Read Carrie's Answer Online

Authors: Sierra,VJ Summers

Tags: #Erotica

Carrie's Answer (5 page)

BOOK: Carrie's Answer
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He didn’t think she was listening. Instead she was rubbing herself against his hand. He abruptly stopped his stroking, placing a smack on her left ass cheek before continuing to play with her clit. He thrust his finger into her and slapped her other cheek, harder this time. She moaned but stilled her movements. Her ass did indeed turn a delicious shade of pink, and Marcus forced himself not to go to his knees and taste her then and there.

He removed his hand and turned her around. Her light brown hair was plastered against her face, her breathing was shallow. She was trembling with the need to orgasm, and Marcus knew that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

“On your knees, Carrie,” he ordered.

Chapter Five


Carrie knelt on shaky knees. She felt like she was going to float away on her unfulfilled pleasure. Hands at her sides, she waited for his next move. Reading up on submission and playing a little bit with her last boyfriend hadn’t prepared her for the feelings flying in her bloodstream now.

Experiencing this with Marcus was a totally different animal than what she had with Charles, her old boyfriend. Her emotions were bouncing all over the place. Excitement, desire, wanting to please, they were all playing havoc with her mind. She loved the idea of her choices being guided by another. It was heaven not to have to think about what to do, only to obey and feel.

“Spread your knees,” he rapped out, eyeing her critically. She quickly complied, spreading her knees wide, ready for his touch. “Now lift your breasts.” He contemplated the soft, white flesh with obvious greed. “They are mine, and you will always offer them to me.”

With every command, she watched his cock swell more. With every command, she felt the moisture slide down the inside of her thighs. She was afraid that if he said much more, permission or not, she would come like she’d never come before.

“Shoulders back. And look at me. This is your presentation position.” Rubbing one big hand along the length of his cock, he walked slowly around her, examining her posture. “This is the position you will always take with me until I give you other instructions.” He came around to face her again and reached out, tapping her full lower lip with one hard finger. “Do you understand?”

Carrie nodded mutely. She wanted nothing more than to offer herself to this man.

He slid the zipper of his Armani pants down, and the sound echoed in her ears. He let them drop and they pooled around his ankles. His thighs were thick and muscled, sprinkled with a light dusting of dark hair. Next came his black boxer briefs, which he tugged down without ceremony, letting his long, thick cock spring free.

Carrie stared in wonder as his dick descended toward her mouth, a liquid bead suspended on the wide head. The shaft was lined with a thick vein running underneath. His balls were heavy and tightened before her very eyes.

He grabbed her hair, sliding his fingers though the sides, securing the silky strands with both hands.

“I want you to suck my cock. Do not come. Do you understand, woman?”

A shiver of delight passed through her at the way he said
, so possessive, so dark.

She smiled at him and he seemed to take that as a yes. His cocked bumped her bottom lip. She snaked her tongue out to greedily lap at the silky drop on the thick head. He tasted salty, slightly bitter, his scent heady. Carrie moved her head forward; she wanted to feel his length in her mouth. She was stopped short by a tug on her hair.

“You will drink every drop. Do you understand? I want to feel all of it sliding down that beautiful throat.”

She answered with a small nod and that seemed to be enough for Marcus. She ran her tongue all around the head before sliding it along the side of his shaft. He was so hard yet velvety soft at the same time. Carrie adored the feel of him on her tongue.

His eyes slid closed as she finally took him fully into her mouth, opening as wide as possible to accommodate his girth. Slowly, savoring his taste, she sucked him in and out, taking his cock a little bit farther with each shallow thrust.

She cupped his heavy sac, massaging him lightly, and fondled his tight balls in her palm.


“Yeah, that’s it. Take me all the way in,” Marcus ground out between clenched teeth. Carrie’s mouth was so fucking hot on his cock, licking and sucking him as if her life depended on it. A lot of women hated doing this. Not his Carrie. She was reveling in it. She moaned against his sensitive skin, sending flames along his spine.

Her mouth was made to suck him. He pushed in a little quicker, tightening his hold on her hair. She rounded her mouth even more for him, relaxing her throat so that he felt it with the tip of his dick.

Marcus opened his eyes, looking down at her, watching her through slit lids. “Touch yourself, Carrie, but don’t come.”

Her hand tentatively slipped between her thighs. The tips of her fingers brushed lightly over her clit.

“Faster, Carrie, harder. Show me how you get off.” He hoped that she
come so that he had a reason to punish her sweet ass. “Slide two fingers inside your cunt.”

She never took her mouth from his cock as she thrust two fingers into herself. Her moan vibrated through his length. The feeling resonated throughout his legs, right down to his toes.

He gazed, fascinated, as she continued to play with herself. Everything about her was begging to be spanked, and he couldn’t wait to oblige her. He’d always known she’d be hot. What he hadn’t counted on was how well he fit in her mouth. He was dying to get inside the rest of her.

Carrie’s head bobbed in perfect sync with his thrusts. Her hand playing with his balls was surprisingly rough and he loved every fucking second of it.

The pressure built in his back as his balls tightened against his flesh. Marcus held her head still as he pumped into her warm, wet mouth.

The sight of his cock sliding between her plump lips as she churned her fingers in her cunt sent him over the edge. He drove his dick into her once, twice, three times before shooting his come deep into her mouth, roaring his pleasure for the world to hear.

She continued to swallow as he kept releasing himself into her throat. Her body stiffened and a cry escaped, announcing her own orgasm.

He let go of her hair once he’d caught his breath.

“I told you not to come.” His voice was stern and she blushed.

“I’m sorry…I’m sor…”

Marcus shushed her with a finger to her lips. “I will have to punish you tonight, Carrie. Do you understand?”

She gave a small nod. She looked nervous but not afraid. More eager than anything.

He tucked himself back into his pants and helped Carrie to her feet. He bent and retrieved her shirt and bra. He held her bra out, noting the size as she put her arms through the straps. He stepped behind her and hooked it. He slid the blouse up as she eased her arms into it. Going back to the front of her, Marcus buttoned every one of the damned pearly buttons, cursing when he had to start over because he’d pushed a button through the wrong hole. He helped her straighten her skirt.

She picked up her hose but Marcus shook his head, holding out his hand. Carrie placed the nylons across his palm. She watched, silent and wide-eyed as he balled them up and threw them in the trash.

He went to his desk, taking a moment to write down a list of instructions. He gave the slip of paper to her; she took it, glancing down, her forehead scrunching up.

“Your attire will be waiting for you at that store. I want you to pick it up by three o’clock. You’re to go home and dress exactly in the first outfit. Then you’re to drive to my home by no later than five.”

He unlocked the door then returned to her side and wrapped his hands around her shoulders. He’d opened his mouth to tell her that she’d done well, but before he could utter a word his office door opened and Meredith strode in.

“Carrie said you needed to see me.” Meredith’s clipped voice seemed to break the magic spell that had taken control of the room. Marcus’ sister froze then looked from him to Carrie. Her eyes narrowed and Marcus knew there was no mistaking that something had gone on in this room before Meredith had arrived.

Carrie’s normally polished appearance was gone. In its place was the image of a goddess—her face pink, lips bruised and plump, legs slightly wobbly. When she attempted to walk out the door, she was looking at him rather than where she was going and practically walked right into the frame.

Her face flushed scarlet as she muttered, “Oops!”

Marcus couldn’t contain his chuckle as she righted herself and rushed out. This weekend was going to push his ability to remain in control. He relished a challenge, and his curvy little
was going to prove one hell of a challenge.

“Have you lost your mind?” Meredith bit out. “You must have lost your mind. Tell me this is a joke. It’s not enough that you’re the most notorious Dom in the greater Detroit area, but now you’re banging your secretary? Jesus, Marcus.” She cast a regretful glance after Carrie’s retreating figure. “You’re going to ruin her.”

Marcus gave a weary sigh. “Carrie is no longer an employee at The Worthington Group. Now, I need you to take the six o’clock meeting I had scheduled with Renatto Construction. I’m leaving in an hour and will be unreachable this weekend.”

Meredith pointed her finger at him, and Marcus braced himself for her meltdown.

Her silver eyes narrowed. “You listen here, big brother. If you think I am going to go through another scandal like the one you and Karen brought down on this family, you are mistaken.”

He allowed her this momentary rant. He always did. No one talked to him about his personal life like Meri. No one else would dare. He just couldn’t bring himself to tell her to piss off. The memories of sitting at their father’s funeral were forever burned into his mind. Not of the “Old Man” lying in the casket, but of his baby sister.

Meredith had borne the brunt of their father’s disappointment in every situation, from bad business deals to his eldest son’s failures. Marcus, wrapped up in his own world, had failed to protect her from Stirling, and that had never been more apparent than at the funeral. The sick feeling returned as he remembered her sitting, cold and silent, the vivid bruise on her cheek a throbbing reminder of how he’d failed her.

Her eyes sliced through him. He’d betrayed her in more ways than one that last week. Treated her no better than their father. Had even treated her worse, because she’d trusted him in ways she’d never trusted the Old Man. That betrayal had changed Meri forever, and not in a good way. It had changed Marcus as well, pulled him back from the tight line he was walking. He’d almost crossed that line, almost proved he was no better than Stirling.

His father’s death and Meri’s self-imposed exile from the world showed Marcus just how close he’d come to losing his soul.

So Marcus allowed her the leeway he’d never give another individual. It was the only way he knew to try to make up for the life she’d led before their father died.

And for the things he’d said to her that last, furious night. He desperately longed to see her laugh and smile, to relax and have fun. She had an old soul, and Marcus wanted nothing more than to hold her and tell her he was sorry for being the biggest asshole to walk the planet. But he knew Meri would never allow that. Just as she never allowed anyone to touch her for more than a moment before withdrawing.

He patiently waited for her to wind down. When the proverbial shit had hit the fan and the world found out he enjoyed a whip and rope instead of wine and roses, he had just given Meredith every reason to believe he had no respect for his lovers. Remembering his harsh words in the face of her own budding sensuality, he understood her reaction. But in the end, he couldn’t give up this chance to be with Carrie, even for the sister he loved and had betrayed.

“Play your little games on your own time, Marcus.” The finality in her voice was nothing new. It had been there for the last five years.

He walked over to her, putting a reassuring arm around her stiff form. As he walked her to the door, he plucked her nose. It was a gesture of affection, and a thing Marcus did that made her crazy and ready to spit nails.

“Meredith, you worry too much.”

“Marcus, you don’t worry enough.”

“I’m sorry, sis. Like I said, Carrie no longer works here. You have nothing to worry about.”

She started to walk out when Marcus’ grip stopped her.

“One of these days, Meredith, a man will bring you to your knees. Then what will you do?”

“Oh, Marcus. In order for that to happen I’d have to have a heart.” She turned her back on him and stalked from the office.

* * * * *


An hour later, Marcus watched hungrily as Carrie left the office to prepare for their weekend. He was anticipating this forbidden little liaison more than he’d anticipated anything for years. Picking up his phone, he dialed. It was answered on the third ring.

“I need you tonight.”

Daniel’s silky smooth voice vibrated with laughter. “Already? I thought you’d be out of commission for a while…” He just laughed harder at Marcus’ low growl. “Do you need me to call ahead and have the room prepared?”

“No, we’re not going to the club. Be at my house by nine. Use your key. I’ll be busy.”

Surprise came clearly from the other end of the line. “Your house? We’ve never, not at the house.”

Why did Daniel have to be so fucking obvious? “I know. Now, are you coming or not?” He was not up for explanations, though he couldn’t have said why.

“Yeah, I’ll be there, man,” Daniel replied slowly.

Marcus didn’t like the speculation in his friend’s voice. Not one little bit.

“Fine,” he rapped out in full Dom mode. Then, picturing Carrie’s wide eyes, he added, “And Daniel, this is a novice we’ll be dealing with.”

BOOK: Carrie's Answer
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