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Authors: Brenda Rothert

Captive (8 page)

BOOK: Captive
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Practice was over, and now we were just having fun. We were launching pucks rapid-fire at our goalie Matt Tomlin, giving him a hell of a workout. He dove, reached, slid and did anything else in his power to keep the pucks from shooting past him. But with so many coming, it was a losing battle.

“Horseshit!” Vic yelled when Tomlin deflected his shot with the tip of his skate. We made bets on shit like this, and none of us liked to lose. Luke nailed a puck into the goalie’s face mask that knocked him off course for a couple seconds, allowing the rest of us to shoot pucks straight into the net.

“Fuck you,” Tomlin muttered, raising a hand and pulling off his mask. Sweat dripped off his chin and his cheeks were dark red with exertion. He skated toward the ledge of the rink wall, where the last water bottle sat waiting to be claimed. Steve Mayweather flew past it right before Tomlin could get there and tipped it to his mouth. He squirted the rest of the water on his sweat-soaked hair and tossed the empty bottle aside.

“Asshole,” Tomlin said, shaking his head.

“Least I don’t fuck minors,” Mayweather mumbled in a low voice.

“She was 19! Quit saying that, you prick. You’re just jealous.”

“Jealous? Have you seen my wife? Holly used to be a model.”

I fucking hated Mayweather’s cocky attitude. We all did. “Yeah, for Juggs, maybe,” I said.

Mayweather’s face was incredulous when he looked at me. “What the fuck?”

I shrugged. “The only thing bigger than her fake tits is her obnoxious mouth. And none of us are jealous of you, man. I appreciate you banging that trash so none of us ever have to.”

He threw down his mask and launched himself at me, just like I’d hoped he would. I’d been simmering over his wife telling everyone about Kate’s miscarriage, just waiting for an opportunity to pound him.

The coaches had left the ice and most of the players had, too. It was just me and Steve, trading punches. I landed one to his gut that made him double over and followed it up with two more to his face.

“You like that? I could kick your lily ass all day,” I growled in his face, shoving him to the ice. I had to give him credit for jumping right back up even though he was outmatched.

One to the jaw and another to the gut left him bent at the waist. I leaned down to speak in his ear.

“Tell that wife of yours if she ever says a word about Kate again, I’ll break your fucking nose. I swear I will.” I shoved a knee up into his nose while pressing on the back of his head, hitting it hard enough to hurt like fuck and draw a lot of blood, but not break.

He dropped and yelled, his curses echoing around the empty arena.

“Jesus, man,” Luke said, looking at me and tossing a towel to the ice for Mayweather.

“You know what it was for,” I said.

“Yeah, but that was pretty harsh.”

“Nobody fucks with my wife.”

I left the rink feeling a little less wound up, but not much better. All I wanted was to go home and see Kate glowing with the excitement of adopting a baby. Since we’d decided to go for it, I finally had her back, and I never wanted to let go.



When I walked into the apartment, it was quiet and dark, other than a crack of light beneath the door of our bedroom. I opened it and saw Kate sitting in bed, legs crossed with her laptop on her lap. She wore a tight white tank top with no bra and the black yoga pants I liked to stare at her ass in. Though she thought she looked frumpy this way – with her hair piled on her head in a bun and her dark-framed reading glasses on – I thought she looked sexy as hell.

“How was practice?” she asked, not looking away from the screen.

“Fine.” I slipped my shoes off and crawled onto the bed, laying down on my stomach next to her.

“Do you know CPR?” she asked, her eyes still glued to the computer monitor.

“Uh … no. Why, are you choking?”

“We have to learn it as part of our adoption home study. And we need to get a carbon monoxide detector. And block access to the fireplace so—”

I wrinkled my face in confusion. “Babies just lay there when they’re little, don’t they? A kid who can’t even roll over isn’t gonna be able to reach the fireplace, babe.”

“But it’s part of the home study, so we have to do it. Do you know what temperature our water heater is set at?”

“Not a fucking clue, why? Is the water not hot enough?”

“No, it’s another thing they might check during the home study.”

“That sounds like bullshit. The temperature of our water heater determines what kind of parents we’ll be?”

Kate wrinkled her brows and looked at me. “No, they just want to be sure it’s safe. So the baby doesn’t get burned in the bath or anything.”

“I still don’t get it. Just because the water can get really hot, that doesn’t mean we’ll make it that hot. It’s not like we wouldn’t check it or something.”

“But we have to pass the home study. Oh—” She reached for a notebook on the nightstand and wrote something down.

“How do you feel about spanking?” she asked.

My brows shot up and my cock woke up from its long, long nap. “I’m all for it. Bend over, baby.”

“No, our children, Ryke.” She glared at me. “This is serious.”

I turned over and stared at the ceiling, running a hand through my hair. “Isn’t that discussion like years away? Obviously we’re not spanking a baby.”

“But they can ask questions like that in a home study.”

“I really think I could get a better feel for this question if you’d bend that sweet ass over and let me go to town on it.” I bit her thigh playfully and she smiled. “Leave the glasses on. I wanna spank the naughty teacher.”

“This is serious, babe. We have to be on the same page about things. What about your religious preferences?”

I groaned and dropped my face to the mattress, turning to face her. “Let’s not talk about that in bed. You know my thoughts, anyway. You married a good Catholic boy.”

She smiled and reached her fingers into my hair, combing through it. “Good?”

“Yeah. I’ll give you a good hard spanking and a good long fucking.” I slid my hand under her ass and squeezed it. Her gaze went back to the computer screen.

“Did you know that women who adopt newborns can still breastfeed?” she asked.


“Yeah, you can stimulate your breasts somehow to produce milk.”

I sprang up on all fours and took the computer, setting it on the floor. “That’s it. All bets are off when you start talking about stimulating your breasts.”

When I climbed on top of her, supporting myself on my knees and pinning her hands above her head, my whole body buzzed at the feel of her soft, small frame beneath me. It’d been way too long since I’d felt her nipples pressed against me. Even through our clothes, my cock stiffened into a rod at the feel of the crease beneath it.

I lowered my mouth to hers, eager as a high school kid with his first boner. I’d never gone anywhere close to two months without sex, and it needed to end. My balls tightened when she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I was starved for her – fucking desperate to spend an entire evening in bed rediscovering the feel of her pussy clenching my cock when she came.

I was a sappy fuck for thinking it, but sex with Kate made me one with her. We were never any closer than when I was literally inside her, and the emotions of it made me come harder than I had with any other woman. I’d have to pace myself so I wouldn’t come as quick as a high school kid.

She moaned when I slid my mouth down her jaw line to her neck. I kissed and nibbled the spot beneath her ear that always lit her up.

“Baby, we can’t …” she said softly, while tipping her head back to allow me more access to her neck.

“You’re back on the pill, though.”

“Yeah, but it takes time for it to be effective.”

Fucking shit. My cock would explode if I didn’t get sex soon. I considered a run to the drug store for protection, but then the heavens opened up and a choir of angels started signing. “We’ve got condoms!” I jumped out of bed and ran to the closet, my cock poking my pants out like a tent pole. “From the wedding shower! The gag gift.”

I dug through the drawers lining the walls of our walk-in closet, my heart pounding faster with every second that passed without me finding the fucking condoms. Finally, I found them, and I felt like Rocky after winning a fight. But I played it cool, pulling my shirt over my head as I walked back into the bedroom and tossed the box on the nightstand. Kate had taken her hair down, and when I leaned down to kiss her, she reached for my shoulders and gripped them, her nails digging in just enough to make my balls tighten back up.

“Get on your back,” she said against my lips. I jumped over her and turned mid-air, landing on the bed. Take-charge Kate was so fucking sexy.

She pulled the tiny white top up over her head and I covered one of her perky round tits with my hand, squeezing it gently. When she climbed on top of me, she put one knee between my legs, drawing it up to tease my cock as she kissed me slowly.

I pulled her body against me, not doing so well with letting her take the lead. But she smelled so good, and when her hair brushed over my shoulders like this, I lost control every time. I slid my hands under the waistband of her pants and panties, gripping her ass and pulling her in to me.

“Be still,” she whispered, her soft lips moving down to my chin, then my chest and on to my stomach. She pulled off the sweats I’d worn home from practice, taking my boxers, too.

This time she didn’t tease. She slid her wet lips down my shaft, eyeing me over the top of the glasses. Fuck, the glasses. I was getting blown by the naughty teacher. This would test my self-control in a bad way.

“Jesus, Kate,” I groaned. The wet, hot, tight sensation of her lips and fingers around my cock was perfect. I breathed out and watched her, letting the feeling wash over me for as long as I could stand to without coming.

I wound my fingers into her soft hair. I’d missed these moments with my wife, when she reminded me she could do things to me no one else could. And
, did she do them well.

“That’s so fucking good, baby. Ah, shit … get on your back, Kate. Now.”

My body was starting to tense, and she had to stop. She looked at me over the glasses again and moaned with my cock in her mouth, and the vibration felt so fucking good I had to thrust my hips against her face. When she cupped my balls and squeezed just right, that was it. I came hard, and she milked my balls right into her throat.

“Fuck,” I said, exhaling loudly and opening my arm for her to lay on me. “You weren’t supposed to get me off.”

“You seemed to like it.” She tugged at my earlobe with her teeth and I smiled.

“I loved it. I won’t need long before Round Two, either.”

She pulled her head back and looked at me, confused.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I just … thought you were … good, I guess.”

“I am, but baby, we haven’t had sex in more than two months. I can’t fucking stand it. Are you saying you don’t – you
don’t want to?”

She sat up and reached for the hair tie on the nightstand, winding her hair back on top of her head. “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just … I’m not sure I’m ready. It reminds me of when we were trying to get pregnant. And what if I did get pregnant again? Would we still be able to adopt a baby? I want that more than anything.”

“I know you do, but … fuck.” I ran a hand through my hair, reminding myself to be calm and understanding. “Okay, so let’s get a baby, then. How long does that take?”

“Home studies take about 12 weeks, and then it’s just the wait for a baby to become available. It could happen right away or it could take a few months.”

“So three months minimum.”

“Yes, but Ryke … I don’t expect you to go that long. Anytime you want a blowjob, just tell me.”

“It’s not … that’s not what I want, Kate. You’re not a fucking whore I want to order up blowjobs from. Sex has always been a great part of our marriage, and I’m just … kind of fucking floored that it’s nothing to you whether we do it or not.”

“I love sex with you,” she said, lacing her fingers into mine. “You know I do. It’s just that we can have sex for the rest of our lives, and I don’t want to screw up the chance to get a baby. If I got pregnant now, I don’t think I’d recover. We could lose our spot for a baby and I could end up losing another baby with a miscarriage. I just can’t do it.”

“I know. So listen, you want a baby more than anything, and I want to make it happen. I’ll make some calls and we’ll bypass this bullshit 12 week thing.”

She furrowed her brows. “What do you mean?”

I rubbed my thumb over my fingers. “Money is the fast track to everything, baby. Trust me.”

“No! Ryke, no. We can’t take a baby another couple has been waiting for by using your money. That’s not right. I want to do this the right way.”

I sprang out of bed, anger tightening my chest.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked, sounding shocked.

“I’m just pissed off in general.” I located my shirt and pulled it on.

“Are you leaving?”

“I’m gonna go for a run.”

BOOK: Captive
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