Read Christmas Moon Online

Authors: Loribelle Hunt

Christmas Moon (10 page)

BOOK: Christmas Moon
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“Which is to be expected.” Leaning back against the counter, his mother glared at her mates. “And better than y’all were. Talk about being thrown to the wolves.”

Both of the older men winced at her tone, and neither would meet her gaze. Abel cocked an eyebrow. Interesting. He’d never had the impression their coming together had been anything but smooth. Obviously, he was wrong. Before he could pursue it, Dad changed the subject and asked what all the excitement up at the big house was about.

Both fathers’ gazes turned hard as he explained the situation with the rogue. It was something he wasn’t accustomed to seeing in them and reminded him that they were both Hunters when they met his mother. Pop had been Brant’s Enforcer before his mother insisted he retire.

That was a story he was familiar with. A rogue they’d been Hunting had gone after his mother, and the twins had been just in time to save her. He glanced over, wondering how she’d taken the news and saw her eyes were wary, pinched around the corners. He sighed, but his resolve hardened. He didn’t ever want to see that look on Delilah’s face. Pop pulled her into his arms and met Abel’s gaze over her head. The communication was silent but unmistakable.
Find the rogue and take him out

After a moment, Mom straightened and faced her sons again. “We’re staying with Rebecca and Nolan tonight, but we’ll be over early tomorrow. You need to explain things to your mate before the family descends on her, boys.”

He heard a gasp and whirled around to see Delilah in the open doorway leading from the living room. How long had she been standing there? She seemed confused as she stepped into the kitchen, but the look she gave him was all irritation.

“I hope you’re not planning on leaving on my account. I’d feel awful if you left because of me, especially at Christmastime.” She moistened her lips before continuing, and his entire body clenched at the sight of her tongue darting out over her lips. “I’m sure Jackson or Chloe can find me a room somewhere.”

He and Cain moved at the same time. His brother’s growl was low, a warning more than menace, and they crowded her against the table.

“You’re not going anywhere, Delilah,” Abel said with a matching growl.

She surprised him, laying her palms flat against both their chests and shoving them back. She set her fists on her hips, her eyes narrowed and her lips pressed in a thin line. He wanted to trace them until she let him in, went weak and boneless in his arms. But that would only, could only, end one way, so he held himself in check. There was a lot he wanted to share with his family, but giving them a show was not one of those things.

“If you expect me to sit quietly by while your mother talks about going to stay somewhere else, you’ve got the wrong girl, Abel.”

He couldn’t hold in the grin that tugged at the corners of his mouth. He definitely had the
girl, and she continued to surprise him. She’d been shocked earlier to meet his fathers, but she’d bounced back quickly, feisty and determined to make the best of things. He lifted a hand to cup the side of her face, and she turned into it. Just a little. Just enough to make his heart soar.

“Can I explain it when we don’t have an audience?”

Everyone but his mother would easily catch the words, but he kept his tone soft, gentle, for Delilah’s benefit. Her eyes flashed, and he smelled her rush of arousal at the mention of being alone. And something else. Something that teased his senses. Woke up his wolf. He took a deeper breath. Her scent was richer, headier. Jerking his head up, he met Cain’s gaze.

She was in heat, though she probably wouldn’t appreciate having it described that way. He reached out, laying his hand over her belly. He knew it was a lousy thing to do, but he had every intention of impregnating her, filling her with his seed.

If she were pregnant, she wouldn’t be able to turn away from them, would she? He didn’t think so. He thought he knew her well enough to know she’d give them the time to convince her she belonged with them, to them. The deception would piss her off, but he dismissed it. And really, he just wanted to see her swollen with his children, twin boys in the tradition of his family. Or Cain’s children. It didn’t really matter. They were a unit, the three of them. He’d justify it any way he had to and damn the consequences.

“What? What is it?” Her brows drew close together in confusion.

He leaned forward, kissed her forehead, and shook his head. “Nothing.”

Someone cleared a throat behind him, and he turned his head to see his mother gathering her things. She smiled at him, at all of them, and it was a smile full of hope and optimism. The smile he was used to seeing from her. She was a glass half full kind of person. She moved forward, and he stepped out of the way.

Smiling, she took Delilah’s hand in her own, cradling it. “Don’t worry, honey. I had already planned to stay at my brother’s house tonight. You’ll meet him and his mate later. And tomorrow, you’re getting invaded. The three of us and our younger son and daughter.” She winked. “Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.”

She hugged Abel and Cain, but stopped Delilah again before she left. “Don’t start breakfast without me, and don’t let the boys do it.” She gave a fake shudder then winked again. “I swear I taught them better, but if they know someone else is around who can cook they’ll mess it up on purpose.”

And then she was gone, dragging Dad and Pop with her. Abel turned to Delilah. He wanted in her
. But he wanted her in a bed, and he wanted to claim her, bite her, and bind her to him. He’d like to give her more time, but there was no way his wolf would wait. Plus, he wasn’t giving Jackson any excuse to try to remove her from their house. His wolf snarled its outrage at the thought. No way in hell.

By unspoken agreement, he and Cain led her out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and down the long hall to the master bedroom. He looked around with satisfaction. She’d be moving in here before the day was out.

“Someone want to explain to me exactly what the hell is going on?”

“Take your clothes off, Delilah,” Cain said. He was already stripping, and Abel was quick was to jerk his off, too.

Anger flashed in her eyes. “That isn’t explaining.”

“We’ll explain. After we fuck you.” Cain tilted his head back, nostrils flaring as he took in her scent. Abel felt his brother’s control slip. “You want it as much as we do. And, Delilah, that’s about all the defiance I can take from you right now. Remove your clothes.

At the order, her arousal flooded his senses, her scent intensifying, and the mental barriers she’d put up against them slipped. Her fingers reluctantly brushed to the bottom of her sweater and gripped it. Abel waited patiently for her to go on. Cain prowled, and Able used the mental connection between them to try to convince his brother to give her a minute to catch up with them. She was stubborn and independent. Her capitulation would be all the sweeter if she came to them totally unprodded. When she realized she wanted to give over control to them. He wasn’t stupid enough to believe it would extend outside the bedroom, but he had high hopes for compliance here.










Chapter Six


Delilah clung to the bottom of her sweater as she fought an internal war, a war she suspected she was going to lose. She hated to be ordered around, hated to follow direction, but she was trembling as she fought off the need to submit to Cain’s demands. She was sure that if she accepted them here, he would try to force them in the rest of her life. That he’d try to take her over. Abel was more easygoing. She looked at him, the raw tenseness of emotion etched in his face. Or maybe not. Maybe they weren’t so different after all. Sighing, she pulled the sweater up and swept it over her head.

Cain was right. She did want this as much as they did. She’d just have to figure out a way to not get too attached in the process. She didn’t get the impression they’d ever been the long-term commitment types. Not that she was sure that would work with three people, but she had a little more hope in that direction after meeting his parents. She pushed the feeling away. No. She wouldn’t get hopeful. She’d take what they offered, see where it went, but optimism about a future with them was setting herself up for heartache. But then there was no time for thinking when Cain took her hand and led her to the huge bed.

“This is our room.”

She frowned. Surely two grown brothers didn’t share a room.

Cain snorted. “No.
. We’ll move your things in here later.”

Her heart skipped a beat. That sure sounded long term to her. But what about Abel? She turned to meet his gaze. He was smiling.

“Yes, the three of us. And yes, it’s a new arrangement for us, too.”

“And now, sweetheart,” Cain said, nibbling her neck, “it’s time to make it permanent.”

Abel bent his head to the other side of her nape, and she felt the connection between the three of them intensify as they dropped the shields between their minds and hers. Her body hummed with awareness, her pussy filling with cream as they bit and sucked at her tender flesh. The bites grew harder, and she gasped when she felt their teeth puncture her skin. It should have hurt, but her body was so keyed up, ready for a little pain and roughness, that it was just a sting quickly soothed away by their lapping tongues.

They lifted their heads at the same time and crowded even closer to her, but she swore she still felt their teeth in her skin. She lifted her hands to cover the small wounds, trying to remember what Cain had said earlier about some bites being different.

Abel heaved a huge sigh, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He nudged her backwards, watching as she fell across the bed. Cain moved behind her, arranging her so she lay in the center.

“Now you’re ours. Forever. There is no undoing the binding,” Abel whispered.

She wanted to ask what he meant by that, but he moved between her legs, lifting them over his shoulders. His mouth hovered over her pussy, and he blew a hot breath over her. She moaned, rolling her head against the pillow and thrusting her hips up. She’d ask later. Now she was dying to feel his mouth on her, his cock in her.

But he didn’t touch her and in seconds she found out why when Cain tied a scarf around her head, covering her eyes and blinding her. Then he grabbed her wrists, wrapped something around them tightly, and pulled her arms high over her head. The bindings pulled taut, and she struggled against them, trying to lower her arms. Whimpering, she realized he’d secured her to the bedpost. She didn’t like the loss of control.

He shifted, and she felt his chest against her side. His weight pressed over her, and he whispered. “Shh, sweetheart. Let us take care of you. Let us show you what it means to have two werewolf mates.”

His lips closed over her nipple, his teeth tugging at the ring through it. She groaned, trying to thrust up into his mouth, but they held her down too firmly. She couldn’t move, couldn’t urge them on with her body. They’d taken away her ability to participate, to encourage, and she started to relax when she remembered she’d always longed for this kind of freedom.

Cain’s fingers closed over her other nipple, pinching a little, tugging, and she felt her mind beginning to fragment. God, could she come from him playing with her breasts? Was that all it took?

She didn’t have time to wonder because Abel went to work then, his tongue beginning a lazy exploration of her pussy. He spread the lips with his hand and stroked the area around her hole with his tongue. Barely brushed over her clit. She choked back a sob. She
. Was now desperate to come. He moved one finger into her channel, and she convulsed around it, but he kept the rhythm slow, measured. When he withdrew, tears leak from the corners of her eyes.

The finger returned, this time exploring her butt. He teased the rim, and she held her breath. It had been years since she’d had anal sex, and she wondered if one of them would want to try it. He withdrew, and she heard a squirting sound, like something being expressed from a tube of liquid. She didn’t have to keep wondering. His finger returned to her ass, this time edging inside. Slowly, cautiously. As if he was afraid of her reaction. While he worked his way in, his tongue returned to explore her cunt, this time paying more attention to her clit. He suckled the hard nub and started a steady in-and-out rhythm in her ass. It only took a couple of strokes before she was coming, keening in the silent room.

It took a few minutes for the shudders to subside before her mind came back together. She realized several things at once. Her hands were free. Her ass felt fuller, stretched, and the rhythm that had brought on her orgasm had slowed but was still steady. She sighed. He’d added another finger, was working the muscles looser. One of them did intend to fuck her ass.

“Have you ever had anyone here?”

“Yes,” she whispered, and Cain growled, nipping one of her nipples hard enough to make her yelp. So he didn’t like the fact none of her was virgin? There wasn’t much she could do about the past. Suddenly they both moved, and the blindfold was gone. She squinted against the glare coming through the window.

BOOK: Christmas Moon
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