Read BROKEN Online

Authors: Kimberley Reeves

BROKEN (20 page)

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Normally, she would have welcomed his company, but she and Liz planned on going to lunch afterwards so she’d asked him to let her go alone.
She moved her hand over her belly, secure in the knowledge that the pregnancy was progressing as it should be.

Jessie lifted her head at the sound of an approaching vehicle then rose to her feet, curious as to who would be paying a visit this late in the afternoon.
She wasn’t expecting any deliveries
and all the ranch hands as well as Mitch and Hank had ridden out on horseback.

Shading her eyes, she peered down the road as the vehicle drew nearer then let out an exasperated sigh when she realized who it was.
There was only one person she knew of who had a white three quarter ton pickup with a pair of Texas Long Horns mounted on the hood.
Jud Wilkerson pulled up in front of the house and emerged from the truck with a fist full of flowers.

“You look as beautiful as ever,” he declared when he joined her on the porch and handed over the fragrant bouquet.

Jessie set the flowers on the porch swing without even looking at them.
“I thought I made myself clear on the last visit, Jud.
I’m not selling the ranch to you or anyone else.”

“I know, I know.
This has nothing to do with the ranch.
There’s a barn dance at the Nelson’s on Saturday night.
I came to ask if you
do me the honor of being my date.”

Apparently he hadn’t heard about Mitch buying up the Sinclair ranch or about the baby.
And even if he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be interested in going out with you.”

“You’re killing my ego, you know that?”

In spite of her irritation at his persistence, she couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m sure your ego will survive.”

Not one to beat around the bush, Jud asked, “How long is he staying this time?”

Her chin jutted forward.
“For good.”

“Is that what he told you?”


“And you believe him?”

She didn’t like the mocking tone of his voice.
She didn’t particularly like Jud either.
“Yes, as a matter of fact
I do.”

He stepped a little closer.
“You’re a smart woman, Jess.
Surely you don’t believe that a danger junkie like Adam Kincaid will stick around forever.”

No, Adam
wouldn’t have, she thought, but Mitch will.
“Whether he
sticks around
or not is none of your business.
My ranch and what goes on in my life are none of your business either and I
appreciate it if you removed yourself from both of them.”

A slow, lazy grin slanted his lips.
“Come on, Jessie, haven’t we played cat and mouse long enough?
You can’t possibly want a man who disappears on you for months at a time.
I c
give you everything you ever dreamed of; an elegant home, fine clothes, a new car.”
He inched closer until he was half an arm’s length away.
be good together between the sheets,” he said huskily.
“I imagine you’re quite the wild cat in bed.”

Jessie cheeks flushed, but not from desire
or even
She was infuriated by his arrogance, not to mention the utter audacity of coming here and propositioning her especially when he knew Mitch was back.
No, she shook her head, she had to remember everyone else believed he was Adam.
She looked up at him, her whole body shaking with rage.

“That is something you will never find out, Jud Wilkinson.
Unless, of course, you intend to ask
His smile faded.
A slap to the face couldn’t have been more effective.
“In case you’re not getting the big picture,
I love him.
As a matter of fact, he asked me to marry him.”

Jud laughed, but it was bitter and cold.
truly delusional if you think Kincaid will ever marry you.
He’s not the marrying kind
.  W
e both know you’re only setting yourself up for heartache.
Just tell me this, Jess, what has he
that I don’t?”

“Me,” she answered simply.

Fire blazed behind his eyes as his hands shot out and gripped her arms.
“I have half a mind to take you inside and show you what a real man is like!
I guarantee, one hour with me and you’ll forget Adam Kincaid ever existed.”

Jessie smiled serenely.
“Really, an hour you say?
It didn’t take two minutes with
to make me forget there was any other man on earth.”
His eyes turned to ice and a small thread of fear began to wind its way through her when his grip tightened.
She shoved against his chest.
“Jud, you’re hurting me…”

A low growl of rage sounded from behind Jud a split second before he was physically yanked away from her and thrown halfway across the porch.
Jessie cringed when Jud hit one of the pillars with a loud thud then staggered sideways before catching himself.
Terrified the two men were going to tear each other apart when Mitch took a menacing step towards Jud, she scurried across the porch and grabbed Mitch’s arm.

“It’s okay, Jud was just leaving.”

Mitch’s jaw flexed.
“Damn right he’s leaving.”
Ignoring Jessie’s frantic tug on his arm, he took another step forward, his voice as lethal as the stance he took against Jud.
“If you ever lay a hand on Jessie again, I’ll kill you.”

There was the slightest flicker in Jud’s eyes before he squared his shoulders.
“You think I’m intimidated just because you’re some hot shot Special Ops agent?
I’m not afraid of you, Kincaid, or your idle threats.”

Mitch glared at him.
“Try touching her again and you’ll see just how idle my threats are.”

Jud grinned, his eyes moving to Jessie, traveling slowly down her body and back up again.
“When you’re ready for a real man…”

That’s as far as he got before Mitch’s fist slammed into his jaw.
Jud went down like a lead balloon, but his half conscious state didn’t stop the rage that burned inside Mitch.
He wanted to kill him with his bare hands for the way he’d looked at Jessie and might have done just that if she hadn’t thrown herself at him and hugged her slender body to his.

“Don’t,” she choked.

He wound his arms around her, alarmed at how violently she was trembling.
“It’s okay, honey, it’s over.”
Mitch glanced over his shoulder.
“Get him out of here.”

Jessie lifted her head and was surprised to see every one of her ranch hands standing at the bottom of the porch steps.
They’d obviously witnessed the whole thing
but not one of them looked even slightly disturbed by the fact Mitch had tried to take Jud’s head off.
If anything, they all seemed rather amused to see Jud sprawled
the ground and moaning in pain.
It was Del who moved first, climbing the porch steps and giving Mitch a nod of approval before hauling Jud to his feet.

Jud swayed unsteadily for a moment before jerking away from Del.
Already his jaw was starting to swell and bruise, and a small sliver of blood trailed down from his bottom lip.
He was a big man, almost as big as Mitch, but he obviously had the intelligence to know when he was physically outmatched.
Besides the special training, Mitch was a man protecting his woman
which gave him a decided advantage
.  B
didn’t stop Jud from making verbal threats.

“You’re going to pay for this, Kincaid.
I’m going to enjoy destroying you.”

Mitch’s expression was indifferent.
“Do your damage, pal.”

I intend to.
Your little performance here just cost Jessie her ranch.”
He brushed past Del
but Mitch stepped in front of him before he reached the steps.

“Your fight is with me, Wilkinson, not Jessie.
If you do anything to hurt her, there won’t be a hole big enough for you to hide in.”

brought this on,” Jud spat.
“I came here willing to negotiate a handsome deal with Jessie for the ranch and offer her the life of leisure she deserves, but I can see she
rather be slumming it with you.
I’m going to dry this ranch up and make it worthless, Kincaid, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me.”

Mitch crossed his arms and grinned.
“And just how do you plan to do that?
You don’t have control of the water source and you never will.”

“We’ll see about that.
Money can buy a lot of things, including the means to choke the life out of this place.”

Mitch’s grin broadened.
“Apparently you haven’t heard the good news, Wilkinson.
You see, the Sinclair ranch has new owners and I can promise they won’t sell to you at any price.”

The look on Jud’s face was priceless.
Mitch was enjoying himself immensely, as were the boys it seemed
they were all sporting the same triumphant grin he was.

Jud’s brows drew together.
“What do you mean new owners?”

Mitch reached out and drew Jessie to his side.
“Me and Jessie, of course.”

Jud’s face burned a bright red.
“That’s not impossible,” he sputtered, “I made an offer on that ranch months ago.”

“Let’s just say I sweetened the pot a little.
Face it, Wilkinson, you
all the land around here you’re ever going to get.”

“Maybe so,” Jud said evenly, “but one way or another I’ll take you down.
advise you to send him packing, Jessie, before he drags you down with him.”

Jessie just smiled.
The last blow in this fight would be hers.
“Now why would I do that to the father of my child?”

Jud’s eyes widened in surprise as his gaze followed Jessie’s hand to her belly
but he didn’t say a word.
Side stepping Mitch, he stomped down the stairs and shouldered his way past the boys then got in his
and left.
They all stood there, watching as he turned the truck around and hit the gas, leaving a trail of dust behind him as he sped off down the road.

The hard lines on Mitch’s face softened when he looked down at Jessie.
“Are you okay?
He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“He just scared me a little, that’s all.
I’ve never seen him like that before.
He’s never tried to manhandle me and certainly doesn’t have a reputation for violence.”

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