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Authors: Ashley Beale

Burning Attraction (8 page)

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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"Fuck!" I scream out. "Holy fuck Carson, harder!" He listens and pumps into me so hard I black out momentarily. My toes curl and my back arches, causing my chest to push into his hard pecks.

I can feel as Carson gets off. "Shit Cassie, fuck. That feels so fuckin' good," he pants out.

"Mm," I moan, "it does." I'm so breathless. He lays on top of me, his cock still inside me, while we catch our breath.

He pulls out of me, and it causes me to shiver in a delightful way. He smiles down at me and I can't help but smile back. "I'm so glad you're mine," he says. My heart races and everything feels right.

"Me too Carson, you have no idea." And it's true. I can honestly say I'm extremely happy. It may be the post orgasm from the mind blowing sex, but right now, I feel like I made the right decision in saying yes to Carson. He will make me a happy girl. Whereas, if I were with someone like Avery, I'd be a wreck. He is too wild of a guy to be in a relationship. Carson has a wild side, but only when he wants to have one. He knows how to tame it, and he does a great job where I'm involved.






Chapter 5: Mistakes

The following five weeks go by surprisingly perfect with Carson. We get along so well, that sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. I have only seen Avery around school, and he typically ignores me. Although, every now and again I catch him starring from a distance, usually with a small smile on his face, but he doesn't say anything to me. It was aggravating me the first few weeks, now I just don't even care. It has become his own problem and has nothing to do with me. Well, it has everything to do with me, but I pretend it doesn't.

In six days is the Beta Theta Pi's annual Halloween party, so Aubrey and I are out shopping to find costumes. I never knew how hard it was to find a Halloween costume at eighteen. I haven't dressed up since I was ten or something like that, and I don't want to be a vampire or witch, I want to be sexy, cute and fun. I don't want to be one of those overly, okay,
-dressed girls. I don't want everyone seeing my twat.

"Oh, this one!" I squeal, pulling a costume off the rack and showing Aubrey.

She shakes her head and wrinkles her nose, "nope!" I put it back on the rack and continue to look around. "Oh, here, this one would be perfect for you Cassie."

Aubrey pulls out a costume and it's a Playboy bunny, so we both start laughing. That is certainly not me. But funny thing is, it would be perfect for Aubrey. "Why don't you wear it?"

She gives me a look of uncertainty. "I don't want to look like a hooker."

"You won't, you'll look like a Playboy bunny." We both laugh and she shrugs.

"Yeah, I think I might, actually. Whatever, who cares what people think. I'm sure there will be sluttier girls there." I have to agree with her completely. So many of them are slutty looking on a regular basis that I'm nervous as to how some are going to be dressed next weekend.

We keep rummaging through the store and I'm denying everything. I don't know why I can't find the right outfit to wear. I gasp when I see a costume that I want to be, but then I shake it off and say never mind. Aubrey comes over and her eyes light up. "That'd be perfect!"

I bite down on my lips, "yeah, it would be. But I don't know." I start walking off but I notice that Aubrey grabs it.

"You're trying it on!" She grabs my elbow and walks me towards the fitting rooms and I don't argue with her. I get into the room and try on the costume, which takes a little time, then I come out and show Aubrey. "Holy fuck, yes!"

Laughter escapes me, "you sure? You don't think it'll upset Carson?"

She gives me a look of disgust. "Why the heck would that upset Carson? It's not like you even hang out with Avery or have been back to any of his fights!"

"True," I say, thinking it over some. "Okay! I'll get it."

"Yay!" Aubrey claps with excitement. "I'm so glad we found the best costumes ever. Don't worry either, I'll help you look ultra-sexy. You'll be the hottest female boxer of all time."

I roll my eyes, but I have to agree with her. I can't wait to see the look on Carson's face. I do hope that he isn't upset that I'm coming as a fighter, but Aubrey has a point. Avery's name hasn't even come up between the two of us, or any of his fights. And since I don't talk to Avery, in fact, he hasn't even shown up to any parties since the last, Carson really doesn't have any reason to be jealous or anything.

After our shopping trip, we decide to stop at a cafe to grab lunch. We're sitting in the outside patio when I get a weird tingle down my spine. I try to shake it off but it doesn't seem to disappear. I look around and see both Avery and Mason looking directly at me, both with smug little smiles on their faces. I roll my eyes, making it known I'm annoyed, and turn back to Aubrey to finish our conversation. I hear my name leave those luscious lips and I puff out a breath of air.

"Hi Avery," I say with bit of bite.

He chuckles before grabbing a chair from a different table and sliding it over to ours. He sits backwards in it and looks at me, smiling large. "How’s the boyfriend?" he actually dares to ask me, like we've been the best of friends the past few weeks. I wished weeks ago he would be jealous, but if he is right now, I'm mad. He doesn't deserve to be.

Mason slides a chair over too and shakes his head at Avery. At least I'm not the only thinking he is being an ass. "He is fine, thanks for asking." I notice Aubrey eyeing Mason, and I really don't blame her. I've told her about him, but since I don't hang out with Avery I haven't gotten the chance to introduce them. "Mason, this is my friend Aubrey, Aubrey this is Mason, Avery's friend."

"Hi," she squeaks out.

He eyes her up and down, smiling at her. He looks pleased by what he sees and I'm extremely excited deep down. "Hey Aubrey."

Avery laughs out loud when he takes notice. "Aww, little Ducky has a crush on my main man."

Aubrey, me and Mason all turn and glare at Avery at the same time, which causes him to lose it with laughter. Then we all sort of laugh in our own awkward way. "So you ladies coming tonight?" Mason asks, looking first at Aubrey then me, then Avery, who looks annoyed all of a sudden.

"To?" I ask cautiously.

"Oh," Mason states. Avery shrugs at Mason and looks at me and smiles.

"Got a fight tonight, at nine. You two should come out. Same place as before, I can leave your names with Porkchop if you want to come."

I do. I want to go so freakin bad, last time was amazing. I just don't know if I could go without Carson. But I can't just ask Avery if Carson is invited, because that is rude. Then again, not asking is rude towards Carson, even if deep down I would rather him not go. Not that I don't want him there, I just like having this thing to myself. We spend almost every day together. I don't ever see Avery, and I'd love to support him. Here I am all over again, and now I realize how thankful I should have been the last five weeks. I look towards Aubrey, trying to get a reaction out of her and she seems like she wants to go just as bad. She had mentioned over and over how jealous she was of me. I press my lips together before looking back at Avery, "yeah, we'd love to."

"Awesome." He says it so nonchalant, you would think he didn't care either way, but his facial expression says differently. It lights right up the second I say yes. I feel a strange bubble of emotion in my gut, but I try to ignore it because there is nothing I can do it about it right now. "Oh, and this is a low key fight. It usually isn't known until an hour or two before the fight starts, but we found out this morning because there is four rounds. It's a first, but ever since the KO with Danielson, there hasn't been much going on, and now others want to become champ. He is going to be in it too, and I want you two to stay the fuck away from each other."

I'm a little taken back, but I understand where he is coming from. "That's okay, you don't have to worry about me. I would rather not talk with him."

His smile is smug, "good. And sorry to break your heart but no boyfriend. Mason will keep an eye on you two."

Shit. I bite down on my lip and nod. "Um," I start to stutter, "just this time can we not tell him I'm there?" I swallow hard, scared of how that will make me sound.

Avery doesn't even try to contain his smile. "He won't be hearing it from me Angel." He elbows Mason, who is now in quiet conversation with Aubrey, which has me so excited for her. "Come on man, we got shit to do. Let's let the ladies finish eating."

We all say our good-byes to one another and I'm having a minor heart attack thinking about tonight. And also I'm praying to God that Carson doesn't find out about the fight, before or after. I don't want him to know I'm going and not inviting him. I feel sick to my stomach. "You okay Cassie? Your face is pale white!" Aubrey announces.

I shake my head no. "What do I do?"

She gives me an understanding smile. "Go have fun. You tell him about the fight tomorrow and tell him that it was a last minute call in from Avery, and you felt bad missing it. And that it was invite only. Either he will understand or he won’t, but he is so good to you, I have a feeling even if he is upset, he won't let you know."

I feel better already. "Yeah, you're right Aubrey. You always are. Thanks."

"Well of course I am. Oh, and we need to do a little extra shopping. I want a new outfit for tonight." She winks at me before finishing her food. I knew she would be excited about Mason, I should have hooked them up sooner.


I see Mason as Aubrey and I enter the basement. Avery had text me earlier and asked me to show up twenty minutes early so that I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. Over 200 people are supposed to show tonight. It makes me nervous, but at least I have Avery and Mason looking out for the two us the best they can.

"Hey, where is that Mouse guy? I want to place a bet," I say to Mason.

He looks amused. "Well, well, never would have thought. Come here, we'll go find him."

Aubrey and I follow behind Mason until we see Mouse, who is with Pierce and another fighter I don't recognize. I see the look on Mason's face, and he starts to turn around but Mouse asks what is going on, so he decides to stay. I'm nervous as can be, I haven't seen Pierce in weeks, but I can tell by the look on his face he is thrilled I'm here. I'm not sure if it's because it's me and he finds me attractive, or if it's because he can now rub shit into Avery's face. I do hope that Avery kills him tonight. Okay, not like murder him, but knocks him out again.

Mouse explains the rules and how the bets work, especially now that there is four rounds. I can see the head shake Pierce gives when I say I'm putting down five hundred on Avery.

As we're walking out of the room Pierce yells out, "sorry Cassie, you're about to lose a fortune, but I'll make it up to you later." I close my eyes and bite down on my lip to the point I taste blood, but I do not look back towards him, and I do not say a word. I just take a deep breath and walk away with Aubrey and a now pissed off Mason.

Avery sees us moments later. He gives me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. He whispers in my ear, "don't worry Cassie, I won't tell the boyfriend about this either." When I pull back, I smack his arm playfully.

"You can be such an ass Avery Manning!" He bursts into laughter.

"Good luck dipshit," Aubrey says with a smile.

"Thanks Ducky. You place a bet on me?"

She smiles with mischief. "Why would I ever do such a thing?"

Mason of course doesn't see that she is playing around, or simply ignores it, when he speaks up. "Try three Benjamins, and this one here put down five." I swallow hard when I see the look on Avery's face. His eyes grow as large as I've ever seen, the green in them growing darker.

"What the fuck Angel? What if I lose?"

I shake my head, smiling. "Not going to happen! And if you do, well, I'm stealing my money back from you."

He laughs at me, "alright, deal. I'll win just for you. Again." I roll my eyes and pretend I didn't get butterflies at his words. I shouldn't feel this way towards him at all, I need to stop! I have Carson, who is amazing and wonderful, and my boyfriend. I need to stop having feelings for a childhood crush, it needs to end right now.

We all chat together until Avery excuses himself to get ready. He already is in his fighting clothes and I've been drooling over it insanely, but I try desperately to pretend I'm not. Not only for myself but I also don't want him to catch on. I want to play it off like I'm not tripping over myself at his sight, or voice, or smell, or at... him.

The basement fills up and Mason, Aubrey, and I all get front row access again at the makeshift ring. Mouse does his little speech and explains how there is four rounds, and the victor in the end is the ultimate champion of the underground fighting. There will be no changing this title the rest of the year. Avery would have kept it but a lot of people complained he only beat one person to get it instead of the other top fighters. That is why they're doing this. Mason explained that part though, not Mouse.

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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