Blind Landing (Flipped #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Blind Landing (Flipped #1)
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he radiant look
in her eyes as she left the cafeteria. That’s what compelled me to recklessly come to Nat’s dorm at midnight without so much as an invitation or a heads up.

I hadn’t stopped thinking about our make out session in the pit for two days. Not when I slept, not when I ate, not when I coached. I could feel her grinding up against me, could smell the vanilla underneath the chalk scent, could hear the mewling pleas she made as my fingers had inched closer to the hot button between her thighs.

Natalia Grekov had sent my system spinning, and the only way to relieve the dizziness was to attack it at the source. And that source was her. And the body my hands couldn’t seem to stop itching to reach for.

So here I stood, my hands resting against her doorjamb and holding me up. I hadn’t knocked yet. I hadn’t decided if this was all really stupid, or a great fucking idea. I’d convinced myself to come this far, swiping myself into the girls’ dorm and onto her floor. That alone was enough to raise eyebrows, if there were any eyebrows awake to see me. The floor is dark and silent, the sounds of muted TVs and snores the only noises coming out from under the doorjambs.

I raise my fist, ready to quietly rap on the door. Nat was probably fast asleep, tired from the endless hours of practice and general bullshit from the other coaches on the training grounds. But I was wide-awake, my nerves pulsing with electricity and my cock begging for me to get on with it already. Ever since I tasted her two days ago, I couldn’t let it go. We’d crossed that line, the one between friends and lovers. We’d done it knowingly, and damn was it sweeter than I’d ever imagined. Maybe something about the build up of it, the fact that we’d been teasing and skirting around each other for weeks made it better than any kiss I’d ever had. And maybe I was so in pursuit of her right now because we hadn’t sealed the deal, gone all the way. I was horny and pent up, and this beast needed to get laid. It was a plus that the chick I wanted at the moment was hilarious and sexy to boot.

Without thinking further, I knocked on the door, one small hit of my fist and then another one. I waited, pressing my ear against the door like some lovesick stalker. I backed up, relaxing my posture and schooling my features. Sure, I’d come for a late night booty call, but I didn’t have to look so desperate. Shuffling from inside the room had my cock jumping with anticipation.

“Huh?” The door creaks open to reveal a confused, sleepy-eyed Nat, wearing nothing but hot pink underwear and a gray T-shirt. Her blond hair is tousled and sexy, her face bare of any makeup.

My mouth goes dry. And I can’t help the reaction of my limbs when they catapult toward her, sweeping her out of the doorway and into my arms before she even registers who was standing in front of her door.

“What the … Spence—”

Her sentence dies on my lips as I crash them against hers, still holding her lithe body in my arms as I back us up into her room. The door bangs shut behind her, and I don’t even have the mind capacity right now to care if that woke anyone. I palm her ass cheeks, grinding her body easily down onto mine and hitting every nerve ending in my rigid dick. She’s a hundred pounds soaking wet, I could mold and move her body so easily with my larger body that my cock throbs at the idea. My shorts tent below her thighs as our mouths devour each other, each slide of a tongue or teeth sinking into lip has us growling and moaning.

“How did you? What?” She whispers in my ear before she bites the lobe as I fist her rumpled hair, turning her neck to the side and planting my lips on her skin.

“Come on, Nat. You didn’t think I was going to let you get away with just a kiss, did you?” I chuckle as I walk us to her small twin bed.

It isn’t going to do what we’re about to partake in justice. I should be throwing her on a California King right now, spreading her open and pushing her flexible body to the limits I know it can go to. But this standard issue dorm room bed will have to do; because there is no way I’m doing anymore waiting.

I’m used to girls falling into my lap, and my pants, the night I meet them. I’ve had to wait for Natalia for three weeks. I’m taking her anyway I can get her, even though I’ve had to track her down myself. At least this room is better than a foam pit.

“Bring it on, Coach. I can’t wait to see what you have to teach me.” Her blue eyes sparkle indigo in the dark room, the challenge I just threw out completely absorbed and met by this devilish woman.

She’s breathtaking.

I throw her back on the bed, the white comforter tangled with the sheets she was sleeping in just moments ago. Now she’s fully awake, contorting her body like a sex kitten, ready and waiting for however I choose to touch her next.

“Call me Coach as much as you like, Nat. It does things to my cock that you can only feel to appreciate.”

And it did, my head throbbed hot and needy when she directed the word at me. It was all fun and games, no one was taking advantage of the other. But sex was about a fantasy, it was as much a mind and situational activity as it was physical. And she wanted to pretend I was her real coach, going after my beautiful star gymnast, I was all for it. It was a fucking turn on.

“Shut up and show me then.” Nat laid back, her legs opening wide as she raised her arms above her head to grasp the wooden headboard.

This was going to be fun. And sexy. And it was going to feel fucking great.

That’s how sex was supposed to be. Fun, sexy and satisfying. Too many people put too much stock in too many emotions and attachments that this simple activity just could not provide. Sex was sex. It was a physical act meant to leave both parties happier. It didn’t ensure love, commitment, safety or any of the other values people attached to it.

But I knew that Nat understood this in a way other women didn’t. For one, she was way too vocal and comfortable in the bedroom already, and we’d barely started. A lot of women I was with liked to remain shy and meek, waiting for me to give instructions or just following my lead because they were trying to please me. And two, we were cut from the same cloth. Built for things bigger than monogamy and marriage, we were elite athletes. The cream of the crop. Humans like us didn’t come around but once in a blue moon. We were agile, competitive and needed gratification.

And I was going to give her just that.

I pulled my shirt over my head, giving her a show as I did it slowly with one hand pulling at the fabric at the back of my neck. The red material slid over my muscles with ease before pooling onto her floor.

“Show off.” Nat grins up at me, her legs and hips squirming.

“I just want to show you everything you’re about to experience.” I wink and drop my shorts at the same time.

Here’s the thing. I know I’m attractive. I’m not cocky about it, but I’m also confident. I know what girls see when they look at me. Muscles, fun and sex. And I’m absolutely okay with that.

Nat’s eyes zero in on my cock, which stands at attention, and then glaze over in obvious need. “So you take your own clothes off, but I’m still dressed over here?”

I saunter to her, standing next to the bed and running my hands down her toned calves and thighs until my fingers hook in her underwear. “I was just getting the unnecessary shit out of the way. Now it’s your turn.”

I drag the hot pink strip of material down her legs and revel in the groan she bites out. Her skin is smooth and hot as I pull them off, like volcanic stone branding the tips of my fingers as they brush down her body. I see her, glistening and wet in the muted light of the room, right at her sweet, pink core. I have to bite my tongue to keep it from rolling out of my mouth.

Nat sits up without direction, whipping off the gray T-shirt and presenting herself to me as she pushes out her chest and rotates her hips. She’s all muscle and petite curves. I groan as my hands make contact with her small breasts, her pretty, perky nipples straining under my greeting. Her blond hair dangles over her pillows as she leans her head back, exposing the exact patch of flesh I want to suck on.

“Mmm, Spence …” She draws out my name, rolling it around in her mouth as I get acquainted with her anatomy.

“I knew I was going to like my name coming out of your mouth.” I bend my head forward and pop one breast into my mouth, sucking and biting until Nat’s body is undulating like a wave, grinding the bed and mewling.

I’m about to capture her lips again. But then, a white-hot bolt of lightening seizes my balls and shoots up my spine.

“Oh fuck …”

I look down to where Nat has slid to the edge of the bed and pushed up on her elbows.

And swallows my cock into her beautiful mouth.

She makes a humming noise, vibrating my shaft and with it my entire being. Her wet, warm mouth suctioning around my erection has my mind spinning, and I can’t help but fisting my hands in her soft blond locks and tugging slightly.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I choke as my tip hits the back of her throat.

I almost double over when she does it again, the heat and tension mounting in my balls, sending the blood pulsing and coursing through my veins.

Nat pops me out of her mouth with a smack and I groan as my cock hits the cooler air of the room.
Put me back where I belong
, I think.

“I think I found the way to finally make you shut up. If not kill you.” She gives me a devilish smile and circles her lips around my glistening cock once more.

I have to hold my breath and say the pledge of allegiance to stop myself from coming. What Nat is doing with her tongue is lethal, and I can’t take much more of it.

“My turn to see if you’ll finally be quiet.”

I pull my dick out of her mouth, her teeth grazing my tip and sending an entire flurry of lust-filled zings to the base of my spine. I push her back, her legs automatically falling open, as if they’re natural resting position is in a split. I dive, not bothering to kiss her or nibble down her stomach. My focus is purely carnal, zeroing in on the throbbing button between her thighs.

“Holy crap!” Nat cries out when I plunge my tongue between her slick folds. She’s everything sweet, like a white chocolate covered strawberry. I savor the deliciousness of her, I crave the way her fingers try to grab at my short brown buzz.

Her legs dance and squeeze as I take her higher and higher, swinging her through highs and lows like she’s in the most intense balance beam routine of her life.

“Enough. Spencer. Now.” She chokes out the syllables and I’m up and moving for the condom in my wallet faster than I’ve ever moved before. My body feels like it’s speeding for this immovable object, like I’m running full speed down the runway at the vaulting horse and I just need to get there to feel that flying, tumbling, out of control weightlessness.

I roll the condom over my swollen cock, not even bothering to ask if I should or shouldn’t use one. I may be a good-time guy, but I’m not an idiot. Even if a woman said it was okay not to rubber up, I’d still slide one on. I don’t need a child right now, and God knows Nat would murder me on sight if I ever happened to spill my swimmers inside of her.

I look down at her, her breathless smirk probably mirroring my own. There was no way this “flirty friend” business was ever going to lead anywhere else. Since the moment she plunged naked into the Atlantic with me, I had known I wanted her. My tip tingled with anticipation, every muscle in my body poised for the dick-melting joy it was about to partake in.

“Don’t get all reflective on me now, Coach.”

Nat’s devilish grin pushes me over the edge, my hands grip her inner thighs and push them down, not one wince from the flexible feline under me. My head nudges against her clit, and I grind my hips in, seeing her blue eyes dissolve into indigo pools.

And then I adjust my hips, take one last look at the small smile ghosting Nat’s cherry full lips, and drive home.

Tight, white-hot heat blinds me, a growl tearing through my chest and all the way down to my balls. I feel a small hand come up and slap over my mouth, Nat’s fingers tasting like musk and honey-scented hand lotion.

Her eyes are molten, her cheeks flushed, when I finally bring my eyes down from the ceiling. “You have to be quiet.”

I flex my hips, my dick lodged so snuggly in her wet pussy that just the twitch makes the base of my spine react. “Not sure I can do that.”

“Either be quiet or get out.” Nat winds her toned arms around my neck, pushing her small breasts together.

I drag my cock out slowly, until I get about halfway up her walls. And then I push in with force. “You really want me to stop?”

She’s too busy swallowing a moan to answer me. I thrust into her, again and again and again. Not slow, but not fast either. Just a steady rhythm that has both of us teetering on the edge, riding that weightless high before we come crash landing back onto this earth.

Nat’s face is pure bliss, relaxed and thrown back so that her blond hair is smashed against the pillow. Her cheeks and eyes aren’t scrunched up in concentration; no, she’s letting me take her where I want, where she needs.

“Oh my God, Spence. I’m going to come.” She whispers it as if the feeling just snuck up on her.

I lean down, my shoulder and neck muffling her breathy cries. Her fingernails slice my back, gripping and pulling at my brawn. My dick squeezes violently as her walls contract, like she might just bleed me dry of everything in my cock. In my body.

“Shit …” Nat’s heels dig into my ass and everything in me liquefies.

Fireworks explode behind my eyes and rattle down my spine, adding to the tumbling, spinning feeling. It’s the closest I can get these days to flying blind, a replacement for swinging around those rings. My head is reeling, the adrenaline and ecstasy burning through my veins fueling my release.

And when I finally come down, I’m crashing into the sweetest landing place I’ve ever known.


, I see Nat first thing when she walks into the gym in the morning. I’m greeted by her grudging, tired smile. Or a snarky, teasing smile.

What I’m not used to is waking up to her blond hair strewn over my torso, her long, toned limbs wrapped around me like an elegant sloth. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel damn good.

I’d also be lying if I said my dick wasn’t up for round two. Okay … three. Round two happened when we both awoke simultaneously in the middle of the night, as if our bodies sensed they needed each other desperately again.

“Huh?” Nat stirs groggily, snuggling closer and running the tip of her nose in the crook of my neck. The move has my cock jumping and my hips canting into her warm flesh.

A glance at the clock on her tiny bedside table shows it’s close to four thirty a.m. “Sorry, I fell asleep. I can go if you want an hour or so of sleep.”

I’m not usually a sleepover kind of guy, but I was so comfortable and tired last night that I must have dozed off with Nat. And then round two happened and we must have both passed out again. Usually I feel awkward and cagey if I happen to make the mistake of falling asleep in a chick’s bed. But right now, I don’t feel anything but Nat’s skin on mine and a warm feeling of content in my chest. I push away analyzing that. I don’t analyze. And I don’t want to start now.

“No, stay. You actually make for a nice pillow. But don’t talk, you’ll ruin it.” She stirs and her body slithers on mine as she backs herself against my front, creating the best kind of friction.

“A pillow? That’s all I’m good for. Not what you were saying last night. And this morning.” I grin and wrap my arm around her tiny torso.

Nat sighs. “You may have just ruined it.”

I nibble at the porcelain slice of exposed skin on her neck. “Does this make up for it?”


I’ll take that as a yes.

A few minutes of snuggling more, and then Nat begins to get restless. I can tell from the twitching of her fingers, the way she jiggles her legs. And I realize this woman and I have more in common than I could ever possibly imagine.

“You can never sit still, can you?”

I feel the tiny smile that stretches her lips. “Never. It’s like once my body is up for the day, I can’t go back to bed. It has to move.”

“It’s like we’re related or something.” I laugh, and then my face goes stone cold sober as I feel Nat start to quake with laughter. “That’s not what I meant! No! Um … I meant on a spiritual level. We’re cut from the same cloth or something. Not like brother and sister kind of shit, but … you know what I’m saying!”

Her howls of laughter echo off the cement dorm walls. “No keep going, I’m really enjoying this hole you’re digging yourself.”

My heart rate has picked up as I tickle and pinch her sides, distracting her from my stupid use of words. “You know what I meant!”

She gulps in a lungful of air. “I sure hope so. I’d hope you don’t fuck your sister like that.”

Cackles of laughter peel from her mouth.

“It’s only because I have no sister that this isn’t totally, horribly gross.” I grumble.

She pats my large hand that now rests on her smooth thigh. “Aw, it’s okay, Spence. I get it. You think I’m the lost piece of your puzzle. Your match in every way. Don’t go falling in love with me, buddy.”

Nat’s teasing me. The little minx. “I may have to shut you up the only way I know how if you keep wounding my pride. Show you how big my ego really is.”

She sits up, the sheet falling away from her naked body and leaving her rosy pink nipples exposed to me. “All right, big guy. We need to get a move on. This Olympic gold isn’t going to win itself.”

She hops over me and onto the floor, landing with soft feet. She’s stark naked, traipsing around her room as she rolls on deodorant like I’m not even there. This girl is amazing. She’s unashamed of anything. Fearless in all aspects but one … and I’m helping her take care of that.

Girls fall into one of two camps. They’re either so shy during and after hooking up that they can’t move without the lights off and a winter coat covering their parts. Or, they are way too brazen, flashy and showy in their attempt to convince me of their perpetual cool girl persona.

Nat falls in the middle of those two camps. Or she’s not even in one. I’m not even sure. All I know is that this woman likes sex, isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants, doesn’t need to define this, and has an attitude like she could take me or leave me and neither would affect her all that much.

And again, I realize how uncannily similar we are. The universe is either giving me a high five or a middle finger sending Nat my way.

“What’s our plan of attack for today, boss?” Nat steps into a red leotard with a tie-dyed blue pattern running over it.

I get up, not bothering to hide the steel pole between my legs that is very much begging for her attention. “We need to get you on the real, competition beam today, and all week. But first, we need to show your brain what it won’t let itself remember.”

I am all Zen and spiritual and shit because I’ve been thinking about this tactic for a while. I had only just learned of it when Duke started talking about how one of his college gymnastics buddies would watch his own routines on YouTube.

“And how do you plan to do that, genius?” Nat is fully ready now, sliding into a pair of shorts, throwing her gym bag over her shoulder and shoving a granola bar in her mouth.

She’s the most low-maintenance, yet stunning, female I’ve ever known.

“We are going to watch you doing Arabians.” I say it simply and with a shrug, throwing my shorts and shirt on, not bothering with anything else. I brush my teeth, and spray some cologne on once in a while. But personal upkeep isn’t really my thing. The reason I shave my hair so short to my head is because I can’t be trusted to keep anything longer than that styled right.

Nat stares at me with a dumbfounded expression. “Again, not following you. That would require me to actually throw one. Which I’m not sure I can do yet.”

I grab my phone off the floor where it must have fallen last night.
A casualty of sex
, I think and smirk. Nat tilts her head, and I’m not unconvinced she knows what I’m thinking.

I hold up the iPhone. “How long have you been performing that dismount? One, maybe two years? And in that time, how many of those international competitions did you perform it in? There is bound to be endless footage of your gymnastics skills on YouTube. And we’re going to watch your beam dismount.”

It’s like I’ve just turned on the lightbulb in her brain as I watch her blue eyes fill with excitement. “Spence, that’s actually a really good idea!”

“See, I’m good for something. Or a lot of things.” I wink, crossing the room to stand in front of her. “Now, if you’ll give me a couple dozen of those granola bars to get me through until breakfast, I can work my magic.”

She chucks a chocolaty chip bar at my head, and I shrug, tearing it open and eating it in two bites.

We’re quiet as we walk to the beam gym, no one around but us, the morning dew and the chirping birds.

“Sometimes, if it’s really quiet and the sun hits the ground the right way, this place reminds me of California.” She stares up into the bright morning sky.

“Do you miss it?” I almost feel the peace radiating over her body.

“With every single breath. Maybe not the place so much, but my family.” Her eyes tinge with sadness.

I don’t usually do heavy shit, but I find myself wanting to comfort this woman. At every angle, I want to make her feel better. “When was the last time you saw them?”

“About a year ago? I was at the club in West Chester for about ten months before I came here. And before that I was with a club in Texas. So in the last ten years or so, I’ve probably only seen them for holidays.”

The life of an elite gymnast wasn’t easy. Often times the elite clubs were only located in specific areas, and there were only a handful that could catapult a gymnast to the success they needed if they were to make the Olympics. A lot of times, these young kids moved clear across the country in pursuit of their dreams. Sometimes alone, sometimes with one parent. This sport broke up families, childhoods. And in the end, sometimes it wasn’t even worth it.

“How about you? When was the last time you saw your parents?” Nat’s voice interrupts my thoughts.

I was one of the lucky ones. “I’m actually a Jersey boy. Native, born and bred. I try to see my parents most Sundays.”

Her demeanor warms. “How did I not know that?”

I fake a frown. “Because all you want me for is my cock.”

Nat hits me in the bicep. “It’s sweet, you being a mama’s boy. It must have been easy for you to come up through the gymnastics ranks with this place in your backyard.”

“Even got to go to high school for some time.”

She gasps, her mouth opening and all I can picture is my dick still inside her warm cheeks. “You did not! Male gymnasts always have it better. I never even got to go to prom.”

It wasn’t uncommon for female gymnasts to drop out of school in favor of tutoring at the gym. Girls who were going the elite or Olympics route only had a certain number of years, a shelf life if you will. They needed to hone in on whatever special magic youth gave them. Males had it a little easier; we could compete until practically the age of thirty. As evidenced by Jared.

“Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything special. Except seeing me win Prom King.” I open the door to the beam gym and usher her inside.

Nat rolls her eyes as she sets her gym bag down. “You would. All right Mr. Cocky, let’s get to work before your ego is as big as the ceiling of this warehouse.”

BOOK: Blind Landing (Flipped #1)
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