Read Boarded by Love Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Hockey, #Sports

Boarded by Love (5 page)

BOOK: Boarded by Love
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“Oh, that’s true. So I shouldn’t give my number to stalkers either, right?”

I shoot his shocked face a grin and turn around. “See ya, Hey Jude.”

“Oh! A challenge, I see,” I hear him say. I turn to see that he has jumped on the stone wall and now is pointing at me. “I accept this challenge, Claire Anderson. If you think I’m a stalker now, you just wait! I will have your number, and I will get you to go on a date with me, and in the end, I will rock your world!”

“Sure, you will,” I call at him as I continue to walk backward. “Good luck with that.”

“I don’t give up, Claire Anderson!”

I smile widely at him and then turn around, my smile growing. For some reason, I am really excited about this, and I hope like hell he does get my number and gets me on a date, rocking my world in the process. But I’ll be damned if it is going to be easy. Looking behind me, I see that he’s still watching me. A large smile is on his face, making his eyes shine. I roll my eyes and wave when he waves at me. I don’t know what it is about him, but he excites me. No guy has done that, ever. I don’t know what that means, but I’m sure it means something is bound to happen between us. I sort of hope it’s of the naked variety, but then again, maybe it could be more. Maybe he could be what Phillip is to Reese, and I’d live happily ever after. And maybe I’ll start choreographing for Justin Timberlake, and as I’m teaching him a routine, he’ll tell me he’s desperately in love with me and needs me for the rest of his life.

Letting out an aggravated sigh because my life is not a Disney movie – good guys don’t go for girls like me – I cross my arms, hoping to shield my chest from the cold. It is a little nippy for the beginning of October, but I learned very quickly when I came to Tennessee that this weather has a mind of its own. As I round the corner to Fisher Hall, which is the building that houses my dorm, a crowd gathers around something. Since I’m nosy, I make my way to the crowd to see that a group of girls is dancing. Despite the cold, the girls wear little jumpers that are black and have a teal belt. The chest piece is covered with black mesh and crystals. When the girls do a turn, I see that in crystals on their backs it says “Bullies.” I have to admit; they are really good. Not Reese Allen’s Dance Company good, but good.

When the song ends, the girls stop with big cheesy smiles on their face. They are smiling so hard that I start to smile, which was probably their goal. As everyone claps, one of the girls picks up a megaphone and turns to the crowd.

“Hey, y’all! I’m Rachael Haynes, the captain of the Bullies Dance Girls. We hope you enjoyed our little dance routine, and want to invite all you sophomore girls to tryouts for the University of Bellevue Bullies. We dance at all the home games for the Bullies hockey team and any other event they sponsor. We’re a tight-knit group of girls who love to dance and have fun. Do you feel you’ll fit in? We have five spots open, and we’re looking to fill them with amazing dancers! Tryouts are Tuesday at six at the meeting center in Bradshaw Hall. Grab a flyer, and I’ll see you there!!”

Somehow I intercept a flyer. I don’t know how, or why, for that matter, but soon I’m telling myself that maybe I could try out. It could be fun. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial Reese’s number, and she answers on the second ring.


I smile. I love Reese. She’s honestly one of the best people in my life. She was a little standoffish when I first met her, but we soon grew into friends, and now we have this amazing relationship where she’s basically my mom.

“Hey! Quick question.”

“I mean, shit, Claire, can’t you tell me you miss me or anything?”

I laugh. “Ohemgeeeee! I miss you so, Reese’s Pieces!”

She laughs along with me. “I miss you more, Claire. Summer flew by, in my opinion. But anyway, what’s up?”

I know what she means. We spent the whole summer together. We went to Mexico, New York, and Florida for vacation. It was awesome. I lost out on some money, but at the same time, spending all that time with my family is much better than strutting my ass all over a stage.

Going back to the reason I called, I ask, “What do you think of my trying out for the dance team here at school?”

She pauses for a moment. “Hmm, it could be good. Do you have time?”

I think for a second. Do I?

“I think so. Keep me busy so I’ll stay out of trouble, as Phillip says.”

She laughs. “As if you’ve gotten in any trouble in years, but yeah, it will get you out there. Meet some people, make friends, and plus, it will keep you dancing for the future.”

“Yeah. It’s for the school’s hockey team. I like hockey.”

“Yeah, so really, there isn’t a question. Do it. You’ll love it. Do you have a routine in mind?”

I am always putting together dances in my head, and the next thing you know, I’m knocking crap over in my little bitty dorm room. My poor roommate and friend since I moved in with Phillip, Skylar, hates it. I think I have the perfect routine, and glancing at the flyer, I could throw all the required moves into it. Come to think of it, I’ll make Skylar try out too.

I nod. “I think so.”

“Are there required moves?”

“Yeah, nothing I can’t handle, though.”

“Cool, so do it.”

I nod again, my lip between my teeth as I think it over. It could be fun. I like to dance, I like hockey, and sometimes I even like girls my age, so really it’s a win/win for me.

“Can you meet me tomorrow at the studio and watch it?”

“Sure, can we do it early, though? I’m watching Dimitri for Piper so that she can fly out to New York to meet Erik for their ultrasound appointment.”

Reese’s sister Piper is five months pregnant with her second kid. We’re all so excited and hoping for a girl this time around, even though Piper and her husband, Erik, want another boy. I guess if I had a kid as awesome as Dimitri, I would want another boy too. Dimitri is, I guess, my cousin? I don’t know, Piper’s son, who was Reese’s nephew, and I have no clue what he is to me. I have been around him since he was a baby, and I love his little bitty butt. He’s three years old and full of energy and basically the cutest little boy in the world.

But I was still stuck on why Piper had to go to New York for the ultrasound, especially when she lives in Nashville.

“Why are they going to New York for that?”

She laughed. “Erik is impatient, and he’s so busy right now with the season and all. Phillip wanted me to come with them, but I offered to keep Dimitri. He doesn’t need to be out in that cold New York air.”

“Yeah, that’s true, and that’s fine. Can I come over afterward and help with him? I haven’t seen him in weeks.”

“You don’t even need to ask,” Reese says lovingly. “Have you talked to Phillip?”

“Not today. I talked to him yesterday.”

“Okay, good,” she says, and then she pauses before asking, “Did he tell you anything about our honeymoon?”

I laugh. He did, but I’m not saying anything. Phillip wants to surprise Reese with the most amazing honeymoon in Cabo. She’s going to flip because she has wanted to go there for years.

“Nope,” I lie with a smile on my face as I head down the hall to my room.

“You know I know you’re lying, right?”

I continue to laugh. “I am not.”

“Liar. Anyway, have you found a date for the wedding?”

That stops my laughter. I let out a groan, and she laughs as I fall onto the bench outside my door. She has been on me about bringing someone to their wedding, and I have tried everything to get out of it. I mean, she has only given me two months to find a guy who would sit through my, basically, parents’ wedding. I don’t even know why they have to get married so quickly! Yeah, Phillip has been asking Reese to marry him for the past three years, like every day, but Reese kept strong, saying she never wanted to get married. But then, all of a sudden, they’re engaged. First they said they’ll have the wedding one day, but then a couple months ago, Reese was like, “Now! We have to have it now!” Crazy thing. Crazy kids.

“Not yet.”

“Come on, Claire, it can’t be that hard. You’re beautiful. There has to be a guy who would want to come with you.”

Why does Jude Sinclair come to mind when she says that? Damn it!

“Reese, I have bigger things to worry about than finding someone to go to your impromptu wedding.”

She laughs. “Whatever, bring someone. You’re gonna be bored otherwise.”

“I will not. I’ll have you and Phillip.”

“We will be making out the whole time. Bring someone,” she says sternly.

“Whyyyyyy,” I whine. “Guys are dumb. The last guy I was talking to had crabs.”

“Ack!” she says in disgust. “That is gross.”

“I know, so maybe I should just stop looking for guys. You know, my vagina could get sick.”

She starts to laugh again. “You’re dumb, hush. Bring a guy who isn’t infested with bugs and have a good time at my wedding. Oh, by the way, we have dress fittings in a couple weeks! Aren’t you so excited?”

I groan, causing her laughter to fill my ear.


nce I get back to the house, homework and even sleep are the last things on my mind. Pushing open the door that is never locked since someone is always home, I look around the main room for any sign of Allen West. Most of the freshmen hang out on the couches playing PS4; some are even studying, which surprises me since it is so loud. Passing through, I shake hands and greet my teammates before heading to the kitchen and then dining room to find that Allen isn’t there. I peek out in the back where we have a huge fire pit and tables for beer pong, but he isn’t there either.

He must be in his room.

Taking the stairs three at a time, I make it to the second floor. Our house has four stories. The main floor holds the living room, dining room, and kitchen, and the basement mirrors it but also has four bedrooms. It is usually where the seniors stay, as well as the captain. Since I’m the captain, I stay down there. I didn’t want Jayden to have to room with some dirty ass, so he’s rooming with me. It makes my mom happy to know that Jayden is looked after, when really it’s Jayden doing the watching. Especially when I start partying. The second floor is for the freshmen and sophomores, while the top floor is for juniors. It’s a huge house and a pain in the ass to keep clean, but it’s home.

Taking the next flight of stairs, I finally reach Allen’s door. I fling it open, not worrying about knocking, to find Allen on his bed with his computer in his lap.

“Sinclair. What’s up?”

I find a chair and sit down, crossing my leg to let my ankle rest on my other knee. “Claire Anderson. Start talking.”

His face scrunches up and he shrugs. “Why? You know I’m dating her, right?”

“Were dating her,” I say, emphasizing the
. “Past tense since you were sleeping with some Ellen chick and gave her crabs.”

“What!” he yells, visibly shocked.

“That’s the rumor that Claire told me. It’s easy to see that she doesn’t want anything to do with you, and the next time you see her, you better apologize.”

“Shit,” he mutters before shutting his computer and reaching for his phone.

“No, not now, and not over the phone. Do that shit in person, but before that, tell me everything about her.”

“Why should I? I don’t want you going after someone I was with.”

“I know you didn’t sleep with her, so she wasn’t technically yours. And also, if you don’t, I’ll make your life hell.”

I add in a smile to make sure he knows I mean business, and it must have worked because he runs his hands through his shaggy blond hair before looking over at me.

“She’s nineteen, hot as fuck, as you can tell. She kisses good but won’t put out. She doesn’t talk much about her family or anything. She really didn’t talk about anything, and that’s why I planned on breaking it off with her. I know she dances and enjoys it a lot. Teaches over at Reese Allen’s Dance Academy. She’s kind of boring, actually.”

“Or maybe she was too good for your piece-of-shit ass,” I say, giving him a dirty look. I don’t like that he calls her boring. Claire is nowhere near boring; she’s fucking interesting. “Where does she live?”

“Fisher Hall. She rooms with Skylar Preston.”

BOOK: Boarded by Love
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