Read Cat Groove (Stray Cats) Online

Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #BIN 06884-02217

Cat Groove (Stray Cats) (5 page)

BOOK: Cat Groove (Stray Cats)
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“Both of you?” Jessa blurted. “A ménage?” Wow. She’d never even thought about making love to more than one man at a time… showed how little she knew.

“No -- not that it would be bad.” Hayden shrugged when Penelope gasped. “It wouldn’t. Don’t say you didn’t just imagine being with all three of the guys at one time. It’s natural and since it won’t happen, it’s fine.”

“We’re trying to save them and find our futures, not screw around.” Penelope swatted Hayden’s arm. She turned her attention to Jessa. “We mated with our own shifter. No barriers -- rubbers, emotions, conflicts… anything. Just raw passion unleashed.”

“Whoa.” Jessa sagged against the counter. “Really?”

“Well, she puts it more eloquently than I would.” Hayden shook her head. “But she’s right. He’s meant for you and once you accept him, the possibilities are endless. You’ll save him and I bet he’ll be your salvation, too.” She grabbed Jessa’s hand. “I’m also betting they’re wondering what we’re doing in here. Shall we?”

Jessa allowed her new friends to escort her back to the living room. Her heart beat triple time. Roman wore the new clothes the brothers had given him. The jeans molded to his legs like a second skin and the T-shirt showcased his muscled upper body. He stole her breath.

“What do you think, love?” Roman opened his arms. “Good?”

“Really good.” She held back, but wanted to run to him. “They knew your sizes.” What a ridiculous thing to say. She gritted her teeth to keep from spewing another foolish line.

“I hoped you’d like it.” He stared at her with a goofy smile on his lips. He blushed and the redness drifted up to his ears and down his throat.

“You know… we’ll come back tomorrow.” Joel nudged his brother. “It’s about lunch time and I’m famished.”

“I’m not,” Ascher protested.

Penelope surged across the room. “Yes, you are.” She linked arms with him. “Lunch would be great. We’ll see you tomorrow.” She waved and then steered Ascher to the door. “Later, tater.”

“Good luck.” Hayden and Joel strolled out of the apartment with him in tow, leaving Jessa and Roman alone.

“They’re a font of information, aren’t they?” Roman rested his hands on his hips. “Did they help explain anything?”

“They did,” she confessed. They’d given her almost too much information to understand. “Explained a lot to you, too?”

“Uh-huh.” He bowed his head. “We can dance around this all day, but I don’t want to.” He crossed the room and wrapped her up in his arms. “I understand. I do. This is beyond comprehension, and I’m expecting you to be perfectly accepting of me.” He rested his forehead on hers. “I’m a cat shifter and both my cat and man sides are totally in love with you. I have been since pretty much the day you adopted me. I would love for you to care for me the same way I care about you, but I won’t push you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Love you, Jess.”

She stared at him. After talking to the girls, she realized how precious her cat-man was. He was more than a shifter or a special guy -- he was her pet. He’d been her best friend during break-ups and lonely nights. He sat with her when she stressed over her term papers for school. He’d been her constant. Why in the world would she ever want to push him away?

She didn’t. Was the thing between them love? The feelings were new, but growing. She slipped her hands into his back pockets. “Come with me.” She led him back to the bedroom. “I want to show you how I feel about you.”

“You want me out of these duds already?” He smirked. His erection pressed against the front of his jeans. “It is getting a bit hot in here.”

Jessa palmed the bulge in his pants. “The clothes are nice, but I want the raw, passionate man underneath.”

Chapter Six


Raw, passionate… hell, yeah. Roman strode away from her long enough to lock the apartment door and then hauled her to his chest. He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. Time to make her his mate -- for real.

“Wait.” Jessa wriggled from his arms. She flipped the light switch, bathing the room in a warm yellow glow. “I want to taste you again.” She knelt in front of him and then opened the front of his jeans.

“No, baby.” Roman hauled her up from the floor. She’d been so good to him for the last year. Hell, she completed him. He wanted to please her the way she’d pleased him. He draped her across the bed. “Mine.”

Roman tugged her sleep pants from her legs, revealing her inch by inch. Good goddess, she was beautiful. He sniffed along her inner thigh, then planted his face between her legs. The taste of her cream exploded on his tongue. Spicy, sweet, and so addicting. He flicked his tongue along her pussy lips, exploring her soft skin.

“Roman.” She threaded her fingers into his hair and tugged. His scalp tingled.

“You like?” This was such a great part of the teaching experience. He raked his teeth over the silky skin, then slipped one of his fingers into her channel.

When she bucked and dug her heels into the mattress, he added a second finger and pumped his hand.

“Oh, oh, oh.” She rocked her hips. “Roman. Feels so good.” She shoved her shirt up, exposing her breasts.

He slid his hand along her stomach to her chest. In perfect rhythm with her grinding on his hand, he pinched her nipple.

“Oh, my God.” She shuddered and moaned. Jessa tensed around him. “Roman.” Her entire body shivered. Cream slid over his fingers as she came.

Roman stroked her a couple more times, then removed his fingers. He climbed off the bed in order to remove his clothes. He needed his mate.

“Make love to me, Roman.” She sat up and whipped her shirt up over her head, leaving her nude. Her hair fell in dark waves around her face. Her skin glowed and sweat sparkled on her chest.

“I need to be inside you.” He shrugged out of the new shirt and his pants. No need for finesse. His instincts took over. “Bare. Raw. You and me.”

“Yes.” Jessa’s eyes widened and she reached for him. “Come here.”

He didn’t need the invitation, but he welcomed it. Roman crawled onto the bed and settled between her thighs. In one swift move, he entered her. He groaned. Being one with her was like coming home. Completeness. His teeth ached and his cat growled. He needed to claim his mate.

“Make me yours,” she said and scratched his shoulders. Her nails bit into his skin. The burn spurred him on.

. Roman smiled. There was the voice of the goddess.

“Yes, babe.” Time to give in to the primal need to claim his woman. He buried his teeth in her neck and left his mark.

“Oh, wow.” She relaxed beneath him. “Roman.”

He eased his teeth from her skin, then licked the wound closed. He braced himself on his hands and knees. “Jessa.” He pistoned his hips. Every bit of his restraint snapped. He spilled his seed deep within her pussy.

“Roman. More.” Jessa grasped his arms and ground on his dick. “I’m so close.”

He pumped his legs and filled her. “My mate,” he chanted.

Soon, she shuddered again. “Oh, God.” Jessa slumped beneath him. “You’re definitely a quick learner. I’ll teach you some more pointers, but yeah, you’re good.”

“I can’t wait for everything you can show me.” He pulled out of her and stretched out beside her.

Something behind him clicked. Roman stared at Jessa. The perfect moment faded when the clicking returned. “I swear I’m hearing something.”

Jessa gasped and fumbled for the sheet. “Roman.”

Roman glanced over his shoulder. His blood chilled, and he helped Jessa cover their bodies.

John stood in the doorway, his arms folded “Isn’t that sweet? I caught you at the end of a fuck.” He strode into the room. As he moved, he pulled something from his pocket. The item caught the light and blinded Roman for half a second. He knew what the item was -- a gun.

Roman shielded Jessa with his body. “You don’t have any issues here.”

“Oh?” John leveled the firearm at them. “I have plenty of issues with you. Seems you convinced my girl to dump me.”

“How did you get in here?” Jessa asked. “You gave me the key.”

“Oh, sweetheart. I had two.” John clicked the safety. “I want you to get up, cat boy. Your blood is very important. You’re worth money and I want it.”

Before John could pull the trigger, Roman shifted into his cat form. He leaped across the bed and unleashed his claws on John’s leg. When the man screamed, Roman shifted back to his human form and tackled John.

In the scuffle, John shot.

“Oh, my God,” Jessa screamed.

Roman didn’t bother to look where the shot went. He needed to subdue John. He pinned John to the floor. “Never fuck with a shifter and never, ever try to kill my mate.” He jabbed his elbow into John’s chest. “My blood is worthless now that I’ve taken my mate.” Roman punched with all his might and connected with John’s jaw.

“Yes, apartment thirty-four in the Laubach Building. He’s got a gun.” Jessa clutched her cell phone. “Yes. Shots fired. One.”

Roman braced his knees on either side of John’s hips and kicked the gun away. He didn’t care if he was nude. He’d surrender his life to protect Jessa. Rattling caught his attention. He heard footsteps on the floor.

“I knew you’d be trouble.” The building security guard surged into the bedroom. “Jess, you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Brett.” Jessa covered her nudity with the sheet. “John shot at us.”

“I see that.” He tossed Roman his jeans, then tackled John. “You’re not going anywhere.” He wrenched John’s arms behind his back and snicked cuffs around his wrists. “You’re not going to hurt anyone else.”

Roman stepped into his pants. His blood pressure spiked and his heart beat wildly. Damn. He handed Jessa one of her sleep shirts. He heard more footsteps and the scratch of radio traffic. “Cover up, babe. The cops are here.”

* * *

Jessa hugged her legs and watched the police officers haul John out of her apartment. The whole incident had spooked her. She wasn’t shocked by her ex-boyfriend’s behavior, but the fact that he’d brought a gun chilled her to the bone.

“She wanted me here. Gave me a key and everything.” John struggled against the cuffs. “She’s my girlfriend.”

One of the detectives, a dark-haired man in a dress shirt and slacks, strode over to her. “I’d say you people encourage this, but I know better. People want fast money.” He shook his head. “Shifter blood. When will they learn?” He flipped open a pad. “I’d like to ask you a few questions for the report.”

Jessa walked the officer through the incident. She didn’t feel any better about the situation, but at least John couldn’t hurt her. What seemed like a thousand questions later, the detective closed his notebook.

“Thanks.” He sighed. “If it’s not Branker, it’s his partners. You don’t know if Mr. Gordon is associated with a Doctor Branker?”

“No.” She’d never heard of Dr. Branker.

“I didn’t think so. Thank you for your time.” The detective nodded, then left the room.

“Funny how that works,” Roman said. He sat beside her on the bed. “No one seems to know what’s going on.”

“Yeah.” She sagged against him. “I thought he’d kill you.”

“Never. I’ve got someone to live for.” Roman tugged her onto his lap and enfolded her in his embrace. “Asch and Joel are on their way over. I called them. I figure we’re better in numbers.”

“I think so.” She finally allowed herself to laugh. “You bit me.” Her neck ached from where he’d marked her. She touched the tender spot. “Is that part of the mating?”

“Yes. That scar will show all other shifters that you belong to me.” He pointed to his chest. “And this tattoo shows them all I belong to you.”

“When did that form?” She touched the cat image on his pec. “It’s beautiful.”

“It’s our mark.” He cupped her jaw. “I love you.”

“Hey, hey. No PDA.” Ascher strolled into the bedroom. “You’ve marked her.” Penelope followed him. She clutched Ascher’s arm and smiled.

“Told you it’s a good feeling,” she whispered.

“You’re okay?” Ascher stopped beside Roman. “He didn’t hurt you?”

“Nope. We’re good.” Roman kissed Jessa’s cheek. “All in one piece.”

“We’re three strong and one kitty to go.” Ascher scrubbed the back of his hand across his chin. “Want to join us to find our brother?”

Roman petted Jessa’s hair. “Should we?”

He’d asked her first. For once, a man considered her thoughts before deciding for her. Her heart warmed even more for her man. “We can’t stop now. Do you guys have leads as to where he is?”

“Not yet.” Ascher grinned. “We’ll have to keep scenting for him. If you’re both ready to join up with us, we’re ready to have you in our band of misfits.”

“Sure.” Roman stood and tugged Jessa aside. “I meant what I said. I’m yours. You can dump my ass and leave me high and dry, but I’m bound to you. Do you think one day you could fall in love with me?”

She palmed the tattoo on his chest. “I already have. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

Roman’s eyes glittered. He kissed her hard on the lips, then whooped. He squeezed her ass and then turned his attention back to his brother. “We’re ready when you are.”



Jessa stared at the map. The guys were pretty methodical in their search for their missing brother. Jessa’s apartment was within a five-mile radius of both Hayden’s and Penelope’s houses.

Roman pointed to the location of Hildegard’s house on the map. “So if we all started here, the chances are he’d be somewhere in this area? I want to see those pictures again.”

Ascher slid the photographs across the table. “Not much to see. We’ve gone over them a hundred times since we took them to see if there are any clues. You see something we didn’t?”

“Not really.” He handed Jessa one of the photos. “When you got me, babe, were we on the porch or in the house?”

“The porch.” Jessa scooted closer to him. “She appeared from somewhere in the greenery around the porch and grabbed you from a basket. I noticed a slightly bigger kitten beside you and thought about asking for him, but I didn’t. Maybe I should’ve.”

“You did mention a ménage,” Penelope said. She giggled.

“What?” Roman stared at Jessa. “I missed something.” He squeezed her thigh under the table. “Explain later?”

BOOK: Cat Groove (Stray Cats)
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