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Authors: Sue Fineman

Blind Love (10 page)

BOOK: Blind Love
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Megan cleared her throat. “Enough about business, Walt. Your new bed arrived this afternoon, and I bought a wheelchair. If you don’t like that one, they said we could swap it for another one.”

Catherine glanced at Tony and then at her father. “We have to go. I’ll see you in the morning after I take Tony to the airport.”

Tony stepped around Catherine and stuck out his hand. “Mr. Timmons, I hope to see you again one of these days.”

Father shook Tony’s hand. “Thanks for your help, Tony. Come back anytime.”

Catherine walked out to the car with Tony. Father had made nasty remarks about every man she’d ever spent any time with, except Tony. “My father likes you.”

“Yeah, I like him, too. You have to respect a man who tries to do what’s right.”

“Is that what he did?”

They stood beside the car. “Catherine, he was in a hole, so he did what he had to do. He sold the business before he lost everything, including your family home.”

“He should have told me first.”

“Yes, he should have, but he didn’t, and it’s over.”

Was it? Father had said the words she needed to hear, that she was a worthwhile businesswoman, but she still had to prove it to herself.

After a stop for ice cream, Tony drove up the hill to Catherine’s house. Before they got to the top of the hill, the engine started smoking again. Tony parked it so a tow truck could hook up to it. “You’re not driving this thing anywhere tomorrow. I’ll take a taxi to the airport, or Sanchez can drive me.”

“Tony, my father has a Mercedes, a Maserati, and a restored fifty-seven T-Bird. I’ll get you to the airport.” She dropped her voice. “Or, I could kidnap you and keep you here forever.”

“Don’t tempt me.” Forever was a long time, and they had a TV show to do. He knew how much she wanted the show to work, and he wanted her to taste that success.

Once inside the house, Catherine pointed out the pieces of furniture she wanted brought down to her father’s room, and Tony moved them—a favorite easy chair and ottoman from his bedroom, an armoire and the television inside, a sculpture on a marble stand, and two paintings from other bedrooms.

Megan had already made the bed and fixed up the bathroom, and the room looked inviting and comfortable.

“Ready for that swim, Donatelli?”

“Are you going to wear that see-through bra again?”

She smacked his arm. “You should have told me.”

Tony laughed softly. “It was almost as much fun as skinny-dipping.”

“I’m not skinny-dipping with my mother around.”

He leaned down close and nuzzled into her hair. “Does that mean you would if she wasn’t here?”

She hesitated for a second or two. “Maybe, with the right incentive.”

He heard the smile in her voice. With a growl, he lifted her for a kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he gave her something to remember, a kiss she returned with passion. Good thing he was leaving in the morning, because he wouldn’t be able to stay out of her bed much longer.

He’d never been attracted to redheads, but this cute little redhead had something the others didn’t. She had spirit, ambition, a sense of humor, and passion.

Megan came home and the moment was over. He wouldn’t put Catherine in the embarrassing position of making love with her mother down the hall, and he didn’t want to make her another notch on his belt. A love affair would satisfy his urges, but he didn’t think he’d be satisfied with a simple affair. Not this time.

Tony kissed her goodnight and went upstairs.

This didn’t normally happen to him. Once he got to this stage with a woman, they’d be sharing a bed and making love. But everything with Catherine was different. He couldn’t put his finger on how he felt about her, except he’d never felt this drawn to any other woman. It wasn’t just physical attraction this time, although he felt an intense urge to take her somewhere private and get naked with her.

The intercom buzzed and Megan said, “Tony, telephone. It’s Nick.”

Tony grabbed the phone. “Nick, what’s up?”

“I’ve been trying to reach you all day. You left your cell phone at Cara’s estate.”

“Oh, hey, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t remember until we were in the air. Is Ma all right?”

“She’s doing great. The physical therapist comes out every morning, and she’s getting stronger every day.”

They had a long discussion about the property Tony had seen that day, and then Nick said, “Uh, Tony. Melissa is missing.”

“What?” Tony was totally unprepared for that one. “I thought the cops picked her up and put her in Western State Hospital or somewhere.”

“They did, but she escaped. News reports say she’s delusional and dangerous, and this isn’t the first time she’s been in a mental hospital. She’s been in and out of them for most of her life.”

“Then why in the hell did they let her out the first time?”

“Who knows. Are you about finished there?”

“Yeah, I’m done. Cara’s pilot is picking me up in the morning. I told Catherine I’d do the television show. They’re filming it in June, so I’ll have time to check out the rest of the property after Cara’s birthday party.”

Clouds rolled in over the ocean, and raindrops pinged against the windows. Good thing the storm waited until after they got back today. Tony felt bad about the damage to Catherine’s SUV. The tire wouldn’t cost much to fix, but the hoses could be costly. He hoped that was all that would need replacing.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but he couldn’t sleep for thinking about the cute little redhead who slept down the hall. His hands itched from wanting to hold her, and he could almost taste her lips.

He threw back the covers and went into the bathroom to take a cold shower.




Chapter Six

ony rose before dawn and took a last swim before he left for the airport. The rain last night had cooled the air, but the water in the pool felt warm.

Catherine walked out to the side of the pool wearing a terry robe. When she opened it, he knew exactly what she had in mind. She wasn’t wearing a bathing suit, not even that skimpy bikini. He gaped at her stunning body.

Catherine dropped the robe and jumped into the pool. “Never seen a naked woman before, Donatelli?”

“Not this one. Honey, I’ll dream about you every night for the rest of my life.”

She held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. It didn’t take much encouragement for him to hand over his suit. She tossed it behind her. “You went to bed without me last night.”

“You have enough on your plate without having a one-night stand with a guy who lives in another state.”

“Is that all I’m worth? One night?”

“Honey, you’re worth a lifetime, but this isn’t the right time for either one of us. You have family issues to deal with, and I have a crazy woman after me.”

“I thought she was locked up.”

“She was, but Nick said she escaped.”

“Oh, Tony,” she said on a sigh.

“If you don’t want me to do the show—”

“I can’t make it work without you, Tony.”

He put his hand on her neck and pulled her in for a kiss, cupping her head with one hand and her bottom with the other. She had him so hot he wanted to bury himself inside her right now. It wasn’t just sexual attraction this time, although passion was a big part of it. He valued her friendship, her honesty, and her sense of humor. And he loved her sexy body.

Who knew he could be this turned on by a short redhead?

Catherine reached down and ran her hand along the length of him. He was thick and long and hard, bigger than any other man she’d ever been with, although she hadn’t been with that many. She wanted to climb on and feel him inside her, but he was holding back, and she didn’t want to push herself on him if he didn’t want her.

“Catherine, honey, I’m not wearing a condom, and I don’t want to do this without one.”

Sanchez came around the corner and then ducked back out of sight. The last thing she wanted was an audience.

“I’ll get out and hold the robe up for you.”

Tears stung the backs of her eyes. “You don’t want me?”

“Does this thing you’ve been rubbing look like I don’t want you? Another time, Princess. And next time I won’t be able to stop, with or without protection.”

Tony gave her one last kiss and walked backward out of the pool to grab his towel. If her mother was up, she’d see his bare ass, but that was better than a full frontal view, especially with the size of his erection.

After he wrapped the towel around his waist, he took Catherine’s robe and held it up beside the steps. She climbed out of the pool and slipped it on. She looked disappointed. He gave her a long, sweet kiss and they walked inside the kitchen together.

The coffee was on, so Tony poured two cups and handed one to Catherine.

“She saw us,” said Catherine. She thought Megan would still be in bed at this hour.

“Yes, I assume so.”

She sipped her coffee. “Did you have sex with the crazy woman?”

“No. Two lousy dinner dates and she thought she owned me. She followed me around, showed up every day at the job site, called so many times I had to change my phone number, and the last straw was when she demanded I have dinner with her. I ignored her, so she broke into my mother’s house and drugged my dog. That’s when I called the police.” He sipped his coffee. “She’s nuts, out of her ever-loving mind.”

“Obviously. I would have kidnapped you and locked you in the bedroom.”

After a long, smoky gaze, he said, “Next time I may let you do that.”

“Promise?” she whispered.

“Honey, after seeing you naked, it’s all I’ll be able to think about.”

And she’d have trouble concentrating on the show with her mind on the star.



Two hours later, Catherine stood in the window at the airport and watched Tony’s plane take off. A part of her heart went with it. She’d never intended to fall for a gorgeous guy who could have any woman he wanted, but there was a lot more to Tony than the way he looked and the way his kisses made her feel. That muscled physique hid a heart bigger than his ego.

The plane disappeared into the clouds, and she walked out to Father’s T-Bird. In a few short days, Tony had wormed his way into her life and into her heart. She’d see him in three weeks, but at that moment, three weeks seemed like an eternity.

She drove home and turned on her laptop. Mitzi had found two more girls for the show. Marilyn was twenty-seven, a private secretary from San Francisco. She was tiny, with a round face and exotic eyes. Pretty and delicate, but not beautiful. Victoria was thirty-five, a widow with two little boys. Her short frosted hair was attractive, in a suburban-soccer-mom way. She was probably looking for a father for her boys, and Tony would be an excellent one.

This was crazy. Catherine didn’t want Victoria or any of the others to end up with Tony. She wanted him for herself. But just because he picked one of these women didn’t mean he had to marry her.

“This is only a television show,” she said to the walls.

Catherine emailed Mitzi and gave preliminary approval to the two new women she’d chosen. They’d both do fine, as long as they had personality. She intended to review all the interview tapes before giving final approval.

They had seven women and one alternate.

They needed thirteen and at least two alternates.



Lisa, a member of Cara’s staff, met Tony at the plane with his golden retriever and one very soggy tennis ball. “I bought him some new balls, but he likes this one.”

Tony squatted down and rubbed Riley’s head and neck. Riley slurped him on the face and woofed, so Tony threw the ball. “This one will have to disappear before he’ll play with a new one.”

He glanced at Lisa’s pretty face. So young. She couldn’t be more than nineteen or so, and she’d made it clear that she was interested in him. In the old days, he would have taken what she offered, but those days were gone.

“What’s been happening around here since I left?”

“Mr. Pettibone said someone is filming a television show here in June.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Tony. He didn’t tell Lisa he’d be on that show. She’d find out soon enough. Everyone would.

They rode the golf cart back to the house, stopping often for Tony to throw the ball. “You spoiled my dog.”

“He likes me.”

“Yes, he does.” Too bad he didn’t like her as much as his dog did. Life would be so much simpler with a girl like Lisa than with a complicated woman like Catherine Timmons.

Tony planned to set the footings for the gazebo that afternoon. Tomorrow he’d frame it. It was one of his youngest brother’s plans, a class assignment, and it was perfect for Cara’s garden. The style wasn’t Victorian, like most gazebos. This one blended with the Spanish architecture of the house. The beams would be stained dark, and the roof would be covered with red tiles, like the house. The design was more like a big round pavilion than a traditional six- or eight-sided gazebo. Al had a lot of talent, and he’d be a damn good architect when he finished college.

BOOK: Blind Love
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