Catriona's Golden Angel [Prometheus in Chains 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

BOOK: Catriona's Golden Angel [Prometheus in Chains 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Prometheus in Chains 6

Catriona's Golden Angel

Catriona expects just another night of whips and bondage at the opening night of Prometheus in Chains. Then her blond Angel walks in the door. Tall, slim, and athletic with a luscious body. It is lust at first sight for both of them.

Catriona and Angel meet outside the club, and he woos her. She introduces him to Kinbaku bondage, and in the process they fall deeply in love. Forceful in their private lovemaking, he is still very much her submissive in the club.

His mother dislikes her on sight. Someone is circulating damaging rumours about Catriona. In his public persona of Adrian Webster, Angel discovers who is behind the attempt to damage Catriona and it rocks his world. Will this split them up? He is going to have to make a difficult choice. Ready for a confrontation, instead, she has a surprise in store for him, and a happily ever after.

BDSM, Contemporary

23,227 words



Prometheus in Chains 6






Clair de Lune










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2013 by Clair de Lune

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First E-book Publication: January 2013


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For my friend, Master “K.”



Prometheus in Chains 6



Copyright © 2013






Chapter One


Just another night of whips and bondage, Mistress Catriona thought as she replaced the flogger at her hip.
That’s another satisfied customer, but what of me?
She turned and walked over to the bar to talk to the Dom there. It was the opening night of Prometheus in Chains, and the bar was busy, so she got her water and, leaning her back against the bar, she turned to look at the customers.

She was tall for a woman, at five ten. Her hair was dark chestnut, with red lights in it. It was quite long and straight, falling below shoulder length. Her eyes were large and blue-gray. She had a heart-shaped face, high cheek bones, a determined chin, and rosy cheeks with a dimple when she smiled. Her mouth was wide and generous, with a plump bottom lip. She had a small, straight nose. She was slim and curvaceous with firm, full, DD breasts, with light-brown areolas and nipples. Her skin was warm and creamy. She was dissatisfied with her life, and she knew she’d no right to be.

As the only pro Domme and female rope Top employed in this new, prestigious club, she was at the top of her profession. That was her profession, but her private life was something else. She played with subs, but increasingly, she felt there was something lacking. If she were honest, it was some
lacking. She’d had no romantic interest in her life for ages, and she was frustrated. None of her clients did it for her.

Catriona knew he was
the one
as soon as he walked into the main room of Prometheus in Chains. He was tall, at six two, and bronzed. He didn’t have the fake bronze of a tan or sun bed, but the golden skin of the Mediterranean. He was not overmuscled, but he was hard and firm, with not an ounce of flab anywhere. His shoulders were wide, and his waist and hips were narrow. His stomach was flat and taut. His golden hair was shorter than she liked, but it could be grown. It had a slight hint of a wave already, and, if it was allowed to grow down to his shoulders, it would wave and curl under. She longed to run her fingers through his silken tresses and massage his scalp as he sat at her feet. His eyes, as they turned her way, were hazel with flecks of green. Green and gold was her favourite combination. He had the head and face of a Greek God.

Tonight, in honour of the opening of the club, she wore a new corset in emerald green. Laced tight, it pushed up her firm, generous breasts. She’d been pleased with it when she had bought it, and even more when she put it on. Master Angus’s Curvy Woman always came up trumps. She was a valuable customer and a friend of the owner.

She saw the blond angel’s eyes widen and his nostrils flare as he caught her gaze. Then his eyes dropped. She gave a little crow of laughter. He
a sub. Unfortunately, at the same time, she noticed a tall, thin, bad-tempered-looking Dom take hold of him by the neck and put a collar on him. She didn’t like that. The Dom looked mean, and she disliked him on sight.

Still, if he has the entrée in the club, he must be okay, or is he?
she wondered. The full vetting would only be done for prospective members, and tonight was a one-off, by invitation only, to let those in the know experience the new club. Later, members would apply and be accepted or rejected. Membership was going to be by recommendation. She remembered Prometheus, one of the owners of the club, had said Eric, his Head of Security, would do the investigating. Not much got past Eric. Nevertheless, she decided to keep an eye on that mean Dom. She went over to the house phone and called Eric.

“There’s a beautiful, blond sub here, and he’s with a mean-looking Dom whom I don’t trust. Can you keep an eye on them for me?”

Eric chuckled. “Of course, Catriona, and I have them on camera now. I can see why you don’t like the Dom,” he said.

His chuckle and the phrasing were ambiguous, and she wondered if she didn’t like the Dom because he was with her Angel. She didn’t know his name, but to her, he was her “Angel.” She would always call him that. It was what had come to her mind as she first set eyes on him. She ran the thought over and over in her mind. Maybe there was an element of that, but it wasn’t all bias. She had seen that sort of Dom before, and didn’t trust him. Skating over the “my Angel” that had popped into her mind, she began to circulate. She wanted to meet as many of the prospective members as she could. She was due to put on a display later. That’s what she told herself but, when, for the fourth time, she passed the Dom and “her” Angel, she gave up pretending to herself. Angel looked at her every time she passed him. The look in his eyes was worshipful. The mean Dom had put a leash on him by now, and was towing him around the club. Angel didn’t look happy. There was nothing she could do about it. The Dom had done nothing wrong, and Angel was wearing his collar and a lead, to which he must have consented.

Soon, it was her turn to do the demonstration of Kinbaku. She asked for a volunteer Dom-and-sub pair. To her complete astonishment, the mean Dom came forward with Angel. She explained what she was going to do and asked Angel if he consented.

“He has no choice,” the Dom said.

Catriona was as mad as fire.
Has this idiot never heard of consensual?
She turned pointedly to Angel and asked him again if he consented, holding up her hand for silence, as the Dom was about to answer for him.

“Yes, Mistress,” he said in a low, musical voice, which made her nipples harden and vibrated in her pussy. This was going to be interesting. When the Dom realised Catriona would be doing the rope work, not him, he started to lose interest. He made some remark about female rope Tops, but she ignored him. Better Doms than he had called her skill into question, and she’d shut them up when they saw she was more than just competent. She had been mentored by the very best, Master “K,” and she strove always to be a credit to Him.

She chose her ropes with care, thinking about how she would bind him, what colour to use, and how long a rope to use. “How shall I display him to best advantage?” She wasn’t going to suspend him. She wanted him to move about the club in the rope harness she created for him. She had him strip, and almost gasped at the sight of one of the biggest, most beautiful cocks she’d ever seen in her life. He was very long, but thick, too, and the head of his erect member was dark red, rather than purple. As he took off his thong, his cock sprang to attention, almost reaching his waist. When he turned to place his thong neatly on the floor with the lead, his balls were displayed. They had been waxed or shaven bare, and they were of a size with his cock. Her mouth watered as she thought of licking and sucking them into her mouth.

This was getting her nowhere. She chose the ropes, stilled her mind and her thoughts, then she began to bind him in the intricate pattern she had chosen.

When she taught classes, she’d stop at every stage and explain. Luckily, tonight was a demonstration, so no need to talk. Not that she could have made much sense to anyone, at present. The minute she touched him, she was lost. He kept his eyes lowered, but he couldn’t control the twitch of his cock, as her hands made contact with him. She was wet and aroused, and would need some attention soon. She finished the demonstration. Her plan was that he would keep the ropes on him until later in the evening, when she would take them off. She could have suspended him. He would have made a beautiful subject.
Later there will be time for…but will there
? He already had a Dom. She had to remember that.

BOOK: Catriona's Golden Angel [Prometheus in Chains 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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