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Authors: Elizabeth Nelson

Tags: #Romance

Cautious (2 page)

BOOK: Cautious
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"I didn't get a chance to go shopping." Misty turned off the television and stood. "If you want to take me now I'll make my famous quesadillas."

"Only if you buy mint chocolate chip ice cream for later."

"Deal," Misty said with a laugh.



The drive to the supermarket was silent. Misty knew there was something bothering her sister because Amanda never willingly spent time with Misty. But, Amanda showed no signs of wanting to talk about it or bond in anyway so Misty did what she always did—she bit her tongue and remained quiet. Regardless of what was going on, Misty was happy to have her sister here with her. It was nice not to be alone. And no matter what Amanda said, Misty was pleased with her decision to move to Enbridge Falls. It was a beautiful coastal town in California with lush green grass, crystal clear blue waters, and blossoming flowers that smelled fantastic. Enbridge Falls was a hundred times better than her hometown of Carnegie, Arizona.

"We're here," Amanda announced as she pulled into a parking spot and killed the engine. "I'll get the snacks while you get whatever it is you need."

"How long are you planning on staying?" Misty asked while they walked into the store. "Not that I mind. You can stay as long as you want. I just want to know how much food to buy."

Amanda shrugged. "I don't know. For however long you need me to I guess."

Technically Misty didn't need her to stay at all, but she wasn't about to say that. Instead, she got a shopping cart and headed toward the fresh produce section while Amanda veered off toward the freezer section. "Oh, hey, Mandy!" Misty shouted. "Grab some cool whip will ya?" Amanda nodded. Misty smiled and went about picking out some tomatoes, a head of lettuce, onions, and avocados. She pushed her cart down the aisle, eyeing the pineapple, not paying attention to where she was going when she rammed into something.

"Ouch," he said rubbing the back of his leg.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," Misty said cupping her hand over her mouth and her eyes widening. "I wasn't paying attention…" her voice trailed off when she realized who she'd just run into: Aaron Price.

"It's okay," he said with a smile.  "Hey, don't I know you?"

Her heart rate spiked. Was it possible? Did he remember her? "I'm Misty. You pulled me out of my car last night."

Aaron snapped his fingers. "That'
s right. Blue Mazda upside down in the field. I thought you looked familiar."

She laughed. "Wow. You've got a good memory."

"I never forget a beautiful woman." He smiled again and Misty's heart rate went through the roof. He was much sexier in person. His body was lean and muscular, his arms strong and powerful, making her wonder just how good they'd feel wrapped around her. Sandy blond hair fell across his forehead and curled around his ears. Sapphire blue eyes stared at her through thick, dark lashes. "I'm Aaron, by the way," he said.

"Yes, I remember," she said suddenly feeling very shy and self-conscious. This man standing in front of her was a real-life Adonis, God's greatest creation.

"How're you feeling? You were really out of it when the medics loaded you into the ambulance."

"I'm okay, just some bumps and bruises. Nothing serious. I guess I was one of the lucky ones."

"I'm glad to hear it."

Misty knew she was staring, but she couldn't help herself. Everyth
ing about Aaron was incredible from his strong physique and his dazzling smile to his sparkling blue eyes. The brusqueness of his voice sent shivers down her spine, culminating in a pool of lust so deep she was afraid she'd drown in it. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to join her for dinner when Amanda rounded the corner, her arms full of snacks.

"You're still here? I figured you'd be done by now," Amanda said, dumping the food from her arms into the cart.

"Amanda, this is Aaron, the gentleman who rescued me last night," Misty said with a nod in his direction. "Aaron, this is my sister Amanda."

"Nice to meet you," Aaron said.

Amanda took his proffered hand and for a brief second Misty was jealous of her sister and the physical contact she had with Aaron. "Likewise," Amanda said. "And thanks for saving my baby sister. She always did like to get herself into trouble."

Misty silently groaned. Leave it to her sister to say something as mortifying as that. Aaron laughed and Misty felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
She wished she could disappear.

"It was no problem. I like it when I get to rescue a beautiful woman in distress." Aaron winked at Misty.

"Thank you," Misty said.

"Well, you ladies have a nice evening," Aaron said before walking away.

Misty let out the breath she'd been holding. The view of him walking away was almost as good as the view from the front. His jeans hugged his massive thighs and legs, and lifted his ass into a tantalizing temptation. He had a confident, borderline arrogant, stride that oozed sex appeal. Wow. He'd called her beautiful twice and still she hadn't been able to gather the courage to ask him to dinner. She was pathetic. Besides, a man like him was probably married or at the very least in a serious relationship.  

"You should've invited him to dinner," Amanda said.

"I know," Misty said with a groan. "I totally freaked out."

"That's an understatement." Amanda laughed. "Come on, let's finish shopping so we can get back to your apartment and you can cook for me."

Misty shook her head despite the smile that she was fighting to contain. What was up with Amanda? She'd always been very careful of how much she ate and now it seemed as though food was all she could think about.


"I can't believe you caught the stove on fire," Amanda said, coughing and opening every single window in the apartment.

"It's not like I did it on purpose," Misty snapped as she waited for her landlord to arrive.
He'd been less than pleased when she'd called to tell him what happened. She'd been renting this apartment for less than a month and she'd nearly burnt the whole building down. It'd be a small miracle if Mr. Terrell didn't kick her out on the street. That would be a nightmare. She'd have no choice but to move back home if that happened.

"Dinner's ruined. We'll have to order pizza or something now," Amanda whined.

"That's all you've talked about all day. What's gotten into you, Mandy?" A knock on the door stopped Misty from getting a response that she really wanted. She went to the door and swung it open. "Hello, Mr. Terrell."

"Miss Bauer," he said stepping inside. "So, what happened?"

"I really don’t know. I was browning some chicken on the stove and I turned away for a second to get some butter from the refrigerator. When I turned back around the stove was in flames."

"I've called my step-son who works at the fire department to come check things out. There was a similar incident in an upstairs apartment last week. I think the stoves might be defective."

Misty was relieved. If the stoves were in fact defective then that meant it wasn't her fault and the likelihood of being evicted was dramatically decreased. Although, it was a bit irritating that her landlord had knowledge of defective stoves in the apartments and didn't bother to warn any of the tenants. There was another knock on the door. Misty went to answer it and nearly died when she saw who it was.

"Hello again," Aaron said.

"Uh, hi," Misty said, her voice laced with shock. She stepped aside so he could enter. Aaron was Mr. Terrell's step-son? What were the chances?

"Hey, Dad," Aaron said walking toward the stove. "What happened?"

Misty watched with disbelief as Aaron and Mr. Terrell discussed the fire and the faulty stove. She felt like she was living in some parallel universe or something. Things like this didn't happen in real life. Sexy, buff fireman didn't save your life then call you beautiful after you hit them with a shopping cart only to answer a fire call at your apartment. What the hell was going on?

"I'll be in contact with the manufacturer and we'll have a new stove in here for you tomorrow," Mr. Terrell said before leaving the apartment.

Aaron was leaning against the counter near the stove with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked mouthwateringly seductive with that disarming smile he wore. "I'm beginning to wonder if you have a death wish."

"Excuse me?" Think, damn it, think! Stop focusing on how hot he is and try to focus on what he's saying.

"First the car crash and now an exploding stove."

Misty laughed. "The stove didn't explode."

"No, but if you'd been standing in front of it when the fire erupted you'd be on your way to the hospital again."

"Yeah, I guess my luck these past two days has been less than stellar." She tucked her hands into her back pockets and rocked on her heels. Normally she wasn't so nervous around men, but there was something about Aaron that she found excitingly unsettling.

"Well," he said pushing off the counter and sauntering toward her with that same sexy confidence she'd seen in the grocery store earlier. "You got to meet me. I'd say that was pretty lucky."

He came to a stop in front of her, his strong body so close she could almost feel it rubbing against her. She sucked in a breath and held it. The smell of his musky cologne surrounded her, caressing her senses like a well-known lover. God she wanted to touch him, to rub her hands over his chest and down his stomach.

Aaron ever so gently put his hand on her cheek and she thought she was going to faint. "I know I'm lucky to have met you."

Her throat constricted and she wasn't sure she'd be able to speak, but she was going to try. "Yes, I'm definitely lucky in that regard."

He flashed her a smile that could melt a steel pole. "Good. So I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow night then?"


"For dinner. I'll pick you up at seven," he repeated.

She was stunned. "Are you asking me or telling me?" Nothing annoyed her more than a man who tried to boss her around. Richard did that all the time and was
only one of the many reasons she had dumped him.

"Neither," he said placing a soft kiss on her cheek. "I'm simply allowing you to let me take you to dinner as your way of saying thanks for saving your life."

Despite her annoyance, she laughed. "Okay, fair enough."

He straightened. "Good. So seven it is." Without another word, Aaron left. Misty stood, staring at her closed door, too dumbfounded to say or do anything. Her cheek tingled where he'd kissed her and her whole body buzzed to life.
She actually had a date with her sexy fireman.




Aaron was trained to stay calm during stressful situations, to remain cool during life and death scenarios. So, why then, was he so damn nervous about going on a date with Misty? It's not like he hadn't been on hundreds of dates before. Don't be a dipshit, Aaron. You're nervous because she affects you like no other woman ever has. She was beautiful and delicate.  Misty Bauer was a woman who needed a man like him to care for her and that was exactly the type of woman he wanted. He'd never found one before—until now. Aaron was an alpha-male and he made no apologies for it. He thrived on being in control, on being dominant in both work and his personal life.

He took a calming breath and knocked on Misty's door. She answered almost immediately and with the opening of the door, she stole his breath. Dressed in a knee length black dress with matching two inch heels she was a vision. Her long auburn hair hung in loose curls around her shoulders and down her back. One side was pinned up in a flower barrette and her full, luscious lips
glistened with a touch of gloss.

"Hi," she said her voice a breezy whisper that stroked his already raging desire for her.

"Wow. You look great," he said noticing the way her big brown eyes sparkled at his compliment. That made him insanely happy. A woman who could take a compliment was a rare find.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

Aaron glanced down at what he was wearing and chuckled. Black khaki pants, a blue button-up shirt and a black tie. He'd felt like such a girl as he agonized over what to wear. Knowing she approved made it all worthwhile. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yes," she said with a smile.

God her smile was fantastic. He escorted her to his Crystal Red Cadillac Escalade and opened the passenger's side door for her. Once she was safely secured he walked around to the driver's side and got in. He loved this car. It was one of his favorites. The heated leather seats were like goose down feathers on his ass. He wondered what it would feel like to have Misty on his lap, riding him, screaming his name as he sat on these leather seats. His cock thickened with the thought. Not yet, buddy. Soon, though.

"So where are you taking me?"

"To the marina," he said slicing a glance in her direction.

"I didn't realize there were any restaurants near the marina."

"There aren't. I thought we'd have dinner on my boat tonight. Enjoy the evening air and the moonlight."

She jerked her head to look at him, her expression a mixture of shock, awe, and excitement. "I know nothing about you and you want me to go out on a boat with you? Alone?"

BOOK: Cautious
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