Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3 (4 page)

BOOK: Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3
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“Oh that’s it, sweetheart, wrap your fingers around me,” he choked out.

She encircled his shaft and gave it a small tug. Jake let out a groan and kissed her again, his tongue seeking hers.

Bree’s entire body was on fire, her vision nothing but a hazy cloud of
turned on
. Jake shoved the hem of her dress up to her belly and clawed at the waistband of her bikini panties, shoving the silky material down her legs. There was no foreplay, no preamble. One second she was stroking his cock, the next he was pushing her hand away, covering himself with a condom he must have brought with him, and sliding into her wet channel with one smooth glide.

Bree moaned at the feel of his cock stretching her, filling her. The floor beneath her back was cold. Unforgiving, just like Jake’s frantic thrusts. He braced both hands on either side of her and drew his hips back, then plunged in again, fucking her so hard, so deep, she thought she would die of pleasure.

She hadn’t been fucked like this since…since Jake, she realized. The lovers who’d followed him had treated her like she was a fragile piece of china, fearful she might break, but Jake had never been timid. Slow, fast, rough, gentle—he’d mastered it all, though at the moment, rough seemed to be his method of choice.

Maybe it made her a total slut, but she loved every freaking second of it, every hard thrust and rough caress. Wrapping her legs around his trim waist, she dug her heels into his taut ass and lost herself in the desperate sensations coursing through her body. God, they were still fully dressed, but that only made the entire tryst hotter, dirtier, more exciting.

Each stroke sent her closer to the edge, each tongue-tangling kiss had her moaning with abandon.

“Come for me,” he rasped. “I’m too fucking close. You’ve gotta come now, sweetheart.”

Another thing Jake had always excelled at—making her come on command. The second the hoarse words escaped his mouth, an orgasm pounded into her, sizzling through her blood and throbbing between her legs. Each spasm sent pulses of heat to her clit, her nipples, her core. Her inner muscles gripped his cock, squeezing hard as she came in a white-hot rush.

“Fuck yeah,” Jake groaned. “I’m coming.”

Bree felt it the moment his climax seized his body. His cock twitched and throbbed inside her, his thrusts becoming shallow, erratic. His teeth dug into her bare shoulder as he came, and the sting of pain mingled with the pleasure flooding her body.

Jake’s chest heaved as he sucked in a ragged breath. The thudding of his heart vibrated against her breasts, matching the frenzied gallop of her own pulse.

As they both recovered from their respective orgasms, Bree suddenly became extremely aware of their surroundings. Lord. They’d done it on the freaking floor of the freaking restaurant. Like animals in heat. Jake was the only man who could make her forget her environment, who robbed her of all common sense, and as the aftereffects of release slowly drained from her body, she felt like kicking herself for what she’d just done.

Jake, on the other hand, looked mighty pleased with himself. Gray eyes burning with residual lust, he withdrew with one smooth motion and sat up. “Fuck, Bree, how are we still so good together?”

“I don’t know,” she confessed, a frown marring her mouth.

Swallowing, she pulled her dress down and fumbled for her discarded panties. Without meeting his eyes, she wiggled into her underwear and staggered to her feet. Her skin was scorching hot, her clit still swollen and achy, and she couldn’t fight a pang of embarrassment. What was the matter with her? How had they gone from dinner to floor gymnastics in a matter of minutes?

Why didn’t she possess a single ounce of control when it came to this man?

Tucking his cock back into his pants, Jake zipped up and shot her a knowing grin. “Told you this would happen.”

Her frown deepened. “You don’t have to look so smug about it.”

“Can’t help it.” He stepped closer and rested his big, calloused hands on her hips. “You and me, sweetheart, it’s always been like this with us. Our chemistry is off the fucking charts.”

She immediately responded to his touch, the familiar surge of heat moving through her like an electric current. He was right. It was chemistry. Science. She was scientifically designed to spread her legs in this man’s proximity.

Not again, though. This was a one-time deal. A momentary lapse of judgment.

“Maybe,” she agreed, “but just so you know, this won’t happen again, Jake.”

He arched one dark brow, the rugged planes of his face creasing with amusement. “How long you in town for?”

“A week,” she said, then reprimanded herself for giving the information so freely. “But I’m here to spend time with my parents. I won’t have time to…to see you.”

“You expect me to believe that Barbara and Tanner will occupy your time twenty-four hours a day?”

He said her parents’ names with derision, which sparked her anger. Jake had never liked her family—another reason why their involvement wouldn’t have lasted. As much as her parents annoyed her, they were still a part of her life, and the man she shared that life with would have to understand and accept that.

Ignoring his last remark, Bree walked over to the table and grabbed the purse she’d draped over the back of her chair. “I should get going,” she said, hoping he didn’t notice the wobble in her voice. “Can you drop me off at home? If not, I can call my father to get me.”

“I’ll take you,” Jake said gruffly.

As they headed for the door, Bree couldn’t help throwing a glance over her shoulder, fixing her gaze on the floor Jake had just fucked her on.

A fresh wave of hot humiliation scorched her cheeks. God, what was wrong with her?

she was thirty.

But apparently she was still a seventeen-year-old hormone case who thought getting naked with Jake Bishop could actually be a good idea.



Lexie found Cooper Grady waiting on her porch when she got home from the charity benefit. Despite herself, a grin stretched across her face, and she promptly forgot about her sore feet and the strain in her facial muscles from all the fake smiles she’d pasted on tonight. She hated social gatherings, but as the daughter of the mayor, she had no choice but to make an appearance at every party or event that happened in Paradise. At least seeing Cooper here made up for her aggravating night. He’d told her that he had to work early and wouldn’t be coming over, so his presence was a pleasant surprise.

“Thought you were going to bed early,” she said, crouching down to brush a kiss over the razor-sharp stubble on his cheek. Cooper seemed to have an aversion to razors, but she didn’t mind his scruff. If anything, she loved the way his stubble scratched her skin as his mouth traveled over every inch of her body.

“Changed my mind,” he drawled. “How was the benefit?”

She immediately picked up on the sour note in his raspy voice, and a pang of guilt tugged at her belly. She hadn’t invited Cooper to accompany her to the benefit tonight, and though she knew it bugged him, their relationship was still so new. Up until a few months ago, it had been strictly sex between them. Only recently had that changed into something more, thanks to some serious persistence on Cooper’s part. But Lexie still wasn’t ready to announce to the entire town that she was involved with Cooper Grady.

The town, or just a few key residents?

Fine, so maybe she wasn’t ready to announce it to her family. But who could blame her? Her parents were so uptight it was a miracle they could walk around with those sticks up their asses, and her younger sisters were just as snobby, spending their time looking for wealthy husbands who would take care of them. None of them would understand Lexie’s relationship with Cooper, who happened to be Paradise’s rough talking, chip-on-his-shoulder bad boy. He also happened to be five years younger than her, worked as a construction worker, and lived in a crappy cabin on the outskirts of town. Not the kind of man her parents would approve of, and okay, maybe it made her a total coward, but she wasn’t ready to face their wrath yet. Not when she didn’t even know if this relationship would actually last.

“It was boring,” she replied lightly. “Consider yourself lucky that you didn’t come.”

He stood up as she moved to unlock the front door. “I wasn’t invited, remember?”

“Coop…” She sighed. “I told you, I’m not ready to tell anyone about us yet.”

“Too ashamed?” he taunted.

“I’m not ashamed. I just want to see where this goes before we announce it to the whole damn town.”

He made a harsh, unintelligible sound and his dark, bordering-on-black eyes burned with the unbridled intensity she’d come to associate with this man. And lord, he wore the look well. Cooper epitomized the phrase
rough around the edges
, with his unkempt black hair, tall muscular body and affinity for chest-hugging muscle tees and jeans that molded to his long legs. He also smoked like a chimney, lacked a brain-to-mouth filter, and knew exactly how to turn her on.

The anger simmering beneath his sexy surface only made her heart beat faster, because she knew punishment would be on his agenda. And damn it, but Lexie
Cooper’s kind of punishment.

They entered the dark house, and he was already heading toward the hallway leading to her bedroom. He didn’t bother glancing back to see if she was following. He knew she would, and she didn’t disappoint. She was a pathetic sucker when it came to Cooper Grady. Which was funny, because in her day-to-day life, she didn’t let anyone order her around. As the editor-in-chief of the
Paradise Post
, Lexie called the shots on a daily basis.

But behind closed doors, Cooper gave the orders.

Truth was, she found his dominance refreshing. She was always so in control, analyzing every detail, making sure everything ran smoothly. With Cooper, she could let go. She didn’t worry about appearances, didn’t feel insecure; she simply said goodbye to her inhibitions and got to be the woman she wanted to be, rather than the one she pretended to be.

In her bedroom, Cooper didn’t waste any time before unzipping his pants. His resentment was still palpable in the air, but so was his arousal.

Lexie’s mouth dried out as he eased his jeans down his strong thighs. A second later, her mouth filled with saliva as he pulled out his long, thick cock. He was harder than granite, his engorged head glossy with a bead of moisture, and a thrill shot through her from the knowledge that
was the one who’d brought that raw flash of lust to the eyes of this sexy, virile man.

Keeping one hand on his erection, he lifted the other one to crook a finger in her direction. “C’mere,” he rasped.

She kicked off her stilettos as she walked over to him.

“I’m still mad at you,” Cooper said huskily.

She moved her hand down to encircle his rock-hard shaft. “Yeah? How can I make it better?” she murmured.

A lopsided grin lifted the corner of his mouth. “A blowjob would be a good start.” He cocked his head. “Followed by a few rounds of serious, hardcore fucking.”

Lord, she loved how blunt he was, how he never sugar coated a damn thing.

Tingles of desire traveled through her body and settled between her legs, growing stronger when he thrust his hips and pressed the tip of his cock into her palm.

“I’m not joking around, princess.” His voice came out in a lazy drawl. “On your knees. Now.”

Without so much as a protest, Lexie sank to the floor.

Chapter Three

Jake killed the engine and turned to Bree, who’d been quiet during the entire ride over to her parents’ house. Well,
was an understatement. The Lockharts lived in a three-story brick mansion complete with concrete pillars out front, a sleek wraparound porch and a second-floor balcony. The lawn was perfectly manicured and the array of red and yellow roses in the flowerbeds ringing the porch boasted a silver dusting of frost.

It was mid-November, but the first Colorado snow had yet to fall. Soon the town would look like a winter wonderland, and the Lockhart mansion would be strung up with Christmas lights and rooftop reindeer—the Lockharts always went all out during the holiday season. They also threw a huge party every year on Christmas Eve, to which neither Jake nor his family had ever been invited.

The evidence of Bree’s wealthy roots brought a familiar pang of resentment, but not strong enough to dim the arousal still coursing through his blood. Getting Bree in bed had been his end game, but he hadn’t expected to screw her on the floor of the restaurant. Just went to show that his restraint didn’t stand a chance around this woman. He’d always been too frickin’ eager to get her naked.

And he couldn’t wait to do it again.

“Come over tomorrow night,” he said when Bree still didn’t utter a word.

Slowly, she turned her head and fixed him with a wary look. “Not a good idea.”

Jake reached across the armrest and took her hand, dragging his thumb over the center of her palm.

Her breath hitched.

His cock hardened.

Christ, why did he crave her this badly? The attraction was as powerful as ever, even after all these years.

BOOK: Born to Be Wild: Welcome to Paradise, Book 3
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