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Authors: Lois Lavrisa

Christmas Corpse Caper

BOOK: Christmas Corpse Caper
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Christmas Corpse Caper
Liquid Lies [1]
Lois Lavrisa
SunLake Press (2012)

One Christmas eve. One vanishing Corpse. Too much mayhem
Christmas Corpse Caper is a 10,000 word short story romantic suspense prequel to the Amazon bestselling mystery "LIQUID LIES."

Christmas Corpse Caper: Stuck at work on Christmas Eve, Mark Stevens plans to make the best of it. He may even wrangle a date with a co-worker he's loved since fifth grade. But his plan quickly goes awry when the night turns creepy with strange noises and a broken vase. And when a corpse vanishes, the question becomes whether he'll make it through the night without losing his sanity...or his life. A mysterious and fun prequel to the Amazon Kindle Bestseller "LIQUID LIES."





Corpse Caper


(A prequel to Liquid Lies)




Lois Lavrisa



























SunLake Press




Christmas Corpse Caper

By Lois Lavrisa






Christmas Corpse Caper

Lavrisa, Lois Marie (11-17-2012)

Copyright 2012 Lois Lavrisa

Discover other titles by Lois Lavrisa at


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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or to actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

What Authors and Reviewers are saying about

Lois Lavrisa’s debut novel

Liquid Lies



"Full of breath-taking twists and turns! Liquid Lies had me whipping through

the pages, never quite sure whose number was up next. A great whodunit

mystery laced with suspense."

~ Ann Charles, Award-winning and Bestselling Author


“Liquid Lies is an imaginative story ...if you like a good mystery, put this book on your "must read" list.”

~ Nancy Brandon, Bestselling Author of
Dunaway’s Crossing


“I absolutely loved this book! A dark secret held for years by two friends comes back to haunt them with murderous results. Tension builds throughout this taut mystery right up until the action packed climax. Lois Lavrisa will keep you guessing until the end. I highly recommend Liquid Lies.”

~Matthew Rush, Author


“Lois Lavrisa delivers a fantastic book- five stars!  I could not stop reading Liquid Lies once I started. So suspenseful wondering how much more CiCi could take. This is definitely a must read!”

~Laura Fortin, Reviewer


“I really enjoyed this book. I thought I had the bad guy/gal figured out only to be proved wrong more than once! Kept me guessing until the end. I look forward to reading more from this author.”

~J. Anderson Avid Reader, Reviewer


“I loved the heroine of Liquid Lies. CiCi is sympathetic but flawed...a well rounded character. The plot was fast-paced and multi-layered with a mystery that'll keep you guessing until the last page.  A fantastic debut novel by an exciting new author. Bravo.”

~ Reading Cat Review


“My travels with this book began with my fiancé telling me "I sent a book to your Kindle. You've got to read it." I was expecting something similar to what he usually sends me - action thrillers with male main characters who could outshoot John Wayne blindfolded, but instead I found CiCi, a quirky young girl, in a novel with a romantic subplot. Naturally, my curiosity was aroused… I enjoyed this book so much that I gave it to my mother for Mother's Day, as I thought she would find to be a female lead version of the type of detective novels she usually reads (mostly James Patterson). I'm sure she's going to love it - now I just have to wait to see what else Lois Lavrisa writes!”

~Kristen, Reviewer


“Liquid Lies is one of those books that when you start it, it's hard to put down. Secrets can be destructive which CiCi gets to know very well. Well-written, full of action, suspenseful, in fact everything one could ask in a mystery, this was a no-brainer to rate 5 stars!”

~ Mimi Barbour, Bestselling Author,
He’s Her


“This is a thrilling fast-paced mystery that whisks you through a whole range of emotions as you read. Told through the point of view of the main character CiCi, we see her life unfold and an old secret come back to haunt her. With a wonderful cast of secondary characters this is a well written engrossing read that kept me in suspense right up to the end. Loved it!”

~Loves Romance, Amazon top reviewer


“Liquid Lies is a mystery thriller that makes you feel anything but cozy. A story as tension charged and as fast moving as a waterslide. Once you're into Liquid Lies there's no stopping until you reach the end." ~ Patricia Mason, Award Winning Bestselling Author,
In Deep Shitake

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
Liquid Lies
is a story packed with action, mystery and well developed characters that will capture your imagination and make you grateful when they succeed.”

~Romantic Chick, Reviewer


“I could not put this book down! Liquid Lies is a tightly woven mystery steeped full of quirky characters on an emotion-packed thrill ride. This is one story you'll want to tell your friends about!”

~ Cynthia Cooke, Award Winning Author,
Luck and a Prayer




Table of Contents




About t

Novels by L
is Lavrisa


orpse Caper

Connect with L
Lavrisa Online

Five Fun Facts
out Lois Lavrisa



My sincerest and deepest appreciation goes out to my beta readers, and dear friends: Patricia Mason, Donna Shea, Nancy Remler and Charles Cory. With your very insightful and useful feedback on my stories, I know that they are much stronger and better because of you. I cannot thank all of you enough, my Savannah Pen & Ink group. And of course special thanks go to my final editor, formatter and much more, my dear husband Tom.


However, my biggest gratitude is extended to you, my readers. Without you my stories would never be given life.  Thank you, enjo


About the Author


Lois Lavrisa writes Mystery with a Twist. Her first mystery LIQUID LIES, an Amazon bestseller and Amazon Hot New Release, is set in an affluent lake town in Wisconsin. Fast paced with twists and turns around every corner, it’ll keep you guessing until the end.


Her short story “Picture not Perfect” is in a young adult anthology called ETERNAL SPRING which was released with great reviews in April 2012.  Another short story “Turnabout Twist”: is included in The WG2E All-For-Indies Anthologies: Summer Fling Edition. In 2012 she will write short stories for two additional anthologies.


She’s working on a cozy mystery series, THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB about sassy southern sleuths, set in Savannah, Georgia.  THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB is a rag tag group of friends (not all chubby nor all chicks) who find themselves investigating a friend’s mysterious death, with time running out for them to find the killer before the killer finds them.  THE CHUBBY CHICKS CLUB, book one, should be completed next year.


She’s been married to her aerospace husband Tom for over 21 years and they have four children - two boys and two girls.  She’s a member of several writing organizations including: Mystery Writers of America (MWA), Romance Writers of America (RWA) and Sisters in Crime (SIC). Currently, she’s serving as vice president of the Low Country RWA. For the past six years she’s been a member of the Savannah Pen & Ink writers group. She’s written for a local newspaper, a magazine, numerous newsletters and posts weekly on a blog. Additionally, Lois has worked as an adjunct instructor and a technical writer.


If you want to contact her, please go to

BOOK: Christmas Corpse Caper
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