Read Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5 Online

Authors: Ella Cox

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance

Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5 (12 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5
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Then he brought up another subject…Alec marrying me. Yeah…the arranged marriage crap. I had to stop my father a few times, telling him that I didn’t want that. He looked so heartbroken. It became pretty hard telling him that I just couldn’t face marriage. I told him that Alec was a great man, but I didn’t want to be with him. I just wanted to be alone.

I grew to love being alone. Most people hated alone time. I welcomed it. I yearned for the day when I could just think about the bullshit in my life and how to change things. I didn’t know if things ever would but thinking about changing my own little world helped a lot. At least I could cope with the pain and try to figure out my mess when I was alone.

Despite living under my dad’s rule, I had a pretty peaceful life. It was about a month after the Chase incident when I received
the phone call
. The conversation started out pretty normal. That immediately roused my suspicions. Something was going on. I called my dad out on it before he even got to the point.

“What do you mean?” he asked innocently.

“You know exactly what I mean. Why are you being so nice? You’ve been really friendly lately. Not that I mind, but I feel like I’m being buttered up.” I didn’t like to think that way, but there it was. I was not going to be lied to.

He emitted that rumbling sigh. I knew I’d uncovered something. He immediately said, “I want you to go with Alec to an after-five event on Friday. I assure you…it’ll be a whole lot of fun.”

I frowned, but actually thought about it. A part of me jumped at the opportunity. It might be a great way for me and Alec to finally bond a little. Besides, it would make my father happy. Another part of me hated it and a completely different part felt disgusted by the fact that my father was trying to force Alec on me. I knew he meant well, but I’d told him that I didn’t want Alec right now. I didn’t know what to say. I tried for a light, nervous chuckle to let him know my mixed emotion and added with a bit of sarcasm, “That’s

Maybe, he’d take the hint. He didn’t. His tone was full of determination. “So you’ll go?”

“I guess,” I sighed. The nice man fled, replaced by the all-famous man that I now knew. He ignored my discontent and flipped into the man that held me under his thumb and demanded I make him proud.

“Well, Lila, I think this will be a great way to get your mind off of
that damn boy.
Let’s see some excitement.” His manner was very abrupt.

I hated when he called Chase
that damn boy
. It was a term he used for drug offenders and people he looked down on. I didn’t know what the hell to say. I felt like he was forcing me to think like him too, like I’d fucked his world up and was paying for it.

My mind was so messed up. I didn’t know what to do about his heavy-handed control. A part of me still loved Chase, but his past had really fucked me up. My mind threw images of him and that bitch cheating on his brother and being caught in the act. And to think that he had a very fucked up relationship with various people, including his brother.

I shuddered and sighed into the phone as I listened to my father go on about needing to give Alec a chance. My mind returned to Chase. I knew he was a womanizer now. I mean…fucking groupies and a few threesomes back in the day was one thing. He’d played in a
. I couldn’t even imagine what that meant. I shivered.
Oh God…what if he’s gay? He did say threesomes with…

I almost physically gagged.
Holy shit…what if he was stringing me along for legal services. After all, his family is wealthy and he’s had a lot of affairs with a lot of…his brother’s girlfriends. Gee-zus!

“Okay… I might as well do that. Fine…I’ll go out with him, Dad.” My tone was still really defiant even though my suspicious mind was building a case…
Motherfucker was trying to lure me into being his powerhouse attorney in case he has some kid that a slut would wave at the famous rock star…or worse.

My father would’ve normally chided me for such impudence. I could hear the smile in his voice, though, “Good…Baby. I’ll make sure to tell him and his family. I’m sure they’ll be delighted to see you at this event.”

I grinned and lightly responded. Dread was eating a hole in my stomach. Something told me this was going to be worse than the other date.
Is that possible?!
  I was worried that this whole situation would just encourage my father into plans of an engagement.

The days passed and Friday arrived too soon.  My father had purchased me a sleek but professional black dress that accentuated my curves. I waited at my apartment for Alec. After a little bit, I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened the door, he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a very silly grin on his face.

“I’m glad that you gave me a second chance. Sorry for scaring you off last time,” he said.

I smiled, took the bouquet, and sniffed the flowers ever so slightly. They did smell really nice.
Did he ask a servant to pick them for me?
A part of me wondered if he actually took the time to do something like that himself.

“Thanks,” I replied.

He smiled and took my hand to usher me to his limo. Soon, we were cruising down the streets of Chicago and headed to the big hotel where the event was being held. The new hotel was recently constructed.

It was beautiful. There were fountains all around and little butterflies flying through the sprays. We entered the lobby and there were chandeliers hanging overhead that were probably more expensive than my apartment. There was already a throng of people walking around and drinking. It seemed like your typical party, but Alec led me past that to another room.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“I want to introduce you to my parents.”


We walked over to a giant banquet hall. There was a fundraiser going on, and some people were bidding on various things. He motioned to a table where his parents sat. They immediately looked at me and smiled.

“Hello. You must be Lila,” the mother whispered.

“Yes I am,” I softly replied.

“I’m Susan . And this is Charlie. We’re Alec’s parents,” she said.

I lightly shook both their hands. They had very firm handshakes. I felt very proper in front of them, but they didn’t seem to be as judgmental as my father.

After the initial introductions, his mother stood and walked with us out of the banquet hall. The auction continued as we left the room. His dad remained, but shot several warm smiles in my direction. This behavior was such a breath of fresh air in comparison to my father’s cold and direct behavior.

I talked with his Mom and discovered that we had a whole lot in common. She was pretty in an elegant sort of way. She was also a lawyer. I learned a lot just by talking with her. I began to think the night wasn’t so bad. Alec also wasn’t being an attention whore. Tonight, I didn’t mind hanging out with him. I actually thought this might be fun and our future looked a tiny bit brighter.

After about an hour, his Mom left us. We continued to sit in the atrium and sip champagne. All of the other people were mingling, but we just sat there in pleasant silence. Alec suddenly got up and looked at me with a mischievous grin, which was both friendly and interesting. My interest was piqued, but only regarding where we were going.

He offered a hand and said, “I have a surprise for you if you want to check it out.”

I took his offered hand and stood to follow him. He led me up the stairs to what appeared to be a very exclusive lounge. Nobody else was around. It was lavishly decorated.

“Come on in. This is a private lounge where only the VIPs can enjoy time. They’re all downstairs, and I don’t think they’ll be coming up anytime soon,” he explained.

I nodded and sat down with a small sigh. This was a very different date than before. He had been really quiet. I felt a bit awkward and was kind of shocked.

I didn’t how to start this conversation and I was nervous as shit. I bluntly asked, “So why me? Why do you want to date me so badly?” I really didn’t’ know what else to say to him.

He simply smiled. “Because, Lila, I like you a lot. Sure, I could talk until I’m blue in the face about what our parents want. I think I’ve already done that. I like you a lot and I want to see you happy. It’s that simple. And I think you’re gorgeous, have a great personality, and I know I fucked up last time. This time, I forced myself to shut up. When I’m nervous, words flood out of my mouth. I feel so damn awkward when I think about you. I just want to tell you everything and be friends with you. My mother actually helped me on this one.” His smile widened. “I also know that my father wants me to be on my best behavior when it comes to you, which makes me even more nervous.”

Tonight, the way he spoke was actually adorable. He was being nice and not flooding me with his ego. He seemed content just to be with me. I know most girls want to talk about themselves. I didn’t want to but was glad that I wasn’t being bombarded with All-About-Alec. In a weird way, I really liked this Alec.

The idea of us being together suddenly wasn’t so far off. I hoped I was finally burying Chase too. I still felt a bit of remorse for the way I rushed off and didn’t talk it through with Chase. I should’ve at least texted him back something but, to be honest, I knew I’d been too angry. 

“That’s very cute Alec, and a little dorky. I thought you were nothing but some spoiled asshole, but tonight I think I’m actually seeing the real you. I find it adorable that you had to go to your Mom for dating advice. Trust me, I don’t know a damn thing about it either,” I replied.

“Really? But you’re so calm and collected.” He studied my face.

I studied his face right back. He wasn’t rock star hot like Chase but Alec was handsome in his own way. He had all-American boyish good looks that I knew would age into a distinguished look like his father’s.

A blush touched his cheeks and I realized I was staring at him while he was waiting for an answer. “Um…not on the inside. I’m actually a little surprised that I’m telling you this. I don’t want to scare you away.” I was a little shocked at that last bit. It was the truth. I kind of felt like I’d rediscovered an old friend.

We both chuckled, our gazes locked into each other’s. Now that we were on the same page, I wondered if we could do this.
Is it okay for us to act this way? It’s kind of scary. Could this really turn into something? Could he really be the right man for me?
I discovered that I didn’t care if he was right or not. This chasm of loneliness had lessened in his company. I had found someone who kind of understood me. He made it seem okay if I was awkward or whatever.

“I really like you, Lila. I don’t know if it’s love yet, but damn it, I’m not afraid if it is.” His cheeks reddened a bit. Again, I thought it was adorable as hell.

“I like you too, Alec. I admit that, at first, I just knew that I would hate tonight. It’s ended up being one of the best nights that I’ve had in a long time.”

His smile was small and innocent. I suddenly needed closeness. I leaned in and brushed my lips against his. I had never been the daring one before. He instantly reacted, softly kissing me back. It was different from Chase, who was gentle but packed primal desire behind his kisses.

It was also different from that first horrible date. At first, this felt as innocent as a first kiss at a high school dance. We didn’t deepen the kiss for a bit. We just got used to each other. When we started to deepen the kiss, things heated up fast. I needed to fill the void left by Chase. Feeling connected to Alec seemed to lessen my feeling of heartbreak.

His tongue lightly tapped my lip and curled. I opened my mouth and he groaned. His hand brushed up my arm before he snatched it back.
Is he a virgin!?
That made me a bit nervous. He seemed too nervous, like he was very innocent. The thought of being with a virgin was actually a bit of a turn-on.

As I kissed him deeper, I could feel my desire grow stronger and his inhibitions start to diminish. The kiss entered another level. He grew more confident every time I moaned or whimpered. We began competing for dominance. He broke the kiss, and reading the desire on my face, pushed me down on the couch. He hovered over me with his intense lust obvious between us. 

He trailed kisses down my neck all the way down to my collarbone. He sucked and worked the muscle of my neck, but was very gentle. His hand pulled the hem of dress up and felt up my thigh. My dress was suddenly off. Clad only in my panties, I welcomed his mouth on my nipple. He lightly teased each with his mouth and hands. I moaned and whimpered when he brushed a hand across my stomach. I could almost see restraints falling away from him. His touch was heavenly. I didn’t stop him when he trailed kisses lower across my stomach.

I wanted him to continue, but he suddenly stopped. He smiled and nipped my stomach right above my panties. His tongue left a wet trail and then he peeled my panties off with his teeth. Goose bumps ran down my legs and I shivered. My tiny wanton mewl hit the air. I could not believe that was me and he had elicited it. I felt so dirty, fucking him in a VIP lounge with a bunch of people downstairs.  It was also hotter than hell. Anyone could come in there and find us. I had never imagined he would be this kinky. In a way, this turned me on more than I had been in my life.

BOOK: Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5
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