Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition Online

Authors: Alessia Brio

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Poetry

Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition (4 page)

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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Scott, I don't want to talk about it here. Can we go for one of our

sweetie. Just let me grab my keys. No need for a jacket tonight."
I pop back over to the desk and grab my keys. I think I know what's
up. Susan and I have not gone for one of 'our walks' since Derek came
on the scene. So he must be why we are going on one now.

known Susan since freshman year, and we hit it off right away. We did
"The Crucible" together, and doing a play like that always
forms friendships. That was when we started the walks, too. We were
both away from friends and family for the first time, and reaching
out to each other helped. Back then we both had significant others
that we were trying to hold on to back home. So we became friends
instead of lovers. It was probably pushed along by the fact that it
took her a few weeks to figure out that the "Reggie" I
talked about was a girl. I can understand it. She thought I was just
playing the pronoun game. I mean, I was in drama and I was from
California, so she just thought…

the walks became a tradition with us. I helped her through her long
distance heartbreak, and she helped me through mine. We both went
through various ups and downs over the next two and a half years, but
nothing and no one ever came between us. We held hands and
occasionally we would kiss goodnight, but it was never more than
that. Then Derek entered her life.

hit the edge of campus in the warm night air and turn north toward
the public park like we always do. She has not said anything yet, so
I just keep my mouth shut. As we turn the corner and are completely
out of sight of the campus, I realize what it is that I am seeing.

I've seen you wear that dress before. It does not have a slit in the

it doesn't. Or at least, it didn't. We had a fight."

I figured that out already. Sue, you haven't come over to go for a
walk in almost six months. When you showed up tonight I knew it meant
something happened with

God, Scott, where did that come from? You sound like you're speaking
of the devil! Do you really mean that?"

know I do. I have never hidden from you how I feel about anything,
least of all about Derek. Can you really have been so blind? We have
talked a little in the last six months, you know, and I've told you
everything. It is not my fault you can't see the forest for the
trees. He talks trash about you. He plays around. Jesus fucking
Christ, after the bullshit he pulled with Cindy Mann, and you still
didn't see through it?"

not you, too! God damn you, Scott! I don't need this from you, too…"

tears are starting again, only this time it is my fault. I reach out
gently just as she begins to turn away.

sorry. I'm just very frustrated. Every time we get a chance to talk,
he appears out of nowhere and acts like a nun making sure we aren't
dancing too close or holding hands! Susan, you know I don't like him,
and I never have. The fact that he tells you not to see me is only
part of it. You deserve better." In my mind and under my breath
I add, "Someone like me."

well you don't have to worry about it anymore. I left him, OK! Ok!

the last "ok," her head is buried in my chest and the tears
are flowing again. I tuck her in under my arm and start slowly
heading towards the park.

walk slowly and, for once, I am smart enough to not say anything and
to just be there. We are maybe a hundred yards away when the first
drops hit us.

I was paying attention to Susan, and she has been a little focused.
Neither of us noticed the wind quickening or the extra hint of
moisture in the air. It is one of those sudden southern storms and,
by the time we notice that it is raining, we are already quite wet.

head for the bathroom by the kids' playground! We can stand in there
and wait it out. C'mon, Susan. Run for it!"

go maybe half the distance, me pulling her along, when she lets go of
my hand. I turn quickly, worried that she has caught a toe and
tripped or turned an ankle on the wet grass. But no. She is just
standing there with her head down, her shoulders shaking from the
force of her sobs. I take my time walking back, figuring that she
just needs a moment and it is really a private thing, perhaps not
something I was meant to share and that is why she stopped. I stand a
couple of feet away, the rain running down my face, as her whole body
shakes, afraid to hold her like I want to, afraid to move away.
Finally, I realize what an idiot I am being and move forward to take
her into my arms when she looks up at me—and smiles.

noise of the rain has masked that she was not crying this time. She
was laughing.

why are we running for cover? We're already soaked! Let's just walk…"

reaches out, takes my hand, and turns toward the swing set on the
playground. As we step more slowly now, she swings our hands back and
forth and even does a twirl, cotton skirt swinging out and spraying
off water. I feel guilty for the images that spring to mind as she
spins, her wet dress plastered against her chest and showing clearly
what does, or in one case, does not lie beneath it.

is not that I don't think of her like that. It is just the way things
have worked out. I have always been aware of how pretty Susan is and
very aware of the effect it had on me. But the time has never been
right, and it certainly is not so tonight, with her crying over Derek
and both of us soaked. At least the night and the rain are both warm
and we don't have to worry about freezing.

lost am I in thought that I bump right into her where she has stopped
in front of the swings. She looks over her shoulder with laughing
eyes, and I wonder at the sudden change in her demeanor. She does not
say anything, but pulls me around her and I have no choice but to
drop into the seat of the swing she is standing in front of—not
unless I want us to both be sprawling in the mud.

look up at her, puzzled, but I can't really see her face. The rain
clouds have covered the moon, and there is much less light here in
the park than there was from the streetlights as we were walking over
here. What is she thinking, standing over me in the rain?

catches the chains over my head in each hand and does the last thing
I expect, straddling me in the swing, face to face. She drops her
hands off the chains and locks her fingers behind my neck.

what are you
," the words cut off as her lips are
suddenly on mine and her tongue takes advantage of my open mouth. I
am so surprised by her kiss that it takes me a moment to shut up and
return it. When I realize that I am not dreaming this, I return the
kiss with an intensity that catches even me by surprise. Oh, how I
want this! I have wanted it for months, especially the last six. The
quick goodnight kisses we shared before only teased; they were more
polite than passionate. This kiss is one I shall remember: the first
time I really kissed her. It is over far sooner than I want it to be.

look into her eyes through the gloom of the rainy night. "What
was that?" I ask her gently.

was me making up for being so stupid. All this time, you have been
right here and it takes this for me to realize it. That asshole
doesn't deserve me. I did everything for him and where is he and what
is he doing? Meanwhile, when I need you, you're there. No questions,
no complaints. Even in the rain. All I ever give you back for it is
more heartache."

Susan, that is just not true. You give me mmmfff..."

time Susan keeps the kiss going for a while longer, and I have no
intention of being the one to break away. I have been waiting for
this for too long. I return her kisses deeply and really allow myself
to enjoy it. Finally, she breaks her lip lock on my willpower and
pulls gently back, placing her finger on my lips in a shushing

do it, Scott. Don't talk me out of this. For once in your life, don't
be the one to act all noble. Just sit there and enjoy."

leans forward to kiss me again and as I embrace her, she reaches down
and runs her hands up underneath my shirt. I can feel her nails on my
chest as our tongues play tag, and my heart begins to race even
harder. We are totally soaked now, and I can feel every curve of her
body as I run my hands up and down her sides and over her back. The
rain has made a second skin of her dress, and I only wish the light
were stronger so that I could see how the fabric grips her. I
completely lose track of everything except the way she feels beneath
my hands, the tickling touch of her fingertips on my chest, and the
warm taste of her on my mouth. It could be thirty seconds or thirty
minutes that we explore each other this way before she makes the next

hands slide down, and I feel the first button give way on my Levi's.

are you sure…"

up, damn it!"

has never taken that tone with me before. I see now where she gets
the other reputation now: the super-bitch side of her that I have
never seen. The way she said it shut my mouth before she even
finished the sharply bit off phrase.

she unfastens more buttons, her fingers slip into my jeans and the
surprise of the situation does nothing to keep me from being hard
enough to cut glass. I expect her to say something about the lack of
underwear, but if she is surprised, she does not say it. As she wraps
her fingers around my dick, the first sound since the directive to
shut up escapes me: a long low moan. Not releasing me, she leans
forward, resting her chin on my shoulder and speaks into my ear in a
throaty growl that has me shivering from the pure sex emanating from

I think you have been hiding something from me. Your goddamned
fucking cock is so hard. You have wanted this for a long time,
haven't you? Why didn't you say something? Didn't you know I wanted
you, too? DON'T! I told you to shut up! Just listen. I'm not going to
wait any longer, Scott. I'm going to fuck you right now, right here
in the swing, in the middle of the open. The rain makes it better. It
is so warm and wet. Just like I am. No one will catch us. They are
all inside staying dry. Do you want that, Scott? Do you want me to
slip my panties off and ride your hard cock right here in the rainy
dark of the playground? Do you? Do you want to fuck me, Scott? Do you
want to put your cock in me? YOU CAN ANSWER ME NOW!"

through her little monologue, Susan is stroking my dick in my jeans
and it is growing even harder. I become totally lost in the
sensations: her hand and fingernails, the warm pulse of her heavy
breath on my ear and neck, the feel of the rain that continues to
fall on us. I am so lost in it that it takes me a moment to realize
she wants an answer this time.

a low quiet growl that seems to be all I can muster, I make my reply:

God, yes!"

is the cue for her to begin a renewed assault on my lips and tongue—a
battle I am only too happy to join. Our heads thrash from side to
side as we try to make sure that we have not missed any spots on each
other's lips or tonsils. I think we are going to bruise each other's
mouths, we are pressing so hard.

she breaks away and leans back. My eyes have adapted a bit and even
in this darkness, I can see her face and the way her cotton dress is
plastered to her breasts and waist. I try to drink it all in to my
memory so that I can have this image for all time. Her head thrown
back and the raindrops striking her up-thrust tits as her back arches
slightly is by far the most erotic thing I have ever seen.

leans forward suddenly and gives me a quick peck before standing up,
and I realize that the arched-back pause was to gather herself for
what she is about to do. The wanton slut of before is gone for a
second as she scans quickly over her shoulders and around the park
before slipping her hands beneath her dress. I watch entranced as she
slips her panties down to her knees and steps out of them, one leg at
a time. I wiggle my hips to force my jeans down a bit and my hard on
springs into clear view. Susan glances down at it and when she meets
my eyes again, the slut has returned.

that for me, little boy? How nice of you to bring something we can
both play with at the same time. Here let me show you how…"

those words, Susan crouches down and slips my hard dick into her
mouth suddenly, catching me completely by surprise. She puts her
hands, the right one still clutching her panties, on my legs and
begins to bob up and down, my dick sliding deeply and effortlessly
into her mouth. It is more than I can stand, and I make a wordless
sound somewhere between a groan and a shout.

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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