Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (25 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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She nodded.

“I need a little more than that, baby. Maggie, will you marry me?”

“Yes, Sir. I will marry you.” She squealed.

Carlton took her left hand and slid the ring into place.

It fit perfectly. She held it up in front of her face to see if it was real. “Oh my God.” And then she hugged him to her, never ever wanting to release him.

“So about that birth control,” he mumbled into her neck, nibbling a path to her ear.

“Stop it. I can’t take more in one day. My chest is going to burst. I’m so damn happy.” She lifted off him to meet his gaze. “Do you know how happy I am?”

“Nope. But you can show me. Later. On your knees. Your sweet ass burning and pink from all the cussing.”

“Gladly, Sir.”

Two weeks later

Carlton couldn’t stop smiling. He glanced at Margaret every few minutes where she sat perched at the bar in Emergence, chatting with Jason and lifting her hand every few minutes to show off her ring, more for herself than for anyone else.

She’d told him she needed to remind herself often because she couldn’t believe the luck she’d found.

He was working the front door tonight. Even with his woman all sexy as shit, sitting at the bar, giggling in a tone he could hear all the way to the door over the din of the club, he still hadn’t learned to delegate very well. He loved his job, and he was good at it. Very little happened inside Emergence that he didn’t know about, allow or condone. And he intended to keep it that way. Emergence had an excellent reputation for a reason, and he liked to think he had something to do with it.

Nevertheless, it was getting late. A tap on his shoulder had him leaning back to see who was there. One of his employees smirked at him and shook his head. “You’re like a lovesick puppy. Go be with your woman. I’ve got this.”

“You sure?” He didn’t even care about the puppy remark.

“Go, man. If that were my woman, there’s no way I’d be arguing with the staff about wrapping her in my arms.”

Carlton narrowed his gaze at the man.

The guy laughed and rolled his eyes. “
, dude. Don’t get all worked up. She’s not mine, and I wouldn’t dream of touching her. Go.” He nodded toward the bar.

Carlton turned and left the guy standing there without saying another word or even thinking about the front door.

He wrapped his arms around Maggie from behind, hoping to surprise her. “Hey, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

She didn’t flinch. “I can sense you coming, you know. You can’t sneak up on me.” She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

“I’m glad you can sense me
, baby. That’s a relief. Saves me from having to announce my orgasms.”

“Ha ha.” She wrapped her hands around his arm just below her breasts.

He slipped his fingers under the opening in her dress to fondle her nipple. “Are they sensitive yet?” he asked her, licking her ear. He emphasized his words by squeezing her breast, his entire palm circling the globe.

“What?” She giggled again.

God, he loved that sound. She had started making it a lot lately. A whole lot. More in the last two weeks than in the previous year and a half since he’d met her.

She squirmed and rolled her eyes up at him. “It’s been like a week since I stopped taking birth control. It doesn’t happen that fast. What’s your rush? First you yank me to Vegas before I can catch my breath from the blinding ring you put on my finger, and then you start choosing baby names before any semen has had a chance to partner up with an egg. I think you’ve lost your mind.”

“Hey, when I have a good thing, I want to make sure I keep it.”

She straightened her face. “You don’t have to do anything to keep me, Carlton. I’m here for the long haul. Ring or no ring. Last name or no last name. Baby or no baby. I’m the happiest woman alive. You don’t need to do a damn thing to keep me that way.”

He lifted an eyebrow and pinched her nipple again. “Did you just cuss at me, baby?”

She rolled her eyes again. “I might have, Sir.”

“Do you like your ass pink?” He slid his free hand from under her breasts to down between her thighs, pushing her dress out of his way to reach her pussy. He stroked a finger through her folds, making her hitch her breath. He loved that sound. He also loved the way she lifted her sweet ass off the stool as he thrust into her.

He leaned closer and held her tighter. “Stay still, baby. You suck at learning this lesson.”

She let her head fall back against his chest and her next words were breathy, ragged. “You’re so distracting.”

“That’s my intention. That and having sex with you multiple times a day until your nipples hurt and your breasts get heavy carrying my child.”

“You’ve been reading too many baby books.” She moaned on the end of that sentence when he added a second finger to the first and dragged them both across her G-spot. “Can’t we just go back to your office?”

“No, we cannot go back to my office,” he mocked in a close approximation of her whiny voice. “First of all, you forget who’s in charge here. And second of all…” He pressed his thumb against her clit. “…I want you to come right here for me first. Quietly. And without moving.” He kissed her temple and then angled his head to take her lips briefly. “Think you can do that?”

“History would suggest otherwise.” She moaned again, her head rolling on his shoulder.

Carlton pulled his hand out of her and released her breast. Except for her leaning against his chest, he didn’t touch her. He held his hands out in front of her.

“No, honey. Please…” She reached for his hands as though she were strong enough to force him to complete the deed.

“You want my cock inside you?”

“Yes,” she answered breathlessly.

“Yes? That’s it? Just yes?”

“Yes, Sir. Please, Sir. I need you. Please. I can’t stand it.”

“Hmm. What are you willing to do to get my cock?”

“Anything, Carlton. Please.” She grabbed his wrists, tugging to no avail.

“Look at me.”

She leaned her face back again and met his gaze with lowered lids.

“You’ll sit here until you come without making a sound or moving a muscle. I don’t care if it takes all night or halfway into next week. I don’t care if you have five hundred noisy, wiggly orgasms before you master the task. Until you can manage that simple request, I won’t let you move. Understand?”

She nodded, her eyes huge, her mouth hanging open.

“You believe me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

She should. He’d never backed down on a threat. “You do that. You find a way to come to my specifications on this bar stool, baby, and I’ll fuck you so hard in my office you won’t be able to see. Got it?”

She nodded.

“And don’t tempt me to spank you by letting out a string of cuss words. I know you like to be spanked.”

Carlton stuck his hands back into the same places he’d had them a minute ago, one wrapped around her gorgeous tit, the other pressing into the sweet pussy she hid between her thighs.

He stroked her skin and then pinched and pulled on her nipple and her clit simultaneously.

She hitched in a breath, but otherwise didn’t move. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she finally closed them. He let her have that, knowing it would help her concentrate if she didn’t have to look at the people around them and wonder if they all “knew”.

Not that it mattered. It was a BDSM club, but all the more reason to practice here. He wanted her to be able to come for him anywhere at any time. But she wasn’t anywhere close to letting that happen yet.

But here in Emergence? There was no better, safer place for her to let herself go.

“That’s it, baby. So good. So wet. So fucking hot.” He tugged on her clit between his fingers and then smoothed them over the surface and rubbed.

She mewled, but not loud enough for anyone but him to hear.

“I’m going to slide inside you now. Brace yourself.” He followed his words with a thrust of his fingers.

She held her face steady, scrunching up her nose, but otherwise not moving her body.

He stroked slow and easy, molding her breast and cupping her hot pussy. “Spread your legs wider, baby. Nobody’s looking. They all just think we’re whispering to each other at the bar.”

She complied, pulling her knees farther apart.

“That’s it, baby. So submissive. Do you know how hard you make me when you obey me?”

She didn’t answer.

He chuckled into her neck. “Very fucking hard.”

She flinched when he hit her G-spot again.

“Easy.” He grazed his fingers over the spot, praising her. “Still. You can do it. I know you can. Let the orgasm build. Don’t fight it. Let it rush out of you. Just concentrate on your pussy and the pressure building in your belly.” He stroked some more, knowing the signs she was getting close.

She fought, gritting her teeth together.

He was so proud. “That’s my girl. So sexy. Are you close, baby?”

She didn’t answer that question either.

He knew she couldn’t. “So obedient. So submissive. I love you so much, baby.” He thrust deeper. Nothing existed around him. He had no idea if the stools next to her were occupied or not. He didn’t care. All he could see was his Maggie and the look of raw passion on her face. She might be able to come without moving her body or moaning her release finally, but she was fooling no one with her expression. Her entire face was lit up with unadulterated need.

He thrust harder, deeper, watching for signs she was about to come.

When her breath hitched, he knew it was time.

“So close. I’m so proud of you. I know you can do it. Come, baby. Come for me. Now.”

Except for the smallest stiffening of her torso, the only thing Carlton could feel was the gripping pulse of Maggie’s pussy around his fingers. He kept stroking her until the tremors subsided and he knew she was coming down.

And then he kissed her, taking her lips in a long, slow, sexy melting of mouths. He plundered every inch of her mouth, wanting to climb inside her and fuse their bodies together as one so she’d never be separated from him. Safe. Protected. Loved.

Finally, he released her lips.

She smiled at him, her eyes hazy with lust. “Did I pass? Will you please fuck me now?”

“Baby, I was going to fuck you no matter what. How long do you think I could have resisted?”

Her eyes widened. “You’re cruel.” She swatted at him, making contact with his arm.

“It worked, didn’t it? Did you not just have the most glorious orgasm?”

She shook her head in dismay. “You’re so cocky, Sir.”

“Yes, baby. I’m cocky. Now please take my cock back to the office and let me fill your pussy with it.” He lifted her off the stool and took her hand.

“What if I want to suck you off instead, Sir?”

He shook his head. “Not gonna happen. Maybe after I see those two pink lines on that pregnancy test, but not before.”

“What’s the hurry?”

He knew what she meant. He shrugged as he pulled her into the back hallway and shut out the noises of the club. He pressed her into the door and took her face in his hands. “I’m not getting any younger, baby. And when I put my mind to something, I tend to go for it until I get what I want.”

She pinkened, her skin flushing. “I’m glad I’m on that list.”

“You’re so totally on that list, baby.” He kissed her again.

“And you’re sure about this? You don’t think we’re rushing it?”

He paused and met her gaze. “Are

“Never wanted anything so badly in my life. Now that I have you, I want to fast-forward to the perfect picture frame.”

He stared at her, an idea forming in his mind. And then he quickly pulled her down the hall until they were secured in his office behind the locked door.

“What?” she asked. “What did I say?”

“I was just thinking I don’t have enough pictures of you.”

She shook her head. “Not this again. You took some of my nipples that day you put the clamps on for the first time.”

“Yeah, well, now I need some more. Lower. To mark the day I got you pregnant.” He pulled her dress over her head easily, leaving her awesome naked body open to his perusal.

“Lower?” she hedged, backing up a step.

“Yep. Lower.” He backed her into the couch. “Sit. Spread your legs. Hold them open for me.”

She shivered as she obeyed him, grasping her knees from behind with her hands and holding her pussy open to his view. “Are you sure about this?”

“Very.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. He stared at her for a moment first. “Do you know how sexy you are? Your pussy is swollen and red from your orgasm.” He flipped to the camera and snapped several shots of her wanton pose before she could think about it further.

She moaned.

“Ah, you liked that.” He set the phone down and climbed between her legs.

“If you tell anyone, I’ll deny it.”

He chuckled, taking her thighs and holding them open wider. He leaned in and kissed her pussy reverently. “Mmm. You smell so good. I want to eat you so bad.”

She squirmed at his teasing.

“But I’m not going to.” He stood and made quick work of losing his clothes. “I want to take you with my cock this time. And then, when you’re full of my semen, I want you to lie there and hold it in while I wrap up things at my desk. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I have a good feeling about this.”

“Me too, Sir.” She stared up at him.

He knew two things. She wasn’t referring to his ability to impregnate her tonight. Her good feeling was much deeper than that.

And secondly, they were both right.

About the Author

Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and two kids. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn’t sleep much…or sit down often…but she loves to be busy! Unlike many other authors, Becca had never written a single word until a few years ago. After enjoying several years on the editing side of the business, Becca decided to give writing a try. Now she can’t stop! And the voices in her head are clamoring to get out faster than she can get them onto “paper”! Still experimenting with both contemporary and paranormal genres, there is no telling what she may come up with next. To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog at
, email her at
[email protected]
or tweet her

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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