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Authors: Lisa Shearin

Con & Conjure

BOOK: Con & Conjure
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Praise for
Bewitched & Betrayed
“Once again, Ms. Shearin has given her readers a book that you don’t want to put down. With Raine, the adventures never end.”

Night Owl Romance Reviews

Bewitched & Betrayed
might just be the best in the series so far! . . . an amazingly exciting fourth installment that really tugs at the heartstrings.”

Ink and Paper
“If you’re new to Shearin’s work and you enjoy fantasy interspersed with an enticing romance, a little bit of humor, and a whole lot of grade-A action, this is the series for you.”

Lurv a la Mode
The Trouble with Demons
“The book reads more like an urban fantasy with pirates and sharp wit and humor. I found the mix quite refreshing. Lisa Shearin’s fun, action-packed writing style gives this world life and vibrancy.”

Fresh Fiction
“Fans can rejoice as ubertalented Shearin dishes up more hilarious mayhem. Snappy dialogue, great pacing, and two seriously sexy heroes ensure hours of nonstop pleasure. Raine is sassy and irreverent, and this book is an auto-buy!”

Romantic Times
(top pick)
“Lisa Shearin represents that much needed voice in fantasy that combines practiced craft and a wicked sense of humor . . . A book by author Lisa Shearin should come with a warning on the cover or the pages coated in plastic. You are going to laugh out loud.”

Bitten by Books
“The brisk pace and increasingly complex character development propel the story on a roller-coaster ride through demons, goblins, elves, and mages while maintaining a satisfying level of romantic attention . . . that will leave readers chomping at the bit for more.”

Monsters and Critics
Armed & Magical
“Fresh, original, and fall-out-of-your-chair funny, Lisa Shearin’s
Armed & Magical
combines deft characterization, snarky dialogue, and nonstop action—plus a yummy hint of romance—to create one of the best reads of the year. This book is a bona fide winner, the series a keeper, and Shearin a definite star on the rise.”
—Linnea Sinclair, RITA Award-winning author of
Rebels and Lovers
“An exciting, catch-me-if-you-can, lightning-fast-paced tale of magic and evil filled with goblins, elves, mages, and a hint of love interest that will leave fantasy readers anxiously awaiting Raine’s next adventure.”

Monsters and Critics
“The kind of book you hope to find when you go to the bookstore. It takes you away to a world of danger, magic, and adventure, and it does so with dazzling wit and clever humor. It’s gritty, funny, and sexy—a wonderful addition to the urban fantasy genre. I absolutely loved it. From now on Lisa Shearin is on my auto-buy list!”
—Ilona Andrews,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Bayou Moon

Armed & Magical
, like its predecessor, is an enchanting read from the very first page. I absolutely loved it. Shearin weaves a web of magic with a dash of romance that thoroughly snares the reader. She’s definitely an author to watch!”
—Anya Bast,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Dark Enchantment
“Shearin continues to demonstrate her marvelous gift for balancing offbeat humor with high-stakes adventure and paranormal thrills in book two of her high-octane, first-person suspense ride. You don’t get much better than this imaginative and hilarious book.”

Romantic Times
“One of the best reads I’ve had in a long, long time . . . If you love an imaginative fantasy romp with a winning blend of laughout-loud humor and chilling suspense, this novel is a must-read.”

The Toasted Scimitar
Magic Lost, Trouble Found
“Take a witty, kick-ass heroine and put her in a vividly realized fantasy world where the stakes are high, and you’ve got a fun, page-turning read in
Magic Lost, Trouble Found
. I can’t wait to read more of Raine Benares’s adventures.”
—Shanna Swendson, author of
Don’t Hex with Texas
“A wonderful fantasy tale full of different races and myths and legends [that] are drawn so perfectly readers will believe they actually exist. Raine is a strong female, a leader who wants to do the right thing even when she isn’t sure what that is . . . Lisa Shearin has the magic touch.”

Midwest Book Review
“Shearin serves up an imaginative fantasy . . . The strong, well-executed story line and characters, along with a nice twist to the ‘object of unspeakable power’ theme, make for an enjoyable, fast-paced read.”

Monsters and Critics
“Lisa Shearin turns expectation on its ear and gives us a different kind of urban fantasy with
Magic Lost, Trouble Found
. For once, the urban is as fantastic as the fantasy, as Shearin presents an otherworld city peopled with beautiful goblins, piratical elves, and hardly a human to be found. Littered with entertaining characters and a protagonist whose self-serving lifestyle is compromised only by her loyalty to her friends,
Magic Lost
is an absolutely enjoyable read. I look forward to the next one!”
—C. E. Murphy, author of
Spirit Dances
“[An] edgy and fascinating first-person adventure. In her auspicious debut, Shearin populates her series with a variety of supernatural characters with a multitude of motives. Following along as this tough and feisty woman kicks butt and takes names is a most enjoyable way to spend your time.”

Romantic Times
“Fun, fascinating, and loaded with excitement!
Magic Lost, Trouble Found
is a top-notch read of magic, mayhem, and some of the most charming elves and goblins I’ve ever encountered. Enthralling characters and a thrilling plot . . . I now need to cast a spell on Ms. Shearin to ensure there’s a sequel.”
—Linnea Sinclair, RITA Award-winning author of
Rebels and Lovers
Ace Books by Lisa Shearin
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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the author
Ace mass-market edition / April 2011
Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Shearin.
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eISBN : 978-1-101-47753-3
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As always, for Derek
To Kristin Nelson, my agent. I couldn’t do any of this without you. You’re simply the best.
To Anne Sowards, my editor. You’re amazing to work with. And in my opinion, the best editor in New York. Period.
To Joanne Stapley, an awesome fan. The winner of my Name That Book contest, with the perfect title:
Con & Conjure
To David Parker Ross, my first fan who wasn’t related to me, and the winner of the Name That Goblin Assassin contest, with “Nisral Hesai” (a clever anagram of “Lisa Shearin”).
To my fans. Your support and enthusiasm amaze me and keep me going. All of Raine’s adventures are for you.
BOOK: Con & Conjure
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