Read Claiming His Witch Online

Authors: Ellis Leigh

Tags: #Fantasy Paranormal, #Ellis Leigh, #Wicca, #Witchcraft, #Paranormal Romance, #Claiming His Fate, #Multicultural, #Wolf Shifter, #Fiction, #Romance, #Witch, #Witches, #Feral Breed Series, #Urban Fantasy

Claiming His Witch (8 page)

BOOK: Claiming His Witch
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But it didn’t matter.

She was my mate. Fated to join me in this life, practically made to be mine. Witch or wolf, human or not-so-much, she was mine. And I would honor that bond every day for as long as we were blessed to walk this earth together. Starting right now.

When I reached her, I put one hand on each side of her hips and loomed over her. She wasn’t a short girl—not like Gates’ mate, Kaija—but she was much smaller than I was. Delicate. Almost fragile when seen against me. And I wanted her against me. Wanted it in a way that made the rest of the world disappear. Wanted it with a single-minded focus that I had no power to fight.

Azurine didn’t back away. Instead, she held my gaze, actually leaning into me as I surrounded her with my body. And when I had her where I wanted her, underneath me but without a single ounce of my weight resting on her, I touched my forehead to hers and sighed.

“I’m going to fall in with love you so hard. You’ll never doubt my commitment to you.”

Her breath raced from her mouth, a gusting exhale that I happily breathed in. She moved to grip my hand, her fingers hot and shaking, but perfect when tangled with my own. She brought her other hand to my face, soft against my skin as she lightly touched my cheek.

“I’m so scared of what this is,” she whispered.

“This is us. Just you and me. The Fates brought us together, but we get to make all the rules.” I touched my nose to hers, reveling in the contact. “We’ll go as slow as you want, we’ll get to know each other, and we’ll take our time building a foundation. I make no demands of you other than to give me a chance. Let me show you how good it can be to be mated to a wolf. To be mine. My thread.”

She shivered, her eyes never leaving mine. With more guts than I had, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine. Softly, a brush of a touch, but enough to set my world on end. The spirit of the wolf inside of me roared under the weight of his desires. I wanted her. In my bed and my arms. I wanted to cover her with my body and protect her from the world. I wanted to feed her, bathe her, and make her laugh. I wanted everything with her—I just had to convince her to want me, too.

Our kiss stayed chaste, sweet and closed-mouth. Eventually, she drew back, her eyes meeting mine and her tongue flashing as she licked her bottom lip. Her smile grew in time with mine, both of us breathless and flushed. With a glance down, she opened her mouth as if she were about to say something, but a loud bang outside made us both jerk. I jumped and spun, landing on the balls of my feet as I put myself between my mate and the door.

“Yo, Pup,” Beast yelled from outside. “I think you and Glinda better get your asses out here.”

“Glinda?” I whispered, practically to myself.

“The good witch from Oz. Your friend thinks he’s got jokes.” Azurine rose to her feet. I crowded her against the wall, needing her safe, fighting the urge to shift to my wolf form.

“It’s okay,” she said as she tried to push past me. “I can protect myself.”

I growled and boxed her in until her back touched the wall, my body surrounding hers.

“Pup, calm down.” She ran her hands over my head, through my hair, and down my back. Her touch was comforting, settling my wolf in a way words never would. She was safe. She was with me and she was safe.

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, fighting to stop the rumble in my chest. “I’m trying.”

Holding me close, she shushed me and kept her hands moving over my body. Eventually, I settled enough to reopen my eyes, meeting hers as my growl finally cut off.


She shook her head. “Never apologize for your instincts or for wanting to protect me. I kind of like knowing I won’t ever have to fight alone.”

“Definitely not.”

“Good.” She smiled, her hands settling on my arms.

“You should wait inside. Let me go see what’s happening out there.”

Without warning, a green light lit up the window and a large boom shook the walls. Dust floated in the air as the cabin settled back onto its foundation. My wolf practically ripped himself from inside of me, forcing fur and claws to appear where skin and fingers had been seconds before. I growled and tried to push Azurine back against the wall, but she shook her head and grabbed my face, pinning me with her stare.

“I already know what’s happening. My coven is here, and they’re pissed, but they’re also my family. Do not, under any circumstances, attack them.” She brought her lips to my chin, kissing the gray fur that had appeared there. “Please.”

I swallowed and nodded, not really sure if that was a promise I could keep.


“Animals! Release the girl this instant.”

I walked out of the cabin, letting Pup lead me. He was still struggling with his wolf, gray fur growing and receding with each breath. While I didn’t mind the thought of his protectiveness, I knew he’d put himself in danger if he went up against my coven unprepared. There were some powerful witches in my group, and I had no doubts any one of them could take down a wolf shifter if they felt threatened.

Once Pup surveyed the area, he stepped out of my way, though still hovering and on guard. I walked to the edge of the porch, nearly rolling my eyes at the scene before me. Bethesda stood, hands up and long hair flowing, a bevy of gold bangle bracelets around her arms, appearing more carnival gypsy than witch born of the powerful Marrin line.

Scarlett leaned against the railing at the bottom of the steps with her arms crossed. She nodded her head when I looked her way. “I tried to tell her.”

“What is she doing?” I asked.

“Saving you, apparently.” Scarlett shrugged, and then tossed me my phone. “You dropped this.”

Bethesda turned my way when Scarlett spoke, her scowl transforming to a surprised look. “Oh, thank the Goddess. Get over here, Weaver. I won’t allow these animals to trick you into thinking you’re some kind of chew toy.”

Pup raised an eyebrow at me. “Chew toy?”

I shrugged. “Sure. Dogs like to chew on things.”

“For the last time”—he leaned over me, a slight growl rumbling in his chest, his eyes so damn vibrant they almost glowed—“I’m not a dog. I’m a wolf.”

I shivered, ignoring the calamity swirling around us as my coven and his friends stood in their tense showdown.

“I know.” My voice came out breathy, much softer than normal. “You’re a wolf, I’m your mate, and wolves mate for life.”

“Exactly.” He tangled his fingers with mine, pulling me close to him. “This is us; it’s simple and small right now. A fated connection between two people. But this is going to be huge. We just have to give it time. Have to give us time.”

I nodded, my fingertips positively tingling with how excited I was to spend more time with him. The talking and touching and kissing hadn’t been enough. I wanted to drag him back in his cabin and curl up with him in his tiny bed. Wanted to wrap myself in his arms and have him tell me every story he knew. The thread between us was wrapped tight, holding me to him. I didn’t want to stretch it any further than I absolutely had to. Screw my responsibilities. I had a soul mate who made me want to strip down and press my body against his.

Looming over me, leaning in for what I was sure was a kiss, Pup licked his bottom lip. My eyes tracked the motion, wanting to feel that wet heat on various parts of my body. But those delicious thoughts were interrupted by the shrill yell of Bethesda.

“Weaver, get your ass over here right now.”

I blinked, shaking off the lust and disappointment swamping me. Shrugging, I gave Pup a small smile. “My ass has been beckoned.”

“It’s a phenomenal ass. It really should be invited more places. Like say, my cabin…later tonight.” He gave me what can only be described as a wolfish grin as I laughed.

“Nice try, Romeo. But I think the only place my ass is going to be is my bed.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

I laughed, shaking my head at his boyishness. Knowing I needed to say goodbye, I stepped into the warmth of his body. I wanted to hug him; I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him.

And I really didn’t want to leave.

But my covenmates were capable of all sorts of craziness if they thought they were in danger. I had to go so I could find a way to explain things to them. They needed to accept that these men, these wolf shifters, were not witch hunters. They were not a danger to us, especially not my Pup.

Before I could leave him, though, I needed to know he would be safe. I had an urge to offer him protection, from what, I had no idea, but there was no denying the instinct. Listening to the guidance being offered, I leaned into his hold, pursing my lips and blowing against his throat.

“What are you doing?” he asked, quiet but unafraid.

Once I’d finished, I gave him a small, sarcastic glare. “Just hush and trust me.”

I took a step back, but his hand caught my elbow and held me in place. His eyes burned into mine, strong and true as he whispered a single word that nearly brought me to my knees.


I sighed and brushed my fingers over his lips. “Sweet boy.”

He leaned over me, placing his forehead against mine. “Do your worst.”

Smirking, I shook my head at his sass. But with witches and shifters arguing in the background, I knew my time was limited. There were many protection spells I could have cast, calling on any number of Goddesses and Gods to infuse me with their power. But my Pup was strong; he was able to defend himself if needed. I chose a simple spell taught to all witches early in their training, one requiring no cast circle or magickal elements to improve the spell’s potency. No, I chose a spell that would rely solely on my connection to the protected and the faith I put in my own power.

So with my Pup strong in my mind, I closed my eyes and concentrated on my bond to the earth, the wind, the water, and the fire that made up the world around me. Stepping slowly, never breaking contact with him, I circled Pup, chanting as I went.

“Thrice round the circle’s bound, sink all evil to the ground. Take my words and listen thee, guard him from thine enemy.” Three times I walked around him, repeating the words over and over again. When I returned to my starting point after the third circle, I stopped and opened my eyes, meeting his stare. “So mote it be.”

He had such a handsome smile on his face, slightly confused but totally accepting. It stunned me—how open he was to all the things being with me entailed. He didn’t question or judge, didn’t try to get me to explain every word and movement. He let me be me, and that was something I appreciated.

Unable to resist, I reached for him. Pup reciprocated the motion immediately, bringing his hand to meet mine. Our fingers touched, entwining softly even as I took a step backward.

“Merry meet, Pup of the Feral Breed.”

His eyes burned with his inner fire. Our arms rose, fingers straining to stay together as the distance between us grew. When we finally broke contact, he swallowed hard, looking completely broken as he watched me go.

“Will you be back?”

“Soon.” I walked backward toward my coven, still not wanting to leave him. “I’ll come see you very soon.”

He nodded once as the other men in the group joined him on the porch. They made an impressive wall—all handsome and muscled. And while Pup was the biggest of the three, the other two looked deadly in a way Pup’s baby face would never allow.

“You’ll keep your paws far away from our coven,” Bethesda yelled from behind me. “You may claim you’re not witch hunters, but that doesn’t mean we want your kind around our young ones. Come near the Weavers again, and I’ll release the full power of this coven against you.”

Bethesda grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the cabin, making me stumble. I heard Pup’s growl, but he stood in shadows on the porch, making it impossible to see his face. Not that I needed to. He would be fierce in his anger at my being handled so roughly, of that I was certain.

Once I had my footing, I turned to follow Bethesda to the group of women surrounding the trailhead that would lead us to the lighthouse. Sarah stood at the rear of the group, looking pale and small with Amber by her side.

“You should have called me right away,” Bethesda growled in my ear, distracting me from Sarah and Amber. “If we’d known there were witch hunters in this camp, we would have come for you sooner.”

“They’re not witch hunters.”

“They live in concert with the wolf; they cannot be trusted.”

I huffed and pulled my arm from her grasp. Before she could grab me again, I turned toward the wall of men, meeting the eyes of Charlotte, who stood on the steps with them.

“Help me out here. They’re not witch hunters, are they?”

Charlotte shrugged. “Not that I know of, though I’m still pretty new here. Rebel, do you hunt witches?”

The blond man shook his head. “No. Traditionally the witch hunters are full Weres, not shifters. I believe they call themselves the ‘Hounds of God.’”

Charlotte nodded. “See? Not witch hunters. Wait…what do you mean full Weres?”

“Werewolves.” Rebel shrugged, as if admitting werewolves truly walked the earth was not a big deal. And maybe it wasn’t to a man who went from human to wolf in the blink of an eye.

“Well, that’s…terrifying.” Charlotte shivered and looked my way. “Things just keep getting weirder around here.”

I shrugged and faced Bethesda. “See? Not witch hunters.”

“Their concubine can deny the evil within them all she wants, but we can sense the hunter in them. They are a danger to all of us.” Bethesda raised her arms as if to perform a spell, but I grabbed them and pushed them down as a vicious growl filled the night around us.

“They’re not hunters. The pull I felt brought me here for a reason, and I won’t allow you to hurt them when they’ve done nothing wrong.” I looked deep into her eyes, making sure she understood my point. “Free will of all and harm of none.”

BOOK: Claiming His Witch
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