Read Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart Online

Authors: Sable Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart (8 page)

BOOK: Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart
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Alex grumbled under his breath.  “You like my cookies.”

“There was just something about this woman, Alex.  She had the most beautiful face – and there was this innocent, unspoiled quality about her.”  He leaned back in his chair and stretched his mile long legs out in front of him.  “I just wanted to pick her up, cuddle her and bring her home.”

“So, where is she now? 
In your room?”
  Alex wouldn’t put it past him – he had found more than one woman in Bobby’s bed when he went in to collect his laundry. 

“No, I can’t find her.” 

Alex laughed, again.  “It’s not like you to lose a woman, Bobby.  How did you misplace her?”

Bobby didn’t crack a smile.  “It all happened so fast; I kissed her and it was the BEST kiss of my life.  And she kissed me back, but then she acted like something was wrong.  I didn’t get a chance to find out her last name or her number.  She just drove off into the night.” 

Seeing that his brother was truly concerned about this woman, Alex straightened his face and leaned forward.  “Do you think she was in some kind of trouble?”  All of the Stewart boys were hero material.  None of them could stand to see a woman, old person, or an animal mistreated in any way. 

“I don’t know,” Bobby shook his head.  “When I reached out my hand to touch her, she was pretty skittish.  It seemed like she wasn’t used to a man’s touch or something.” He also didn’t share that when she had allowed him to touch, she kissed like a dream, responding to him like no woman ever had.  But those memories were for him to treasure – no one else.  Getting out of his chair he ran a weary hand over his face and signed. "I'm
go grab a shower.”

Alex studied his brother for a moment.  "She didn't know you from Adam, Bobby.  Any woman is going to be wary of an unknown man that they meet at night on a deserted road.  I'm just surprised that she stopped to aid you at all.  But – know this – I'll help you anyway that I can. I've made light of this, but if you're hurting – I'm hurting.  So if you need something – just ask."  Bobby nodded his head and put the cookie jar back where it belonged.  Alex drained his coffee cup and got up to put it in the sink.  Now he had two more things to worry about – Ethan‘s reconciliation with an old flame and Bobby‘s yearning for a girl that he met in a rain storm.  Usually his business was his prime concern.  Alex had an environmental consulting firm, and lately one of his employees, Rick
, was driving him nuts.  There was just something odd about that man. 

“Thanks, Alex.  I’ll be back out in a little while.” 

Alex watched Bobby saunter off – too handsome for his own good.  Walking to the window, he saw Ethan standing with
on the front porch of her cabin.  Well, well – love was in the air.  And it seemed like everybody had someone in their sights, but him.  Damn!  Alex was lonely.

Bobby soaped himself in the shower.  The warm water felt good against his skin.  Leaning one arm on the tile of the shower wall, he rubbed the shower gel on his dick and his balls.  As he had for the last few weeks, his thoughts turned to
.  Lord, how he wished she were here with him.  It had been dark, but the light of the lantern had revealed that she had big eyes – big green eyes that had looked like beautiful jewels – and they had been so sad. 

Shit!  Lord, when he thought about how it felt to hold her close, he moaned at the memory.  Why hadn’t he made her understand how much their brief meeting had meant to him?  She had the sweetest smile.  He smiled just thinking about the cute little dimple that had appeared when she had laughed at
.  If she were here with him, he would kiss that sweet dimple, dipping his tongue in the little indention – licking his way to her plump little lips. 

Fisting his cock, he thought about what he would like to do to her tits.  God, he loved a woman’s breasts.  He could love on them for hours.  There was nothing sweeter than holding one with both hands, lifting it up to your lips and filling your mouth with a luscious, fat areola and a hard little nipple.  He dreamed of nursing on
perfect tits.  He would fall on his knees and hold her close, and suck and kiss and massage her breasts until she was weak in the knees.   While his mind and heart was making love to
, his own hand was stroking and pumping his cock.  He leaned his head against his forearm, picturing her face as she came – screaming – from his loving.  “
!” he shouted as his own climax roared through his body – streams of white cum jetted out from his cock and splashed against the shower wall.  His hips pumped sympathetically, longing to be pushing their payload against willing, eager female flesh. 

What in the hell was he going to do?  He hadn’t slept with a girl since he had kissed
next to the highway.  He didn’t want anyone else – he wanted the little sprite that made his heart burn with desire and his cock stiff as a board.  For the first time, Bobby Stewart believed in love at first sight.

Walking into the kitchen, Bobby found Ethan and Alex putting the finishing touches on dinner.  "
is coming to eat with us," Ethan announced, sounding as proud as if he had managed to bring peace to the Middle East.

"Good.  So, what's going on with you and ‘
  Bobby asked as he got four plates down from the cabinet.

Ethan cleared his throat; as if he were making sure he said the right words.  "Having the chance to be with her again is a dream come true.  A lot has happened – to both of us, and I'm being very careful to take it slow with her.  But that's okay – she's more than worth it."  A knock at the front door had Ethan sprinting to answer it.  In a few moments he returned, leading a breathtakingly beautiful woman who smiled at them shyly.  Bobby noticed that Ethan held on to her hand as if he was afraid she would bolt.  Bobby was so glad for him; he only wished that one day he could look that content to just hold a woman’s hand. 
Maybe… someday. . .

Ethan made the formal introductions.  “Alex, Bobby, this is ‘
Evans, uh, Ramsey. ‘
, these are my brothers.”  Both men came over and solemnly shook the hand that she had to pry from Ethan’s grip.  “It’s wonderful to meet you both,”
spoke sincerely. 

As the evening progressed, it became clear to Bobby that
was one special woman.  They shared stories about Austin and their college days at the University of Texas and she was very interested in Longhorn football. 
had something in common with them – she was the owner of a miniature dachshund that looked almost like

"He's so much company for me.  I know he's not a person, but I swear that I can understand most of what he says.  When he wants something to eat, he goes and stands near to where I keep whatever he wants.  I know he wants a treat when he stands by the cabinet, and if he wants some of what I had for dinner, he goes and stands by the stove.  And when he stands by the ‘fridge – I know he wants a butter sandwich."

Alex roared with laughter. 
"A butter sandwich?
, no wonder he's a butterball.  You're
that dog." 

looked a bit guilty.  "I know, but I can't seem to say no to him.  It was just a bit cool the other night and he stood by the fireplace until I lit a fire for him."

is spoiled, too." Ethan was counting on that soft heart of hers to carry over to him.  He was planning on asking her to allow him in her bed, and he was hoping that she wouldn't be able to say no to his request, either. 

Bobby was so taken with
and the change that had come over his normally sad, older brother that he spoke up without thinking.  “This is great!  We haven’t laughed this much since before Ethan married Francine.”  All grew quite.   

"You married Francine?"
sounded so shocked and stricken that if Bobby could have pulled the words back, he would have.  Francine had treated
poorly in school.  She had been the one that had cast the rod and reel carelessly toward and Ethan and
had stepped in the way to keep it from hooking him in the eye.  When Ethan had carried
to his cabin and tenderly removed the vicious fishhook from the upper swell of her breasts – Francine’s petty act had backfired on her – because that had been the moment when Ethan and
had fallen in love.  Francine hadn’t given up – obviously.  She was the one that managed to become Mrs. Ethan Stewart.    

Ethan looked miserable.  "Not the smartest thing that I've ever done, I'll admit that."

“You can say that again,” Bobby chimed in.  Alex punched his brother, who grunted from the blow. 

attempted to place everyone at ease.  “Francine is a beautiful woman.”

“She’s not as pretty as you are,” Bobby was having trouble keeping his mouth closed. 

“There are many kinds of pretty, Bobby.” 
explained.  “There is sophisticated, elegant beauty, and then there is pleasant attractiveness.” 

“More correctly, there is the cool beauty of a marble statue and then there is the warm, giving, sexy, beauty of a real woman.”  Ethan’s soft words seemed to affect
, for she shivered in the comfortable room. 

Bobby knew exactly what Ethan meant.  That was the way he felt about

All of the other women that he knew, or that had come on to him since that night seemed plastic and shallow.
  He wanted a woman – like
– like

Alex got up, “Bobby, let’s take the dog for a walk, and run a check on the cabins.”

“We already did that,” Bobby protested.

“Let’s do it
.”  Alex pulled his brother to his feet and Ethan and
were left alone. 

"I thought we were going to walk the dog." Bobby walked by Alex as they made a round by each cabin. 

"They needed to be alone." Alex said simply. 

"Do you miss being married?"

Alex looked over at him, as if judging his motivation for asking the question.  "Bonnie and I weren't meant to be.  The passion just wasn't there."

"Would you ever consider remarrying?"

Alex snorted, "The chances of that happening are less than me getting struck by a bolt of lightning, bud."

"I'll remember you said that." Bobby laughed. 



“I‘ve been your gynecologist for years, Cecile,” Dr. Lambert looked at her oddly.  “Why is today the first that I’ve ever heard of sex being painful for you?”

As she lay there spread open like a filleted fish, Cecile smiled weakly at the man who was way too good-looking to be gazing at her questionably functioning lady-parts.  “I was embarrassed.”

“Our relationship is supposed to be above that sort of thing,” he lectured her in a sincere voice.  “Now tell me the kind of pain that you’re experiencing.”  He turned on that odd little coal-
looking light that he wore on his forehead, took his cold tools and started peering up her pussy like he was looking in a kaleidoscope tube.  

“When Carl would try and penetrate me, it would hurt.”  She winced in anticipation that what the doctor was going to do would hurt, also.

“Maybe you were dry because you were not aroused,” she could feel his breath on her groin and she trembled in embarrassment.

“I wasn’t aroused at all, but this was more than discomfort from dryness, it was a sharp jabbing pain and it wasn’t constant – it was like when he was at his deepest he would touch something that was very sore.”  She didn’t know if what she was saying was making any sense at all.

Cecile heard him making little studious noises, like he was finding something extremely interesting.  Finally, he set up and gave her a funny look.  “Cecile, I’m a man, and for a man this is a humiliating question.  But since your husband isn’t here, I’m going to ask it, anyway.  Was your husband well endowed?”

How far off could he be?  But Carl wasn’t friends with Dr. Lambert as far as she knew, and right now she didn’t owe Carl a loof loyalty, anyway.  “I was a virgin when I married, Dr. Lambert.  But even I know that Carl is much smaller than average.”

“How long would you say he is – when fully erect?”

Let’s see.  Could she remember back that far?  It had been years since she had seen him fully erect.  “Maybe, four inches – I never really measured.”  Cecile wasn’t handling this conversation well – and it wasn’t even her penis!

BOOK: Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart
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