Read Black Velvet Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #paranormal romance

Black Velvet (9 page)

BOOK: Black Velvet
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Warren paced from one end of the den to the other. It had never had more wolves crammed inside. Only Jamie’s soft sobs broke the heavy silence. It was as though everyone was afraid to speak, or even breathe. He’d tried to reassure the omega that Joy would be okay, but he’d seen the amount of blood she’d lost, and he hadn’t sounded convincing, even to himself. Unable to contain the anguish and fury, he slammed his fist into the wall, making the omegas cower in their corner. She had to make it. He had to see her. He was her Alpha, and he’d command she be okay. She’d have to listen. He wouldn’t give her the option.

He stormed through the room, intent on going in there and doing just that when Jake stepped in front of him. “Let Doc do his job, boss.”

“Get out of my way, Jake,” he snarled at his friend.

“You can hate me for it now, but you’ll thank me for it later,” Jake said before he sucker-punched Warren in the gut.

Warren doubled over, the pain making him suck air in through lungs that didn’t want to work. When he finally could breathe again, he lunged, his fist connecting with Jake’s face. The man went crashing to the floor, and Warren was ready to pounce again, his fury roiling tighter and tighter until he could only see red. But before he could get there, two more men were holding him back. “Let me go,” he demanded.

He took a deep breath, needing to find her scent, but all he could smell was blood. Her blood. It had been seared into his nose from the moment he’d picked her up off the ground and carried her back to the truck. Jake had driven like a mad man, getting them to the den as quickly as they could. With each mile they crossed, her breathing had become shallower and shallower until he wasn’t sure she was breathing at all by the time he’d carried her in and set her on the cot in the infirmary.

All the breath he’d fought so hard to take a moment before left his lungs as pain crushed his chest. He fell to his knees, burying his face in his hands as he fought to keep control, but all he could hear was the pounding of his own heart. She couldn’t die.

Soft little hands, trembling so hard they barely made contact with him, touched both of his shoulders. “She’s going to be okay,” Jamie whispered before she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. After that, he couldn’t tell what more she said. He heard her voice, but the words didn’t register. She kept whispering into his ear, soothing him as she held him. He didn’t know how long they stayed there, with the rest of the pack hovering around them, but by the time Doc opened the door, he was able to stand, if on shaky legs.

“The wound itself wasn’t bad, but the bullet nicked an artery. Had it gone straight through, she would have bled to death before she got here. She’s asking to see you,” the man said before he stepped to the side and breathed a heavy sigh.

Nothing could have prepared him for the sight he saw when he entered the room. Moira lay stretched out on one of the cots. Her pale skin was as ghostly as Joy’s was. When Moira saw him come in, she sat, then stood. She swayed a little on her feet, but she held her head high.

“You gave her blood?” he asked, already knowing the truth.

Moira nodded. “She saved Jamie. While I was running scared, and ducking for cover, your mate ran back and saved my little sister. You’ve chosen well, Alpha,” she said as she stumbled toward the door.

“Jake,” he called out.

“Got it,” Jake said as he rushed in and scooped Moira into his arms. “I’ll take her home, boss.”

He sat next to the cot, taking Joy’s hand in his as gently as he could. When she didn’t open her eyes, he sat there, eyes closed, taking one deep breath after another, trying to calm the beast clamoring inside.

“Don’t be angry with me,” Joy whispered, dragging him out of his anguish.

He brought her knuckles up to his lips and kissed them. “You’ve earned so many swats on that gorgeous ass of yours. When you’re well enough to take it, you won’t be able to sit for a month,” he told her.

She had the nerve to smile up at him. “I did what I had to do. Had you noticed her first, you would have done the same thing. It’s what Alphas do. We protect and lead the pack.”

Fuck that.
He’d do all the protecting. If she was hurt again, he’d never survive it. He still wasn’t sure he’d survive this scare.

“So tell me about my punishment. I need something to look forward to when this is all over,” she said as she squeezed his hand.

He knew what she was trying to do. She was distracting him, taking him away from the pain and worry that had had him strung so tight he’d been ready to kill one of his oldest friends only a short while before. He leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers. “You scared me.”

“I know,” she said.

“That’s going to cost you ten, right there,” he told her. “Then there’s another ten for disobeying a direct order to get back to the truck, not to mention at least fifty for getting shot,” he continued when her lips turned up, and her eyes shone with the laughter she tried to suppress.

“Do I get any taken off for finding Jamie?”

“We’re not looking at rewards right now. You’ll get what is coming to you when I decide to give it to you.”

She turned onto her side, wincing as she did.

“And there’s another ten. You’ve caused yourself unnecessary pain. If you need to move, tell me, I’ll move you.”

Her giggle reached his ears, allowing some of the fear still bottled up inside him to seep out.

“So I’m not to move?”

“No, and no laughing either. Not when the whole pack is waiting to see that their Alpha female is alive and well. I wasn’t the only one worried. Everyone was. Jamie is beside herself.” He didn’t admit that she’d been the one to comfort him when he’d broken down, but he’d never forget it.

Joy sighed. “I don’t think I’m up to seeing everyone tonight. Maybe Jamie can come in, and then I can see the others tomorrow?” she asked. “I’d like to get home.”

“If Doc says it’s okay to move you, I’ll take you. To my place. You’re staying with me.” It wasn’t a question. It would be a good long while before he let her out of his sight. And if Doc didn’t give her the green light to go home, then he’d pull up one of those tiny little cots and sleep next to her right there in the infirmary.

He helped her sit up a little, placing pillows behind her back before letting Jamie in.

The omega stood in the doorway, her eyes huge as saucers, her hands wringing in front of her like a child. “I’ll let you two talk while I see Doc,” he said, giving them a bit of privacy. Jamie wouldn’t say a word if he was standing there listening in anyway.


Joy watched Warren go out the door. When he’d walked in, he had looked as though he’d been ready to snap. By the look of his swollen right hand, maybe he already had. And although he still was nowhere near relaxed, at least some of the strain had left his features, and he was breathing somewhat normally again.

She smiled up at Jamie. “Come, sit with me,” she said, her voice many times stronger than she felt.

Jamie didn’t hesitate. She sat in the chair next to her and bowed her head.

“Look at me, Jamie,” she commanded, and the girl did. “You did great out there tonight. You followed my instructions and got yourself to safety. I’m very proud of you for that.”

“I panicked and ran in the wrong direction. I nearly got you killed.” Jamie’s voice caught as she said the last word.

“The hunters and their bullets almost killed me tonight, Jamie, not you. You followed my directions. I wouldn’t have been able to lead them away from the pack had you not done that. Had you stayed where you were, we could have both died, or worse, they could have opened fire on our pack mates.”

Jamie sat a little taller. It would take more than a couple of minutes of praise to lift the girl’s self-esteem, but it was a start.

“I guess so.”

“I can smell him on you, you know. Warren.”

Jamie’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. “I didn’t…”

“You comforted him, didn’t you? Out there. Before he was allowed in to see me.” She wouldn’t let the girl think she was upset with her when it couldn’t be farther from the truth.

“I tried. I don’t know if it helped.”

“I’m sure it did. Thank you.” Joy took Jamie’s hand and gave it a little squeeze before letting it go again.

“You’re welcome to visit our classroom anytime you like, Alpha. I’ll let Macie know to expect you when you’re feeling stronger. I’m glad you’re okay,” Jamie said in a rush before she stood and left the room.

“We got the green light. I can take you home, but only if you promise to let me pamper you and take care of you for a few days,” Warren said as he entered the room.

“That’s not what Doc said.”

“No, it’s what
said. And once we go home, I’m your Dom again, so what I say goes.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said as he came over to her and picked her up. She could get used to being carried around, especially if it meant being snuggled up against her mate’s warm chest.



“You only have one choice to make here, Joy. The spanking bench, or my lap.” Warren waited, his leathers already tenting at the front before he’d even laid a hand on her ass. The bench would mean a more thorough spanking, but his lap would mean she’d feel that glorious cock of his beneath her as he punished her. It was no contest.

“I choose your lap, Sir,” She said from her position on the floor.

Jake stood nearby, as did a few other people, watching the scene unfold, but she didn’t care. Warren hadn’t touched her since two days before the full moon. Being near him all the time, and not having his hands on her body, or his cock inside her was driving her—and her wolf—crazy. She was just glad Doc had finally come by and cleared her for all activity that morning.

She adjusted the red leather corset Warren had given her, loving the way it lifted her breasts. And from the way he looked at her, Warren did too. The matching lace panties were soft and comfortable as well as sexy. He had great taste in lingerie.

He walked over to a wooden chair. “Come. And you won’t need your panties for this,” he told her as he settled himself and spread his knees wide.

She stood to face him, removing the panties without a second thought before going to him and draping herself over his legs. As soon as she was in position, the warmth of his hand smoothed over her ass cheeks.

“This is going to hurt, baby. It’s a punishment. I will leave your legs free for now, but if you move, I’ll have Jake come over and hold you down. I don’t want to risk you hurting your leg again. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“The first fifteen will be with my hand. I want to get you good and ready, but the last five will be with a paddle. Are you okay with that?” he asked her.

Joy wanted to groan. She was more than ready, but she kept her emotions under control. “Yes, Sir.”

“This is for scaring the shit out of me when you got yourself shot,” he said as he raised his hand and smacked her right cheek. “Count them out for me, Joy.”

The stinging pain lasted for a minute but dissipated pretty quickly. “One,” she said, her voice a little breathless.

He raised his hand, striking her left cheek, a little harder this time. Her breath caught in her throat, and fire bloomed from her skin, sinking deep into her muscle. “Two.”

Warren rubbed her ass, soothing the sting, but only long enough for her to relax against him before he lifted his hand and struck the right, and then the left in rapid succession.

Joy gasped, and her chest rose from his thighs. “Three, and four,” she said as she eased down again, her eyes watering from the sting. She’d tried so hard to be still, but by the stiffness of his body beneath her, she knew he had noticed. Sure enough, moments later, two large hands, one on each thigh, held her in place.

“I warned you, Joy. Any movement on your part and I would have Jake hold you down. I won’t compromise on your safety, sweetheart. Not here in the dungeon, and not out there, either. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir,” she said.

“Jake has a gorgeous view of my ass and pussy right now.” He ran a finger down the crease, all the way down to her pussy before coming back up. “How are you doing, Joy?”

She’d been trying not to think of the view Jake had of her at that moment, but with Warren’s finger bringing all of her attention to the area, she could think of nothing else. Part of her wanted to hide, but the other part of her knew Warren needed this almost as much as she did. She needed to submit to him, to feel his hands on her body, and get lost in his power and protection. “I’m green, Sir.”

“Hold her tight,” he told Jake before he repeated the double smacks.

Fire burned across her skin, seeping in, making her moan. The heat spread through her, making her pussy clench, and her nipples tighten.

“Count, sweetheart,” he commanded.

“Five, and six, Sir.”

“That’s better.” He lifted his hand, giving her two hard swats to the left, followed by two more on the right.

She moaned again, all the tension she’d held on to drifted away from her, making her whole body relax. “Seven, eight, nine, and ten,” she whispered.

BOOK: Black Velvet
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