Chompin' at the Bit (Horse Play #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Chompin' at the Bit (Horse Play #2)
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ere you go,” I said, coming up behind Madison as she sat at our table in the hall. I set her third glass of wine down in front of her. Dinner had just ended, and the DJ was gearing up for Kyle and Lilah’s first dance as a married couple.

“Thanks,” she whispered, shifting toward me as I sat next to her.

“Are you having a good time?” I asked, really hoping that Kaylie being here wasn’t upsetting her. She
to be doing okay, but Madison always had a way of guarding herself and pretending everything was fine.

She nodded, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. “I really am. I thought things would be awkward, but I think everything is going well.”

“My family seems quite taken with you,” I said, unable to contain my smile.

She nodded. “They’re great. I’m glad Lilah seems at ease around me now.”

“Speaking of …” I said, still curious as to how that happened, and cocked an eyebrow inquisitively. “Monique Lhullier?”

Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she blushed furiously. “I took a picture and sent it to Willow.”

“I knew it.”

She laughed, bringing her glass to her lips and taking a swill of it. Once she swallowed she continued. “I was willing to try anything, short of selling my soul, to get your sister to like me. And the dress looked like the perfect icebreaker. Willow was beyond jealous that I was seeing a Monique Lhullier dress in person. She’s pretty nuts.”

“Well, Lilah seemed receptive to your efforts, so I’d say your idea was genius,” I complimented.

Taking another sip of her wine, she shrugged. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised,” she said, feigning pompousness before erupting into a giggle.

Laughing with her, I leaned forward and kissed her softly before capturing her gaze and pulling back. “So, are you going to dance with me tonight?”

“I told you I don’t dance,” she replied seriously.

Arching an eyebrow, I glanced down at her wine and challenged her admission. “Unless you’re drunk,” I countered, reminding her of her words from a week ago when I caught her dancing with abandon in the living room. I knew she was already starting to feel the effects of the wine; she wasn’t drunk, but the blush that filled her cheeks would indicate she was well on her way.

“Hmm, good point … However,” she whispered, leaning in extra close, her lips brushing my right ear lobe. “If I were to get
drunk, there’s a good chance I won’t be up for whatever it is you have planned for later.”

“Well, in that case,” I said, pulling back and taking her glass from her hands before drinking the rest of her wine.

Her eyes widened, watching in disbelief as I polished it off and set the empty glass on the table. She had just opened her mouth to say something that was sure to be snarky—it was one of the things I loved most about her—but was interrupted by the booming voice of the DJ.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to … Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and Lilah Lewis!” The room exploded in applause and everyone stood as they watched Lilah and Kyle walk back into the room for their first dance. A soft melody floated through the room as Kyle pulled Lilah into his arms, and they were both beaming from ear to ear during their entire first dance.

Across the room, I spotted Kaylie on the edge of the dance floor. She raised her champagne flute in a silent salute to me, and I rolled my eyes, bringing my attention back to Madison. She watched, completely enraptured, as Kyle spun Lilah around on the dance floor and sighed as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

Cameras flashed all around the room as the song came to a close and Kyle cradled Lilah’s face and kissed her tenderly.

“Okay, ladies and gents,” the DJ announced as the song slowly morphed into one I recognized. “The bride and groom would like you all to join them on the dance floor before we kick this party off right!”

I kissed Madison atop her head as it remained on my shoulder. “Dance with me?”

She giggled softly. “I told you, I can’t dance … especially in these shoes. And you drank all my wine.”

A slow song started playing, and Madison looked a little wistful as she listened to the lyrics. Shifting slightly in my seat, she was forced to raise her head. “Dance with me?” I repeated, dropping to my knees before her. Her eyes fluttered, and she gasped when my hands found the back of her right calf and trailed down to her ankle. I lifted her foot off the floor and slipped her sexy heel off before moving over to the other and doing the same thing.

“Jensen, what are you—”

Cutting her off before she could finish her question, I repeated, “Dance with me.” That time it wasn’t a question. I put her shoes under our table, took her hands in mine and stood up. Even though she still hadn’t given me an answer, I pulled her to her feet and walked backward to the dance floor, forcing her to come with me.

“I can’t—”

Before she told me again that she couldn’t dance, I wrapped my right arm around her waist and took her right hand in my left. Then I lifted her slightly until she stood on the toes of my black shoes, and slowly, I began to move my feet back and forth, dancing softly to the rhythm of the music.

“Well, what do you know,” I said playfully, pulling our joined hands between us and placing them over my heart. “You

 “Who knew,” she quipped back, tightening her grip on my shoulder as I flattened her hand between mine and my chest. “Thank you for asking me to come with you. I’m having a great time. Even if we have yet to …”

Her words trailed off as the music played on around us, and we continued to sway simply within a couple feet of the wooden dance floor. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.” I told her, smiling and pulling her body impossibly closer to mine.

As the music began to fade, I lowered my face to hers at the same time she raised herself up onto the tips of her toes, and our lips united in a tender kiss. There was something about this kiss that seemed different than all the others. I couldn’t quite place it, but a shiver worked its way down my spine when Madison’s left hand found its way to the nape of my neck, teasing and twirling the short hair there.

 “Okay!” the DJ’s voice said loudly through the sound system, pulling Madison and me from our own little world. Loud dance beats filled the room, and hoots and hollers could be heard over the bass that vibrated through the walls and floorboards beneath us. “It’s time to kick this party up a notch!”

“How about another drink?” I asked loud enough for Madison to hear me. She nodded, stepping down off my feet and taking my hand in hers as I led her back to our table. “Okay, you stay here and I’ll be right back. Wine?”

“That would be great,” she replied, her eyes following me as I backed away and made my way for the bar.

The line was longer than I expected and was moving pretty slowly since there was only one bartender. As I waited, my eyes scanned the room to find Kyle and Lilah in the middle of the dance floor with Gavin and Bethany, dancing up a storm. Suddenly, they all looked in the same direction before Lilah pulled Kyle toward her and pointed across the room—at Madison. Kyle grinned from ear to ear and ran across the dance floor to where I left Madison and grabbed her hands.

Smiling, she shook her head furiously, and her pink cheeks deepened in hue as she tried to refuse him. She even pointed to me standing here as if trying to tell Kyle I would be back soon. If I knew Kyle, though, he would have none of it. Eventually, he got her out there.

She was still barefoot as Lilah took one of her hands and started dancing with her. They both started laughing and hopping around to the beat of the music. There was only one other time I ever saw Madison dance like that—and she didn’t know I was watching at first.

Finally, I made it to the front of the line and ordered myself a beer as well as Madison’s wine before making my way back to the table. On my way, I passed the DJ’s table, and I leaned in to ask for a very specific request. He looked at me strangely for a minute, but nodded once he located the song I wanted him to play. After thanking him, I found my seat and sipped my beer while I watched Madison move on the dance floor.

“Hmmm,” a familiar voice hummed behind me.

I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was; the hairs standing on the back of my neck from her ice-cold energy was more than enough of an indication. “What do you want?” I demanded snidely, refusing to acknowledge her with a glance. Instead, I focused on Madison.

“Ever since last night, I can’t help but wonder what it is you see in her,” Kaylie commented, pulling her chair closer to me until I could see her through my periphery.

“I don’t see how my relationship concerns you,” I snarled, pulling my beer to my lips again and smiling when Madison turned around and saw me. I knew she saw Kaylie the minute her eyes narrowed, but she quickly let the emotion pass.

“Jensen we both know that what you have with her can’t possibly be real.” Kaylie laughed, and I found myself biting my tongue before I said something to her that I knew would cause a scene. “I mean, her accent is charming and all, but … look at her.”

What was it she expected me to see? Because all I saw was my girl having the time of her life … with my family.

I paused for half a second when I realized I’d considered her “my girl.” It was the first time I’d thought of her as mine. What we were doing—or planned to do was just supposed to be casual. When did that change?

“The two of you come from different worlds, Jensen. You have nothing in common. Before your little stint in prison, you’d been places and done things that others could only dream of doing and she’s … Well, she’s so …
.” She pronounced the word as though it left a sour taste on her tongue, and I felt my earlier rage return and boil like lava under my skin.

I tried to keep my wits about me, taking another drink of my beer before setting it down and smirking at her. “Well, Kaylie …” I stood up fluidly and arched an eyebrow at her. “We can’t all be born with sticks up our asses, now can we?”

Satisfied with Kaylie’s jaw dropping to the floor at my retort, I turned and walked away from my past to go find Madison. My present, and hopefully, if my revelation didn’t spook her, my

Apparently my timing was impeccable, because as soon as I stepped onto the dance floor, the music changed into the request I made. I smiled wickedly, waiting to see Madison’s reaction to the song. She didn’t disappoint. As soon as she recognized it, she quickly turned to find me standing less than a foot away from her.

She closed the gap between us and smirked. “I don’t suppose this is a coincidence?” she asked, arching an eyebrow at me in question as “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”
began. It took me back to the night of our first official date, and I grinned at her.

 “Not entirely,” I said to her in response, chuckling as I moved another small step toward her. “Dance with me?”

Madison shook her head sadly and shrugged, taking a step back and eyeing me coyly. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

With rosy cheeks and eyes alight with glee, she just held her finger up toward the roof as the chorus played and giggled. “Because I wanna dance with somebody who loves me,” she said, cockily paraphrasing the song.

In less than a second, I had closed the gap between us, my heart pounding in my chest so frantically I thought I might have to be revived if I didn’t get it under control. Her breath shuddered as I wrapped my arms around her and lowered my face to hers. Not sure what to expect, her eyes drifted from mine to my mouth as her tongue peeked out to moisten her bottom lip.

Brushing the tip of her nose with mine, I moved and placed a feather-light kiss upon her lips before capturing her stunning eyes again. “What if you would be?” I whispered.

She inhaled sharply, her eyes glistening slightly as they darted between mine in disbelief, and she pulled back. “Wha-what?”

“I love you, Madison.”

She didn’t return the sentiment, her wide hazel eyes flitting between mine. I’d spooked her. I considered trying to take it back, but then realized I didn’t want to.

“I know we agreed that this would be casual, and I tried to keep it from happening, but, Madi—”

She didn’t let me finish, pressing her lips to mine firmly. Once my own shock lifted, I moved a hand up to cradle her face, and when my thumb brushed her cheek, I felt a tear. I brushed it away as I pulled my lips from hers, and she moved her face into my hand, placing a kiss on my palm before bringing her eyes back to me. “I love you too, Jensen.”

In a moment that can only be described as the most perfect one I’d ever experienced, our lips collided passionately, and the rest of the world fell away. My arms moved down her body to encircle her waist, and I lifted her until our faces were level.

Madison pulled her face back, panting lightly. “Do you think anyone would notice if we disappeared?”

“I don’t know that I’ll care if they do,” I told her honestly, setting her back on her feet and taking her hand in mine.

We made a quick stop at the table where Madison scooped up her purse, and I snatched her shoes before we rushed out of the room, the anticipation for what would finally happen tonight fuelling us. Out in the hall, guests had gathered, probably in an effort to escape the loud music so they could talk at a comfortable level. Thankfully no one tried to stop us as we continued on our way to the elevator.

Madison’s hand trembled in mine as we waited for the doors to open, but when I looked down at her, I was met with nothing but a wide smile and pink cheeks. A low
sounded through the hall, and I gave Madison’s hand a light squeeze as the doors opened. It was unfortunate that there were several hotel patrons inside; I was quite looking forward to ravishing Madison—just a little. Instead, I controlled my primal urges and guided her inside the elevator, positioning us back against the wall.

“Nine, please?” I requested since there were several people blocking the buttons.

It didn’t escape my notice, or surprise me when a few of the men’s eyes followed her. In an act that proved to be a touch possessive, I released her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist, securely tucking her into my side. Thankfully she didn’t seem to mind as she returned the gesture in kind and wrapped her arm around me. Sharp, pleasurable jolts of energy shot through me as she started moving her hand down my back before slipping it up under my suit jacket. Her fingers trailed along the waist of my pants before trailing lazily up my spine, and soon my hand was mirroring hers, occasionally tickling the bare skin above her dress before tracing the zipper down over her ass. 

BOOK: Chompin' at the Bit (Horse Play #2)
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