Bowles, Jan - Tamed by the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Tamed by the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Sheriff Bunty placed a hand on Colt’s shoulder. “You sure do keep bad company, son. Fraternizing with known criminals is probable cause to get a search warrant on this place. I’m gonna close you down once and for all.” Bunty looked triumphant, puffing out his chest like a prize peacock. Colt guessed he’d be crowing about his victory for weeks.

Fuck, all the hard work he’d put into this place, now it looked like it was all for nothing. What the hell was Kat playing at? What was she doing associating with pond life like those two? Most importantly why had she lied to him? Now it looked like she’d cost him his business. As he watched the potbellied lawman get back in his car, he clenched his hands into fists.

The Sheriff lowered the window of his cruiser. “I’ll have you closed down by the end of the month, Colt. Rely on it, son.”

If it were the last thing he did, he would get to the bottom of this. He turned and walked inside. Now, he would serve up some swift justice of his own.

* * * *

Colt certainly didn’t look very happy when he returned from his conversation with the Sheriff. He stormed through the front door and went straight into his office. After two minutes, he came back out.

“Katrina, would you come into my office, please.”

“Of course, Colt. What did Sheriff Bunty want?”

Kat followed him, stopping abruptly as she saw the contract on his desk. The one she’d signed some ten days before. Her nerves had been on tenterhooks ever since, wondering when he would implement the agreement. It looked like now might be it. She swallowed hard and looked straight at him. He still appeared angry. His eyes barely focused on her. He seemed to stare straight through her.

“I’m going to ask you just one more time, Katrina. Who are those men you were just talking to?”

“I’ve already told you the answer, Colt. They’re lawyers. They’ve come about Momma’s will.”

“Don’t lie.” He slammed his fist against the desk. “I’ve just had Bunty threaten me with closure because of those so-called lawyers of yours. You’re going to tell me who they really are. Understand.”

Kat’s stomach churned. Colt was really angry with her. “I didn’t lie. It is to do with Momma’s will—”

“Katrina.” He warned.

She clasped her hands together, feeling terrible. Suddenly, she couldn’t stop herself from speaking. The words left her mouth in a garbled rush. “They’re the people I borrowed the money from. Because I missed a payment, they don’t trust me. They won’t leave me alone. They keep coming to the club for their money. They frighten me, Colt. They really frighten me. I think they’re capable of anything.”

“Why didn’t you say something? I said I’d pay them off.”

“It’s such a large sum of money. I didn’t want to burden you with it.”

“I see. So how much do you still owe?”

Kat winced as she said, “Ninety thousand dollars. I’ve paid back over eighty thousand dollars already, but the amount doesn’t seem to go down. They even add a thousand dollars every time they come and collect the money, too.” She hung her head in shame. “Is the Sheriff really going to close you down?”


“I’m sorry, Colt.” She could feel large tears brimming in her eyes. Now Colt would hate her, too. “I’ll pack my things. I’m sure you’ll be better off without me around.”

“Oh, no, you’re not leaving, Katrina. You and I have a contract. Remember.”

Her head lifted sharply, and she watched him wave the signed document in front of her. His eyes appeared like hardened steel as he stared at her. “You wouldn’t enforce it now.”

“Try me.”

At that moment, Kat felt as though he hated her. “Why?”

“Why not. I’ve waited long enough. You were never going to trust me, were you? I’ve had it with the softly softly approach. Now I’m going to do it my way. The way I should have from the very beginning.”

“What are you going to do?”

“You’ll find out.”

Kat lifted her head defiantly. She knew she deserved his punishment. “Let’s get one thing straight, Colt. I wanted to be your submissive, but I don’t have it in me to yield to you. You’ll never get me to do what you want.”

Colt folded his arms across his chest. “Katrina, the time for talking is over. Your training has begun. Now, go to the punishment room, and remove all your clothes. I’ll be along in ten minutes.”

Chapter Twelve

Kat sat on a chair and rubbed her hands over her eyes. She’d been sitting naked in the punishment room for at least half an hour. Maybe Colt wouldn’t turn up. Maybe he’d changed his mind. Just as she was on the verge of putting her clothes back on, he finally walked through the door. He looked like he meant business. He’d removed his T-shirt, and the contours of his chest muscles caught in the subdued lighting of the room.

Without looking at her, he commanded, “Come over here.”

Kat stood and walked over to him. She looked up into his face. Devoid of any emotion, he roughly took hold of her hands and bound them together with a large leather strap. He then shackled her feet with a chrome spacer bar. It fit between her ankles, spreading her legs wide. He lifted her arms above her head, securing her to a metal ring that dropped down on a heavy chain from the ceiling. Positioned almost dead center in the room, he could walk right around her, intimidating her at will. Unable to move, Kat’s heart rate accelerated. What would happen now?

“The first thing you have to realize in a Ds relationship is the element of punishment and reward. When you do something that the Master likes, you get rewarded.” He smoothed his hand down her body, his fingers drifting over her breasts. Her whole body shuddered at the unexpected pleasure that pulsed through her. Colt walked around behind her. “Likewise, when you do something that the Master does not like, you get punished.” Immediately when he finished speaking, a wooden paddle was thwacked hard against her bare butt. Kat bit down on her bottom lip as pain slashed into her body.

“Being nice to the Master gets you rewarded.” He walked in front of her and touched her clitoris, stroking it with his fingers. Kat closed her eyes, trying to control her reaction. “Have I told you to close your eyes?”

“No, I’m sorry, Colt.” She stared at him. He looked magnificent as he stood over her. His broad shoulders commanded her attention. When she raised her gaze to his, the breath caught in her throat. His vivid blue eyes held her captive with their intensity. She could no more look away than stop breathing.

“You don’t need anyone, do you, Kat?”

“No, I never have. Men always let me down.”
But not Colt, Colt never let you down.
Kat refused to listen to her inner self, adding defiantly,
“I’ve never needed anyone.”

“We’ll see. In the meantime, do you think you should be punished?”


“Interesting.” His brow lifted as he contemplated her answer, and then asked, “Why?”

“Because I didn’t trust you with the truth.”

“So, what do you think you deserve?” He raised the paddle in his hand, bringing it level with her face. “How many spanks?”

Kat swallowed. If she chose too few, he might give her a whole lot more. “Twenty.”

“Because you have pleased me by answering truthfully this time, I will administer just five strokes of the paddle. What do you say?”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you, what?”

“Thank you for being so lenient with me, Master.”

“That’s better, you’re learning.”

Kat braced herself as he stood behind her. The first two stung, then her flesh began to burn, and a warm sensation spread into her ass cheeks. This time she couldn’t stop herself from closing her eyes as her punishment continued unabated. She bit her bottom lip once more, refusing to cry out as the paddle contacted hard with her burning butt.

Still standing behind her, Colt threw the paddle on the floor and immediately wrapped his arms around her, drawing her against his hard lean body. His one hand caressed her breasts. The other smoothed a path to her face where he cupped her chin with his fingers. Kat rested her head back against his torso, enjoying his warmth and the feel of his skin against hers. She was kidding herself. She needed him, and she knew it. Deep down, she really loved him. Surely she wanted him to love her, too? Her heart broke. With the loss of his club, Colt would never forgive her now.

“You should have told me about the money, Kat. I am very disappointed.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Her arms secured above her head were beginning to ache, and she longed to change the position of her feet.

“From now on, you will confide all your thoughts, wishes, and desires. In future, you will hide nothing from me. What you need is structure in your life, Kat. Structure and guidance. From now on, I shall direct you daily. Your main focus in life will be to please me.”

When she didn’t answer, he clamped her nipple hard between his thumb and forefinger. Unable to move from the intense pain, she twisted her head against his shoulder.

“When I address you, you will answer me.”

“Yes, Master.”

“That’s better.” Slowly he released her sensitive flesh, and she relaxed back against him, breathing hard. She altered her stance trying to find a more comfortable position. Thankfully she could cope with her aching limbs because she knew it would displease him if she used her safeword.

He walked to the side of the room and began undoing a thick rope fastened to the wall and attached to the chain holding her upright.

“I want you to kneel on the floor.”

With her arms still held taut above her head, he slowly lowered her to a kneeling position and then retied the rope. Her whole body swayed as the pulley system she was secured to took her weight.

Kat knew he was still angry with her. Of course he was angry. He was about to lose his livelihood because of her stupid mistake. Just why hadn’t she confided in him? None of this would have happened if she had. Sheriff Bunty was a prize bastard. He always had been.

“As your Master, I choose when and how you receive pleasure. While I’m angry, you will receive none. My own enjoyment is your only concern now.” Colt stood in front of her and unzipped his jeans. He pulled out his hard cock and held it in his hand. The head looked inflamed and dripped with pre-cum. “It is your duty to worship your Master’s cock.” He lifted her chin tilting her face upward. “Open your mouth, little sub, you have a lot to make up for.”

He filled her mouth with his prick, pushing it right in until it touched the back of her throat. Kat greedily sucked on the purple crown, enjoying the heady, masculine scent that filled her nostrils. She wanted to please him and make up for the way things had turned out. Sheriff Bunty filled her thoughts. If only there was a way to stop him getting a search warrant. Her mother must have been crazy for having an affair with him.

Colt held her head in his hands as he begun thrusting inside her mouth, fucking her face. She breathed in through her nose, trying to relax as he used her for his own enjoyment. Kat had read all about the Master sub roles. She knew it was his way of stamping his authority. Her arms swayed above her head, and her naked breasts came into contact with the material of his jeans, rubbing deliciously on her aroused nipples. If Colt thought she wasn’t enjoying this, then he was wrong. This was the most exciting thing she’d ever been made to do, and with the mood Colt was in, it could only get better. She wanted him to dominate her. That meant his main focus was her. For the first time in her life Kat felt truly visible. For a woman who had spent her entire life in the shadows, it was a revelation.

Exhilarated by events, thoughts popped into her head like missiles firing in a war zone. When Colt finally came in her mouth, she swallowed hard, drinking down his cum with a smile on her face. Inspiration had struck at the most opportune moment.

She looked into his eyes as he withdrew from her mouth. He stroked a hand over her face, smoothing his thumb over her lips in just the way she’d come to love.

“Master, may I speak?”

“Go ahead.”

“I may have a way to stop Sheriff Bunty closing you down.”

“Go on, you may tell me more, little sub.”

* * * *

Two hours later

“You have done well, little one.” Colt relaxed back in his chair and glanced at his new sub sitting opposite him. Kat didn’t seem at all disturbed by the experience in the punishment room. He guessed she’d relished the attention. Hopefully, she had given him the means to rid himself of Bunty’s constant interference once and for all. If it worked, then he could devote a lot more time to training her. His cock hardened at the thought of what he wanted to do to her.

Of course, there was the not so small matter of the large sum of money she still owed. Now that might prove more difficult. He steepled his hands together and tapped them against his chin as he looked at her. “Do not think you have redeemed yourself entirely, because I am not happy about the company you choose to keep. So while I sort out the Sheriff, I want you to go to our bedroom and prepare yourself for me.”

“Yes, of course, Master.” She rose from the chair and hesitated by the door. “What’s going to happen?”

“I’m going to introduce you to some BDSM play techniques.”

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Tamed by the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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