Read BumpnGrind Online

Authors: Sam Cheever

BumpnGrind (6 page)

BOOK: BumpnGrind
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Her hand wrapped around his thick shaft and she licked at
the chocolate trail, following it to its happy conclusion. Sliding the fat head
of his cock between her lips, Felicia stroked the mushroom-shaped tip with her
lips and tongue, bathing it in slippery heat.

She allowed her lips to slide downward, opening her throat
to encompass his entire length. She gently squeezed his balls as she slid the
newly bathed shaft back out, increasing the tempo and the pressure of her lips
as she repeated her oral stroking.

Garrett made helpless little sounds in his throat, his hands
tangling in her hair. His muscles tightened, his fingers twitched helplessly,
and his hips rose off the bed, his heels digging hard into the mattress. He
cried out and slammed into release.

Felicia tightened her lips around his jumping cock and
swallowed as he gave up his thick, sensual offering. When he began to soften
again between her lips, she allowed him to slide out and sat up, licking her
lips. “Yum. I think I just gained five pounds.”

Garrett reached down and pulled her up his body, laughing as
he saw her face.

Felicia smiled too. “What?”

“You have a little chocolate just…here.” He touched her
face. “And here, and there, and…” He swiped his finger across her cheek and
licked it.

Felicia swiped the back of her hand over her face and
laughed with him. “What’s a little chocolate mustache…and beard…between

“It was nice of you to save some for me.” He threw her over
onto her back and covered her with his hot body, licking her face like an
exuberant puppy as she giggled hysterically.

Chapter Five


Felicia walked into Children’s Hospital through the
emergency room doors as she always did. She smiled at an EMT on his way out and
waved to an admin she knew behind the reception desk.

She headed toward the cafeteria, as was her practice before
starting her shift, to get a cup of coffee. She was standing in line to pay
when she spotted someone who looked a lot like Dave Foust walking down the
corridor toward the exit doors. She briefly considered following the man to
make sure it wasn’t Dave.

What would Dave Foust be doing in the emergency room of
Children’s Hospital?

“You gonna pay for that or become one with it?”

Felicia jumped and turned to the woman sitting at the
checkout queue. She smiled and handed the woman two one-dollar bills. “Sorry. I
thought I saw someone I knew.”

The woman had already dismissed her and was glaring at the
man behind her in line.

All righty then.

Felicia headed toward the gift shop to pick up the morning’s
allotment of goodies for the kids in Intensive Care. She didn’t make it that

Ben Miller, the hospital administrator, met her outside the
gift shop.

He wasn’t smiling.

“Good morning, Ben.”

He inclined his head by way of a greeting. “Felicia. Can you
come to my office with me please?”

Her smile died on her lips. She’d known Ben Miller for
twenty years. He’d never failed to greet her warmly when they passed. Whatever
he wanted to talk to her about, Felicia knew in her gut it wasn’t good. “Sure.”

When they were seated in Ben’s large, cluttered office he
looked at her sadly. “I’m sorry to say, Felicia, that I need to let you go.”

“What are you talking about, Ben? I’m a volunteer. You’re
firing a volunteer? Why?”

His expressive, brown eyes darted around the room, refusing
to look her in the face. The hands he’d placed on his desk in front of him
twitched and fluttered, showing his discomfort. “I’m under pressure from one of
the board members to get rid of you. He says you’re indulging in decadent
behavior that, if discovered, will reflect badly on the hospital.”

She flew to her feet, nearly toppling the chair over. “What!
Are you crazy? What decadent behavior?”

He shook his head, finally meeting her eyes. “I’ve known you
for years, Felicia. I would no more believe that you were involved in anything
seedy than I would of myself.”

The starch went out of her knees and she dropped back into
her chair. “Then why are you firing me, Ben? I love working with the kids. I’ve
been doing it for ten years. I don’t want to leave.”

His face turned red. He walked over to the room’s only
window, his back to her. “I have to do what I’m told, Felicia. Surely you
understand that. Competition for patients is stiff and protecting the
hospital’s reputation is very important. The pressure to fire you has been…intense.”

She stood up again, really angry now. “It was Dave Foust,
wasn’t it?”

Ben didn’t turn but his shoulders jerked in surprise.

“I saw him leaving a few minutes ago. I should have known…”
Her voice trailed off.

Ben turned. “Dave’s a powerful and respected member of the
board, Felicia. If I went against him…” He walked back to his desk but didn’t
sit down. He leaned on his desk, fixing his sad eyes on her again. “Why would
Dave say such a thing about you, Felicia?”

She sighed. “I think he was in love with me.”


“I can’t return his feelings. And a couple of days ago…” She
glanced up, feeling guilt coloring her face as the words choked in her throat.
Then she realized she was doing it again, worrying about breaking a double
standard, an unfair prejudice, and she squared her shoulders and lifted her
chin. “I recently started seeing a younger man…”

Ben’s eyebrows lifted before she could finish the sentence.

“He’s twenty-seven, Ben!”

Unfortunately Ben didn’t look any less shocked. She might as
well have told him Garrett was ten years old. “Oh Felicia.” He shook his head
and dropped into his chair, looking for all the world like someone had punched
him in the gut. “No wonder.”

She placed both hands flat on Ben’s desk and leaned over it
with fire in her eye. “Now you listen to me, Ben Miller. Men have been dating
younger women since the dawn of time. Sometimes much younger women. Nobody
seems to have a problem with that.”

“That’s different.”

“Oh, it is? Why is that, Ben? Because men make the rules and
men enjoy that particular rule? That’s a horrible double standard and you know

“I don’t make the rules, Felicia.”

“Yes you do, Ben. Don’t you see? Every time you frown upon a
healthy, vibrant woman dating someone who happens to be younger than she is and
finds her attractive, you’re bolstering that stupid rule. And by supporting it
you’re helping it live. You don’t have the right to judge me, Ben. For God’s
sake, how old is Katie?”

His entire body stiffened in shock and anger. He stood up.
“My private life is none of your business!”

She straightened too so she could reach across the desk and
poke him on the chest. “But mine is up for judgment by you and any other
hypocrite who cares to judge it?” She headed toward the door to his office. I
don’t think so, Ben!” She turned at the door. “Why don’t you ask your ex-wife
how she feels about that double standard? I’m sure she’s just thrilled with it.
After all, it allowed you to drop her when she got a few years on her so you
could take up with someone who’s barely older than your daughter.” Felicia
stepped into the busy hallway. “You make me sick!”

She slammed the door on his shocked face and headed out of
the hospital. Adrenaline carried her home and anger got her into the house. But
then shock and sadness overwhelmed her and she climbed into bed, suddenly so
depressed that all she wanted to do was sleep.

* * * * *

Bruno met him at the door when he entered the club. They
clasped hands and slapped shoulders like they always did. Garrett had known
Bruno since college. They’d terrorized bars and wooed women together.

“You’ve made a powerful enemy, man.”

“Let me guess, you got a call from a lawyer demanding that
you fire me?”

Bruno jerked his head toward the bar. “Join me?”

Garrett nodded.

Bruno went behind the bar and poured them each a shot of
bourbon. They clinked glasses and downed it.

Garrett shuddered as the fiery liquid slid down his throat
and exploded in his chest. “I’m getting a strong sense of déjà vu,” he
muttered. Then he looked at his friend, prepared for the worst. “So,” he
narrowed his eyes at Bruno. “Am I fired?”

Bruno laughed. “Not a chance. My business would never
recover if I let you go. But I don’t think this guy’s gonna go away. I got a
surprise visit from the health inspector this morning. He’s determined to ruin
you and anyone who sides with you.” Bruno poured them each another shot. “You
must have really stomped on this guy’s dick.”

“I’d have to find it first.”

Bruno’s laugh was hearty and infectious. Garrett laughed
with him, swallowed his drink, and then leaned over the bar. “He’s in love with
my girl.”

“Ahhh.” Bruno’s face filled with understanding. Despite his
strong features and heavy brow, he was an intuitive and intelligent man, who
ran the finest women’s club in the country. “The pretty little cougar whose
friends dragged her in here on her birthday?”

Garrett frowned. “Don’t call her that.”

“It’s not a derogative term unless you mean it that way,
man.” Bruno’s wide face split in a grin. “And I surely don’t.”

Garrett couldn’t help chuckling.

“She’s a woman who knows what she wants and she takes it.
Society and its outdated mores be damned. I respect that in a woman.”

Garrett laughed outright. “Outdated mores? What are you some
kind of flippin’ psychiatrist?”

“I’m just sayin’.”

Garrett slid off the stool and headed for his dressing room.
“I’ll catch ya later, buddy.”

“If she has a friend I’d definitely be interested!” Bruno
called after him.

Garrett lifted a hand in response and kept walking.

* * * * *

The phone rang again and Felicia pulled the covers over her
head. She didn’t feel like talking to anybody at the moment, particularly
Garrett. Despite her bravado in Ben’s office, Felicia was far from confident
she was doing the right thing. It was hard to buck the system. And Felicia had
never been known for a willingness to do it.

Maybe Dave and Ben were right.

Maybe she was a pervert.

But a little voice screamed at her from inside her head. It
told her, if she was a pervert then Ben was a pervert for dating then marrying
Katie. And, for that matter, Dave was a pervert for wanting to date her.

She sighed. Life was so confusing.

The phone rang again and Felicia jumped as someone pounded
on the door. Hard.

“I know you’re in there, Felicia! Open this damn door before
I create a disturbance and unnerve every last one of your neighbors.”

Felicia jumped out of bed and hurried to the door, unlocking
the chain and the deadbolt and pulling it open quickly. Bliss was standing
there with her cell phone at her ear. She slapped it closed as Felicia opened
the door.

Felicia grabbed Bliss’ hand and pulled her into the house.
“Are you crazy? You’re creating a scene!”

Bliss grinned, totally unrepentant. “I knew you were in here
pouting. I’m not going to let you get away with that.”

Felicia put her hands on her hips. “Oh yeah? How are you
gonna stop me?”

Bliss held a bag out in front of her. Inside was a large,
rectangular box.

“What’s that?”

“Take it. I got them for you.”

Felicia took the bag from her friend and looked at the box
inside. Her eyes widened and she gasped. “Jimmy Choos?”

“Jimmy Choos fuck-me shoes.”

Felicia giggled, pulling the box out of the bag and yanking
off the lid. “Oh my god, Bliss! They’re outrageous!”

Bliss nodded. “Yes they are and they’re too good to waste.
Get yourself prettied up and let’s go to the club. I know a certain gorgeous
stripper who’s probably dying to see you.”

Felicia’s face fell. She put the shoes back into the box. “I

Bliss grabbed her hand to stop her. “You didn’t just say
those words. I didn’t even hear you say you couldn’t.”

“I think you did.”

Bliss gave Felicia the eye. Bliss had grown up in New
Orleans and she insisted she had a voodoo priestess in the family tree. Whether
there was magic in Bliss’ family or not, she certainly had the evil eye down
pat. “I’m not going to take no for an answer. If you don’t go with me I’ll get
my Auntie Mina to hex you.”

“I just can’t, Bliss.”

Bliss cocked a hip and crossed her arms over her abundant
chest. “Why can’t you, sugar? If you can give me a good reason why you can’t
I’ll walk out this door and never bother you again.” She grinned. “Until

Felicia went to the couch and sat down, pulling the sexy
black shoes out of the box and slipping them on. They felt like heaven on her
feet. “How do they look?”

Bliss sat down next to her. “Like they belong in a club,
where they can entice a sexy man to ravage you.”

Felicia leaned over and kissed her friend on the cheek.
“Thank you for the thought, Bliss, but I…”

“Don’t…say it again. Tell me
you can’t and I’ll

Felicia’s mouth opened and words tumbled through her brain,
but none of them seemed important enough to voice. Why should she stop seeing

They liked spending time together. She didn’t give a rat’s
patootie what men like Dave and Ben thought of her. She grinned as she realized
that was true. And her family? Well, her daughters were grown up and had their
own lives.

She turned to Bliss and grinned. “You’re right. There’s
absolutely no reason why I can’t go to the club with you tonight.” She stood
up. “I’m in. Just give me a half-hour to get beautiful.”

Bliss nodded, watching her friend disappear into the
bedroom. She murmured, “It’s about time you started thinking about yourself,
sugar.” Then she wandered into the kitchen in search of alcohol and munchies.

BOOK: BumpnGrind
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