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Authors: Tracey Rogers

Best Fake Day (10 page)

BOOK: Best Fake Day
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of the door lock flicking into place made her jump and her attention turned to Jack who was now changing the door sign to closed. His perfectly arched brow was his only response to her questioning glance.

“What are you doing?” she stage-whispered.

Jack’s casual shrug lifted his broad shoulders as he stepped to her side. “I’ve hired Rosa for the day. Whatever wedding gown you choose she will ensure any alterations are ready for tomorrow morning.”

She sighed heavily then felt herself sink further into the carpet. “Is that really necessary?” Surely in a place like this she wouldn’t be able to afford so much as a garter.

Jack’s gray-eyed gaze inclined to meet hers. “If it makes it easier on you then yes. Consider this a practice for your real big day,” he said in a lowered voice as Rosa busied herself collecting a notebook then bringing out a refreshment tray.

Why did she want Jack to show some form of emotion about this? For some reason his neutral tone and cool expression perturbed her. She found it difficult to imagine feeling this surge of nerves on her real big day.

And nerves weren’t the only emotion Jack evoked.

They were entering new territory. They had passed the memory boundaries now and had stepped further than a gentle kiss and explorative touch. Now the way they’d touched and explored was all brand new, the intensity at a far greater level than she could have comprehended during those teen crush years and those new memories were firmly etched at the forefront of her mind. Along with resting on the forefront of her chest she realized as her bra seemed to have shrunk down a size at the mere thought of Jack’s touch, making her nipples ache and her breaths become shallow in response.

Although his reaction to her on the flight had been distant, his reaction to her as she’d awakened on landing had seemed to change. Jack had given her the option of going to their hotel with their luggage to rest or exploring Florence. With a grin, she’d scooped her camera bag over one shoulder and looked at the insanely handsome man at her side. Well, what was a girl to do?

Together they’d strolled down the streets of Florence and chatted effortlessly as they explored the sights. Jack listened with keen interest when he’d asked Izzy about her travels. She allowed her enthusiasm to spill over as she’d explained the African and Asian wedding ceremony customs. He seemed surprised she’d traveled to such remote places and impressed by the recent images stored on her camera. She wondered if he could see the sentiment behind each simple tradition. That it was the love in those eyes rather than location and dressings of the wedding that made it special.

Jack seemed to know Florence well. It was a beautiful city rich with history and stunning architecture that was truly a photographer’s dream. He waited patiently as she set up each shot and even suggested further places of interest. And what better way to test out the functions of a new camera than to accidentally capture a stunningly gorgeous man deep in thought, with his dark brow lowered as if weighted by the baggage of trouble. Then that moment when he’d closed those eyes and lifted his face to welcome the warmth of the sun. It was an image that stole the breath from her throat.

Fortunately his angsty moment passed and whatever challenging thoughts he had were forgotten as he lead her to a small bistro. They drank coffee and chatted some more. Laughing together and talking to each other with the familiarity of...lovers?

If they really were lovers than Izzy’s dream would have been coming true the moment she stepped foot inside this boutique. As she looked up to search Jack’s face she felt the stir inside her body that told her she needed him. She caught her lip between her teeth as she pondered her actions.
Would it hurt to pretend all of this was real?

* * * *

There was something missing. Jack flicked a look at his wrist and checked the time. Including the consultation, Izzy had been choosing a dress for almost two hours. In his opinion every one she selected to try looked fine, but as soon as she wore them, as beautiful as she looked with her hair swept up from her neck, there was something noticeably amiss.

Frowning at the muttered curse coming from the dressing room, he ignored the mound of emails still waiting for attention , switched off his phone, and tossed it onto the opposite leather sofa. His attention was needed here.

Izzy let out a shriek as he stepped into the cubicle and closed the door. She gathered the pool of discarded fabric from the floor and tried to shield herself with it. He hid a smile at her futile attempt. The dress she chose to hide her curves was a silky sheath. Not only that, but the cubicle was mirrored on all sides. He had a pulse-kicking view of the slender column of her back and the curve of her luscious, silk encased bottom. And now he had a pulse kicking in his trousers.

Her eyes were wide and unblinking beneath her thick lashes. “You can’t come in here, Jack!”

He hid his smile. Her voice was berating him but her eyes were telling him to stay. “Yes, I can,” he said as he folded his arms across his chest and leaned back against the door. “And here I am.”

She took a step back. “But Rosa—”

“Will think we are about to be married and can’t keep our hands off each other.”

“Yes, but—”

“That’s not true? You’re the one who can’t lie. Tell me, is it a lie that we can’t keep our hands off each other?”

To his satisfaction a bloom of pink seeped over those delicate cheekbones. “Stop answering for me, damn it, and tell me why you’re in here.”

“You tell me. What’s going on? You painted a picture of your fairytale wedding and here you are choosing dresses that you obviously hate. Why?”

Izzy leaned toward him, fumbling to stretch the fabric shield over her breasts until she came close enough for him to breathe in her alluring scent. “Have you seen how much they cost?” she asked in a frantic whisper, concern marring her brow. “If I damage one of these babies I will be sweeping the streets here as punishment for the rest of my life,” she added seriously. “With a toothbrush.”

Jack sighed and gave a small shake of disbelief. “So you’re choosing the least expensive dresses to try?”

She shrugged, causing the fabric to slip down to expose the fullness of her right breast. As his gaze zeroed in he swore he could see the peaks of her nipples pressing against the dress.

“Ignore the cost, Izzy. I want you to choose one that makes you happy.” He forced his gaze back to her eyes. But the drumbeat in his chest confirmed her eyes, those chocolate pools, were no safer to look at than her breasts. They reflected her need for him too.

It seemed like an age that they looked at each other in silence, until he saw a betraying tongue sweep over her soft lips. “Is that all you came in here for?” He heard the waver in her voice. “Or is there something else you want?”

Hell, that throaty question shot straight to his balls. What did he want?

“What exactly are you offering?”

“Whatever you choose to take.”

She dropped her arms to the sides, allowing the dress to slide down her creamy skin like a waterfall. At the point of dizziness he finally remembered to take a breath. His gaze raked over every inch of her as she stood wearing nothing but satin heels, white silk knickers, and a look of blatant challenge.

Damn, she was perfect. And in a room of mirrors she was a sensory overload. She was everywhere. Her beautifully rounded breasts begged for his touch, his mouth. He wanted nothing more than to take those rosy peaks in his mouth and give her pleasure until she cried out.

As if she knew his thoughts, her lips parted, her breaths became choppy, the silky escaped strand of hair resting on her delicate collarbone swayed with each rise and fall. His gaze dropped lower to her narrow waist, over her belly, and down to the triangle hiding the secrets he knew she wanted to share.

He straightened from the door, clenched fists at his side. Looking wasn’t enough.

They took a step forward at the same time. Their gazes held in a grip that refused to let go. At the moment her breasts pressed against his chest, he lifted his hand to cup her chin. He was no longer certain which erratic heartbeat was his as the warmth of her body cascaded through his being. She tilted her head, showing those soft lips were ready for the taking. He lowered his head.


Jack cursed at the inquisitive voice outside the door. Izzy’s fingertips were now digging into his biceps as she froze.

“Coming,” he managed to respond, and then released a frustrated breath at the irony. Another few minutes and he might have been.

Probably more slowly than necessary, Jack squatted down to pick up the dress and made an even slower rise to stand. It was a view worth savoring and one that had certainly spiked an appetite. Without a word, he handed it to her and stepped out of the dressing room.

“Money is of no importance, Rosa. Find her the perfect dress,” he instructed, sounding more abrupt than intended as he ignored Rosa’s keen-eyed look. But hell, he had an erection that was bordering on painful.

He stalked back to the leather chair and sat down, gingerly, dragging his hands through his hair rather than where he wanted them to be.

Instead of focusing his attention on work, his gaze remained on the platform where Izzy had to step out to have the dress skirts arranged to gain the full effect of the dress as she viewed herself in the array of mirrors. On her first venture out since that almost kiss, her cheeks had been flushed with scarlet and her gaze was averted to the floor. She’d been more relaxed the second time. The last two were a definite improvement and more the way he imagined her to be on her wedding day. Except it wasn’t, he thought with regret. Fake was the far better option for him—but for Izzy?

With a small shake of his head at Izzy’s questioning brow raise, he vetoed the dress he knew she didn’t really want. It was very beautiful, but still not quite right. Again there was something missing.

Again it was back to the torture of hearing the rasp of a zipper, the rush of fabric grazing skin. His jaw clenched tightly. All the sounds of Izzy being naked. And not close enough to touch, he thought as he began to tap his outstretched foot restlessly. He stilled his foot as Izzy stepped onto the platform. Her gaze met him directly. And he saw ‘that something missing’.

He popped to his feet.

“We’ll take it,” he said eventually, as he tried, but failed, to stop looking at the gleam of vibrancy in her eyes. He knew she’d found the one.

Two sets of surprised eyes pinned him to the spot.

“You like it, don’t you?” he offered by way of explanation.


“Then...good. Rosa will do the fitting and I’ll meet you at the hotel later.”

“Oh.” Confusion dulled her voice as he felt her watch him make his way to the door.

“I have to make that business meeting,” he said as he hightailed it out of there.

* * * *

Izzy was still frowning almost half an hour later as Rosa expertly pinned the hem of her dress. Standing there wearing a dream of a wedding dress, she was sulking like a princess without her prince. Hers had well and truly fled. He moved so fast his footprints didn’t have time to sink into the plush carpet. The only trace of him remained in her underwear and tingled beneath her skin.

“You look beautiful,

Izzy chewed her lip. Did she? Then why, when she was wearing a dress that fit almost perfectly, that made her heart swell, did he move faster than when he’d done naked streaks from her back garden? Had her stunt in the dressing room pushed him too far?

, Rosa. That’s kind of you to say.” She offered a weak smile down to her.

“It’s not kindness,
, it’s the truth. And
Carter agrees.”

“He does?” Hope flooded into her aching chest.

“Oh yes, he does. Your husband-to-be was overcome with emotion when he saw you in this dress.”

“Really?” she asked brightly, feeling a smile creep to her lips. The smile returned by the olive-skinned beauty at her feet was open and genuine.

“Really.” She beamed. “So throw your worries away. Brides should not be sad. I will not let you leave until you feel happiness only.”

Izzy couldn’t help but smile, enjoying the warmth spreading through her. How could she not feel a surge of pleasure at knowing the dress she had fallen in love with had snagged his attention?

Rosa straightened from the floor, tossed her dark curls over her shoulders, and cast a satisfied glance over Izzy’s dress. She clasped her hands together, showing her delight. “

“It’s a wonderful dress.”

Rosa shook her head. “It’s the right person choosing the right dress that makes it wonderful. You have to fit each other.”

Having her childhood thoughts spoken to her made her blush. With a pang of sadness she thought of how much she would have loved her mother or Ellie to be here for a moment such as this. But then it wasn’t real, she reminded herself. Just felt a whole lot like it.

“Do you mind me asking where the wedding is to take place?” Rosa asked as they made their way back into the dressing room.

Izzy froze momentarily. “Oh...Oh no, not at all...but I’m afraid I don’t know,” she answered smoothly, managing to stick to the truth. Jack hadn’t told her anything. “It’s a surprise,” she explained as she stepped out of the dress with Rosa’s help and put on her clothes.

!” came the exuberant response. “You are going to make each other so happy.”

Her heart bumped at the thought. How wonderful that would be.

“Rosa,” she said as a thought struck. “I think it’s only fair if I return the favor and surprise Jack.”

“Yes! What do you have in mind?”

Izzy grinned. “Do you have a range of underwear?”

.” She beamed. “Come with me.”


Chapter 7


Resting her head into the plump pillow, Izzy stifled a yawn. She had no intention of falling asleep and every intention of seducing Jack until he took all of her aches away. If he could heal her body, then she would heal her mind later. She curled on her side and gave a wistful smile as she thought of how he’d made her body cry out, with each nerve ending demanding his touch.

BOOK: Best Fake Day
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