Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)
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My cries turn into sobs as he holds me tighter. “Shhhh, we don’t need them to hear you breaking apart.” He hushes me gently.

I couldn’t stop crying though.

Even as he picks me up to carry me I bury my head into his chest as the tears just keep coming and my sobs wrack my body.

My heart was breaking and the pain I felt was unbearable.

These strangers had come into my life and in one day they had ruined everything that meant anything to me.

They broke me, and they broke my heart.

They may have even broken my soul.

In my room Rowan lies me down on my bed before pulling the covers over my body.

“I will fix this.” He promises with a light kiss to my forehead.

The door shuts and I let myself fall into the deep dark bliss of depression.

My wolf was even oddly silent as I continued to cry.

Everything was going to change from here on out. I felt it deep in my bones.







arker, you need to open this door right now.” Dad commands.

Rolling my back to the door I ignore his demands for the third day in a row.

Over and over someone had come to the door demanding for me to come out, but I just stayed in bed ignoring them all.

What reason did I have to get up?

My friends all hated me, even after over a hundred texts from me apologizing and trying to explain what had happened.

I didn’t know what else to say to Andy other than sorry, and that was all I sent him in a text and voicemail.

“Come on, Parker, at least let one of us come in and talk to you.” Rowan knocks this time.

Hearing his voice brings tears back to my eyes and once again I find myself sobbing into my hands as a sharp pain slices through my heart.

It wasn’t his fault, but I just couldn’t help the feelings that came flooding back.

Loud footsteps sound outside the door as someone else joins Rowan.

There’s a loud growl before Brock speaks. “I can’t take anymore of her crying. It’s time for her to grow a backbone and get out of that room.”

“You’re not getting past me, Brock.” Rowan challenges.

“Do you really think you’re going to be able to stop me, Beta?” Brock snarls.

“That’s enough, both of you need to stand down, especially you, Rowan.” Gage yells. “If she wants to stay in there and cry then let her, she’s not an alpha. She’s nothing more than a waste of our time. Now, I’ve got my eyes on a little beauty at the school and I’m not about to waste another second on that beta in there.”

His words were so harsh, but they were true to a point.

I was acting like more of a beta than an alpha.

I just didn’t know how to fix myself to be strong enough to still be an alpha that a pack needed.

“You’re a real jerk, Gage. You cost her everything and now you could care less. You were never like this before.” Rowan states in anger.

“Do you want to challenge me, Rowan? Do I need to put you back in your place again?” Gage questions.

“No, I only want to be removed as your second if this is the way you’re going to be. I don’t want anything to do with you or your future pack.” Rowan answers.

Gage lets out a low growl along with Brock.

Renouncing one’s self as a second was unheard of and it was a slap to any Alpha.

“Forget it, Rowan. I’m not about to let you renounce yourself. You’re stuck with me and that’s final.” Gage replies before storming away with Brock following.

Rowan sighs deeply and I hear his hand smooth over the wood on my door. “Please, come out, Parker. I don’t think I can do this without you here.”

Sighing, he leaves, walking down the hall and then down the stairs before leaving the house altogether.

Minutes later my father knocks on my door. “Parker, Sweetheart, can I please come in and at least talk with you?”

Giving in, I sit up in bed before reluctantly walking over to the door letting him in.

Walking past me he sits on the edge of my bed placing his head into his hands.

With a long drawn out sigh he looks up at me sadly. “I’m sorry about all of this, Parker. I’m sorry I brought them all here, and I’m sorry for forcing this life upon you. I made a huge mistake.”

Standing to his feet once again he continues as he turns his back to me. “I just wanted what was best for you, but obviously it’s not this. It certainly isn’t going to be with any of these young alphas either.”

Turning back to face me he bows his head. “I can’t stop any of this, though. You must choose one of them. Their families have risked everything bringing them here, and if I were to send them back without you picking at least one of them as a mate it would cause an all out war between the packs.”

I curse. “Why did you make a decision like this without me? I don’t want to be with any of them, Dad. I want nothing to do with this life anymore.”

He nods sadly. “I know which is why if you want we can just postpone this until their families just get tired of waiting.”

I nod in agreement. “I don’t care what we do, just as long as they leave.”

Pulling me into a hug my father kisses the top of my head. “You really need to get back to school. It will help to take your mind off of the dark thoughts and it might help you win back your friends if they see just how much the others have hurt you.”

“Alright, Dad, I’ll go back.” I sigh, giving in.

What did I really have to lose?

He grins letting me go. “You’re stronger than you think, Parker, don’t forget that.”

I nod and watch him as he leaves my room leaving me alone.

Dressing in a black low cut tee and a worn pair of jeans I lace up my knee high boots and head out to my bike with my helmet and bag in hand.

With a rough sigh I slide my helmet over my face and toss my bag over my shoulders as one of my father’s pack members walks my bike over to me.

“We’ll be right behind you if you need anything, alright?” He whispers gently with soft eyes.

I nod and force a smile before hopping on my bike.





t the red bricked building that was my school I park my bike in the back of the parking lot before taking off my helmet to stare blankly at the building.

I was debating on whether or not to just run away, to turn around and head back to my bed that was calling my name.

Even my wolf wanted nothing to do with this place.

I couldn’t blame her.

She knew well enough the tortures and harsh words we were going to have to endure.

Against my inner demons I walk towards the building.

Trembling I open the main door and walk into the crowded hall.

I could swear every eye turns to me and the voices all become hushed as I began my walk towards my locker.

Moving past Andy’s football friends I finally get the torment I knew would come.

“Hey look, its Andy’s whore of an ex.” One laughs out.

“Parker, how much does a night with you cost?” Another throws out causing another round of laughter.

“I heard from Gage that you’ve got the sweetest moan.” Yet another adds.

My hands ball into fists as I try, and fail, to ignore them as I continue on to my locker.

Near my locker the crowd disperses leaving Gage and a familiar girl in the open.

My jaw drops as I take in Harley and Gage together.

“What the hell.” I growl out not caring about anything or anyone around. I was pissed off, more than I had ever been in my entire life.

For the first time my wolf and I saw nothing but red.

Gage turns to face me with a grin. “Ah, there’s the girl of the hour.”

Before I even realize what I’m doing I smack him across the face hard enough to leave an angry red mark.

His wolf growls low but even though I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to react he couldn’t. There were too many humans surrounding us.

I smile sweetly at him as I feel Rowan’s presence join us.

Gage’s eyes travel from me to his second before he must realize my intentions.

“Don’t.” He warns.

My grin only widens. “Why shouldn’t I, I’m only a whore, right?”

He steps back as if hit just before I grab hold of Rowan pushing him into the lockers while slamming my lips against his.

He doesn’t hesitate a moment before taking the kiss deeper.

As my tongue tangles with his my inner wolf whimpers in rejection wanting the body before me to be Gage.

I pause a moment surprised by that thought.

Why on earth would my wolf want him?

Glancing over at Gage I see two flashes of emotion cross his face before he storms away, a hint of hurt and want, two emotions I never thought I’d see on his face.

“Are you trying to get me killed, Parker.” Rowan laughs softly.

I shake my head turning my full attention back to Rowan. “No, I just wanted to be with you. If I can’t be with a human, then I want the next best thing.”

Pressing his lips to mine he flips us around to where my back was against the lockers this time.

His wolf growls happily as his hands grip my hips tightly. “You know you’re trying to make him jealous too, right?”

“I don’t care what he thinks, Rowan.” I disagree placing my lips back to his to shut him up.

I wasn’t ready to think about those kinds of thoughts, let alone talk about them.

My wolf should have hated him for what he had done but I could still feel her pulling towards where he had left.

Pulling away slightly Rowan glances in the direction that Gage had left. “If it’s any consolation I think this little stunt did bother him a bit.”

“Well, if it did, then good, but I have no plans on mating with him anyway. I’d rather choke and die on a bone than be stuck with him as my mate for the rest of my life.” I spit out.

“Why do you hate him so much?” Rowan questions curiously.

“He’s cruel, Rowan. Ever since you guys walked into my art class he hasn’t really said one nice word to me and if he did he ruined it moments later with something uncalled for.” I answer honestly.

Turning us around so his back was to the lockers he searches my eyes for a minute.

“Has he really been that bad?” He asks softly.

I nod as tears build in my eyes. “He told me that he bet I couldn’t ever love anyone even if I tried, but he was wrong. I did love someone once. He had even been a wolf like us.” I lean in and press my forehead against Rowan’s chest.

His arms encircle me and his hands begin to rub soothing circles upon my back. “Who was he?”

“His name was Derek, and we had grown up together. He made me laugh at the stupidest things and he made me cry when he threw dirt in my hair. We came to love each other dearly.” I choke on a sob.

“What happened to him?” Rowan coaxes.

“He matured faster than me and was taken away to another pack over night to mate with another female.” I hiccup. “I never got the chance to say goodbye.”

BOOK: Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)
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