Read Blindfold: The Complete Series Box Set Online

Authors: M. S. Parker,Cassie Wild

Tags: #Romance

Blindfold: The Complete Series Box Set (7 page)

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“That sounds about perfect.”




We practically stumbled inside my apartment, hands and mouths all over each other. He was still kicking the door closed when I turned on him and grabbed the hem of his shirt, yanking upward. I wanted to see if he looked as good without it as he did with it.

Damn. He did.

His mouth closed over mine the second the shirt cleared his head, and I found myself pinned between him and the door. That suited me just fine. It was even better when he caught my hips and lifted me, bracing my weight using only his body. My dress rucked up around my waist as his hand worked its way between us. I heard his zipper, then felt his finger brush over the crotch of my panties before pulling it aside.

Foil tore and I whimpered as I felt the head of his cock pressing against me.

“Yes, please,” I gasped out.

His mouth gentled on mine and I tangled my hands in his hair.

He eased into me, one hand stroking up my thigh as he lifted his head, staring into my eyes. He was big and thick and I winced a little as I worked to accommodate him. It was a delicious kind of pain and it only made me wetter. And that made it easier to take him.

I hadn't expected him to take it easy. Most guys who wanted one-night stands weren't the slow and sweet type. Especially not guys who I fully expected to be fucking me against the door.

Fuck that.

If I'd wanted tender, I'd have picked up a guy at an art gallery or wherever the hell guys like that hung out.

I twisted myself on the thick length stretching me, forcing him into me faster. He tensed, air hissing between his teeth as I used the arms around his neck as leverage to ride him. He moved harder when I started to whimper every time I dropped my body onto him, driving him deeper.

When I sank my nails into his shoulder, he made a rough noise, his hips jerking up. I cried out and Luke growled. I felt it click for him and he began to slam into me, driving me back against the door until I knew I was going to have bruises.

Just before I was ready to come, he stumbled us backwards towards the bed. It was too small for both of us, but I solved that problem by using my weight to drop us backwards so I landed on top of him. I wailed as it drove the tip of him into the end of me.

“You’re going to kill me,” Luke gasped, his teeth flashing in the darkness.

“You’ll die a happy man.” I could barely get the words out. Every nerve in my body felt like it was on fire.

He reached up and plucked at my nipples, the pressure light, gentle, using me to move. Watching him through slitted eyes, I started to ride him faster, a burning ache inside me spreading and widening until it was a void.

As if sensing my frustration, Luke twisted and flipped me over. He pulled back and I groaned, but all he did was pull me onto my hands and knees. When he drove into me this time, he wasn't gentle and I shuddered.

Eyes closed, I braced myself for another thrust and this one was hard enough to make me cry out.


My mind slid away and sensation took over.

took over.

I found myself thinking…dreaming…
as I pushed back against him.

It wasn’t Luke’s hands on me now.

It was Ash’s.

He’d come up to me in the club. Touched me.

And now he was in bed with me.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

A part of me was protesting, but it was a small part of me.

But it felt so right. I climaxed with a hoarse cry and Luke continued to pound away at me, fingers digging into my hips. I was still convulsing from my first climax when another started and sent me flying, all thoughts of Luke and Ash disappearing as I focused only on the pleasure.

Chapter 8



Contessa knelt over the table in front of me.

Her hands were bound, her face averted. I didn't want her looking at me. I’d told her not to come, not to speak, not to even whimper.

These weren't unusual commands for a Dom to give a Sub, but I had an asshole reason behind it. I supposed it was a sign of good self-insight that I acknowledged it was an asshole reason and not just me wanting to dominate her.

I didn’t want to think about Contessa, her pleasure, her submission.

I was thinking about
pleasure. What I wanted. I knew it made me not only an asshole, but a bad Dom. Contrary to what most people thought, being a Dominant wasn't about using a Sub for personal pleasure. Even if there was no emotional connection between a Dom and a Sub, a certain element of trust and understanding was involved. Even Subs who were into more pain than I understood were taken care of by their Dom.

I didn't want to take care of Contessa. Not like I should have. I was doing something I'd never imagined myself capable of doing.

I was pretending she was somebody else. A petite redhead with snapping blue eyes and a mouth that drove me insane.

At the thought, I surged inside Contessa and her pussy contracted, tightening around me until I groaned. She wasn't naturally as tight as some others I'd been with – as tight as I imagined that little redhead would be – but Contessa knew how to work those muscles.

I thrust into her again, not even attempting to be gentle, and I felt her convulse beneath me. She wasn't necessarily into pain, but she did like it rough. I didn't have to hold back with her. The issue was going to be her ability to hold back, I thought, as I drove into her again, hard and deep.

“Don’t come,” I reminded her, bringing my hand down on the satiny smooth skin of her rump. It wasn't much of a smack, barely turning her skin pink, but it served its purpose.

She nodded frantically. Her hands, bound at the small of her back, knotted into fists, the only indication of her struggle to push back an impending orgasm. She was the sort of Sub made for any type of orgasm play, whether it was making her come so many times that she passed out, or forcing her to hold back until she was sobbing for release. I'd never met anyone who got off as easily as she did.

Of course, that made me wonder how Toni came. Would she be the sort who could climax almost at will? Could she come from penetration alone? Would I be able to coax an orgasm from her in public with just a few simple touches or would I have to work at it? The thought of needing to take hours to get her to come wasn't as disappointing as it would have been with any other partner.

I pounded into Contessa, barely aware of her presence, my mind swept up in images of Toni. Of how it would feel to have her bent over, or spread out before me. If I told her not to come, I knew she wouldn't comply with a bowed head and consent. She’d snarl at me. She’d dare me. She would do what no Sub should ever do. She'd push back.

That feeling in the pit of my stomach tightened, and I knew I was close. I wasn't so far gone that I'd completely forgotten the woman beneath me. She deserved at least a release. I wasn't a complete bastard.

I barked at Contessa, “Come. Do it now, or don’t do it at all.”

She wailed as the climax she’d been fighting to hold back erupted, her pussy milking and contracting my cock. A shudder ran the entire length of her body.

“Can I…” she started to speak.

I yanked her up and covered her mouth with my hand, driving inside her without breaking the rhythm. I hadn't told her she could speak. I didn't want to hear her as she came.

I didn’t look at her, still focused on the mental image of Toni, bent over, snarling at me for daring to withhold a climax from her. Of how she would look when I finally let her come. How I could make her scream with pleasure.

It was the most erotic image I’d ever had in my life.

I came so hard, it was a miracle I didn’t blow through the damn condom.

Contessa shrieked against my hand as another orgasm slammed into her, her body convulsing.

It was...intense.

And it wasn’t enough.

She was still shaking when I pulled out, stripped off the condom and grabbed another. She let out a half-strangled sound as I drove into her again. I was determined to fuck the thought of Toni out of my mind.


“Who is she?”

Contessa slid onto the couch next to me nearly two hours later.

We’d both showered – separately, of course – and we were now waiting on a meal. Several hours of rough sex would drain anyone. Normally, I would've just left after my shower without a word, but I'd come down enough now to feel like an ass for the way I'd been with her and figured dinner was the least I could do. Besides, it wasn't as if I disliked her company.

Lifting my head, I studied her pretty face. “Excuse me?”

“I know when I’m being fucked, Ashford.” She managed a slight smile before she lowered her eyes.

She wasn't being submissive. Even outside of the bedroom, she was the sort of woman who avoided eye contact. I didn't know why. I'd never cared enough to ask.

Her tone was cordial enough as she continued, “I also know when I’m being used as a replacement for someone else. Are you involved with her?”

“I…” Scowling, I looked away. I didn't want to think about her. Not after...I shook my head. “No.”

Contessa ran her fingers over the arm of the couch. “Maybe you should be.”

Rising from the couch, I paced over to the window that faced out over the city. It was treated with tinted glass, allowing me to see out, but nobody could see in. I'd fucked more than one woman up against that glass.

“Maybe you shouldn’t worry about it,” I said tightly. I didn't look back at her. “It’s my life, after all. We're good at fucking, Contessa. Don’t mistake it for something more.”

“Oh.” She laughed. It was all amusement and no bitterness. “Trust me, Ashford. I wouldn’t make that mistake. That'd be like keeping a lion for a house pet because you like cats. I’m not stupid.”

Suddenly, she stood. I still didn't look at her, but I watched her reflection in the window as she started for the door.

“I’m not terribly hungry tonight, I don’t think.” Before she slid out of the room, she met my eyes in the reflection. Her voice softened. “Don’t deprive yourself of everything that’s good in life. You’ve missed out on so much already.”




The drive home was grim, which completely negated the entire point of me going to the club.

Contessa and I rarely talked about personal things although we had enough in common. It was always about sex, or at least leading up to it. Outside of Olympus, we occasionally saw each other at various social functions, but we never spoke at them. It wasn’t that either of us went out of the way to avoid each other. There were plenty of other people who went to Olympus who ran in our social circles, and I occasionally talked to them.

No, I amended. I didn't talk to them. I sometimes talked to the men, or the women I didn't fuck. I never talked to any of the Subs I'd had sex with, and they never tried to initiate conversation. The one thing I made sure all of my Subs knew up front was that I didn't want any contact outside of fucking. I wasn't looking for a Sub to be a part of my life.

I blew out a breath as I punched the accelerator, sending the Bugatti blasting through the light just as it turned to red.

“Asshole,” I muttered.

I wasn't talking about any of the other drivers.

Even though she'd Subbed for me more than any other woman, I had no desire to talk to Contessa outside of sex. I didn’t think I’d care for her outside of playroom. Or at least no more than one human being cared about another. I didn’t care for much of anybody, save for Isadora, and I preferred it that way.

There wasn’t anything wrong with Contessa, or any of the other women for that matter. I just didn't care about them outside of that relatively short time span we spent together. I didn’t want to care about them.

What bothered me wasn't my way of thinking, however. It was how easily she'd read me tonight. I didn't like anyone but Isadora, and maybe Doug, to be able to see me at all. I didn't want anyone to read me about this though. The fact that Contessa had been able to meant that this thing with Toni was worse than I'd thought.

Maybe you should be

Those four words, so simple, echoed around in my head for the rest of the drive home, but it wasn't just those that were bothering me. If it had only been her suggestion, it wouldn't have made much of an impact. I just couldn't stop thinking about the rest of what she'd said.

Don’t deprive yourself of everything that’s good in life. You’ve missed out on so much already.

I was in a foul mood by the time I pulled into the multi-car garage attached to the side of the house. Climbing out, I stared at cars that had belonged to my father, and to his father, then looked over at the three I owned. The cars alone were worth a mint, and I took care to make sure they were all driven and stayed in working order. They were a connection to the family I no longer had.

What I did have was more money than I’d ever spend in my lifetime.

I had two family businesses that weren’t just surviving in tough financial times – they were thriving. And I wasn't being arrogant when I said a lot of that was because of me. I hadn’t grown up fearing change the way a lot of business types did. I welcomed it and adapted to it, so my companies were doing more than fine.

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