Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Bye, girls. I hope this evening is a little quieter for you all.” I had just finished my first shift back at the hospital and let me tell you, it was pure hell. We took in several new patients and we were short staffed. I wished that they would hire more people as it was really hard on those of us that were there busting our asses trying to take care of everyone. I was grateful that the hospital let me come back, no questions asked. They were really good to me and it was obvious they needed me with their shortage of nurses. I didn’t get it, people were graduating all the time in this field. I shook my head.

I was completely wiped out. Sydney and I were supposed to go shopping for Lucy but I was going to cancel on her. I really didn’t have the desire to be out in public any longer than I had to be. Also, I just wasn’t in the mood to look at baby clothes. With that being said I loved little baby Lucy with all my heart and she was my angel and all, but I just couldn’t. Granted I was a girl that loved to shop in a big way. When I lived in Detroit sometimes the only thing I found interesting to do was to go shopping. Syd and I had ventured out some here but not as much as I would have liked to. Vegas was a serial shopper’s playground with all of the amazing stores. I couldn’t afford the really high end designer ones but that didn’t matter, there was plenty here for me. Eventually I would get off my ass and go, but right now I just wanted to go home get into my pajamas and veg on the couch.

During my short lunch break I was actually able to find a therapist and doctor to see. I had an appointment set with both of them. I didn’t need any more medication at the moment but I was in desperate need for a good therapist given my circumstances. All thoughts led to Justice.


I was doomed. He was all that I had been able to think about over the course of the last week. I longed for his arms to wrap around me and whisper dirty things in my ears. I craved his strong muscular body and those deep penetrating blue eyes of his. I wanted them cast down on my own eyes or my entire body. I didn’t care, I just wanted him near me and with me.

My need for him intensified since I filed for divorce. I took a deep breath and paused for a moment. It still was so fresh and hurt my heart to think about. Divorce. It was a huge decision but at this time with the way he had behaved and what he said he wanted from our relationship, divorce was the only and best decision. Maybe our paths would cross again someday and if we were both single we could rekindle our relationship, but at this point he had burned me so badly that I felt like my flesh was still on fire.

Did I miss him? Hell yeah I did. I missed everything about him including our crazy fights, or actually our just plain old craziness because when we were together it was just insane. I missed that electric chemistry that we had with one another. Simply I missed him.

I sighed to myself, trying to control my thoughts because I could spend hours dwelling on what did and didn’t happen and I very easily would go running back into his arms given the chance. Sometimes I wonder if I chose the wrong brother and if it should have been Reeve that I ended up with. He was way more grounded than Justice, wasn’t as bossy and had a good career and head on his shoulders. Not that Justice didn’t, but he was nuts sometimes. But then I would remind myself that our attraction and relationship didn’t start the night of the threesome, it had started long before that night.

I continued my trek down the hall and cleared my mind for the moment. I saw the exit in sight and my eyes flashed with excitement. Home. I was finally going home. Then I thought of Syd and the baby. Shit, I needed to text her and tell her I wasn’t going to shop with her tonight. There was a sitting area up ahead so I slowly started grabbing my phone out of my purse and copped a squat in a chair. When I swiped my phone I noticed that I had a message from Sydney and one from Reeve. It was peculiar because I never heard from Reeve, and then my stomach dropped as concern washed over me that something might be wrong with Justice. I quickly pulled up Reeve’s text.

Reeve: Hey, babe, when you have a second we need to talk.

Phew. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. I punched out a reply to him.

Me: Sure just let me know when.

I switched contacts and typed out a message to Sydney.

Me: Hey, Syd, what’s up?

Sydney: Lucy and I are just getting ready to meet you at the mall.

Me: Well, about that I’m just not feeling up to it tonight. Rain check?

I looked up and said a silent prayer that she wouldn’t make this harder than it needed to be. My phone started ringing and I cast my eyes down to see it was Sydney calling me. Taking my index finger I swiped the screen and then brought it to my ear.


“What do you mean you’re not feeling up to going tonight? We had plans.” Her tone was intense, she sounded irritable.

“It’s been a long day at work and I just want to come home, kick up my heels and relax. I hope you understand.” I really hoped she would let it go. We all had long days and needed a break.

“You know you haven’t done anything since you filed for divorce except spend time in your room sleeping or on the couch in front of the TV. ” Shit, busted. She was right. I hadn’t done anything. She had asked me on more than one occasion to go out with her and I had an excuse every time.

“I realize that but can we just let it go? I’m tired. Remember I worked a twelve-hour shift. I think you could cut me some slack.” Damn, I deserved to rest just like everyone else. Even though she was right, I wanted to stay home and pine over my soon-to-be ex-husband.

“Yes, I realize that. Ugh,” she sighed. “Fine, if you don’t want to go then we will just go without you. But don’t think that I don’t have an eye on you.” Shit, now she was going to watch my every move. I was screwed.

“I know.” I let out an exasperated breath that I felt vibrate through my entire body.

“Are you getting testy with me, Bee Burkhart, because I will kick that cute little ass into shape.” Shit, now I was going to get an ass kicking. I knew how Sydney rolled. There wasn’t much that got past her.

“No, just I’ll see you at home. I’m leaving the hospital now.” I looked around to see I was the only person sitting in this waiting area, thank goodness. I didn’t want everyone to know my business.

“We’ll be gone when you get home. There is some dinner in the microwave for you to warm up.” Her voice was more even now. She loved taking care of people so I was thinking I might be in the clear.

“Okay, have fun see you soon.” I hit end on my phone and dropped it in my purse.

Heading out the hospital entrance I felt a prickly sensation over my body. I couldn’t describe it, but it was like something was off. Then I felt all of my hair on my arms rise and a thin sheen of sweat form on my brow. What the hell. As I made my way closer to my car I looked around the parking lot to notice that I was one of the last cars in the lot. I didn’t like being alone out here after what had happened with Jensen. I tracked up to my car and I had to stop in my wake. I brought the tender flesh on the side of my mouth between my teeth and started biting on it. Not only were my arm hairs standing up but I felt like every hair on my body was at attention. I narrowed my eyes, trying to make sense of things and panic set it. My heart started beating wildly in my chest and my stomach sputtered out of control like I was going to throw up. I casted my eyes all around me, surveying the area to make sure that Jensen or anyone else who had done this to my car wasn’t around to destroy me as well.

Quickly grabbing my phone from my purse, I called my protector, the person that I knew would help me work through this mess and keep me safe.

The phone rang once and the deep baritone voice answered. “Abbee.”

I took in a shaky breath and I felt it beat against my ribs. “Justice, I need you. Please help me.”

Coming in Spring 2015, Abbee and Justice’s Story continues in
Crazy Love

Coming next:
Sweet Surrender


A huge
Thank You
goes out to you the readers for taking a chance on my book. Without you, this would not be possible.

I have so many wonderful people in my life to thank. First off, I want to thank you, Andrea Smith, for encouraging me to write my own book. I never would have thought I had the ability to write without your faith in me. I appreciate all of the hours you spent helping me when I had questions and for being there for support. Love you, babe!

A huge thank you goes out to Adrianne James, Andrea Smith, Harper Sloan, Mia Sheridan, Beth Rinyu, S.R. Grey, Cassy Roop, JB Morgan, Katie Mac, Amber Nation, Vicki Green and Renee Carlino. You authors rock. I can’t thank you enough for your endless support and for the help you have given me along this journey. I appreciate all your feedback and questions and for taking the time to help me. You all rock!

What writer doesn’t need an incredible PA? I feel like I struck gold when I found you, Jessica Anhalt. You keep me from going crazy. I don’t really ever have to ask you to do something, you just take charge and get it done. You are amazing and I’m blessed to have you as part of my team. Much love you to. Smooches.

To my betas. You have held my hand and helped me with your feedback and your constant encouragement and support. Beth Foster, Amy Malek Concepcion, Jessica Anhalt, Lisa Davall, Jamie Gueller, JustJenn Lovestoread, Lindsey Fernandez, Jenn Hazen, Debbie Williams and to the many others who I know have read a chapter here and there and have given me your honest feedback. You all are incredible. This would not be possible without you.

I want to give a special thank you to my girl, Beth Foster. You have been a constant support with your brainstorming and devotion in helping me along the way. I can’t thank you enough for all of your time and work. I’m so glad to have met you, and well, you hold a pretty special place in my heart. I’m honored to call you a friend. Love you to the sky and back.

My girls. Tracy, Melissa, Annie, Michele, and Nicole. You all are such a huge support to me, and I really appreciate it. Without your friendship, life wouldn’t be the same. Love you all!

Adrianne James, girl, you have my utmost love. You are one hell of a content editor. I’ve learned so much from you. At first, you scared the shit out of me, and then I realized that you really knew what you were talking about. Your edits were incredible, and your feedback was, without a doubt, beyond amazing. You helped make the story so much better. I can’t thank you enough for holding my hand and helping me get through this. I’m honored to call you a friend. You are one of the most genuine people I know and have a heart of pure gold. Love you!

Kristen Clark Switzer, you are one kick-ass editor. I’m so happy we met and that you took me on as your client. I cherish the friendship we have developed. You and I clicked over our energy drinks and I felt like we were kindred spirits. You crack me up woman and I’ m so glad to have found you. Smooches.

Christine Stanley at the Hype PR, thank you so much for promoting me and getting my book out there!! You are very much appreciated. We have become friends, and I cherish the times we have spent together in person. You had put up with my bullshit and built my confidence back up when I needed it. You rock and hold a very special place in my heart. Much love!

To the bloggers. It is not possible to do this without you. I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to review my book. Your hard work and time are truly treasured. Love you all!

To my incredible family. You are without a doubt my rock and this journey would not be made without your constant love and support. Keith, I couldn’t do it with you. When people ask me who my hero is I never waver in telling them it is you. You all have my heart. Much love.

There are just so many people to thank, and I’m sure I am missing someone. Please forgive me for not thanking you. I appreciate you always.


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BOOK: Captivated by Your Love (The Blue Heart Series Book 2)
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