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Authors: Kate Watterson

Blindsided (7 page)

BOOK: Blindsided
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“Is it?” She looked innocent but amusement glinted in her eyes.

“Feel free to warm me up.”

“That will be no problem.” He shifted to roll on top of her and

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kissed her urgently, wanting to take his time but finding it difficult.

He hadn’t lied, he’d been awake for quite a while, and his cock was just as awake and incredibly eager for a repeat of last night’s performance. She didn’t seem opposed either, for her arms slipped around his neck and her nipples were tight points against the heated skin of his chest.

It might be bitter cold outside, but he was burning up. “Correct me if I’m wrong,” he murmured against her lips, “but last night was damned good and I have feeling things are only going to get better.”

“You aren’t wrong.” Kerin looked at him through half-lowered lashes. “But I do have a question. I know it’s like locking the barn door after the cow has wandered off, but do you have any condoms?”

Why he was startled by the notion was a mystery, other than he was so engrossed in his own need. Protection was something he was usually obsessive over. Jesse blinked, and then regretfully shook his head. “No. I come here alone and I am not some adolescent who cares them in his wallet. But don’t worry. I’m perfectly healthy.”

“Your assurances are appreciated, but I am a doctor and last night was unforgivably reckless. We’re both smarter than that, I would think.”

“Thinking doesn’t have much to do with this.” He rubbed his cock between her legs, not penetrating but just nudging her clit. She already felt wet and slick and a slight sweat broke out over his skin.

“But you’re right. I’m usually a lot smarter than that. I’m going to assume you keep pretty good track of your sexual partners too, Doctor.”

“I’ve only had one.” She rubbed the bottom of her foot on the back of his calf in a lazy, suggestive movement. “And let’s not even think about him right at this moment. After we broke up I got tested, just in case. I’m fine.”

“So there’s no reason to stop.” He moved his mouth seductively to the point where her pulse beat wildly at the base of her throat.

“That depends how you look it.” Her voice had a throaty quality
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that really, really made him need to be inside her.

He just let the comment slide by, because he wasn’t interested in stopping. He wasn’t even sure he could, not with the silkiness of her inner thighs against his hips, her body open and willing, and his cock touching the entrance to paradise.

To make sure she was ready, he smoothed his hand down over the taut plane of the stomach and touched her. A satisfying wetness coated his fingers as he probed the softness of her pussy, and she gave a small sigh as he slid one finger completely inside her vagina.

The lady definitely was ready.

“Uhm…Jesse, that feels very nice, but I know first hand you can do better.”

There was just the smallest hint of a southern accent in her voice and he liked the way she said his name. “You want something a bit more substantial?” he teased back, looking into her eyes.

“As soon as possible.” Her breath fanned his shoulder and she rubbed her nipples seductively against his chest.

“We have all day, you know.” Sliding his finger free, he adjusted his position. The tip of his cock tested her vaginal opening.

“That sounds marvelous.” A small gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes closed and she spread her legs open wider as he began to push firmly inside. “And that

“You’re telling me.” Jesse briefly shut his eyes as her body closed around his cock. The beautiful doctor was pleasurably tight, but her lubricated passage took his whole length to his balls in a perfect, exquisite fit.

It felt every bit a good as the night before, so his hope he might last a bit longer was probably doomed, he thought hazily as he began to thrust in and out in long, sure strokes. Hopefully Kerin would be as quick to climax, as she had been the first time.

“Oh…oh…oh.” She grasped his biceps and lifted her pelvis into the rhythm of his movements, maximizing the depth of each thrust of his cock, and a flush invaded her cheeks as she moaned.


Kate Watterson

The soft sounds of her enjoyment were just so damned sexy. But then again, everything about her was sexy from her shining blonde hair to her dainty bare feet. He found it hard to believe she’d only had one lover in her life, for surely men were hitting on her on a daily basis.

If they knew how hot she was in bed, they’d be mobbing her.

The telltale tightening around his cock told him the friction of their intercourse was having the desired effect. If he were a judge, he’d guess the way her fingers dug in as she clutched his arms meant she was getting close to orgasm.

Good timing. So was he. His testicles felt ready to burst.

“Harder?” His breath whistled out of his lungs so forcefully with each breath he could barely ask a one word question.

“Yes.” Frantic hands let go of his arms and gripped his ass, as if she could move him deeper into her hungry body. “Harder. Faster. Oh please.”

He obeyed, increasing his speed, flexing his lower body as he drove in more forcefully and gave her what she obviously needed.

She cried out as she came, her slender body going tense as she gasped and trembled beneath him. The rapturous wash of acute release hit him as the rush of sperm exploded from his body and poured into her. He shut his eyes and held there above her on arms that shook with the enormity of the physical pleasure.

It took a while, but gradually he became aware again of the howling wind at the window, and the coolness of the air on his heated skin. Lifting his lashes, he peered down at Kerin’s face. Still breathing erratically, she stared back.

He was pretty sure she felt exactly like he did. Speechless.

Finally he did manage a weak laugh. “I was right, I guess.”

“How so?” Tendrils of blonde hair spilled over the pillowslip, framing her oval face. Against his chest, her breasts felt firm and full.

Small hands still cupped his buttocks.

“How the hell it’s possible I don’t know, but that was even
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A small languid smile touched her mouth. “Apparently not all orgasms are created equal. Before you, I didn’t know.”

Before you
. It sounded very intimate for two people who were still virtual strangers in most ways. “Since we’re both by our own admission indulging in behavior that isn’t normal for us, I’d say the physical chemistry is pretty powerful.” Jesse eased his softening cock from her slick warm vagina and propped himself on one elbow beside her. Very gently, he touched her cheek. “I’m not going to ask questions, but I admit I’m curious as to why you lied about your name. Who wouldn’t be?”

The woman next to him said nothing, but she looked away briefly before meeting his eyes again. “I have a very good reason, Jesse, and maybe I’ll tell you later. Right now, I feel like the weather is a gift.

It’s…protecting me. The rules are all suspended because we’re isolated here together. It explains last night, I think, though I have to admit I’m the first one to be shocked I decided to sleep with a stranger. This time yesterday we hadn’t even met.”

“I don’t normally cart home pretty doctors and take them to bed either,” he pointed out slowly, registering her use of the words

“protecting” and “isolated”. “I’m obviously attracted to you—really, really attracted—but I don’t assume things about people, so you don’t have to worry. You’re afraid. I knew it yesterday. You’re running, too, which has to be unusual for someone in your position and profession.”

“Very insightful, Mr. McCutcheon.” There was a careful lack of inflection in her voice.

“Hey, I just promised I wouldn’t pry.”

“Good, because I’d love to forget about my problems until I have to face them again. It might be a bit impractical, but you know, I’ve spent entirely too much of my life lately looking over my shoulder.”

She shifted, stretching a little, and the sheet drifted down over those very tempting breasts. “I don’t know if you can understand this, but I

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just want to be free to do something I want. To be a little reckless. To not have to listen for my beeper, my cell, or my phone at home.”

He understood, none better. That was why he bought the cabin in the first place. Softly he asked, “I take it I am part of your current reckless escape?”

“A very good part.” She reached out a hand and touched his chest, and then let her fingers drift south. “Like you said, we have all day.”

He might be wildly curious about what was going on, but he wasn’t going to turn down fantastic sex, especially if she really meant the term “all day”. His still half-rigid cock reacted to the glide of her fingertips over the sensitive crest.

“All day,” he repeated and sucked in a quick breath.

* * * *

It was like something you would read in a romance novel, Kerin decided in the hazy aftermath of another mind-blowing orgasm, her whole body still tingling. A very, very sexy erotic romance novel in which the handsome hero simply can not get enough of the heroine and keeps her in his bed while he has his wicked way with her over and over.

And she loves every minute of it.

Jesse’s breath fanned her cheek as he exhaled raggedly. “Jesus,”

he muttered. “I’m not eighteen anymore but I sure as hell feel like it.

I’m not keeping count or anything, but…well…Jesus.”

He had a very hard, very sexy ass, and Kerin lightly rubbed her palms over the bare skin, her legs spread open wide as he rested between them. His cock still felt large and long inside her even after his climax. She murmured, “Being eighteen is overrated if you ask me. Besides, you are doing just fine and though I’m not exactly keeping count either, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the situation.”

He lifted his head a little and smiled, his dark eyes holding both
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smoldering heat and amusement. “I’m inspired, I think, by one very hot lady.”

It was odd, but she had never ever thought of herself as being particularly sensual in nature. Maybe the perception had been fueled by her general ambivalence toward sex; maybe it had been part of her lackluster relationship with Michael in the first place.

Maybe she hadn’t met anyone yet like Jesse McCutcheon.

She gave a small breathless laugh. “Take my word on it. I am not like this normally. I’m pretty sure my fiancée found me a bit boring in bed.”

“Then he was an idiot.” Jesse lowered his mouth and kissed her lightly, and then slid his cock free and held out his hand. “Come on.

Let’s go take a shower and make something to eat. It’s hard to tell because of the storm, but I’d guess it’s past noon. I don’t know about you, but I have to keep my strength up.”

She laughed at his theatrical leer, but he was right. Her body felt pleasantly damp and a little sticky from repeated intercourse and she did register hunger along with a delicious physical contentment.

Plus the idea of showering with her handsome host was a pretty appealing one.

Thirty minutes later, dressed in another one of his oversized shirts and socks, she scrambled eggs as he flipped bacon. He claimed it was the one thing he could actually cook without ruining it. They ate by the fire again in companionable silence, and she couldn’t help but be amazed as he polished off a fourth piece of toast.

“I’m a growing boy,” he said with his heart-stopping grin as he rose to take their plates. “Besides, I am pretty sure I worked off quite a few calories this morning.”

“What a fabulous idea for a diet.” Kerin felt her lips twitch.

“You hardly need a diet. You are little on the slender side, not that I am objecting to anything about your body, don’t get me wrong.”

She had lost weight lately. The loss of appetite was directly related to stress and anxiety and she was well-aware she wasn’t eating

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properly but couldn’t help it. “I’m not usually quite this thin,” she admitted.

“You look terrific.” He had a carefully neutral expression on his face as he rinsed their plates and put them in the dishwasher. “I’m obviously a fan of every sexy inch of you.”

He was true to his word and not prying, though had the tables been turned, she knew she would be wildly curious if he was the one being so secretive.

Maybe she’d tell him everything.


Right now she just didn’t want to think about it.

The fire cracked in a comforting soft sound and the howling wind outside made the room even cozier. Kerin stared at the leaping flames and carefully kept her mind as blank as possible. Jesse came back with another piece of wood, expertly stacked it on the blaze and sank down next to her. He clasped muscular arms around his knees and asked, “So what happened with the fiancé? I know you don’t want to talk about whatever else is going on, and that’s fine. But tell me about him.”

She glanced over. “Michael? Not much to tell, I realize now. We were pre-med students together and then got into med school at the same time, both of us accepted to Indiana University. He wanted cardiology from the beginning, and I thought about several different specialties, but we both knew we just were driven to become physicians. Obviously, some couples manage to balance that lifestyle, but neither of us proved to be very good at it. I know doctors married to doctors, but it isn’t easy to make it. We tried living together and were more ships passing in the night than anything. When we applied for residencies, we went our separate ways.”

“I can see the time issue would be a problem.”

“It was for us. I’m just glad we didn’t actually get married and then have to go through a divorce. It’s a little old-fashioned maybe, but I want to know when and if I ever get married it is a forever deal.”

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“I’m the same way.” Jesse’s face reflected approval and the corner of his mouth—that mouth so capable of giving spectacular pleasure—

lifted a little. “One time only for me.”

BOOK: Blindsided
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