Blood and Redemption (Cassandra Myles Witch Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Blood and Redemption (Cassandra Myles Witch Series)
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“Give me your sword.” His shaking hand held it out to me. I grasped it and looked down at Mab. She lay on her back, still except for her rapid breathing. Her skin was grey and her eyes were sunken in.

“Please, I never harmed you. Why would you harm me?”

“You killed my mate
, you fae piece of filth. You hurt so many, I can’t count. You deserve worse than a quick death, but that is what I am going to give you.”

I lifted the sword and brought it down onto her neck and her head rolled away. Her mouth opened and a blood
-curdling scream came forth as her head rolled from her body. Eventually, she realized she was dead and all was quiet. The room was still with everyone’s eyes on the dead queen’s head.

The Goblin
King broke the trance when he stood up and threw Oona to the floor. His gnarled, misshapen finger unfurled from a fist and pointed at me.

“Kill this bitch. Mab is dead
. Avenge your queen, you cowards.” Some of the fae began to rise. Killian was still on the floor. Dominick had won his fight, but just barely. He looked terrible.

They advanced on us and I tried to think of something to do. I was afraid to unleash what was inside me. It would be very easy. It was taking all my strength to keep it in, but I didn’t know if I could control it enough to hurt only those I needed to. I would if I had to. It was Conal who caught me off guard. Conal
, who I thought would never attack.

He flew to his mother and grabbed her headless body. “Why did you do this
, Cassandra, why? We were to be married. I was going to be happy. Mother promised me that we could be a family.” He had tears streaming down his face.

I knew how he felt to see his mother like that. My heart was aching for him. “She hurt you too. I didn’t want her to hurt anyone else.” I crouched down so I could talk to him. Everything in the room seemed still. “I’m sorry. You loved her and I took her away, but she hurt too many
, Conal. Please understand.”

He was shaking his head. “She loved me. She promised we would be a family and you ruined that.”

I reached for him and he was so fast I didn’t have time to react. His fist came up and punched me. He got my stomach and then my face. I curled, expecting the worst. Nothing came. I opened my eyes and Kael was holding a very limp Conal by his neck, high in the air. His beautiful wings were spread out, taking up half the width of the room.

Conal was dead and Kael turned in a circle
, showing everyone in the room. “I am the new Queen’s champion. If you harm her, you harm the slaugh. Do you want to anger us?”

Everyone in the room was quiet. Even the Goblin King was subdued. Then the
queen’s cousin came forward. Etel was handsome like all fae, but he made my skin crawl.

“You expect us to follow a human
? A human is going to rule us? Every one of us is stronger and older and has more of a right.”

“I am stronger than you all.” He dropped Conal to the ground. “I could kill you all right now and end this. It would make me very happy to do so.”

The Goblin King was more diplomatic. “She only lives a very short time, then we will have to pick another queen.”

“I have marked her
, goblin. She will live as long as I do. She will clean up your mess and then she will decide who will take over. Do you accept?”

“That is a lot to accept.”

I was in a lot of pain, but I should have been much worse off. A fae had pummeled me and I had been stabbed. Despite the distraction, I really wanted the fae to agree to peace.

“You agree or die
; it’s really very simple.”

“Then I guess we agree. Queen Cassandra.” King Trahern gave me an exaggerated bow.

“Leave here. She needs to heal and her people are on their way. You will be contacted when we need you.” Trahern turned and bent to grab the light queen.

“Leave Oona here.”
The torture was stopping now.

Goblin King left alone and everyone followed. The room emptied out of all dark fae. Their former captives didn’t move. They couldn’t take their eyes off the Slaugh King. Kael picked me up and carried me to my room. Killian helped Dominick and they followed. My champion was warm and his arms were strong.

He gently placed me on the bed. “I’m sorry you are injured
, my queen. I should have been here sooner, but my men were gathering the queen's soldiers so your people would not be injured.”

“Is everyone okay?”

“There were no deaths that I know of.”

placed his giant hand on my stomach and then my face. “You will feel better. I will be close by. We are linked so I will know when you are in trouble.” He kissed the moon again, his white eyes looking a little sad. Then he was gone.

I thought about going to find Quintus
, but I was too tired. The magic was gone when Kael kissed me and I was going to have to rest. I didn’t know who was holding who up, but they both looked down at me with concern.

you.” I cared very much for both of them. Killian had redeemed himself in my eyes and Dominick had proven we were pack. Nothing was ever going to be the same again.

“Dominick and I are going to another room
, Cass. I don’t want to be here when Quintus finds you. If I don’t see you again, please know that I am sorry and you mean more to me now than any territory or revenge. Please don’t blame Quintus or yourself for whatever happens to me. I’ve made peace with it. I knew the consequences when I took you. I just want to live a little longer. Feeling my heart beat again has meant the world to me.” He bent and kissed my cheek. I was crying, but I hadn’t lost hope that I could save him.

“Don’t worry
, little sister, I’ll take care of him. You rest and we will see you later, your majesty.” He kissed me too and then they limped out together.

I looked up at the ceiling. I could hear loud banging from far away and I hoped it was Quintus. I didn’t know what the future held, but now that he was so close
, I needed very badly to see him. I drifted off, waiting for him to come find me.











BOOK: Blood and Redemption (Cassandra Myles Witch Series)
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