Read Blue Persuasion Online

Authors: Blakely Bennett

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Blue Persuasion (2 page)

BOOK: Blue Persuasion
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The delicious pain made me gasp and squirm. “Oh yeah!”

He nipped up the other side of my neck, causing me to yelp. “Strip,” he ordered.

While I quickly shed my clothes, Bond went to the bathroom and returned with a towel, which he draped over the left armrest of the couch. He turned me to face him as I stood there with my arms wrapped over my breasts.

“Cut that out,” he growled at me, taking my small wrists in his hands and bringing my arms to my sides. He scanned me from head to toe. “I’ll make those tits of yours suffer when I get back.”

He knew exactly what I needed. Just his words made my thick, dime-sized nipples strain for his crop. He clasped my tight buds and pulled me around to the end of the couch. Setting my bottom on the edge, he roughly pushed me over. My back arched when it hit the seat cushion, situating my butt higher on the armrest with my calves dangling over the side.

Watching Bond, I spread my knees wide, dipped my fingers into my wet entrance, and coated my clit with my juices. Like my huge breasts, I felt embarrassed by my protuberant nub.

“I’ve got it,” Bond said, swatting my hand out of the way. “This is why you need to be tied up. After all this time, you still doubt I can make you cum? Repeat after me, ‘You’re in control.’”

“I’m in control,” I said and laughed.

“You will pay for that,” he said with a wicked grin. “Arms above your head. Now!”

“Yes, sir,” I responded with plenty of cheek as I saluted.

“You must be itching for a really hard session later. Now shut up and let me take care of business.” He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down. Never one to wear underwear, his long cock jutted out in rapt attention. After rolling the condom over his hard erection, he pierced my wet labia in one fast stroke.

“Oh, hell yes ... take me hard,” I growled thickly.

His thrust kept rapid time with the hammering bass that rose up through the floor as he used his thumb to manipulate my bulgy clit.

I clasped onto the edge of the cushion over my shoulders and pulsed into him, helping him to stab deeper. I needed it hard and fast, and he didn’t disappoint.

As my clit swelled, Bond used more pressure, rubbing back and forth across my raised bud. He savagely forced his pelvis against mine, bringing me right to the brink of relief as the sweet friction started to overwhelm me.

“Do it,” he yelled.

“Ohhh god ... harder!” I cried.

As soon as my orgasm began, he increased his propulsion and pinched my nipples, sending me even higher over the bewitching edge into senselessness.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” I screamed, gushing over Bond’s cock as my electrified contractions fired between my boobs and my swollen clit.

He paused and smiled at me.

I prayed that someday “my Bond” would manifest, but as each year flew by, I became less and less hopeful. Silently, I thanked “this Bond” for making the wait less arduous.

He held his hands out to me and tugged me to my feet. He pulled me away from my musings when he shouted, “Flip over!”

As I bent over the side of the couch, face first, he split my long hair in either fist and yanked me back onto his shaft. His extreme drive knocked my pussy against the edge of the couch. That, coupled with the yanking of my hair, caused the pure sense of pleasure and pain that allowed me to lose myself and thoroughly enjoy sex with him.

Not long after, his deep roar rumbled in his chest. He jackhammered throughout his climax, adding his call to the chorus of music surrounding us. His body blanketed mine, and I could feel his pounding heart against my back. Once his breathing slowed, he stood and spanked my ass.

“Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll wake you when I’m back later.” He slipped off the condom and using the side of the towel lying under me, he wiped off his cock and thighs, and then buttoned up his jeans. He tossed the condom in the trash and left.

As soon as the door shut, I stood and cleaned all the wetness between my legs.

I loved being in Bond’s apartment alone. Somehow, it made our friendship even more intimate. I dug my short, satin robe out from the very back of his wall of closets. The mirrored doors cast my reflection back to me, and I quickly turned away. I vowed to hold onto the vision of how Bond saw me, not how I saw myself.

I bounced up onto his king-size bed, where his
poster hung above the headboard, and I scanned the rack of paddles, whips, restraints, and other bondage paraphernalia that hung on the left wall. I wondered what he might use on me later.

Restless and not tired, I wandered back to the living room and looked through the photo album of Polaroid pictures of women that sat on the coffee table. Naked from the waist up, I marveled at how he had gotten so many women to expose their breasts for his camera. I was very happy to see none of the gals from our group had posed.

I grabbed a quick snack, and then got ready for bed. The day had worn me out, so it took me all of five minutes to doze off to the pounding bass vibrating the small apartment.


“Blue, wake up.” I felt someone shaking me. I scurried up to the top of the bed, making myself as small as possible and tucked my legs in against me. My heart raged inside of my chest.

“It’s just me,” Bond said gently into the silence.

“Sorry,” I responded, trying to brush off my reaction. “Have you been drinking?”

“Just a few beers. I stopped drinking the hard stuff altogether.”

“Okay, no missionary.”

His shoulders lowered, and he shook his head. “You don’t have to keep reminding me, Blue. I won’t forget.”

“Yeah, sorry. I’m just waking up.” I lowered my legs and sighed.

“Do you want to pass until tomorrow?”

“No, definitely not. Just give me a minute in the bathroom, and I’ll be ready.” I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

“Great. I’ll set everything up.”

“Great.” I hopped down off the mattress.

He spanked my naked ass on my way to the bathroom.

“Hey!” I yelled, giggling. “We haven’t started yet!”

“Just getting you warmed up.”

“Stop it and we’ll get to it sooner,” I fake whined with my hands on my naked hips.

“Who’s in charge here?”

“Is that a trick question?”

He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face the bathroom.

I bent over in submission, presenting my ass to him, but before he had a chance to spank me again, I ran off.

“Now, you’re really going to get it!” he called after me.

“Sure, uh huh.” I laughed and closed the bathroom door behind me.

When I exited after freshening up, I saw a black crop, a brown strap paddle, and a full-headed black flogger lying on the side of the bed. Looking up, a coarse, beige rope hung from an eyebolt in the ceiling with leather cuffs attached. However, what really garnered my attention was Bond, standing naked in front of me, his five-foot, ten-inch, slender frame suiting me well.

I loved that he had let his long, brown hair loose. I’d always had a thing for men with long hair.

His full shaft and bulbous head let me know he was just as excited as my pounding heart indicated. Between his defined, smooth chest, hard cock, and the tools he’d set out, my pussy blushed appreciatively and my clit poked out.

“Are these nipples ready for my abuse?” he asked, squeezing them tightly between his fingers. He led me under the eyebolt near the side of the bed. “Do you want a gag? I’m not going to be gentle.”

I shook my head rapidly. “No.” I hated anything that could potentially restrict my breathing.

“Don’t disappoint me,” he warned. He attached the padded leather cuffs to my wrists and tugged the rope until my arms stretched above my head, my feet still resting firmly on the ground. He brought over a thick piece of bamboo and used the long side of the rope to tie my ankles to the wood, keeping my feet fixed far apart.

Completely exposed, I no longer had control over the outcome. My body vibrated and my breathing became low and shallow.

“Your expression is such a turn on. Did you know that submission makes your eyes glow? I want the rest of your body to feel it too.” He ran his hands all over me as he devoured my mouth. Our intense chemistry sparked, increasing the sexual tension as he squeezed my breasts, plucking at my nipples.

I twisted and turned from the flare of his fingers digging into my flesh, causing my juices to run onto my thighs.

He slapped my boobs, and I wallowed in the sensation. Deriving pain from my body allowed me to enjoy the pleasure. Bond knew how to find the outer edges of my resistance. I could already tell he planned to push them.

As if hearing me, he chose the strap and began working on my back, striping me with force as I squealed out with each strike. He had awakened every nerve ending, sending chills up and down my spine.

I trembled with arousal.

After throwing the strap down, he glanced up at me and twitched his eyebrows. He teased between picking up the crop, which I had experienced numerous times with him, and the flogger, which he seldomly used on me. With crop in hand, he started on the pulp of my large breasts, slapping closer and closer toward my nipples. Right and left, he alternated, until he landed directly on target.

“Ahhh,” I cried, so high on the endorphins being released, the acute sensation had me gasping.

He then found a rhythm, back and forth, landing squarely on my peaks.

“Ohhh … ohhh … ohhh!” I cried with each snap of the crop.

When the treatment ceased, he knelt down and reached between my thighs, caressing my clit with one hand while rubbing my G-spot with the other. He stopped and said, “I’ll be right back.” He quickly returned with a towel that he spread on the carpet under my soaking wet pussy.

My cum had migrated past my thighs onto my lower legs.

“Are you ready for more?”

“Yesss,” I hissed through gritted teeth.

“Just remember, you asked for it.” He picked up the flogger and started swiping my back with the many leather lashes, sending tremors over the surface of my skin. Once he struck the front of my body, I knew he had been taking it easy on me. He used the whip and swashed over my breasts harder than before. I screamed over the ferocity, twisting in my restraints and loving every second of it.

Then he took me completely by surprise. He used the flogger on my thighs, until it landed right on my protruding clit.

“Uhhh … Uhhh … oh, holy hell!” I yelled, instinctively attempting to close my legs.

“Spread those knees wide and expose your pussy to me,” he ordered as he slapped the leather hard against my thigh.

He used his fingers to fondle my nub while with his other hand, he yanked on my urgent nipples. Right at the brink of an explosive climax, he stopped and resumed flogging the front of my body.

Off and on, the sweet torture continued, until I couldn’t take it anymore. “Please!” I cried out.

“If you insist.” He seared me with his kiss just before he sucked my right nipple into his mouth and continued to manhandle my clit.

The hard detonation racked my body, shaking me to the core, making my knees weak as I struggled to stay balanced on my legs. My squirt shot out, firing repeatedly, and covered his hand. Once my orgasm trailed off, I collapsed onto Bond as he captured my weight.

He held me until I could stand on my own, then he untied my ankles and decreased the tension in the rope above my arms. Lifting my body, he perched my knees on the edge of the mattress with my face down, my arms arching back behind me. Under me, he replaced the towel, and then donned a condom. He groped the front of my body and played with my clit before seeking penetration. He knew if he kept me right at the brink, his stiff cock would cause my titillation to fire off again.

The thick head of his shaft shoved against my labia while he wrapped his arms around my torso. He pulsed into me, using his control over my body to sluice out and slam back in. “You may touch yourself,” he whispered seductively.

I rubbed the very tip of my clit and began to gush even before my second climax struck. My body erupted as he continued to seek his own liberation.

He rode me hard throughout my potent orgasm. His girth widened just as he slowed down his unrestrained pace. He shifted his hips from left to right, rubbing every spot in my canal. His arms held me captive as he used me to find his own release. He whispered, “I’m right there.” The roar I had come to love sounded, and I could feel the heat of his release. We stayed locked together, still flying high from our copulation.

“That was incredible, Blue,” he sighed. “Let’s clean up and get into bed. Then you can show me the tat you’re getting.”

We snuggled in bed for a while, and I felt completely satiated and content. I reached down into my overnight bag and showed Bond the tattoo that would be permanent in just a few hours.

“Where?” he asked. He lay on his back holding the drawing above us.

“At first I was thinking the top of my foot, but Cat said that’s a no-go because it’s very painful for a first tattoo. Plus, this particular design needs to be larger so you can see the cherry blossoms in the wings of the dragonfly, don’t you think? She says she plans to give it lots of dimension with shading and make it appear to be flying. It’s going to go on my right shoulder blade.”

BOOK: Blue Persuasion
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