Read Chosen Online

Authors: Nina Croft

Chosen (6 page)

BOOK: Chosen
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“We have to go.”

Shayla lay sprawled across his body, boneless and sated. At his words, she shoved her nose further into the gap between his arm and his chest, breathing in the warm masculine scent. She didn’t want to move. She wanted to stay here forever, wrapped in his strong arms, and forget everything. But she knew it wasn’t possible. After a few minutes, she breathed in one last deep breath and raised her head.

She put her palms flat on his chest and pushed herself up so she could peer down into his face. His expression appeared softer than she had ever seen it, the harsh lines smoothed. His purple eyes appeared almost black and held a warmth she had never seen before. She leaned down and kissed the corner of his mouth.

“I know,” she said. “I just don’t want to.”

“Neither do I, but we can’t stay here forever. They’ll come looking soon.”

She frowned. She’d been trying to ignore the sense of unease that gnawed away in the back of her mind. Now she could no longer ignore it. “You know, I’ve a bad feeling about this. I know they don’t trust me entirely, so why did they let me come to you? Why aren’t they watching me? I don’t understand why they’ve left us alone.”

“Maybe we’ve got it wrong. Maybe they would be willing to talk.”

She shook her head. “They hate you too much.”

“With good reason.”

Rage flashed through her, sparking her temper. “It’s not a good reason. It makes them as bad as The Order.” The anger drained out of her, and she sighed. “How can things ever change if no one is willing to see past what you are, to
you are?”

“You see me. That’s enough.”

Warmth washed through her at his words. “I hope so.”

Scrambling to her feet, she searched for her clothes, found them scattered on the floor. Tallon’s eyes feasted on her as she dressed, and she paused and flicked a glance down his body. He was growing aroused again, hardening.

She took a step towards him, and he shook his head.

“Don’t come near me, or we might never get out of here,” he muttered.

“Sorry.” She wasn’t sorry though, and a little burst of satisfaction hit her at the knowledge that he still wanted her.

Sitting up, he ran a hand through his hair. He was chanting low, under his breath, and she frowned. “What are you doing?”

He glanced at her. “The mantra.”

“The mantra?”

“The Order teaches it to control our sexual urges.”

“Does it work?”

His smile was rueful. “It used to.”

She watched as he rose, graceful, from the floor. He moved like some jungle cat, the sleek muscles shifting under satin skin.

“Stop looking at me like that,” he muttered.

“Like what?”

“Hungry,” he said, picking up his pants and tugging them on.

Shayla grinned. “Starving, actually.”

But she finished pulling on her clothes. When she looked back, Tallon was also dressed.

“Let’s go find my staff.”

Shayla leaned down to pick up her cloak. She opened her mouth to speak but at that moment, Tallon cried out and collapsed to his knees beside her.



Chapter Seven



Shayla whirled around.

Rachel stood in the open doorway, a Taser clutched in her hand. It was attached to Tallon by two long, thin wires. Behind her were three more Witches, all armed. Shayla searched their faces, but their blank expressions gave her no hope.

Beside her, Tallon was fighting for control. He overcame the pain by force of will and dragged himself up from his knees. He reached around, his hand clutching for the barbs embedded in his flesh and jerked them free.

Rachel stepped into the room. She dropped the Taser and drew another weapon, sleek and black, and Shayla sensed at a glance that it was deadly.

“I told them you were not to be trusted,” Rachel said. “That given the chance you would side with the Warlock. That you’d bring death to us all.”

“You’re wrong,” Shayla said, urgently. “I just want to return to Arroway. Tallon is helping me.”

But Rachel wasn’t listening. She was staring at Tallon, her face a mask of loathing, her eyes gleaming with madness. “Cassandra was a fool not to kill him as soon as we saw what he was. But that can soon be put right. He dies now.”

She raised the weapon until it pointed straight at Tallon’s chest. There was grim determination in her expression, and Shayla realized nothing she said would sway the other woman from her course.

It was as if time stood still. Shayla’s whole being was focused on the weapon aimed at Tallon. There was no way she could reach Rachel in time. She searched, her mind frantic for some way to stop her, but her brain remained stubbornly blank.

Frustration clawed at her. Why couldn’t she call her magic when she needed it the most? What use was it? They were threatening Tallon, and she was powerless. At the thought, her fury flared into life, swift and savage, awakening something deep within her in that secret place where her magic slumbered. She sensed it stirring sleepily, unfurling, stretching, and she knew then that she had the power to stop them. If she wished, she had the power to bathe the world in their blood. Destroy them all.

Without thinking, she brought her wrist to her mouth and bit down. Her magic rose to the surface as the blood flowed, dripping crimson to the floor. She started to chant a spell, not knowing where the words came from. Not caring. All that mattered was saving Tallon.

The room was fading, her vision tinged with red as though viewed through a veil of blood. The power was building, pressing down, needing some sort of release, and a wild exhilaration filled her. Now, she knew how the Witch, Casterix, must have felt all those years ago—capable of annihilating the world and all her enemies. Shayla would destroy them all.

“Shayla! No!”

Tallon’s voice. Urgent. Calling to her.

She tried to ignore it, but it came again, loud, insistent. She paused, dredged herself up from that place deep within her mind. Her vision cleared slightly. It had been mere seconds. Nothing had changed. Rachel might have hesitated, but the weapon was still aimed at Tallon. He paid it no heed, his whole attention on Shayla.

“You can’t do this,” he said slowly, each word distinct. “You cannot use your power to destroy.”

She shook her head. “I can’t let them kill you.” Didn’t he understand that?

His gaze was intent on her. “If you save me this way, you become the very thing that I hunted.”

As the words reached her, the truth of them seeped into her soul. She fought for control, dragged herself back from the brink. She gripped her wrist and stopped the flow of blood. The power ebbed from her. Her legs collapsed, and she fell to her knees.

Shayla raised her head and looked up into Tallon’s face. He smiled—his pride in her clear. Then the smile faded, and regret for what they would now never have together darkened his eyes. But they held no fear.

“Find a way home, Shayla,” he said. “Save Arroway.”

She nodded once, her gaze never leaving his as the tears welled over and slipped down her cheek. She watched in silence as Rachel’s finger tightened on the weapon.

“Rachel, stop!”

The voice came from behind, and Shayla whirled around to see Cassandra standing in the doorway, Tallon’s staff clenched in her fist. She muttered a word and the weapon flew from Rachel’s hand and crashed to the floor.

“Why?” Rachel muttered, her expression bewildered. “He needs to die. He has to die for what they have done.”

Cassandra shook her head. “Take her.”

Rachel’s shoulders drooped, but she didn’t fight as the others led her away.

Shayla rose unsteadily to her feet. Crossing to where Tallon stood, she wrapped her arms around his middle, buried her face in his chest, and held on tight. She’d been so close to losing him, and shivers ran through her body.

Finally, she took a deep, steadying breath and pulled back. She glanced across at Cassandra warily, not understanding why the other woman had helped them, then turned her attention to Tallon. His hungry expression was fixed on his staff.

Cassandra held it out. “Take it. You’ll need it.”

He stepped forward and took it from her. Shayla could see the power flow through him. Stepping towards her, he reached out, and stroked a finger down her face.

“Are you all right?”

She nodded then turned to Cassandra. “Why?”

“Later. We need to get out of here now. I don’t think there will be trouble but I’d rather not risk it.”

They followed her through the building, down underground to where the vehicles were parked. Cassandra opened the back door to a one. “Get inside.”

Shayla climbed in, followed by Tallon, who was silent but he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on to his lap. He picked up her wrist and kissed where she had bitten. The wound was already healing.

They drove until the buildings and bright lights of the city streets gave way to darkness. Shayla curled herself into a ball and held on tight to Tallon. She couldn’t believe how close she had come to losing him, or how close she had come to destroying the world. Fear still gnawed at her mind. But the fear was tinged with awe for all she was capable of, and if she concentrated, she could still feel the magic inside her, slumbering once more, but ready to wake to her call.

Finally, Cassandra slowed the vehicle and pulled up at the side of the track. She got out and opened the back door. “Come on, we need to talk.”

Shayla scrambled out. In the dim light, she recognized the place from yesterday. Talon jumped out behind her, and they stood in the glow spilling from the van.

“So, have you worked it out, Warlock?” Cassandra asked.

“I think so.” Tallon examined her then switched his gaze to Shayla. “Do you know why The Order was so intent on your death? Why they thought you so dangerous?”


“It was when the stories of a Witch with the moon’s mark reached them.” He stroked a finger over the Witches’ mark on her cheek. “Do you know what it means?”


“It’s a sign of strength.” Cassandra spoke, her tone devoid of expression. “Only the most powerful of Witches are so marked.”

Tallon swung around to face her. “And do you know who the last known Witch was, who carried the mark?”

“You know I do,” Cassandra replied. “How did you guess?”

Shayla’s gaze shifted between the two of them. “Guess what?” she asked.

“The last Witch to bear the mark was Casterix,” Tallon said. “Do you recognize the name?”

Shayla nodded. “The Witch who nearly destroyed Arroway. The reason for the Laws of Segregation.”

Cassandra reached up and stroked a finger over the small scar on her right cheek. “I cut it out. I hated that mark.”

Shayla stared at her. “You’re Casterix?”

Cassandra nodded.

Shayla’s mind reeled. “What? You’ve lived on Earth all this time?”

“Over a thousand years. The lifespan of a Witch or Warlock is defined by their power, and I’m very powerful.”

“And all that time you knew what was happening on Arroway? What your actions had brought about?”

Cassandra flashed her look of annoyance. “I did what I could. The Witches that were left, I helped across. I didn’t have the power to return.”

“Why did you do it?”

“Why did I attempt to destroy the world?” She turned away from them for a moment, and when she looked back, her eyes were dark with old memories. “I was mad with grief. They killed my Mate. I wanted revenge. They thought they had rendered me powerless, and I proved them wrong.”

“And have regretted it every day since.” Tallon spoke softly, and Cassandra laughed, but the sound was bitter.

“Maybe not every day, but near enough.”

“Why did they kill your Mate?”

“Even back then, The Order was afraid of the power of the Witches. When the mark became clear they wanted to control me. I had already chosen my Mate, but Callum was not a favorite of The Order. He spoke out against their ways. They feared what he would do with my added strength beside him, so they killed him.” She gritted her teeth, her gaze fierce. “I would have destroyed them all. I nearly did. Afterwards I fled here, and here I’ve been ever since. I’ve done what I can to help others come across but I cannot go back. Now you’ve made me see that it’s not enough.”

“So, will you help us?”

She gave a brief nod. “I’ll do what I can. When you have found your mother, return here, and we will see what can be done. At least I can see to your training, ensure you don’t have to bleed to use your magic. Now, let me explain the spell to get you back and the one to return.” She spoke quickly, and Tallon nodded.

“Take the path up the hill. The center of the stones is where the veil between the worlds is weakest.” She reached across and kissed Shayla on the cheek. “You have been given your powers for a reason. Use them better than I did. Good luck.”

They watched the lights from the vehicle disappear into the distance, then headed up the steep hill. The moon hadn’t yet risen and the darkness was almost complete. Only some inner instinct kept them on the right track.

The night was warm, but Shayla shivered. She was filled with doubt and dread clawed at her insides. Was her mother still alive? Was she taking Tallon into certain death? Was she strong enough to go on, to not give in to despair as Cassandra had?

As if sensing her fears, Tallon took her hand, and a measure of calm flowed through her, but still couldn’t rid herself of the misgivings that besieged her mind.

The full moon rose as they entered the stone circle, bathing them in its silver light. Tallon grasped her shoulders. As his eyes swept over her, they softened, filled with an emotion that made her tremble. He tugged her towards him, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. Shayla was overwhelmed by a sense of rightness, and she gave herself up to the sensations that swept through her, a tidal wave of feeling that washed away the doubts.

Tallon stepped back, removed her clothes, and lowered her to the soft grass. She lay and watched as he stripped his own clothes and came down over her.

He held his powerful body poised above her, and she reached up and stroked his face.

“Tallon, I choose you.”

He smiled. “Good, because it’s too late for anything else.” He leant towards her and kissed her. “I love you,” he murmured against her mouth, and the last of her fear vanished into the night.

She knew there was a struggle ahead, but it was a struggle she would make with Tallon. And they would not fail. Together they were far stronger than apart.

She opened to him, gasped as his body pierced her own, and for a short while, she forgot everything in the savage beauty of his lovemaking.

Sometime later, they stood side by side at the center of the stone circle. Tallon’s hand gripped hers as he raised his staff and started the spell that would take them home together.

BOOK: Chosen
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