Read Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) Online

Authors: Cordelia Baxter

Tags: #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #plus size romance, #alpha male romance, #bbw sex, #billionaire romance, #contemporary romance

Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)
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“Because I want to. Now do as you’re told,” he said, giving
me another stinging slap.

My cheeks clenched together, but I did as I was told. Jake’s
hand came down several more times on my bottom, but instead of the pain I was
expecting, I felt an unexpected stirring of pleasure as well. My bottom felt
raw and the skin tingled at each strike. It surprised me when he brought his
hand down again and I moaned into the soft down comforter.

“I knew you liked it, you naughty girl,” he said, slapping
me again. “I love how your ass looks like this.”

“Mmm,” I moaned. I was in anticipation of his next strike
and found myself wiggling my bottom in the air to entice him further. Jake
stilled his hand and all I could hear was him breathing heavily. I knew he was
turned on and that brought a smile to my lips.

“You’re so unbelievably sexy,” he murmured close to my ear.
My skin tingled as his warm breath brushed against my cheek. “I love how red
and rosy your ass looks under my hand; I love how you wiggle your hips and moan
into the bed when I spank you; I love how your legs are spread apart just
waiting for me.”

I was so turned on; his words were like an aphrodisiac,
binding me under his spell. He brought me to the edge with just his words, but
I needed more to bring me over. I knew what I wanted and needed and so did
Jake. He slid his hand between my thighs and rubbed his finger against my clit
in slow undulating circles.

“Oh God!” I moaned. It felt so good but I still needed more.
Jake was holding back and I knew it. He was drawing this out as long as he
could and it was a slow torture for me. I felt completely powerless bound up
like this, not knowing what he would do next. His finger slid from my clit down
to my warm wetness and he drew in first one finger then two. I pushed back
against his fingers, grinding into him. It felt amazing and I was on the verge
of coming but I held back.

“Please Jake,” I pleaded.

“What would you like?” he asked smoothly.

“You know what I want. I want you, right now.”

Jake stepped back and I could feel the cool air brush up
against my skin causing me to shiver. I heard him slip something out of the
side table and the rip of a foil package. He was behind me again. I felt him
rub his erection against my warm wet core. In an instant his hands grabbed my
hips and he buried himself into me with such fervor, I momentarily lost my
balance. He held me up and drew himself out before slowly easing himself back
in. The feeling of him filling me felt so right; like the missing piece of a
puzzle I had been trying to solve.

He thrust into me forcefully, and I knew he needed this as
much as I did. It wasn’t tender and gentle, but frantic and frenzied. I arched
my hips back, meeting him thrust for thrust. Each sense was heightened with the
blindfold on. I could hear the sounds of our bodies as they smacked against
each other, feel the sharp tug of pain as his hands grabbed my hair, smell the
musky scent of sweat in the small bedroom as our heated bodies worked to reach
the climax that was within grasp.

My orgasm hit me like a freight train. It was so powerful, I
found myself screaming out loud. My cries of ecstasy were muffled by the bed. I
writhed beneath him drawing out every last ounce of pleasure I could.

Jake kissed my back as he continued to move within me
building up his pace, until he finally arched his hips forward and cried out
loudly as he let himself go. Jake held me tightly while he slowly stilled his
movements. My body felt limp, like I’d just run a marathon. Jake murmured a few
words I couldn’t make out into my ear before he collapsed on the bed next to
me. I rolled over to face him, but the blindfold was still in place.

“You are going to be the death of me,” he finally said. I
smiled at the sound of his voice, feeling completely at peace in that moment.

“I hope you’ll untie me first.”

“Roll over.”

I rolled over onto my stomach and felt a sharp stinging on
my bottom.

“Ow!” I uttered.

“That’s for your cheek,” Jake said, laughingly.

His hands undid the knot of the blindfold and I blinked
against the brightness of the room. My eyes focused on Jake lying on his side
smiling at me. My hair was plastered all over my face, and my arms were still
pinned behind my back. I was sure I looked a hot mess but I didn’t care. I smiled
back at him feeling completely satiated.

A few moments later, the pilot came on the intercom
notifying us that the plane would be landing soon.

“I’ve certainly worked up an appetite,” I said.

“Good,” Jake replied.

He had already gotten dressed and was tightening the tie
around his neck after slipping his jacket over his shoulders. I stood next to
the bed and I slipped my dress over my head. We exited the bedroom and returned
to our seats to prepare for the landing.

Another black town car was waiting for us at the airport
once we arrived. I had no idea what state we were in, or where we were headed.

“Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on?” I asked.

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” he replied. “We’re in Maine.”

“Maine? What are we doing here?”

“I’ve had my chef prepare dinner for us, and then I’m going
to finish what we started on the plane,” he said, eyeing me intensely.

I shivered involuntarily at his fierce look. If tonight was
anything like what I just experienced on the plane, I was in for a treat. I’d
never been spanked or tied up before, but I couldn’t say I didn’t enjoy it. It
was nice to give up control sometimes and let Jake dominate me. There was
something very freeing about it. I suddenly didn’t feel very hungry any more. I
wanted to skip dinner and head right to dessert, where a big helping of Jake
was on the menu.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, eyeing me quizzically.


“Mmm? I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughed. He put his arm
around my shoulders and walked with me towards the car.

Chapter Eleven

e pulled up to Jake’s house a short while later. The long
drive was lit by lamp posts on either side, arching up towards the house. I
couldn’t see how big the house was in the darkness, but the massive front
entrance hinted at a palatial estate. Once I stepped out of the car, I could
hear the sound of the ocean outside. Of course he would have an ocean front
property, I thought.

Jake led me towards the back of the house where a table was
set by massive floor to ceiling windows. The candles reflected off the glass of
the windows that lined the room.

“You did all this for me?” I asked. I still couldn’t
believe I was here with Jake. This was definitely no longer just about sex. He
knew he didn’t have to do any of this for sex. We had an agreement—no strings
attached. Could it be something more? I wondered. I discarded that thought as
soon as it came to my mind. There was no use thinking like that only to be
disappointed. Jake would only ever be a sexual partner. Anything more was not
in the cards; he had made that plain enough. Except there was a tiny little
part of me that still hoped.

“Yes,” he answered. He pulled out a chair for me at the head
of the table. “I hope you’re not disappointed we didn’t go out for dinner.”

“Oh my, this is stunning,” I said looking around me.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I do. Thank you.”

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked, reaching for
the wine decanter on the table.

“Yes, please.”

He seated himself opposite me once he handed me my glass. I
had to squint down the table to see his face, the room was so dark.

“Can you see all right?” he asked, laughter lighting his
voice. “I can turn on the lights if you like.”

“No no don’t bother. It would certainly ruin the ambiance,”
I replied.

“As you wish. Just don’t blame me if you hurt yourself using
the utensils in the dark.”

“Ha-ha, real funny. What’s for dinner by the way? I’m

My stomach was rumbling softly by now. The day long fast and
our activities on the plane had finally caught up with me and I was beginning
to feel a little shaky and faint. I took another sip of wine to ease my hunger.

“What else do you have in Maine but lobster?”

“Of course, I should have guessed. Let me guess, we’re
having blueberry pie for dessert?”


“And we couldn’t have gone somewhere in the city for lobster
and blueberry pie?” I asked.

“We could have, but why do that when we can come to the

“Hmm do you just fly wherever your appetite takes you? Do
you go to Chicago for deep dish pizza, Philly for cheese steak, Texas for
barbeque?” I teased.

Jake lifted the corner of his mouth in a smug smile. “If the
mood strikes,” he replied. “By the way, Kansas City has the best barbeque,” he

I shook my head at him. “What a life you do lead.”

“And now I have led you into this extravagant and abominably
wasteful lifestyle. Hate me if you must.

“I don’t dare,” I joked back.

“Good girl.”

I was having a wonderful time with Jake. It was a nice
change of pace to be able to talk with him like this. While the sex was amazing,
I enjoyed getting to know him on another level just as much.

“You seem different tonight,” I told him after a brief

“Different? How so?” he asked.

“You just seem more open and warm.”

“Ouch, you wound me. Am I that much of a jerk normally?” he
asked lightly.

“No, not at all. It’s just...I don’t know...there’s
something different about you tonight,” I shrugged. “I’m surprised I’m even
sitting here with you like this.”

“What can I say?” he replied. “You’ve utterly charmed me and
I find you intriguing.”

“Me? Are you being serious right now?”

“Absolutely. You’ve intrigued me from the moment we met, if
you must know,” he confessed.

“I’m finding all this a little hard to believe.”

“Now, why is that? You’re attractive, successful,
intelligent. Why wouldn’t I be intrigued?”

“Well when you put it like that who am I to argue,” I said
lightly. “But actually, thank you for saying that. There aren’t many guys out
there that feel that way.”

“I doubt that.”

“You shouldn’t. I’m not the kind of girl most guys go for.”

“You’re be—“

“I’m not being hard on myself,” I cut in, “I’m just being a
realist. I do work with men all the time who are looking to settle down, so I
think I know a little of what I’m talking about.”

“And you’ve spoken to every guy out there?” he asked.

“I don’t need to. It’s not rocket science.”

“So what do you call a guy like me?”

“I’m not sure actually. What is a guy like you doing with a
girl like me?” I asked. “I’m not fishing for compliments, you know. I’m
honestly curious why someone like you, who could have any woman in the world at
his beck and call, is with me. You can tell me if it’s just about the sex. I
won’t be hurt or offended.”

Jake took a deep breath and sighed. He didn’t answer me
immediately as he looked out the glass doors into the ocean. I really wanted to
know his answer. It had been puzzling me all evening. I knew he found me
attractive. His response in the bedroom was all the evidence I needed for that.
But then why did he bring me to his home in Maine if it was just about the sex?
We could’ve just as easily had sex in his apartment in the city.

“I’m not quite sure I know the answer, Chloe,” he said,
running his hand through his hair. “There’s just something about you I can’t
quite put my finger on. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met before,” he began.
“When I first came to you looking for a wife, I never expected things to turn
out the way they have.”

“Me either,” I added.

“The sex is amazing. The best I’ve ever had, actually,” he
added. “But that’s not all. There’s just something about you that draws me in.
I wanted to bring you here so we can get to know each other better.”

“I can drink to that,” I said, lifting my wine glass in

“There is something else I wanted to ask you,” Jake began.

I placed my wine glass down on the table and leaned forward.

“Yes?” I asked.

“I don’t know if you are aware, but I do some work with the
Children’s Hospital. Next Saturday, they are having a charity auction and I’d
like you to come.”

“Like on a date?” I asked.

Jake hesitated a brief moment before replying, “Ye-ees, I
suppose you could call it a date.”

I furrowed my brow as I looked at him. “I don’t understand.
You want me to go with you, but you don’t want to call it a date?” Confusion
and hurt colored my voice and it came out harsher than I intended.

“It’s a bit tricky,” he replied. “The thing is, the charity
is auctioning off dates. I’ll be one of the volunteers being auctioned off.”

“Really?” I asked. He must have seen the surprise on my face
as he looked a little sheepish.

“I know what you’re thinking, and you’re absolutely correct.
Under normal circumstances, I would not have volunteered to auction myself off.
As it stands, however, I did not have a choice.”

My eyebrows shot so high up my face, they must have reached
my hairline.

“Now this is surprising. The all mighty Jake Powers doesn’t
have a choice?” I teased.

“Joke all you want. You’ve never had the pleasure of being
nagged by a very persistent cousin.”


“Yes, my cousin Felicity is in charge of the charity auction
for the Hospital. me to volunteer.”

“I’m so sorry for you,” I said laughing. “It must be
absolutely horrible.”

“Somehow I doubt you’re very sorry at all,” he said, a smile
on his lips.

“Yeah, so not feeling sorry for you. I’m actually really
looking forward to going now just to see you being bought and sold like a piece
of meat. I might just have to place a bid on you myself.”

“Cruel cruel woman,” he said, pretending to be hurt. “I
actually would appreciate it if you bid on me and won. It’d make the experience
a lot more enjoyable.”

“And deny a lucky woman the chance to go out with the
handsome Jake Powers?”

I enjoyed teasing him. There weren’t many situations where
Jake Powers was at a disadvantage and this was one of them. I sobered up a
little when I realized he was serious about me winning the date.

“I promise I’ll bid on you, but I don’t know how high the
bidding will go. I’d rather not wipe out my bank account in one evening, though
I’m sure you’d be worth every penny,” I added.

“Don’t worry about the money. I’ll take care of it.”

“No you won’t. I’m not going to have you pay for yourself.
That would be a little sad, and not to mention unethical.”

“Then you better win,” he finally said, exasperated.

“Why do you want me to win so badly? Is it the idea of going
out with a stranger that’s so unappealing to you?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Is that why you want me to go with you? Just to win the

“That’s part of it,” he said. “The truth is I like being
with you. I never expected things to turn out how they have, but I’d like for
us to get to know each other better, and to do that, we have to spend more time

My heart fluttered in my chest hearing Jake say those words.
Was he falling for me? I mentally shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts
that cluttered my mind.

“You’re just trying to butter me up so I’ll do your bidding,
no pun intended,” I said.

“If it helps,” he replied, amusement in his voice. “I have
no shame.”

“All right,” I said, throwing my hands up. “You win. I’ll
win you if I have to sell my house to pay for it.”

“I doubt you’d have to go that far, but thank you.”

Jake looked genuinely grateful that I agreed to win him in
the auction. I felt happy that I could help him. In fact, I was glad he wanted
me to win because I wanted to win badly. The thought of him out on a date with
another woman sent a short stab of jealousy through me. Even though we did not
have any formal relationship, I’d been thinking of Jake as mine. And though he
didn’t make any declarations, his actions showed that he was starting to feel
the same. I smiled at the thought.

“What are you thinking?” he asked, noticing my smile.

“Just about what I have planned for our date that I’m going
to win,” I teased.

“Oh? And what is that?” he asked, the gentle lift of that
eyebrow crossing his face again.

“It’s a surprise.”

“You’re not going to tell me?”

“Nope,” I said, my voice smug. “How do you like being kept
in the dark now?”

“I deserved that,” he said, looking at me sheepishly.

“Yes you did. But don’t worry, you’ll like what I have

“Now I’m all anticipation”.

BOOK: Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)
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