Read Colorblind (Moonlight) Online

Authors: Violette Dubrinsky

Colorblind (Moonlight) (22 page)

BOOK: Colorblind (Moonlight)
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There was more rustling and then, more talk.

Good. Now you stay where you is and do what you been doing all long. Watch for any movement. You see anythin’, you lemme know.

Yes, sir.

Penny stayed awake the entire night, her body on alert.

Although she tried to dismiss it, she couldn’t help but wonder. Were they looking for her?


Leon had had it. He’d given her time. Four days, to be exact, but Penny still kept him at a distance. He was her mate, for Luna’s sake! Didn’t she understand what that meant? He would do
to keep her from harm’s way, and that included using his position, if need be, to get her away from this place. And with Ryder’s recent actions, and the conversation he’d had with him at the whorehouse, he had every right.

Tapping his fingers anxiously against the desk, he waited for her to enter his office. It was still early, but after he’d awoken to an empty bed, he’d dressed and marched his way there, intent on burying himself in work. It hadn’t worked. All he’d done was think about her.

Almost two hours later when she stepped through his door, he pushed to his feet, jaw clenched, about to tell her this was for her own good, that by punishing him, she was also punishing herself.

The words froze on his lips when she turned to face him and leaned against the door. There was a curious expression on her face, as if she was trying to piece together something and was in need of his assistance. He didn’t like it.

“What’s wrong?”

She took a step forward and tilted her head slightly to the left. “Two men were on the property last night.”

“Men?” Penny nodded once. “I think they were hunters.”

“Hunters?” His lips were already curling back from his teeth as he asked, “Did you leave your cabin?”

She shook her head immediately, and gave him a chiding look that clearly said he should know better. Leon only glared at her.

“I heard them speaking. They were looking for wild animals.”

“Wild animals? There are hardly any—” He broke off as it struck him. A wolf traveling the grounds of the plantation at night constituted a wild animal. First, Ryder’s exuberant interest in Penny, then the conversation about shifters being under his nose, and now hunters scouting his grounds. Leon Arnaud was not a believer in coincidences, nor was he stupid. “Where were they?”

“Near the bayou, I think. They were far from my cabin but I still heard them.”

He nodded once. “Étienne should be here in a few days. Until then, you’re staying in the house.”

Outrage flashed in her eyes. He ignored it and took a seat, picking up the first document on top of the pile.

“You’re doing it again,” she hissed, disbelief echoing in her voice.

“Doing what, Penny?” he asked with his eyes still trained on the papers. He saw only garbled writing. Blood pumped furiously through his veins. Hunters had been on his property, looking for his mate. Had she been out, she could have been injured or killed.

His nostrils flared as his fangs descended, cutting into his lip. Leon closed his eyes as sound enveloped him. The furious pounding he heard was of his own heart. He wanted them dead, everyone who’d threatened her. Starting with Ryder.

“You’re a hypocrite!”

Blinking, he looked up to find Penny leaned over his desk, glaring down at him. He’d heard only one thing and that was her calling him a hypocrite. The blood still pumped in his body. His adrenaline was on high. With slow precision, he pushed himself to his feet until he towered over her, forcing her to look up to him.

“What did you say?” It was a growl. Leon closed his eyes in a struggle to get himself under control, but she repeated it, punctuated the words with pauses so it would have its intended effect.

It did. His eyes flew open and he saw her lips round out to a slight O. She took a quick step back moments before he pounced.

Penny shrieked and backed away as Leon advanced on her. Nostrils flaring, he stalked her like prey. His eyes had gone yellow, and fangs gleamed white against his lips.

He stopped inches from her, inhaled once, and repeated his question.

She swallowed. It would take little to join her mind to his, to see why he was so angry, but she held out stubbornly. She was still upset, even if she admitted that he’d done it for her.

“I’m not afraid of you, Leon,” she said instead, keeping her gaze trained on him. He’d told her that he would never harm her and she believed him.

“Then why are you running?”

“I’m not running. I’m making sure to keep from being trampled.”

He moved even closer, forcing her back until she was pressed against the wall. His body pressed up against hers, and she attempted to push back the burning lust that accosted her at the feel of him. It had been so long….

“Did you call me a hypocrite?” he asked softly. Those eyes never shifted back to their green. His yellow held hers.

She nodded. “Only because you are.”

His teeth snapped together. “How?”

“You act as though you believe everyone is equal but when it suits you, you use your position to your advantage. I don’t care if you’re doing it for good reasons; it still makes you a hypocrite.”

“It makes me your
,” he countered immediately. “I will do whatever is necessary to keep you safe, even if it means me, your Master, sending you elsewhere.”

“You won’t apologize?”

He shook his head. “I will never apologize for keeping you safe.”

Penny nodded, brought her hands between them and to his chest, and gave him a solid push. He moved enough for her to slide out from between him and the wall. She turned from him and headed for the door.

“You said I’m to sleep in the house, Massa?”

He growled and then he was at her back. An arm wrapped about her middle and his breath tickled her ear. “I’m not your master, Penny. I’m your mate.”

“As long as you treat me like a slave, I will refer to you as my master.” She pushed at his arm until he released her. Turning to face him, she repeated the question.

“Yes. You’ll remain there until Étienne takes you from this place,” he added.

“Where should I sleep, Massa?”

“Wherever you want.”

It was a snarl, and she felt a little surge of pleasure that he was so upset with her. She’d come here with the intention of telling him about the men, accepting his apology, and discussing ways to figure out why they’d been on the plantation. When he’d refused to apologize, something inside her snapped.

“Most house slaves sleep in the kitchen, Massa, though I doubt they’ll be happy sharing quarters with a field slave.”

The glare he tossed her was hostile. Instead of coming after her, like she’d anticipated, he went back to his desk and sat down. “Sleep wherever you wish, Penny.”

“Thank you, Massa. You so very kind, Massa.”

She caught his glare as she spun and marched from the room. It was perhaps childish to bicker with him such, but she’d gleaned a heap-load of pleasure from doing so.


It took conscious effort to pull his gaze from her as she worked.

Armand sat behind the oak desk in his office, pretending to review business documents as he watched Julia dust the books in the bookcase to his far right. She wore a light poplin gown, one of the many dresses that had been left behind by the previous owner of the plantation. He’d given it to Maud for her because he wanted her to have them. Pretty things. Things she hadn’t been exposed to.

In the days since he’d told her he’d sent for her sister, she’d gradually relaxed around him. She no longer cowered when he drew near, nor did she freeze. In fact, a few times, he’d even caught the hint of a smile. Never a full smile, but until that happened, he was willing to take whatever she gave. She was also quick to ask if he needed things done, and started bringing him snacks and food when he was in the office.

As she worked, she hummed soft and low. From his distance, he shouldn’t be able to hear the hymn, but he could. It was a church piece, something sad but beautiful. Like her. In the next half hour, she finished and turned to him. He felt her stare as she stood to the side, wringing her hands. She wanted to ask him something. Before he could enter her mind, she spoke.

“You need anythin’, Massa?”

Looking up from the document he’d been blindly staring at, he allowed his eyes to drink her in. If only she weren’t human, he might have laid claim before now. She’d moved forward a bit and was standing by the window. A pale stream of sunlight washed over her, illuminating every inch of her body. Her curly mass of hair was pinned atop her head, but wisps had fallen around her face. He watched as she tried to brush them back, and failed.

A little smile curved his lips. “No, thank you, Julia.”

She nodded and picked up her duster and the rest of the cleaning items she’d brought into the office. Armand watched as she moved to the door, unable to help the way his eyes roamed her body.

Julia turned suddenly, and he hastily lifted his gaze to her face. She didn’t seem to realize he’d been ogling her and spoke softly. “Massa, you need anythin’, you call me, right?”

For a brief moment he was transported back to the night that she’d come to him, terrified and repulsed. Was she propositioning him again? No, that wasn’t it. For one, there was no fear wafting off of her—no, disgust. His jaw clenched. He’d only gotten to Pleasant, but he wished he could kill them all. Every man who’d touched her, hurt her.

“Yes, Julia. I will call you if I need something.”

She nodded once and dipped her head, but not before he saw it. A smile. So small and quick had it not been for his heightened sight, he might have missed it. As he stared at her in fascination, wishing she’d lift her head so he could fully bask in that smile, she turned and left the room.

With a long sigh, Armand leaned back in his chair. She was human, and not just human; she was a human who’d been ill-treated at the hands of men who couldn’t see her worth. He would break her. Closing his eyes, Armand repeated that mantra over and over in his head, hoping if he said it long enough, his instincts would stop contradicting common sense.

Chapter Fourteen

Penny rolled over on the narrow cot previously occupied by Julia, and sighed. She could feel Jolie’s eyes boring into her back, but ignored it. Jolie had already made her opinions known. She didn’t think Penny belonged in the house with the rest of them. Penny, however, did not care. As long as Jolie’s thoughts didn’t swing to injuring her, the girl had nothing to fear.

She was slipping into a light doze when his scent touched her nose.
. She sat up, peering around in the darkness. His scent faded once more, and she stood, intent on following it.

“Where you goin’?” Jolie’s whisper drew her up short, and had her turning to glare at the girl.

“Sleep,” she instead hissed back, standing and maneuvering her way to the door.

“Massa gon’ get tired of you,” Jolie taunted, sitting up to watch her leave. “And then you ain’t gon’ be nothin’.”

Ignoring her, Penny stepped through the door and gently closed it behind her. She followed Leon’s scent from the house, stopping when she came to the unlocked side door. He was outside, probably heading to the bayou.

Remembering the reasons why she shouldn’t follow him, Penny sighed and spoke to him as she hadn’t in days.

Where are you going?

There was no response and Penny wondered if he’d blocked her from his mind, as she had him. But she wouldn’t have been able to speak to him such if he’d blocked her, so….

Hunting. Go back to sleep.

Gooseflesh caressed her body at the feel of him in her mind. Warmth immediately slid through her at the intimate caress.

I could join you.

Before she could think of it, the words were leaving her mind for his. She was still upset with him, dammit! She didn’t want to be around him just yet. Well, she did, but she still wanted her apology.

It’s not that kind of hunt,
ma louve
In other words, she wasn’t welcome.
I need you to remain in the house, where I know you’re safe.

Those words alone told her he was hunting the men she’d heard last night. Immediately, she felt a sliver of fear. There had been two of them, and Leon was alone. She knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself, but what if they had silver bullets? Or something else that could injure a
What if they hurt him?

I’m flattered at your concern over my well-being,
ma louve
. Perhaps you can show me how concerned you are when I return.

The words were a hot caress in her mind, and she felt her cheeks heat for two different reasons. One, she’d forgotten he was still in her mind, and as such, privy to her thoughts. Two, the way he’d described her “showing her concern” left little doubt as to what he meant, especially as an image of the two of them, naked and plastered against a wall, entered her mind.

You actually have to return first,
she sniped out, turning away from the door and heading in the direction of the stairs.

Laughter touched her mind and then one final thought came through.

I will.


Having found no one on his property, Leon made his way back to the house. His body hummed in anticipation as he stepped through the side door and locked it. As he made his way up the staircase, he couldn’t help but inhale deeply. Penny’s scent, still fresh and lingering, was there.

He entered his bedroom to find her under his covers. Briefly, he wondered if she was asleep, before he tossed the thought. His mate was fully awake, and fully aroused, if his nose was right.

As he stepped forward, she spoke, “Before we begin, I’d like my apology.”

A muscle in his jaw ticked as he continued over to the bed. She was on her side, staring up at him as she held the thin sheets across her naked breasts. Leon began divesting himself of his clothing. When he was naked, he took hold of the sheet and pulled.

BOOK: Colorblind (Moonlight)
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