Read Champagne Deception Online

Authors: Anisa Claire West

Champagne Deception (7 page)

BOOK: Champagne Deception
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With a sinking heart, she put the paintbrush down and held her breath while listening to the footsteps.  She dared not look behind her for fear of coming face to face once again with the
crazy janitor.  In a flash of time, the footsteps were behind her, walking through the door as a figure hovered over her.  Coretta gasped in terror as two large hands closed over her shoulders.

Chapter Six


“I see you’ve found the annex.  I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to show
it to you yesterday.” Lorenzo’s rich voice came from behind as he gently massaged her shoulders.

Whirling around to gaze up at him, she burst out, “You scared me!  I thought you were Angelo!”

“Angelo?  Why would he be here?  It’s Sunday.  He won’t be back to clean until tomorrow,” Lorenzo replied, perceiving the fear on her face and stroking her hair soothingly.

Slowly, her heart rate returned to normal as she debated whether to tell
him about how Angelo had indeed returned before his appointed time.  She felt like a scaredy cat for fretting over the incident, but the story did bear repeating.  Lorenzo needed to know that his employee had crossed boundaries.

“Well, he was here yesterday.  He nearly scared me out of my wits.”

“I know, I’m sorry.  He doesn’t make a very good first impression.  He’s eccentric, but harmless.”

Confusion played over her features until the misunderstanding dawned on her. 
“I’m not talking about his first impression! I’m talking about his second impression!  He came back yesterday after you left for Umbria.”

Lorenzo’s eyes narrowed, and he frowned.  “He came back?  But why?”

Coretta shrugged her shoulders helplessly.  “I have no idea why.  I just know that he barged in on me when I was in the main studio.  I asked him what he was doing there, but he wouldn’t say a word. Nothing. He just kept staring at me.” Coretta shivered at the memory of the man’s little black eyes raking up and down her body.

“I’ll have to
talk to him about this,” Lorenzo said tightly.  “I’m so sorry he scared you like that.  His wife died a few years ago, and I know he’s been very lonely, but that’s no excuse for frightening you like that.  And don’t think I didn’t notice how he stared at you when I
there.  I’m really sorry.  It will not happen again.” Lorenzo continued to caress her hair as she melted into his touch, drinking up the tenderness like fresh water.

“I’ll be okay,” Coretta said softly.  “How was your trip?”

“The delivery went fine, but the drive wasn’t very smooth.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the van got a flat tire early on in the trip, so I had to stop on the highway to fix it.  While I was fixing it---“ Lorenzo cut himself off, suddenly feeling foolish for telling Coretta what had transpired.  Just as her fears had eased in the light of day, his perception of the incident was now blurry.  Maybe the car hadn’t been aiming for him.  Maybe it was just a reckless, drunk driver with no intended target.

“What happened while you were fixing it?” Coretta probed.

He hesitated before revealing, “Some crazy driver pulled onto the shoulder and almost hit me, but it’s no big deal.” Lorenzo downplayed what he had been so certain yesterday was attempted murder.

“Oh that’s terrible!  Are you okay?” Coretta stood up and faced him with concern.

“I’m fine.  It’s okay.  I just---“ he hesitated before admitting, “I just thought that maybe it was on purpose.  The driver seemed to be targeting me.”

Coretta took his claim very seriously.  “Maybe it was Angelo!” She cried.

“Oh no, I really don’t think so!  I admit that Angelo is strange, but he’s been working for me since I opened the studio.  He’s a very hard worker.”

Coretta was unconvinced.  “What time did this happen?” She demanded.

“I don’t know exactly.  Late in the day.  Maybe around 4 o’clock,” he estimated.

Coretta frowned.  “Hmm,
I think that was around the time Angelo came back to the studio.  I guess he couldn’t be in two places at once.  Unless he has an evil twin?” She suggested half seriously.

Lorenzo chuckled heartily, exposing his adorable dimples.  “I guess he could have an evil twin---if this were an American soap opera and not real life!”

Coretta laughed at her own silly comment as she admired Lorenzo’s dimpled smile.  “I’m glad you’re back.”

“So am I,” he said huskily, taking a step closer.  “Our reunion has only just begun.  Yesterday was a preview.”

She tilted her head back, silently but powerfully urging him to kiss her.  He opened his arms wide, inviting her into his embrace as they parted lips simultaneously and softly kissed.  Coretta explored his thick, wavy hair with her hands as he delved into the cavern of her mouth, kissing her as tenderly as he had stroked her hair.  Beneath the tenderness flamed a deep passion that compelled him to envelop her more tightly in his embrace.

Abruptly, Lorenzo halted the kiss, not wanting to rush Coretta as his desires
instinctively flared.  He had dabbled in too many casual affairs in his twenties, and he didn’t want to start another one now.  Not with Coretta. 
She’s too special
, he thought as he gazed into her warm brown eyes.  He wanted to get to know her better before diving into the physical dimension of their relationship.

Sensing his hesitation, Coretta pulled back and looked imploringly at him.  “Why did you stop?” She asked, trying valiantly not to reignite the kiss but instead let him take the lead.

“You’ve had a very long 36 hours or so.  I would like to extend the invitation again for you to stay at my house.  I think you’ll find it much more comfortable than the quarters up in the studio,” came his evasive reply.

Recalling the painful mattress and disturbing atmosphere of the studio at night, Coretta did not hesitate to accept his invitation this time.  Besides, she wanted to get closer to him and could think of no better way to do that than
by living in his house…at least for now.  “Yes, I think that’s a great idea.  I’ll stay in your house.”

“Good,” Lorenzo replied.  “I’ll go get your luggage
from the studio.  Then we can hop on my bike and ride there.”

He turned and headed towards the house as she admired his slim hips and linebacker-wide shoulders.  Lorenzo was still being cagey with her, and she didn’t understand why.  They had both revealed their single status, so what was holding him back?  Was it possible that she had uncovered a rare gentleman on the other side of the Atlantic? 
Following him to the studio, she hoped she had finally discovered that Hope Diamond of men who would treat her like a lady.



Lorenzo’s house was an oasis of luxury.  In stark opposition to his littered studio, the house boasted varnished marble floors and designer furniture.  A stunning black Jacuzzi beckoned from the terrace as Coretta imagined Lorenzo soaking in the tub, a frosty glass of champagne at his side.  Lorenzo watched her awed reaction and felt a tinge of embarrassment.  He knew the house was extravagant, and he hoped she didn’t think he was materialistic.

“This is my retreat from the world,” he explained quietly.

“You’re an even more successful artist than I thought!” She blurted out, immediately regretting the gauche comment.  “I mean, your house is beautiful.”

“Thank you.  Make yourself at home here.  I’ll show you to your suite upstairs, and then we can meet down here for dinner after you’ve had time to unwind.”

!” She chirped as he chuckled in reply.

Up the winding staircase, their footsteps echoed through the massive house.  At the top of the staircase, Lorenzo turned left and led her to the end of the
corridor where a complex suite of rooms awaited.  As they walked, Coretta admired the paintings that adorned almost every inch of the corridor’s walls.  Paintings by prominent French artists like Gauguin brightened up the hallway, and Coretta wondered if any of them were originals.  Lorenzo certainly seemed wealthy enough to afford an original painting rather than a reproduced print.  But she remained mum, not wanting to repeat her
faux pas
from earlier when her jaw had practically crashed to the floor upon viewing the stately size of the man’s house.

“This is the guest suite.” He opened the door, unveiling a trio of spacious, immaculately kept rooms.  “I admit that I don’t clean this place myself.  I have a professional do it.” Coretta’s face instantly darkened in alarm as he assured quickly, “But it’s not Angelo!  I have a maid who keeps the place clean.”

Coretta smiled in relief before surveying the deluxe suite where she would be staying.  The bedroom featured a king size canopy bed, wardrobe, and mini bar. 
It’s like a 5-star hotel
, she thought in amazement.  A fully furnished living room was separated by an elegant Japanese screen shaded in colorful patterns of lanterns and calligraphy.  Not surprisingly, the bathroom was luxurious too with another Jacuzzi and a shower.

Following her gaze, Lorenzo grinned.  “The shower is all yours. It has raindrop and waterf
all settings, so take your pick and enjoy.”  Setting her suitcases down at the edge of the bed, he nodded amiably in her direction before disappearing down the corridor.

Frowning as she watched him go, Coretta tried no
t to analyze his every movement as she was bound to do on the heels of such an awful relationship.  Making her mind a blank canvas, she headed directly for the shower, excitedly turning on the water to full pressure and stripping down quickly.

As the hot water
cascaded over her aching muscles, she whispered, “Things are going to get better now.”



Three hours later, the moody sounds of a jazz record
awakened her from an extended nap.  Emerging from her suite, she peered down from the top of the staircase.  In the living room, Lorenzo sat in a leather armchair, sipping a glass of champagne and tapping his toes to a George Benson classic.

“George Benson is one of my favorite musicians,” Coretta commented as she glided down the stairs.

Lorenzo glanced up at her appreciatively.  “Mine too.  So, Sleeping Beauty, are you refreshed enough to eat dinner now?”

I’m more than ready,” she replied eagerly.

“Why don’t we go out on the terrace and have a glass of wine before dinner?” Lorenzo suggested, placing a hand on the small of her back and guiding her down yet another long corridor.  Turning the music up louder, he escorted her onto the terrace that overlooked a
small vineyard in his backyard.

“Do you make your own wine?” She inquired.

“Sometimes.  And sometimes I sell the wine grapes.  Speaking of wine, let me go get us a nice bottle.”

Lorenzo slipped back inside and returned with a vintage bottle of Chianti Classico, which he poured generously into red wine glasses.  As he handed her the
wine, he wore a look of discomfiture on his features.  Tapping his glass against hers for a wordless toast, he sipped deeply of the wine, avoiding her eyes.

Misunderstanding his emotions, Coretta said, “I’m sorry about the comment I made
before that alluded to your, um, wealth.  This house is just so beautiful, it took me by surprise.  It’s more of a villa than a house, really.”

“Oh no, I
wasn’t offended at all.  I just don’t want you to think less of me for having so much, if that makes sense.  It’s not so long ago that I was a starving artist myself, like you were back in New York.”

“Like I still am here in Milan!” She corrected laughingly.

Lorenzo smirked secretively.  “Not for long, Coretta.  Tomorrow, I’m going to take you to the gallery I selected for our artwork.  I think you’re going to love it.  And I hope to have everything set up for grand opening in a few weeks.  When will your paintings be arriving from the States?”

“I had them shipped to a storage center nearby, and I guess they would be arriving sometime this week.  I sent
about two dozen of my paintings, but the rest are still in New York.” She frowned, remembering the apartment she had abandoned and how she still needed to contact her family to close it up for her.

“That’s great!  Two dozen
of your beautiful paintings would be more than enough for us to start with,” Lorenzo replied enthusiastically, topping off their wine glasses.

Coretta finished her second glass of Chianti Classico as
the sun dipped over the horizon and a palette of soft colors enveloped the villa.  The two stood for long moments gazing into each other’s eyes after the wine had been drunk.  Coretta’s raw instinct was to join Lorenzo in his sleeping chamber tonight, but she knew it was too soon.  Still, a part of her desired to shed those archaic rules that label men as predators and women as prey.  Maybe she didn’t want to be hunted.  Maybe she just wanted to lose herself in the gorgeous Italian’s kiss and not resurface ever again…

Chapter Seven


The doorbell chimed from the other end of the villa, interrupting the intimacy that was unfolding on the terrace.  Lorenzo smiled, knowing who was at the door.  Mischievously, he held up his index finger in a gesture that said ‘just a moment.’  He hurried to answer the door and returned with two large plastic bags with steam escaping from the top.

BOOK: Champagne Deception
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