Beyond Famous (Famous #3) (9 page)

BOOK: Beyond Famous (Famous #3)
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My hand released the clasp on her bra and then slid it from her shoulders. I brought one hand up around her breast before dipping my head to take an already erect nipple into my mouth, her gasps as I laved and flicked the nipple driving me mad with desire.

Her head fell back, and she gasped. "God, Cade."

"I love it when you say my name; when I know it's me who drives you to this."

"Feel how my body reacts to yours." She moved against me again and I could feel the slippery wetness as she ground her body into mine. "That's what you do to me. I want you... so much, Cade."

My dick was throbbing, begging for release as I moved the small strip of lace between her legs aside and slid my hand inside. "Oh God, Brook... Jesus," I gasped against her neck as my fingers sank into her softness. I was so hard I felt I would burst. I searched for the little nub that I knew longed for my touch and found it, moving my thumb in gentle circles.

Her head had been buried against my neck and shoulder and suddenly it snapped up so that she could look in my eyes. I knew my eyes were hungry, burning into hers as I took in her expression, the pleasure I was bringing through my touch, her hair wild, her mouth swollen and her eyes so soft with love. It was my undoing.

"I have to have you, babe. Now."

She held my gaze as her hand slid down my chest, across my stomach, and finally her fingers closed around my erection, gently squeezing and pulling. If felt so amazing, I was so turned on, it wasn't going to take much to make me come.

"Cade, you're so gorgeous. I never want to stop looking at you," she said softly. "I never want you to stop touching me, your hands on my body, you inside me, filling me..."

I pulled my hand from her and brought my fingers to my lips as I sucked and licked her wetness from them. "Mmmmm...” I moaned, as I tasted her on my tongue. Her mouth opened and her teeth came out to bite her lip. She was so sexy, I couldn't stand it and I moved my finger to pull her lip from her teeth and then bent my mouth to hers as she moved over me, lifting up to sink around me, clenching around me, drawing me deep into her body. It was heaven on earth.

"Oh, my love... Brook, fuck, I need you." Her hips moved and rocked against me, her muscles squeezing and milking around me as I grasped the back of her head with one hand, bringing her mouth back to mine for a barrage of deep, sucking kisses. Jesus, her body was sucking on my dick at the same time our mouths were sucking on each other and I felt my body start to tighten; the building beginning and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop it.

I moved my other hand back down between us to start the rubbing again, and she gasped.

"Uh, yes, Cade... that feels amazing. You feel so good inside me." The movements of her body increased; her thrusting over me coming faster as she started to come. I held on until I was sure that she was at the point of no return before I let myself fall into my own climax, thrusting faster as I spilled into her body.

"You're mine, Brook... mine," I groaned into her mouth as the twitching of my body subsided. Brook trembled in my arms and her head fell to my shoulder. She kissed and bit at the skin and my arms tightened around her, our breathing heavy as we struggled to come down. I continued to move against her wanting to get every last sensation out of her, bring her the most pleasure I could.

"I love you so much," she whispered against the side of my neck before kissing my jaw and then my lips.

"You better. You just better," I said breathlessly without loosening my hold around her. I didn't want to let go, didn't want to pull out of her as emotion welled in my chest.

"Brook, there are no words... I can't tell you how much I love you. It could never fully explain how I feel." My arms finally moved over her body, up and down her arms, when my fingers came across something around her left forearm, just below her elbow.

I pulled back and brushed the sweat-dampened hair off of her face. I moved us both so that we were lying together side by side, and I pulled her to me. Her head settled to the curve of my shoulder and she snuggled into me, her arm coming around me as my fingers brushed up and down her body.

The soft strains of a piano introduction filled the air around us. I’d heard it before and the lyrics were powerful and fit the moment; we didn't talk as the song played; no words were needed between us as the singer spoke of deep need, separation and loss. My heart fell and swelled at the same time. I let myself get lost in Brook’s body, the song and my emotions. It was overwhelming, painful and amazing. The love we felt covering over us like a blanket, the sadness at the impending months apart. I felt sated, content, yet full of loss and longing. My throat constricted as the words of the song sank into my conscious brain. Brook's arm slid up my chest and around my neck, her hands clenching against me and her face turned into my skin. Our lovemaking was slow and steady, deep and intense, but still sweat began to coat my skin in a light sheen.

Her hand reached for mine, and our fingers threaded together and tightened. I felt my chest constrict and my throat ache. It was evident that we were both dreading the coming months, the weight of it sucking the very life from both of us. I felt Brook's tears fall onto my skin and my throat tightened even more. Neither of us spoke, we just let the song speak for us, the lyrics falling around us, every word such a perfect echo of our feelings.

I could feel her shoulders shaking against me and I fought back the emotion threatening to make my own tears fall. Her free hand moved, and pulled the thing around her forearm down. When I tried to unthread my hand from hers so I could move to see what she was doing, hers tightened around mine in an unspoken request for me not to let go.

She moved the object over our entwined hands and onto my wrist, before turning into my chest and giving into her tears. My free hand moved around her small body to my wrist to investigate the thing she'd placed there. It was a metal mesh band with a solid metal cylinder that slid around on it. The metal still held the warmth from her skin. I knew there must be great meaning to it, similar to the one I'd given her on her birthday, but there would be time to see it more closely later. The fact that she'd pulled it from her arm onto my wrist over our combined hands left me breathless. It was a simple act, but it meant so much.

My hand tightened on hers and the other came to her face and I slid a finger under her chin to lift her mouth to mine, I finally found my voice. It hurt to speak, but she needed to hear the words.

"Brook... I'm always going to love you this much or more. Do you understand me? I need to know you understand. I'll never make it through this if I'm not sure you know how much you mean to me. I literally can't live without you, and I wouldn't want to," I breathed against her mouth.

"I do. I know, Cade, and you're my whole life too. I love you more than anything."

We fell into a desperate kiss that communicated everything that words couldn't come close to describing.






Two weeks until Cade would be in New York for the summer. My whole body felt sick at the thought. Time was going much faster than I wanted it to, and it seemed the more we enjoyed it, the faster it flew. It was a cruel consequence of being happy.  How ironic.

The past two days since Cade's birthday party had passed in a super-fast blur. Lillian and Carter's visit had been so good for Cade.  He adored both of his parents, and they worshiped him.  It made me feel great they were so warm and welcoming.  Carter was funny, like Cade, and Lillian was very easy to talk with. I could see her and I becoming very close to each other as time passed.

They came to the set again while we filmed the big fight scene but were asked to leave set for one of the most intense love scenes of the entire series. Those had been some tough scenes that left me emotionally wiped out.  Lillian even cried from the sidelines during the fight, which was good, because it indicated it felt real. I thanked God again for Martin’s sensitivity when filming the more intimate scenes between Cade and I.  This film was going to be even better than the first one.

The remainder of our time in Vancouver would be spent with Martin; Jeff and myself working on any retakes needed and the second unit director was working on some of the scenes focusing on Cade’s character. 

Wendy flew back to L.A. yesterday. Jennifer and I were flying to Italy early next week and Cade, Martin, and Dawson were meeting us there for the Italian Film Festival.  We were done. 

.  My heart dropped in my chest.

It hadn't been easy for me when Cade left earlier this morning.  He was jetting off with his parents and Denise, the four of them taking the same plane to New York and then splitting up. Lillian and Carter would be heading to London and Cade was going with Denise to Cannes.

I let myself think back to our time alone together after Cade's birthday party.  It had been so incredible.  Painful in part, but incredible.

 The song playing on the iPod made it the perfect moment for me to slide the bracelet onto his wrist from mine, and he knew exactly what I was trying to say with the gesture.  He held me as I cried and then made slow, tender love to me again.  In the morning, he'd seen the bracelet and read the engraving; it was so special.  He was so beautiful, his features soft as he looked at it. I'd never get used to how incredibly beautiful he was and how utterly overwhelmed I felt by my love for him.

I had the infinity symbol engraved on the front, echoing the gift he'd given me for my birthday. I wanted to connect him to me the way he had connected to me.

"Brook... this is perfect.  Thank you," he'd said softly as he moved to cup my face with his hand and bent to place a soft kiss on my mouth. "I love it."

I crawled onto his lap after the kiss and my fingers ran over the metal cylinder on his wrist.  I snuggled in closer and his arm tightened around my back and the one with the bracelet on it began to rub the top of my thigh.

"I'm going to miss you so much.  I'm trying to be strong and tough about this, but I'm afraid I'm not doing a very good job.  I’m sorry.”

He kissed the side of my temple.  "Brook, there is nothing to be sorry about.  I'm a bloody wreck myself."

I lifted his hand and turned the cylinder over. "There's more," I continued softly.

His blue eyes met mine before moving so he could read the words engraved underneath.


C- I can see forever when I look into your heart.  I love you, -B


His arms tightened around me and he buried his face in my hair.

"Oh, babe. You
my forever, Brook.  I love you longer than that," he whispered into my neck, kissing it and then dragging his mouth in a trail of kisses to my mouth where it ended in a deep soul wrenching kiss.  His tongue and mine encircled each other and our mouths were sucking and lifting, coming back for more again and again.

"I know you won't be able to wear it very much, but maybe someday...” I said quietly after his lips finally lifted from mine.

"Do you want me to wear it anyway?  I don't give a fuck about the paparazzi, you know that."

I thought about it for a minute.  "No, I want it to be between us.  I don't want speculation about it right now.  Maybe something else, though. Something that says
up yours
to Pinnacle for not letting me go to Cannes with you? The bracelet wouldn't be able to do that anyway, since it has nothing to do with the films." I smiled up at him, trying to lighten the mood.

His hand was holding mine, his thumb rubbing over the engagement ring I wore on my finger as Julia.  I had a habit of leaving it on.  It seemed easier than remembering to keep putting it on and I didn’t want to risk losing my real one by taking it off and on.

"What about this?" He lifted my hand and nodded toward the ring?  "Would that be ostentatious enough for you, sweet?"  He flashed me the crooked grin that always made my knees go weak.

"Do you mean you'd wear it?  Babe, it won't fit these huge hands of yours, not even the pinkie," I teased as I kissed one of them.

BOOK: Beyond Famous (Famous #3)
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