Read Blind Ambition Online

Authors: Gwen Hernandez

Tags: #romance, #military romantic suspense, #supsense

Blind Ambition (23 page)

BOOK: Blind Ambition
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Dan made a mental note to talk to Jason at the airport. He might not have grounds to interfere with what was happening, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t check out Armeaux’s story.

Alexa watched until the man was gone, then turned and launched herself at Dan. Some kind of anguished sound came from deep within her chest, half words, half grief. Sobs racked her body as she buried her face in his chest and gripped his shirt.

When her legs gave out, he pulled her to a quiet corner next to a potted palm tree and shielded her from prying eyes with his body. She finally needed him, but he didn’t want it to be like this. “I have you, honey,” he whispered, stroking her back, her hair, her arms. “It’s gonna be okay.”

But they both knew he was lying.

Alexa couldn’t stop crying. She didn’t want Dan or—
—the hospital staff to see her like this, but she had no control. The sorrow bubbled out of her like lava from a volcano, hot, painful, messy, and relentless.

She’d come so close to losing Flore this morning, and now she really had lost her. Of course she was happy the girl had found her family. That was what she had truly wanted for her all long. And if this was the price for Flore surviving her attack, she’d gladly pay it. But the idea of her and Flore becoming a small—if incomplete—family had taken hold in her heart.

The loss cut deep. Right down to Alexa’s core where her shame and remorse over Despina had burrowed in and made a permanent home.

She clung to Dan, unwilling to let go when she needed him so desperately. And yet, with him she faced another dagger to the heart, this one self-inflicted. And did she deserve any less for the way she had treated him?

He protected and soothed and aroused her with every glance, every touch, every word. She took everything he had and gave nothing back.

“I’m sorry,” she croaked between shaky breaths as she slowly gained control and the tears subsided.

“Don’t be.” He rubbed her back and kissed her hair, still holding her tightly to his granite chest.

She never wanted to leave his embrace. She focused on his steady heartbeat against her ear, and let her breathing even out as she calmed. “Let’s get out of here.”

He dropped his arms to her waist and leaned back enough to look at her. “Where to?”

She wiped her cheeks with her palms and studied the face she adored. What he’d said about finding a way to keep guilt from ruining her life—and the lives of those she loved—had been worming its way through her mind all morning.

She’d been so caught up in thinking that Flore needed her—needed someone to love and care for her—that she’d refused to consider any alternative. But now Flore had a family again, and Alexa had to give her the chance to be happy.

And maybe it was time she took a chance at happiness for herself. But she needed help.

As soon as she made sure the other children were settled and safe.

“You were right,” she said. “It’s time I went home.”


ALEXA HELD DAN’S HAND AND rested against his shoulder during the Wednesday night flight from St. Lucia to Seattle. She intended to take advantage of every moment they had left together. Todd and Jason were taking a commercial flight out the next morning, so she and Dan had the plane to themselves.

Calm and motionless even in sleep, his soft breaths rustled her hair and his heart beat reassuringly beneath her ear. She closed her eyes and tried to succumb to sleep, but her mind hummed with anxiety over seeing her father and Thad again.

How many years had it been? She hadn’t been home since she walked away from Dan the last time.

And now she had to leave him again. Her reasons went beyond remorse over Despina. She had hurt him too many times already. She couldn’t give him hope for a lasting relationship without knowing if she could change. If he had a chance to move on, to find love with someone who wasn’t so screwed up, she wanted that for him. No matter how much it hurt to imagine him with another woman.

Her eyes burned and she shut them tight. Would she ever be able to consider a future with Dan without suffering the crushing weight of guilt? Without feeling like she was wrong for being rewarded with someone so spectacular while her sister lay six feet underground?

One night of teenage stupidity had imploded Alexa’s entire world, and she would give anything to undo it. But she had to live with her choices, and the only way she knew how was to fling herself into helping others. To focus on their needs instead of her own.

Maybe everything had worked out for the best. Flore was where she belonged, and now Alexa would go back to working in the field, following the disasters around the world.

And Dan could move on without her. But not yet. Not tonight.

She sighed and snuggled closer, content to inhale his clean, male scent. One she wished she could bottle and sprinkle on her pillow every night. A sense of peace like she hadn’t experienced in years settled on her like a soft, warm blanket. This was the first time she had been alone with him somewhere completely safe, and with all of her secrets out in the open.

And he loved her.

As long as she didn’t get greedy, she could push aside her guilt long enough to take comfort in his presence.

Eventually, she drifted off to sleep to the low rumble of the engines and woke several hours later as the plane descended into Sea-Tac Airport. It was nearly midnight.

Her dad had directed her to come straight to the house, but she’d declined. She needed to be fresh to face him and her brother. And she wanted to have Dan to herself for a few more hours, even if just to hold him while they slept.

He combed a hand through her hair and shifted in his seat, jostling her. “Hey. You awake?” he asked, his voice rough.

“Yeah.” She looked up at him. They hadn’t talked about what would happen tonight—or anything beyond his flight back to D.C. tomorrow—but he hadn’t pushed her away.

“How are you holding up?”

Her chest squeezed. “I don’t know. I miss Flore, but I’m happy for her. I’m glad she’s safe.” She idly played with the neck of his T-shirt, letting his nearness soothe her. “Finding her family is exactly what I’d hoped for in the beginning, you know, but then when I thought all leads were exhausted, I got my hopes up. I let her into my heart, and it hurts that she’s gone.”

Dan nodded and averted his eyes, and she suddenly realized how much this mission had cost him. How much she was hurting him.

“I’m sure she misses you too,” he said, meeting her gaze. “She has a big adjustment ahead of her, but knowing you care will go a long way. That’s a gift.”

Did he really believe that? If she told him she loved him, would he consider it a gift, or another twist of the knife? “You don’t think she’ll forget me?” Maybe it was selfish, but she desperately wanted a permanent place in Flore’s heart. God knew, Alexa’s own heart was getting crowded with shrines to lost loved ones.

“How could she forget?” He played with Alexa’s hair again. “You saved her. And the others.”

“Thank you.” She reached up and skimmed her hand over his stubbled cheek. “I’m not sure I could deal with this right now without you.”

His jaw tensed under her fingers. “You’re stronger than you think. You’d be fine.”

She pulled away. “I’m sorry.” She took comfort from his presence, but at what cost to him?

“For what?” He snagged her hand and tugged her close. “If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be.”

Her heart thumped, the pulse loud in her ears even over the high-pitched whine of the engines as the plane slowed. She lost herself in the golden green of his eyes.

“You’re incredible,” he said on a reverent breath, leaning in.

Then he kissed her.

Just a light brush of the lips, but it sent every nerve in her body haywire. If they hadn’t been moments from touching down, she might have climbed into his lap.

The plane bounced, jolting them apart. Dan let his head fall back with a sigh. Then he gave her hand a squeeze. “You ready for tomorrow?”

“I don’t know.”
. She sat up and rubbed her face. “Ready as I can be, I guess.” She downed half a water bottle—flying always dried her out—then gave it to Dan and watched him finish it off. “You ready to be a best man?”

He released her hand and looked out the far window into the dark night. “Yeah. I’m glad Jenna and Mick are getting their happy ending. They deserve it.”

So do you.
Her heart turned over. She didn’t want to keep hurting him, but she didn’t know how to let him go. Not if they could have this last night together. “About the hotel—”

His gaze skipped back to hers, his hazel eyes very green and very dark as he studied her in the dim overhead light. “One room, one bed, Alexa,” he said, his voice a silken ribbon that curled around her body and drew her in. “I hope that’s not too much to ask if I only get one more night with you.”

Unable to look away, she touched his cheek and shook her head.
I love you.
The force of it struck her so hard she didn’t want to wait for a bed to show him what she couldn’t allow herself to say out loud.

She didn’t have to wait long, though the hour dragged like an eternity before they faced a king-sized mattress, safely ensconced at a moderately priced chain hotel near the airport.

“I could use a shower,” Dan said, kicking off his shoes. He raised an eyebrow and gave her a seductive smile. “Care to join me?”

As if she could resist. She sauntered toward him, whipping her shirt over her head as she approached. “I’m suddenly feeling quite…

His cheeks reddened and she winked, then shucked her shoes and socks. “Come here,” he practically growled, dragging her against him so he could devour her mouth. “You don’t need this.” Deft fingers unhooked her bra. He slid it down her arms, careful not to drop her locket as he laid the lingerie on the dresser.

He walked backward, drawing her toward the bathroom, unbuttoning and unzipping her pants on the way. She happily stepped out of them—and her panties—so that by the time they reached the tiny bathroom she was naked.

“Your turn,” she said, shivering in the air-conditioned space when he stepped away.

She watched with open admiration as he shed his clothing, revealing his magnificent body one gloriously muscled limb at a time. Her mouth damn near watered with the need to taste him. Spinning away from the dazzling display, she started the shower and tested the temperature.

Dan pressed himself to her back and cupped her breast, nipping her ear with his teeth. “I can’t wait to get you wet.”

Her knees nearly buckled. “Too late.”

He groaned and lifted her over the tub’s threshold, depositing her directly into the spray. With a swish of the curtain, he followed her in and backed her against the rear wall. Water pounded her shoulders in time with her racing heart, sizzling against her sensitized skin.

For a moment he just held her there, caged between the cool tile and his solid warmth, blocking most of the hot spray. Then he put his hands in her hair and slowly lowered his head, holding eye contact until the last second before he brushed his lips against hers.

His breath was coming hard and fast now—matching her own—as he kissed his way down her neck and along her shoulder, giving her a sharp bite that made her jerk with surprise and pleasure.

“You slay me, Lys.” He went to his knees, the water pelting the back of his head as he watched his own hands caress her breasts. “There’s so much I want to do to you. One night will never be enough.”

She went cold as his forehead came to rest against her chest. Was this more torture than either of them could handle? She reached out a hand to push him away, but he turned his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God,
.” Her fingers clenched, gripping his hair as he pleasured her with his tongue, lips, and teeth.

His hands roamed her body, leaving a trail of sparks and fire in their wake. She wanted his mouth on her everywhere, but she had let him take control on the yacht. This time, she wanted to be in charge.

Tugging him to his feet, she said, “Kiss me.”

He obliged, molding the full length of his body to hers, his penis hot and hard between them as she kissed him with everything she had. He was right. One night was never going to be enough. She could spend hours kissing him like this, sharing his breath, his heartbeat, his soul.

Sliding her hand down his torso, she ran her fingers along the length of his erection, eliciting a desperate moan from deep within his chest.

He pumped his hips, pressing into her palm as his tongue rasped against hers. She let her fingers roam lower and gave him a light push backward as she dropped to her knees.

“Alexa, no. I’m too…”

She winced at the sound of her real name on his lips during such an intimate moment. That was a different woman from another life. A life she’d hated. She had always been Alyssa with Dan, and she didn’t want that to change. “Let me.” She gripped his shaft and ran her tongue along the underside from root to tip.

His head fell back and he made a strangled sound.

She did it again and he tangled one hand in her hair while bracing the other against the wall. “

Much better. She smiled and took him fully into her mouth. One hand caressed his balls and the other massaged his rock-solid glutes to hold him in place as she sucked and licked and teased.

He bucked and groaned and swore, and she closed her eyes, giving herself over to the moment, the sensations. She wanted to imprint herself onto his skin forever, even as she tried to tattoo everything about him—his taste, his scent, the feel of his hands—onto her own flesh.

She anticipated his release as he strained toward her, but abruptly, he stepped away and pulled her to her feet. “Not like that, honey.” He snagged a small wrapper he’d placed on the soap dish when she wasn’t paying attention and ripped it open. As soon as he donned the condom, he pressed her to the slick wall and lifted one of her knees. Her foot dangled over his arm as he held her gaze and slid inside her in one smooth motion.

BOOK: Blind Ambition
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