Club Prive: Un-Leashed (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Bad Boy Crime Family Romance Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Club Prive: Un-Leashed (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Bad Boy Crime Family Romance Book 1)
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“You want to take us to a sex club.” She turned to Angelo and punched his arm. “You want to take us to a sex club!?”

“Relax. I can guarantee you it’s nothing like what you’re thinking. You’ll be safer than anywhere else in Manhattan.”

“Go easy on Angelo. It was my idea,” Franko said proudly. “You could say that Tre, Clive and I are going for…research.”

“I’d bet. Are you up for it?” Sophia asked me in a whisper.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Um…I wouldn’t mind taking a look,” I admitted.

“Cool. As long as you’re sure. It’ll be you and these five guys. That already sounds like a recipe for disaster.”

“I think I’ll be fine.”

She looked back and forth between Angelo and me, assuming he’d heard us. “You better make sure she is.”

He nodded. “You can bet on it.”

Chapter Ten


Sophia left for work.

Not that her presence would have made a difference to me. I did as I pleased, and her earlier threat was long since forgotten, more so than my father’s announcement that she was off limits. Still, I could tell Paige was more relaxed the second Sophia wasn’t breathing down her neck with protective warnings.

The kiss upstairs sure helped too.

I didn’t even understand the sisters’ dynamic much. They were identical twins. It wasn’t like Sophia was any older than Paige, yet she was clearly the one in charge. Their personality differences were striking too. Sophia was worldly, street smart, tough and outgoing, while Paige seemed innocent, reserved, intelligent, and for lack of a better word, delicate.

It was yet another mystery to figure out, but I was sure the question of how identical twins could be so different would come to light as I got to know Paige better.

On the way over to Club Privé in Jeff’s limo, he gave the boys the highlights of what he called his top ten guest rules. He took extra time to stress that Club Privé was a sex club, not a swingers club, not a prostitution hub, not a bathhouse, and definitely not a strip club. I didn’t need the briefing. Jeff had dragged me, Victor and all of our friends out to the place on several occasions. Paige was exempt too, as he had immediately sized her up as “
too conservative to partake
”. Those were his words, which he told her to her face on the drive over.

My brother and his friends were a different story. Jeff made Franko, Tre and Clive swear to adhere to his rules at all costs.

No paid entertainment allowed. i.e. No escorts, no hookers.

Consenting adults only.

No means no.

No uninvited touching, kissing, fondling or contact.

Full frontal nudity only allowed in areas designated as private.

Dress code in effect in areas designated as public.

Observing without participation is allowed in all open areas designated as public.

Confidentiality is expected and assured.

Condom use is mandatory.

Boisterous or disruptive behavior of any kind will result in immediate removal, and possibly trigger suspension and/or revocation of membership.

I had to laugh. After he had rattled them off, Jeff reached into his pocket and pulled out several unbranded plastic cards that looked like hotel access cards. Christ, the man had taken the time to have the rules printed. And he passed one each to Tre, Clive and Franko. Jeff must have brought people here on a regular basis. Or he was being the usual inflexible, insistent, authoritative, control-freak as always. That, raised to the power of geekdom. Yes, as handsome and attractive as women found him, Jeff was a nerd through and through.

Because they were under twenty-one, Jeff added one extra rule to the mix.

No alcohol.

They all mirrored Jeff’s solemn expression, and gave their word about laying low and behaving themselves.

Too bad it was for nothing.

Even though all our names were on the guest list, the bouncer at the roped-in area outside carded them when we got there.

“Sorry, Mr. Henderson,” he said to Jeff. “They’re under twenty-one. Management won’t take the risk, sir. I hope you understand.”

Franko wanted to protest, but his buddies led him back to the limo. He calmed down when Tre reminded him that they had their fake IDs back at my place. Jeff told his driver to take them anywhere they wanted to go, and the kids left.

That left Jeff, Paige and me. He took us inside, striding through the entrance like he’d just made it home. We stopped at the coat check booth, noticing the upbeat music from a live band playing somewhere past the immense double doors further down the hallway.

“He’s really into this place, isn’t he?” Paige asked. She nodded over at Jeff, already greeting patrons that must have been regulars just like him.

“If he could, he’d probably live here.”

“What about you?”

“I’ve got nothing against the place…consenting adults should be free to do as they please.”

“I suspect there’s a
coming. You didn’t actually answer my question.”

“True. I would say that my preferences aren’t much different from anyone here, except for two things.”

“Which are?”

I pulled her close and whispered into her ear, “First, when I find something I want, I don’t like sharing.”

Her hand snaked around my waist and slid up my back.

“And?” she said in a breathy moan that had me straining against my zipper.

“I enjoy my privacy.”

Jeff cleared his throat beside us. “Save some of that for when we get inside,” he teased. “Come on. I’ll give you two a quick tour.”

“I think we can find our way around,” I told him. “I’ve been here before, remember?”

“I know, but they’re trying out something new for the next couple of Fridays. Remember the private rooms upstairs?”


“Well they’re perfect…so perfect that they’re almost always booked out by the membership. A few of us have been asking for more private spaces, so…let me show you. Come with me.”

We followed him into the large main hall. It was different from my last visit. The space was transformed. Light, airy translucent drapes hung from the vaulted ceilings and down the walls. Ornate chandeliers were strategically accented with purple and blue uplighting and fabric made from the same drapes fanned out around them. We passed the area that was sometimes used for dancing. The retractable floor was opened tonight, showing the stylish, elaborate pool. Its intricate marble and mosaic tile design was even more pronounced tonight now that the blue and purple fiber optic lighting around the club reflected around it.

A few small groups were grazing at a long table near the main bar, laden with fruits and cheeses, caviar and other hors d’oeuvres. Everyone was well-dressed, including the servers passing by with their trays with wines, beers and other alcoholic drinks.

“This is gorgeous,” Paige said.

“It is,” I agreed. She made quite the impression on me as I glanced over at her. Paige was carefully surveying every detail the club—and the people—with eyes wide and face intrigued. We passed a few couples chatting, kissing or making out at a few lounge areas and booths. Her expression could only be described as studious, reflective, and enchanted. She wasn’t embarrassed or uncomfortable. To the contrary, she was fascinated, indulging with her eyes, absorbing it all as if discovering something as basic as breathing for the first time.

I saw what he meant by semi-private spaces when we passed the main bar. Some of the hanging fabric draped and bundled around frames that mimicked the feel of four-posted beds, except that the area they each covered could probably hold forty or fifty people. From the outside, we could only see muted silhouettes of the people inside.

“See what I mean?” Jeff asked. “They went all out with these new rooms. I booked us one for tonight.”

“Nice, but hold up there, champ. Paige is new, and you know I don’t swing that way.”

He laughed. “Calm your ass down. Of course I know you’re a goddamn boring prude…and you should know that watching is my thing.” He pointed back and forth between the three of us. “
not doing anything. You’re both more than welcome to have drinks with me, or you can cozy up in one of the booths over there. Later on I’ll be in the space I booked with some…friends.”

I nodded. “Perfect.” Looking down at Paige, I asked, “Do you want to walk around a bit?”

“Sure. Lead the way.”

Leaving Jeff to his own devices, I took Paige’s hand and slanted through a couple of the more crowded sections, ambling around patrons and open areas until we were back at the lounge.

She pointed at one of the empty booths. “Can we sit for a while?”

“Of course.”

She slid into one side of the booth, but didn’t release my hand. I took that as a sign to sit beside her.

She continued to look around. “Wow. This place is stunning. And I didn’t expect it to be this way…The people seem so refined, you know? Cultured, yet very natural.”

“I think I know what you mean. It’s easy to prejudge a sex club as lewd and lecherous. Maybe some of them are like that, but not here.”

“Awesome. I like it.”

“Glad to hear that. So…care for a drink?”

“Thanks, but I really shouldn’t. I had my fill back at Rinaldi’s. All that wine went to my head,” she admitted. “It’s one case where too much of a good thing isn’t quite so wonderful.”

“There are some exceptions to that rule.”

“Like what?”

I brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I can’t imagine it’s possible to have too much of what’s happening between you and me.”

Paige was definitely more comfortable now. She leaned into my side, resting her head on my shoulder. Placing a hand on my knee, she slowly slid it up my leg until it was daringly close to my growing bulge. “Me either,” she agreed.

I cradled her back, moving my hand down until it came to rest at the curvature of her hip. I’d been tempted to touch her there since I saw her this morning, and now, sitting this close and with her hand where it was, I couldn’t resist.

“As you're so forthcoming, I have another confession. There’s something indescribably sexy about you being so relaxed in this particular crowd.” Before she answered, I reached my other hand up to hold on to her shoulder. “Paige, you’re the sweetest, most captivating woman I’ve met in a really long time.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but I didn’t let her get a word out. My lips covered hers in a hungry, fiery kiss, sending my mind into a wild state of curiosity about how the rest of her would taste. She let out a shallow breath at the back of her throat that I swallowed up in the kiss, loving that her hand was now pressed against my zipper, rubbing along my throbbing length. Her mouth parted as I skimmed my tongue against her lips. Pleased with her receptiveness, I explored all the bows and bends of her perfect mouth.

Moaning seductively, Paige broke away from the kiss and looked up into my eyes. “I think the mood in this crowd is rubbing off on me. I’d like to go somewhere more private now, Angelo. I want you. Tonight.”

I didn’t know she had it in her, but hell, I was glad that she did. Nodding, I slid out of the booth and helped her to her feet. I enjoyed a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. Especially when I was craving the very same thing.

Chapter Eleven


I told Angelo I wanted him.

Was that even me talking?

It was as though I was outside of my body, yet the rush of blood flowing through me echoed the rhythm of my heartbeat. I watched as time seemed to take a pause and my body relaxed in his arms. My ever-present angst fell away, leaving me light on my feet, liberated and full of lust.

We were out the door, in a cab, and at my apartment building in no time, containing our excitement until I pulled him inside my apartment. Angelo pounced right then. Groaning through a clenched jaw, he kissed the spot behind my ear. My eyelids closed as the sound vibrated through my core. His strong, willful fingers glided through my hair to the base of my neck, then down my neckline until they pause at my collarbone, making me shudder and moan with need.

“We’re not supposed to do this,” he murmured. “But I don’t care.”


“Shhhhh. You want me. I want you, and I have since the second I saw you this morning,” he rasped against my ear. “So, I’m going to have you…right now…because you asked.”

He had barely finished the sentence when he walked me backward to the love seat. My suit jacket came off with the winter coat in a hurry. He turned me around, and a second later his hands were at the back of my waistband, unzipping me as he prepared to relieve me of this skin-tight pencil skirt.

“Fuck. I already love your sexy ass,” he groaned, running his hands over it. After he peeled the fabric down my hips, he lightly slapped the meaty flesh of my ass cheeks. I jumped from the shock of it, and my knees went weak when I felt his lips kiss the spot.

I bit my lips and smiled.

So, he was an ass man.

Good to know.

Leaving the rest of my clothes on, he turned me to face him again, and lowered me to the sofa until I was on my back with his full weight pressed between my legs. His lips teased my neck, and his fingers gripped the roots of my hair. I reached my hand up and tugged my hair to the side, loving how his breath permeated my skin and his hot tongue devoured my tender flesh. Arching my back, I pulled him in closer. I wrapped my legs around his thighs, already bucking my hips as his touch ignited me everywhere.

Angelo lifted up off me, supporting his upper body weight on one arm while the other fumbled with the hem of my top. I used the space to cross my hands and drag the v-neck top up and over my head. With no self-consciousness at all, I unclasped my bra and slid the straps off my shoulders.

He groaned with lust. “Christ, you’re beautiful,” he breathed out as he stared down at my bare torso.

The time for talking was long gone. I grasped his shoulders, tugging him toward me to close the distance again. What I wanted was to feel his hands, lips, tongue, and teeth on my body, and to have what was throbbing between his legs so deep inside me I’d forget my own name. Before he completely enveloped me again, he slid his other hand down and cupped my breast with such a feather-light touch, I hissed out his name. He smiled with satisfaction at my raw, unfiltered desire, then lowered his mouth and grazed his tongue over my nipple. That move had me writhing beneath him, with my hands clutched to his ass cheeks for more contact. He lifted off my breasts again, leaving only his fingers to play with one nipple after the other.

He was enjoying this, making me wait and watching me come undone. I could see it in his eyes. He loved that level of control. As desperate as I found myself becoming, I had to admit a simple truth.

I loved it too.

The helplessness.

The waiting.

The sensation of being trapped beneath his weight.

The breathlessness.

Christ, if Angelo kept this up, I could probably climax just from this over-the-top, must-have, almost unquenchable thirst. My hands were all over him now, and soon I found the top button of his shirt and began to undo them one by one. I stared up into his eyes when I was done, then I put my hands to use, exploring every square inch of his chest, abs and back that I could reach. His eyes rolled back into his head for a second, and his hips began to match my movements, grinding against my arousal through my soaking wet panties. I imagined that if we were in bed right now, it would be my tongue tasting him too, but in this restrictive sofa, I had to wait.

Angelo lowered his mouth to my ear. I gasped when he whispered, “I will stop whenever you ask, Paige. Until that time, relax… let me satisfy you.”

I exhaled a ragged breath, aware of the immediate flush of heat rising up my neck and cheeks. Then I let the lust overtake my senses. This foray into casual sex after an unplanned two-year hiatus was sure to be my undoing, but it was too late to stop. Any hesitation I might have felt was long gone, and every ounce of common sense washed away as I closed my eyes and anchored my legs around him. His lips wandered back down my neck and chest, capturing a nipple between his lips while his hands slid under my ass cheeks. The sheer pressure had me arching my spine, fisting his hair for some sense of control, ready to let him do whatever he wanted to my body, on edge and desperate to explode from bliss.

My two-year dry spell was suddenly two years too many. How did I even manage to go for so long without being touched? How did I make it to almost twenty-five without experiencing this urgent, breathless craving? I couldn’t explain it, or how we had barely made it to second base and I already knew that no one had or could ever touch me this way. Every caress was filled with certainty. Every taste of his lips drove me closer to insanity. When his tongue circled the hardened peaks of each nipple, I was sure I saw stars.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked, lips just mere inches from my breasts.

“Over there,” I told him, without pointing or motioning in any specific direction.

With one swift motion, Angelo pressed off the sofa with one hand and stood up, keeping me cleaved to his chest with his other hand as though I was weightless. He carried me to my bedroom, mindfully heeding my warning to avoid Sophia’s room on the way. He placed me at the center of the bed, and pinned my wrists above my head, kissing the center of one palm. I whimpered.

“Keep your hands right there,” he instructed. “You’ll be glad you did. I promise. Okay?”

I nodded, already pulsing deep in my lower stomach from the anticipation of what he was about to do. Our eyes locked. I couldn’t break from his darkened, primal stare when his lips surrounded my nipple again, teeth grazing over the peak, and tweaking the bud with small flicks of his tongue. He sucked my nipple into his mouth, and his teeth teased and tugged it, applying both delicate pain and wicked pleasure that spread through my body like electricity. I was squirming from the intensity of it all, yet wanting him to ravage me further.

I got my first insight into his subtle dominance when my hands wandered from their spot.

He flashed me a glance. “No. Don’t move them until I tell you to.”

I expected him to devour me whole until with a determined hand, he lifted my wrists back in place in one sure, steady, controlling movement. A smirk turned up the sides of his lips as he brushed his mouth along my bottom lip. “I’m going to enjoy making you come.”

That decidedly forceful statement had me throbbing.

I got the feeling he knew it too. Sliding his hand down my body, he slipped teasing fingers along the seam of my panties until his hand was between my legs, ignoring my whimper of a plea to touch me yet dangerously close to entering me.

I was wet.

I was tingling.

I was unhinged.

Most of all, I could breathe.

How was it that I hadn’t had a puff of my asthma inhaler for almost the entire day? I didn’t know, and at the moment I didn’t care. I just wanted more of Angelo pressed against me, inside me and consuming me. Every thought in my mind was cast aside when his fingers breached my folds and his thumb rested against my most sensitive spot. I absently bit my lip. My hips swayed and undulated, accepting him inside, grateful for some relief from all of his teasing.

He played my body like an instrument, and it was humming, on the brink of resonating at its own frequency. Just when I thought I would burst from the onslaught, he dragged himself down my body. His lips found my swollen most sensitive flesh, and with his free hand, I heard the stitch-breaking sound of my panties being ripped away from my hips, and felt the cool air causing goosebumps to trail along my arms and legs. He said nothing. Only his eyes creased as they looked up at me from his spot between my legs. I didn’t share any words of remorse for that shredded pair of underwear either. At the moment, I would do pretty much anything to keep him focused on exactly what he was doing to me. 

I may have absently said that I needed him inside of me right now. Yes, I definitely said something to that effect. In response to my plea, Angelo got out of bed. He stripped off all of his clothes except for his boxers, magically found a few condoms from God knows where, and returned to his spot between my legs. His bulge got my attention and I held my breath for a beat. After copping a feel while we were at the sex club, I didn’t doubt for a second that he was packing something substantial. But when I saw the tent he made in the fabric of his boxers, it was the first time I wondered whether there could be such a thing as too big.

The notion made my stomach twist in knots. I had to know. Angelo didn’t scold me for sliding my wrists down from above my head, so I ran my palms down his chest, slowly and deliberately over the ridges of his washboard abs, and let my fingers stray inside his boxers. He growled when I got to his lower belly.

“No,” he barked.

“No?” I was confused at how out of place my voice sounded at the question.

The willful look in his eyes showed his resolve. “No touching until I tell you…unless you’re up for being spanked as punishment.”

Nothing in the last hour had prepared me for those words. Yet I couldn’t be more excited to hear them. He raised his eyebrows as he probably registered my fascination and curiosity.


I wanted to learn.

I needed to find out what his punishment would involve. My interest wouldn’t be satisfied tonight, though. Angelo’s face softened. He scooted back from his spot, licked his lips suggestively, and his hands gripped my knees, spreading them further apart until his soft, hungry lips were on my swollen bud again. He darted his slick, hot tongue along my folds, and all I could do was cry out from pure pleasure. I sucked in a breath, filling my constricted lungs to capacity. Relishing the adrenaline surging through every cell in my body, I kept my eyes glued to the top of his head and the angles of his face that I could still see as he began to devour me like a hungry man.

His eyes rolled up my body and connected with mine again. He was unwilling to break his gaze, seeming consumed by my every reaction to his touch. From the tilting of my hips to the fluttering of my eyes and the sound of my lust-filled moans, he soaked it all in, eyes satisfied. Those moans turned louder, dirtier, more demanding until a simple movement of his hands at my upper thighs set off an explosion inside me. Pleasure burst from deep in my center, spreading out to my curled toes, to my hands that gripped my bed sheets, all the way to each strand of hair attached to my head. I was way past overdue, shaking through the overpowering flood of ecstasy.

I could laugh.

I could cry.

I could sleep.

Or all three at the same time.

I opted for none of the above, though. I was panting and more interested in what he would do next. When he didn’t pause his plundering for even a second, but instead, buried two fingers along my slick opening, I went into meltdown mode. Those tiny vibrations lingering deep inside grew and grew. I may have cried out his name when another peak washed over me and engulfed my very being. Awareness left me just then, replaced by shuddering and breathless panting.

I was barely alert, but came right back to life when he moved back up my body, ditched the boxers. He rolled the condom up his length.

I swallowed hard.

Oh yes.

He was big.

Thick, rigid and more than ample in length. I was on the fence about whether I’d be able to walk tomorrow but heck, I was all in. Angelo clocked my reaction to his size. He smiled. Taking a firm hold of my hips, he pulled me down the bed, positioning himself before grunting out a groan like he’d been waiting for this moment for ages.

Without another word, he pressed against my heat, and he filled me completely—and then some. My eyes blinked back the sensation of blacking out and I hung on to his hard biceps as he slowly pulled back, then repeated the mind-blowing thrust inside me. My hips tilted up and my ass raised off the bed, meeting his each and every stroke with one of my own, bringing on a new wave of need and pain mixed in with a pleasure I’d never known. Each time, he surged deeper and more deliberately than the last. We were both dripping wet with sweat. His stare seemed to freeze time as he picked up the pace, face awash with lust and intensity.

He thoroughly possessed me.

Angelo lifted my knees high and shucked his shoulders one by one to swing my legs over them. That change in angle caused my core to flex so violently, I was convulsing through a third orgasm. I was dying to shut my eyes and just go unconscious from the overload, but his face twisted, his arms tensed up, and I had no doubt he would finally take his own advice to me and let go. When he did, it was beautiful to watch him relinquish control. He shuddered above me, jaw clenched, limbs trembling through his release. When he was finished, he lowered his body weight on me and held me tight. Christ, I still had that bone-deep feeling that it was not our first time.

BOOK: Club Prive: Un-Leashed (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Bad Boy Crime Family Romance Book 1)
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