Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4)
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I ask out to the small crowd of bikers gathered around the TV, waiting for it to come to life.

Their respective

call out like children taunting another wh
s gotten in trouble. Clink sits up quickly, hitting his head on the nearby table corner. His brothers now begin to howl at his expense. He silences them with deadly stares, not liking the attention.

Last time I checked, you had all the parts of a woman. But, if somethin
s changed, Sugar, I can take a look under the hood

he winks at me.


I roll my eyes and shake my head.

The room comes to life as it fills with cheers from the men as the ginormous screen fills with a picture. Sound follows, from the speakers strategically placed around the room. I cover my ears until someone has the good sense to grab the remote and lower the volume, before we all suffer permanent nerve damage from the loudness of it.

Clink withdraws himself from his work area and admires his accomplishment.

Fucking sharp! Look at that picture. Even better than in the showroom

Jay steps back, tilting his head.
You need to adjust the settings

Clink walks past him, shoeing off his comments,
I do
t  need to adjust the fucking settings. I do
t want it to look like that thing you got in your house. Gives me a headache every time I see it

Jay sticks up his middle finger to his friend in passing, before Clink reaches me.

ya think

He watches me, waiting for my approval. What the hell is it with men and electronics.


Laughter breaks out, before I even realized the connotation to my words.

Damn right it is, Sugar. But I meant the TV. What do you think of


I like it

I raise my eyebrow. Not sure what h
s looking for here. I
s a TV.

He kisses me, before slipping his arm over my shoulders so he can watch me admire the new device.

Crunch, crunch, crunch
Oh, you got it working

Tiny walks in the room, elbow deep in a bag of potato chips.

I take a second look at the near empty bag. I just bought that. I can see the movement through the plastic as his fingers search the bottom for hidden pieces. I eye him curiously. Damn, that man can eat. Sunny must spend a fucking fortune at the market.

All right. Prospect

he calls out to the two of them hanging back from the main group.
Pick up all this shit, and get out
he uses his eyes to sweep over the pile of cardboard and bubble wrap strewn over the floor.

They obey, and the rooms are picked up and polished clean in mere moments, with the fully-patched brothers watching, offering no assistance other than pointers.

I hear the crumpling of the plastic as Tiny smashes the emptied bag in on itself, before belching loudly.
s been fun, but I gotta get home. Sunn
s making dinner

I widen my eyes.

you must be famished

I joke, shifting to the empty bag of carbs.

He slams his hand to his belly and rubs furiously,

Jay walks up to his best friend, slapping him on his back,
re just a growi
boy, now get goi
and get out of their hair

Jay kisses me on my cheek before moving on, pushing Tiny with him. Man after man files out, stopping to say goodbye on their way.

Go check out the bedroom furniture I bought while I go talk to Jay.
ll be back in a minute
Clink squeezes my ass.

New furnitur

Left alone in the empty house, I search to see what other changes have been made. I do
t know this place well, but I see a few new things, mostly expensive and of the plug-in variety. I bend to pick up a small scrap of packing paper left in the hallway as I make my way down its length, past the bedroom we spent the last night in. I peek inside. It looks the same, so I move on. The next has a closed door, which I open and quickly close after seeing that i
s a little bo
s room. I felt wrong, dirty, like a trespasser looking inside it. That roo
s not for me.

I catch my bearings and move on, eager to forget the sadness of an empty chil
s room. There is one final door at the end of the hallway, left open. A double door, actually. It must be the master bedroom.

s light, airy, as I enter. The carpet has tracks of freshly moved furniture across its weave, leading to the current position of each piece of furniture. The shiny, dark cherry wood of the bureau and dressers is new, untouched, unused.

I touch it, the surface is clean under my fingertips. The loud roaring of motorcycles outside begins to fill the space, and I peek through the window at the exiting bikes as they line themselves up, preparing to leave. With Jay as the most senior rider here, they wait for him to lead.

s busy with Clink, talking back and forth, patting him on the back and grinning. Clink says something to the effect of
uck you

which only makes Jay laugh hard before leaving, bikes following. I hear the front door open and close.


he calls, walking down the hallway from which I just came.

ve been bus

I look around at the furnishings.

His eyebrow cocks itself as he nears. My breath hitches with his closeness. My consciousness swoons. Being near this man and a bed is more than enough to get the juices flowing, so to speak.

He moves his lips onto mine, his tongue dancing on my softness.

Another kiss.
You get the steaks

another swipe of his tongue.

Mmm hmm

I answer.

He grabs my ass, hard,
m gonna cook you dinner, then
m gonna fuck you long and slow, so you can tell me if you like the new mattress






Wine. This woman has me drinking wine. What the fuck am I? A pussy? I wo
t lie, though. It was all right.
ve dragged things out as long as I can. Hell, I even had a second glass of wine to keep me busy.

I throw some stupid movie channel on the new giant screen to wind-down to. Sugar lays down on the sofa, throwing her feet on my lap, her red polished toenails lay dangerously close to my dick, teasing it every time they move. I scan over her, her loose, golden-brown hair falling in waves around her shoulders. Her plump, juicy lips curling in a smile as she laughs at the comedy playing on the TV. Her perfect tits rising with every breath her chest takes in, her stunning body, her luscious hips that help outline that hot-as-sin ass of hers. Her curvy thighs and impeccable legs sprawling over my lap.

God, sh
s perfect. Sh
s fucking perfect.

re staring at me

she finally notices.

I smile. Moving her legs to the floor, I let her know w
re done watching TV.

Come on

I hold out my hand.

We lock up, turn off the TV, and I guide her down to the bedroom, walking closely behind her. As we approach, I work my hands around her waist, pulling the material free and up, over her head, her arms assisting in the removal of her shirt. I drop it on the floor as we press on, her shoulder blades twitching from a chill. I kiss each one as I undo the clasps of her bra.

I reach around to cup her boobs, her flesh spilling out into my fingers, soft and supple. Pulling her back into my chest, I bite her neck, moaning into it. She rolls her head, opening her neck up further for me, her hands gliding up to reach back and run her hands through my hair, pulling me in closer.

So, about that desser
she groans.

Once inside the bedroom, I do
t bother to turn on the wall switch. The light from the hallway is enough for me to see her. I leave her topless, standing at the foot of the bed while I lie down on the new bedding, arms behind my head, propping it to watch.

Check the closet

I chin my head over in the direction of the white door on the nearest wall.

She eyes the closed closet, warily,

No questions, Sugar

She wants to look, I can tell.
It ai
t gonna bite

A moment passes with her second guessing herself, and me. Bu
she gives in and looks. If ther
s one thing I know about my baby, sh
s damn curious. More curious than is good for her, probably. Her chest is perked, at full attention. She disappears into the walk-in closet, and I wait.

Her gasp is low but I can still hear it.

Try it on. I want to see you wear it, your gorgeous tits covered in my leather

I ca
t even see her yet, but my cock is aching, picturing her in it. It lays in confined agony. I unbuckle my belt and lower my jeans, relieving the discomfort, bringing my dick one step closer to the place it begs to be.

She steps slowly out of the closet, her hands touching the leather vest that drapes over her bare, silky, porcelain skin.

she whispers as she plays with the stitching.

Turn around

I instruct her,
I want to see it

Her eyes are wide, and I can see her swallow hard, her perfect throat constricting with the movement. Her body obeys, turning from me so that her back is in clear view. The embroidered letters sewn into place are bold, strong, just like the meaning behind them.


Property. It may not be politically correct, but it turns me on something fierce knowing that sh
s marked, taken, mine.

I do
t know what to say

she speaks in a hushed tone.

I shimmy my pants down past my hips, my legs. Boxers lowered, too. I grab myself, my growing shaft throbbing as I look at her, reading the words on her back.

You do
t have to say anything, Sugar. Tha
s not how this works. I could ask you, sure, but it would only be words to ease your conscience. It would
t mean anything. I choose. I decide. If I put my tag on you, I take on all responsibility for you. Yo
re mine. I will lay down my life to protect you and make it my lif
s mission to earn the right to have those letters on your back, every single fucking day

I can see her body shivering at the sound of my words, of their impact for her.

Now take those pants off. I want to see that fucking gorgeous ass, wearing my rag, riding me over and over again while I watch you come, and then fall asleep from exhaustion in my arm
… where you belong






I do
t know why
m so nervous

s like the first day of school, knowing that yo
re walking in to a new setup, not knowing how your friends have changed over the summer, how the
ll react to you, accept you now that your different.

s only been a handful of days, but I have
t seen any of the club since before
d been claimed. Tha
s what I call it. Who the hell knows if i
s what they call it, but the term seems to fit, so I use it.

Sugar, most of them knew about it before you did. It had to pass a club vote

Clink calls back before the light changes and we speed off again, engine drowning out any sounds our voices would make.

They took a vote on it? A group of men, of his sworn brothers, sat around a glorified picnic table and took a fucking vote on how my life was going to play out? That thought sits heavy. Should I be grateful that
ve been deemed worthy, vetted, to join them? Or should I be pissed that my happiness or lack of it was left up to a group of over-sexed, drunken adrenaline junkies?

m fucking pissed.

The ten or so minutes left of our ride only serves to deepen my rage. By the time we reach the clubhouse,
m seething. The bike is barely stopped and the engin
s not yet cut, but it does
t stop me as I hop from the Harley.

Whoa! Sugar! You wait until the fucki
bike is parked before you get off. You wanna broken leg? Wha
s the fucking rush

Clink chastises me as I unlatch my headgear.

I throw it at him, but his surprised arms manage to catch it.

I am
a fucking vote

I hiss through clenched teeth before spinning on my heel.

There are a few others hanging around the yard of the clubhouse, packing up their bikes, getting ready for the ride. They watch our exchange with interest. Clink tosses the thrown helmet to the ground before double stepping to catch up with me, grabbing my arm and stalking us off to some corner of the nearest empty car bay in the nearby repair shop. He swings me around once w
re out of earshot from the others.

Yes, you are a fucking vote. Just like Li
s, Jean, Sunny, and every other goddamned ol' lady out there. No different. Yo
re a direct extension of me, and those men have just as much on the line trusting you and letting you into the fold as they do me. Yo
re damn right it was a vote. Any one of us has enough on the rest to put them away for a fucking long time, Sugar. We do
t just let anyone in

I shake my head,
Oh yeah?! Well, what if they voted

Clink laughs,
It was never a possibility

He swipes his thumb across my heated cheek.
I never would have brought it up for vote if I did
t already know the answer

My heaving chest slows, the thickness around us thins. He tilts his head and lifts his brow.
Now, you done having a fucking tantrum? You really want those women to see you like a spoiled bitch the first time they lay eyes on you in your rag

I think on it. The vote was cast, i
s done. No matter how archaic and sexist these rules are, the
re in place and not likely to change anytime soon. I can fight them, or suck it up and accept it. Like Li
s has, like Jean ha
like Sunny has.

Is that how this works

I ask coyly. He wants me to accept the way of things? The rules of Kingsmen majority when it comes to our relationship? Then h
s gonna share in it.
OK. Well, I might as well get in on the spirit of things, eh? If yo
re gonna let your brothers decide whether or not I wear your patch, then
m gonna let my new
  vote on how long I cut you off for it




The weather is perfect for a ride like this. The foam ear buds that Li
s gave me to wear under my helmet help to cut out the engine noise. The ride is long, but i
s calming. Vince and Jean lead the group, with Jay riding solo next to us in the front. Li
s is in one of the cars bringing up the rear, not riding due to the pregnancy. As the club enforcer, Clink has earned his spot at the apex of this group of bikers.

Almost every bike behind us has a woman holding onto the rider. Only a few of them ride alone. Blue, T.J., and the prospects make up that group. All together, there must be about sixty bikes representing the Chisolm chapter of the club. I never did the math. I had no idea their numbers were that swollen. And now,
m one of them.

Clink shifts in his seat, his shoulders rolling to relieve some bike-induced cramping. I move my one arm from around his waist to his shoulder, rubbing away some of the tension. His neck stretches itself.

The signs for the campgrounds have been passing roadside every mile or so, alerting us all to the upcoming turn.  I
s been hours since our last bathroom pit-stop, and Clink ca
t be the only rider needing to take a stretch.

Vince steers the group as we leave the highway, and pass bike by bike under the wooden arched sign of the Shady Acres Campgrounds. What I see next, halts my breath. If I thought our turnout was already impressive, the dozens and dozens of bikes lined up along either side of the road are overwhelming. I knew there would be about three or so other chapters joining us, but the amount of Kingsmen in one single space is insane.

BOOK: Bitter Sweet Deception (The Kingsmen M.C Book 4)
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