army was his way of changing his life over as soon as he was old enough to leave his foster home, it was his escape, the best life he knew, and suddenly I understood why he was so hard. The only person that has probably seen him at his lowest would have to be mom.

On the drive proud of our catch of the day, my big fish his tiny one and three others we’d both caught me one him two, we made our way home. It was a good day. I didn’t know he was so jovial. I guess I just needed to catch him in the right atmosphere. I could easily see how mom fell in love with him. I hummed to the radio, he hummed to the ones he acted like he knew, whistled to the ones he actually knew. Half way home he turned the radio down. “Veronica,” “Yes daddy?”

“Your mother told me that you had some doubts that I loved you” he trailed off. Had he just been waiting for the right moment? I didn’t think this was it, besides he didn’t need to say a thing.

“It’s ok daddy, you don’t need to say it, I have a feeling mom wasn’t lying when she defended you.”

“Your mother shouldn’t have had to defend me, I love you baby, you are my everything. I worked so hard to protect you and your mother, I know I wasn’t there for you emotionally, and I’m sorry. But some things I didn’t know how to approach. Growing up I wasn’t exposed to much parenting, so I left it up to you mother. But that didn’t mean I loved you any less than she did. And less than she does. What I’m trying to say is I do love you, more than anything in this world. I am your father, you can always count on me to be strong for you.”

A tear fell down his cheek, mirroring my own tears.

“I love you too daddy.” I wiped his tear with my thumb. The silence got comfortable again. I had needed to hear it, suddenly I felt like the sun had come out on my cloudy day. I had the love of my father; I didn’t need any other man to love me. I felt the warmth grow into the hole that had been my chest for many years. My healing process had begun.

We turned on to our street, “How are you?” he asked.

I looked at him, he looked at me. And I knew he was talking about Jonathan.

“Fine.” Is all I replied, I really was beginning to feel fine.

“Veronica don’t lying to your father.”

“Daddy I really am, this trip had made me feel better.”

“Did you know I named you?” he was putting the car in park in the drive way. I didn’t know that.

“Yes, really. The biblical meaning of Veronica is princess of the multitude, and you were in fact a princess, and the Latin origin of Ver means happy, to rejoicing. Need I say more?” my heart melted, from the stone it was. Its exterior cracked, I didn’t have to say anything. We got out of the car.

Mom greeted us like a woman from a commercial, what was up with my family? She was by the door, daddy went to her, wrapped his arm around her small waist and kissed her cheek, and she giggled, yep, still in love. He gave her the igloo and she went inside, guess we were having fish tonight. “Veronica, one last thing.”

“What’s that daddy?”

“Any man, who doesn’t want my baby girl, doesn’t deserve her, anything that happened between the two of you, if he doesn’t think you can fix it, it probably isn’t worth it. Remember that. I want you to know that you should believe in the power of love. It sustains all things. It sustains, hurt, it sustains anger, true love is never blinded by any other emotions, it holds all things together. So if you have to let him go, you do that.”

He went inside, I followed, he didn’t need a reply, I didn’t have one. We had a great dinner, my finally dinner. I was leaving tomorrow. Nothing is ever too late, good things came to he who waited.





I was home, finally, exhausted, I sprawled my body across my bed. No one had been here, I was sure of that. I looked over to the half empty boxes on the other side of the room. I hadn’t gotten around to packing all of Jonathan’s stuff. I plugged my phone in, half an hour later. Turned it on.

A million messages kept it constantly vibrating, most of them from 123 Bill, and Becky, I checked the voice mail, Bill, I skipped, Bill,  Becky “
Ver, we need to talk, you can’t shut the world out
” A late message from Sophia “
enjoy your trip, can’t wait till you’re back at work
” Jonathan “
I miss you
, ”.

Missed me? I suddenly felt lonely again. I wanted to go back home, I wanted to find him. 


BOOK: CONTROLLING HER: 7 BOOKS COMPLETED BOX SET - (Adult Short Reads Romance Novel Stories Series): Contemporary Love Thriller, Suspense, Control & Erotic Menage ... Male Domination Novellas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
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