Bound By Her Scent (A BBW Shifter Romance): Twin Canyon Shifters (6 page)

BOOK: Bound By Her Scent (A BBW Shifter Romance): Twin Canyon Shifters
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“I love you too, Ally,” he shared, just before he slipped his length inside her, and this time it was so much better than he’d ever dreamed…


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About Kara Swynn



I write what I love to read and if that makes me a naughty girl...oh well...


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Choosing Chase – by Julie Raust

Just when Tess — widowed, pushing forty and carrying a few extra pounds — becomes resigned to her nonexistent sex life, her hunky young landlord makes his interest known. Tess would give anything to take Chase up on his offer for a one-night stand, but she’s afraid of ruining their friendship. She has a choice to make – one mind-blowing night with Chase or a lifetime of wondering ‘what if’.

Chase has wanted Tess for the last two years. Hell, he is head-over-heels in love with her, but he's almost a decade younger and she doesn’t take him seriously. Chase is livid when he assumes someone else has been fulfilling Tess’s needs. He wants her to see him as more than just a friend, even if it means playing down-and-dirty to prove it. But just how far will Chase go to win Tess’s heart forever?

He's a hunky yet misunderstood alpha male hero. She's a beautiful independent but gun-shy heroine. This book contains sexual situations, content and language and is intended for mature readers.


Read an Excerpt:


“Thanks for helping me see what I’ve been missing. And you’ll be glad to know that I’ve rectified the situation. No more testy sex-starved Tess. I’m back to my old happy-go-lucky stress-free self,” she stated cheerily.

Once the full meaning of her statement registered, Chase’s expression changed in the blink of an eye — from cheerful and relaxed to utter disbelief. “You had sex?”

The angry edge to his voice took Tess by surprise, compelling her to take a step back. He followed, planting himself directly in front of her.

“You let some other guy fuck you?” he asked forcefully.

Tess blinked when she realized her apology had gone astray. A second ago they were laughing, and now Chase seemed angry — really angry. She’d never seen Chase this upset before. Even when they’d fought a few nights ago, he'd appeared more frustrated with her than angry. She shook her head in confusion.

“You came all the way out here to tell me you had sex with someone else, and you actually think I’d be happy to hear about it?“ Chase asked incredulously.

“Honestly? I thought you’d at least be a little pleased,” she admitted, not bothering to correct his assumption. “Especially after Wednesday night when Roxi and Gage pointed out that I’ve been so uptight lately. Plus, you were the one who said I needed to relax and get laid. So yeah, I’m a little lost as to why you’re angry right now.”

“I’m not angry, Tess, I’m fuckin’ pissed!” He paced in front of her and ran a frustrated hand through his wavy, chocolate brown locks. “I remember exactly what I said a few nights ago. I said we should have sex.” He waved a finger between the two of them. “You and me, Tess. I wanted to be the one to make you feel better, to make you come.
, Tess. Only me. No one else. I can’t believe you let some other guy touch you, fuck you, when I’m right here.”

Realizing he was mad because he thought she had sex with another man, Tess did a little internal happy dance.
Chase's jealousy meant that maybe he cared for her more than she’d hoped. Unfortunately, now it seemed like she’d have to tell him the truth, which was even more embarrassing than admitting she was sex-starved.

“I didn’t,” she said, avoiding eye contact. “I mean…I do feel much better, but there was no other guy.” Tess hoped her vague confession would reign in his anger without him actually realizing what she was admitting to.

“What do you mean there was no other guy? You just told me you had sex,” his tone was slightly less angry now.

“When I said I don’t do casual affairs, I meant it, Chase. I didn’t have sex with anyone.”

He shook his head in confusion. “Okay, you’re gonna have to help me out here ‘cause I just don’t get it. First you say you had sex, and now you say you didn’t. I don’t like lies, Tess. If you’re not giddy because you got some then, why? What’s brought the old Tess back to life?”

She sighed heavily, knowing that the inevitable was coming. “Can’t we just say I finally managed to relax and leave it at that?” she hedged.

He brought his strong calloused hand to her chin and gently lifted her head up, forcing her eyes to lock with his. “Not good enough, Tess. You’ve got that
I just got fucked
glow radiating off of you, so sue me for thinking you came hard sometime this week.”

She didn’t respond, but a full blush stole a path from the bottom of her neck to the tip of her hair line. A surefire sign to Chase that he’d hit the mark.

Still slightly baffled, Chase continued, "So you’re telling me you did
but there wasn’t a man involved.” It was a deductive statement, not a question; Tess didn’t bother with a response. “Was it another woman then?” he asked with mock seriousness.

She shook her head vigorously, “No!”

A sly smile spread across his face as he began to put all the pieces together. Releasing her jaw, Chase let his hand slowly travel south to the curved swell of her breasts. “So no one touched you here?” he asked, as he used a knuckle to gently caress the cleavage above the collar of her shirt. She inhaled sharply and shook her head slowly this time. “But when you said you finally relaxed, you meant you came, didn’t you?”

His touch was playing havoc on her senses, tightening her nipples and causing liquid to dampen her panties. She had difficulty following his line of questioning.

“Tess?” his tone was much softer than before. He waited for her to look at him, and when she did, he could see desire clouding her gaze. “Are you trying to tell me that you pleasured yourself?”

If Chase hadn't been watching her so closely he would have missed her slight nod before she tried to back away and turn out of his grasp. “I just wanted us to start speaking again,” she confessed. “I don’t like it when we fight. I figured it’d make us both happier.”

“Oh, I’m happy, babe, but that still doesn’t answer my question,” he stated, waiting patiently for her to finally admit that she’d masturbated. “I’m right, aren’t I?” he repeated, needing to know if he was on the right track, while dipping his hand lower still, nearing but not quite reaching her hardened tips.

Tess was a grown woman. She should be able to have an adult discussion about sex and not feel embarrassed by her actions. She took a fortifying breath before answering, “Fine. If you must know, yes, I saw to my own needs.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “There’s nothing wrong with that,” she stated defensively.

A relaxed smiled spanned Chase’s face, revealing his perfect white teeth. “Sweetheart, I didn’t say there was. Actually, I think it’s fucking hot. The thought of you touching yourself, fingering that wet, tight pussy until you come is one of my all-time fantasies. I’m just disappointed that I wasn’t there to watch you or, at the very least, help lick your fingers clean...”


Also Recommended:


Lessons in Forever by Julie Raust


Coming Soon…


Widowed at a young age, Rachel Halson has spent the last 20 years as the ultimate mother, volunteer and picture-perfect good girl—and she’s had enough. Now she wants to experience all things sexual. The only problem is that Rachel’s not sure she has it in her; fortunately, that changes the instant she meets Detective Mitch Lang.

Mitch is gruff, demanding and definitely not the type to break in a mild-mannered homemaker from Wyoming. However, after one taste of her, Mitch finds he wants nothing more than to teach the lovely Miss Halson all the naughty things he can do to her in his bed.

Luckily, Mitch and Rachel both want the same thing—sex. No strings, no emotions, just hot, wild sex . . . and lots of it.

But when casual begins to feel like commitment and a dirty cop threatens their relationship, Mitch and Rachel must decide if what they have is actually worth fighting for.

Warning: This book contains a mature sexy, alpha male hero who knows how to make a curvy woman scream in bed, on a table, against a wall, on the floor and anywhere else he pleases. Its spicy sex scenes may be too hot for some to handle, and there’s no lack of four-letter words. Luckily one of them is 'love'.


Read an Excerpt:


He watched all the color drain from Rachel’s face while she scanned the dozens of condoms and two sealed tubes of lube as they tumbled onto the wooden surface. He smiled smugly—time for her to lose the innocent act.

“Oh. My. God. I’m going to kill him,” she hissed quietly, her hand at her mouth, covering her shock. “I . . . those aren’t . . . wait a minute? You . . . think I’m a prostitute?”

Damn, she was good.
“The innocent act only works on me once, Rachel, so you can drop it. I asked you a question. How much was Kyle paying you?”

“I . . . he wasn’t! Those aren’t even mine!” she squealed, desperate for Mitch to believe her. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Believe it, Miss Halson,” he slowly unsnapped the tab on pouch that kept his handcuffs secured to his belt, “because it’s not too late to take that ride to the station.”

Rachel’s eyes darted from his face to the cuffs and back again. Her complexion paled, and she chewed on her lip nervously.

The seemingly innocent gesture caused alarm bell’s to go off in Mitch’s head, his cock to harden painfully and—for a brief instance—he almost felt sorry for her fate.

“Please, Officer Lang, I’m telling the truth . . .”

Lang,” Mitch interrupted, sure that revealing his rank would further intimidate her. A detective was a whole lot more trouble for a hooker than the average officer, and yet she didn’t seem fazed by his declaration. “You expect me to believe that you went to that party with a purse full of condoms and lube, but had no intention of getting fucked? Nice try, Miss Halson.” He opened the metal cuffs taking one of her wrists in his hand and clicked it in place.

“Oh god. I can’t get arrested for prostitution,” she mumbled.




Her plea seemed to have no effect on the angry man cuffing her. For the first time that night Rachel feared the handsome law officer. In her small front hall, his broad shoulders, muscled arms and long thick legs dwarfed Rachel’s larger-than-average frame, threatening to engulf her.

With the second metal bracelet secured, he leaned down close to her ear, so close she could feel his warm breath tickling her flesh. “Well, you’re in luck,” the man rasped almost seductively, “because I’m gonna make you an offer, Miss Halson. And you should know that I don’t ever make such offers, so think very wisely before you make your decision.”

He turned her back around to face him, and she noted that his angry scowl only served to add to his already brooding good looks. He looked dangerous and Rachel couldn’t stop a shiver from running through her. Taking her chin in his hand, he forced her head up to ensure he had her full attention. In the dim light, his sliver eyes called to her, calming her, while at the same time causing her pulse to quicken. “We can take that ride downtown, you’ll get arrested and most likely spend the rest of the evening in jail,
you can work off some of Kyle’s money right here, Miss Halson, on your knees.”

It took a few breaths for Rachel to comprehend the implications of his offer.
Is he really offering me freedom at the price of a blow job? That is my penance?
Relief washed over Rachel, and she released the breath she’d been holding, which seemed to add more lines to the detective’s brow.

Sucking on Detective Lang’s cock would not be a punishment for Rachel. She’d wanted a taste of him the minute she’d laid eyes on him. She’d planned to invite him in earlier, hoping for this very opportunity, but his no-nonsense dismissal made her hesitate. At the time, she’d thought maybe he was married or in a relationship; now the only thing that made her hesitate was the fact that he believed her to be a prostitute.

“Detective Lang—”

He interrupted, “Save your breath and your explanations, Miss Halson. All I want is your decision. Are we driving back to the station or are you gonna suck me off?...”



BOOK: Bound By Her Scent (A BBW Shifter Romance): Twin Canyon Shifters
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