Beneath His Ink (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Beneath His Ink (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 3)
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“Wait!” Tyson had a question, and win, lose, or draw when he lay down, wherever he was going to be allowed to place his head this evening, he would be pondering this question. “If you didn’t think I killed Bruce then why did you put it all over the news that I did and that I was dangerous?”


“Like we said, we didn’t know the whole story. We had you checked out, but we needed to talk to you. You shouldn’t have run at all because that makes you look guilty, but with all the forensic evidence we had, it was rather slim that you were the actual murderer.” That was more than McCullough had said the whole time he’d been in the room with him.


“I thought you’d ordered a hit, but I guess I was wrong. I still have my eye on you, Adler.” Johnson was the last one out of the room, and he kept his eye on Tyson in what had to be him proving his point.


It wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, but he’d feel better when he had more definite answers. He wasn’t fond of being locked in boxes, but the thought of him being able to see Ella again had him sitting quietly and willing to wait all night for a chance to get a piece of his life back. He wouldn’t think of how long it would last; he just knew that he would savor it.





Ella had never been in an apartment that came decorated and filled with almost everything she’d need. There were towels, plates, pots, pans, silver wear, bed linens, and all the other things that make a house a home. The only thing she didn’t have was food and Tyson, and she didn’t know what, if anything, was going on. There was nothing she could do, and the television couldn’t keep her attention. A few days ago, she didn’t have a true lock on her door and had to share a bathroom with a floor full of strangers, but now she had a two bedroom, and one and a half bathroom townhouse. She was happy that she had privacy, but she missed Tyson, and with the way it was looking she wasn’t going to be seeing him anytime soon.


The soft knock on the door made Ella draw in a deep harsh breath. She wasn’t a coward. Her height had made her have to act tougher than she probably would have if she had been blessed with height. Walking over to the door, she couldn’t quite make it to the peep hole, but no one even knew she was there. It was probably someone from the front office with papers for her to sign, so she opened the door.


She didn’t even get to see who it was before she was partially picked up and moved into the doorway.


“What the fuck was that?” The harsh voice made her heart leap into her throat. She shouldn’t have opened the door without knowing who it was. “Ella, don’t fucking open the door unless you at least ask ‘Who the fuck is it’.”


“Tyson?” Ella reached up to touch his face. She didn’t think she’d ever see him again and was so happy, it didn’t even matter that his face looked like the worst thunder cloud before an all-night storm.


“Lucky for you it was me, but you do know that we are in a city where people are looking for us. US. It would benefit you to be a bit more cautious.”


“No one even knew I was here,” Ella wanted to revel in her joy of him being with her, but he wanted to fuss and complain. It was a good point he was making, but she didn’t have time to get the ladder out and check the peep hole. She would make sure that she knew who it was before asking because that is the smart thing to do whether they were in this crazy situation or not.


“That’s what you think, but the people who are after us were willing to cut a man up in small pieces and leave his intestines in a bucket. It makes it hard to believe they haven’t seen us everywhere we’ve gone.” He froze when he completed that sentence and then swore under his breath. The facts he’d given to her about what had happened that night were minimal at best, and there was no meat and potatoes to the story, but he’d just plopped down a big chunk of what had to be hard to keep in.


There it was… the ugliness he’d been dealing with for the last few days said out loud in the light of day. She couldn’t help the look of shock and fear that had to be on her face. She’d seen him respond to the expression while they were on the run and would try to contain it when the story would appear on the news. When he’d wanted to return to clear his name, she knew a peace and excitement she couldn’t remember having before. The few pictures they’d shown on television with the scene of the crime had been one of a bloody footstep that had an imprint of the word Need within the shoe. He’d told her that his ankle had been slightly turned since birth the one thing he did enjoy was comfortable shoes. The exclusive custom fitted shoe company Needs Know Improvement was very expensive, and not many people who walked around had the trademark bottom. She’d gotten a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach when she saw the image that had been made with the bloody shoe print. She knew who wore those shoes.


He walked to the couch and sat down, and she followed behind him.


“I didn’t kill Bruce. We’ve gone through a lot, and I know you are aware of my history of being with the Reapers and that I’ve done the same job as Bruce was doing while I was with them, but I decided to turn around and walk into that police station because I didn’t do anything wrong that time. I was set up.” She was trying to figure out if he was telling the truth when she searched his eyes, and if he was, she wanted to know why he’d left her in the dark about what kind of people they were running from. These weren’t just small time money gatherers; these men were killers, and they were looking for them.


“Good things happened at the station since you’ve been here with me, because I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again without bars between us.” Ella looked at him and tried to hold herself together. She was breathing funny and trying to blink back tears, but she was suddenly so happy that they were together once again. When he had dropped her off at the curb and told her to secure housing, she had really thought that this was going to be the end of any time they’d have together.


He must have realized she was getting emotional because he pulled her into his arms and they sat on the couch quietly wrapped up together. Sometimes when he held her, she remembered how small she was. That was both thrilling and scary.


“They want me to use myself as bait to get the Reapers to admit information about the loan sharking program so they can close the Reapers down for good.”


“If they know that you didn’t do anything, why do you have to get involved?”


“They’ve been trying to get something on the Reapers for years, and they see a chance. It looks like they’ll use anything they can to get me to comply. I just want to be done with the whole damn thing.”


“When is this supposed to go down?” Ella knew if she didn’t get this information from him as soon as she could, he’d clam up. Just like she knew he wouldn’t want her to go along with him, but to hell with that. Those fuckers had framed her, and she’d done time for it; she would be a part of them going down if it were the last thing she did.


“They didn’t tell me, but I did talk to Stephen, the new leader of the Reapers. I knew him a little bit before I left, but he is the one making all the decisions and calling all the shots so he was the one I had to talk to.”


“You talked to him? About what?”


“We talked about me giving him the money we owe him, and he told me he’d call me back soon so I’m supposed to wait for his phone call then meet them at the location they tell me so I can get wired up. They have my phone tapped, so they will know when the Reapers call me.”


Ella lifted her head from his chest. “You have to wear a wire? This sounds dangerous.”


“It is dangerous,” he blew out a breath, and she knew what was coming next like he’d already said it, “that’s why I don’t want you anywhere around there.”


“I’m going, Tyson, we are in this together.” She knew he was going to be like this, but if he thought she had gone through all of this with him just to be the cute—damn she hated that word—girl in the background, he was sorely mistaken.


“Let’s not talk about this now.” The man had a way of making her want to change the topic, but he would realize what a bulldog she was when she wanted something. From information to items, she was willing to wait, but she was stubborn as all get out.


“What do you want to talk about?”


“How about we talk about how glad I am to see you and how glad you are to see me?” He rubbed her back, and she swore that there was something magical in the way he touched her. It wasn’t going to let her drop this whole “Let’s save Ella” deal, but she could let it go for now.


She straddled his lap and looked into the face she swore she could look at every day for the rest of her life. “I’m unbelievably happy to see you. I wasn’t sure if that was ever going to happen after I looked at the story they’d been running on the news. The police said you were a person of interest and showed what looked like a shoe print that has been your trademark in my opinion so I didn’t think you’d be back in my arms and ready for more loving in a few hours. The news didn’t say that you turned yourself in or that they had any more information.”


“Yup, here I am ready and willing, and I don’t know why they didn’t say anything about me trying to make amends.”


She didn’t know how he always looked like he was in the just past five o’clock shadow with his beard, but the scratchy texture felt good on her skin. She rubbed her neck and cheek against it softly and started to feel her motor start like his beard was the key. He normally took control of almost everything, so it was nice to get to be the aggressor in this, but she didn’t know how long she’d last before either he jumped in and took over or she just came from rubbing herself against his jeans.


Taking his furred cheeks between her hands, she turned his face so she could lick at lips so pink he always looked like he’d just been eating something. Trying to be teasing and tantalizing was fun, but she was turning herself on probably as much as she was turning him on. He smiled as she kissed him, and it made the kiss sweeter than it had been before.
God, she loved this man. Wait…. what?


The turn of her thoughts made her see that she was thinking of the wrong things. He wasn’t hers to keep; she was just having a bit of fun with his body until they got out of this mess or one of them moved on. That’s what she thought they were doing, so she needed to stop her mind from making this more than it was. Did she want him for herself? Abso-fucking-lutely, but she wouldn’t beg for any man to stay with her. If they didn’t want to stay, they could walk away. She’d be hurt, but he’d never know about it.


She softly bit into his lower lip and dove in when he opened his mouth. The inside of his mouth was warm and tasted like some kind of mint. She swirled her tongue with his and hoped he could feel all the things she was unwilling to say, even if neither of them were willing to say them.


He was not a silent partner in this exchange because he had hold of her ass cheeks and squeezed her, bringing her into to meet his hard cock. If she could let go of his mouth enough to take a breath, they could get a few layers of clothes off so they could really get started, but she didn’t want to let him go for any reason.


When he reached up to roughly fondle her breasts, she couldn’t stop the moan that exited her mouth. As much as she liked to be in charge of everything, she loved when he took charge. He found her nipple through the cloth of her shirt and bra and rolled it between his thumb and index finger.


“You love to have your tits played with, don’t you?”


She didn’t even know how to respond to that, but since he went back to tugging and pinching her in one of her most favorite areas she figured he wasn’t looking for an answer. Taking her shirt and bra off in one swoop made Tyson chuckle a bit until he saw her breasts, his laughter stopped, and he brought her close enough to get one of her breasts close enough to his mouth to suck on her.


He did that so well. It wasn’t like he licked and tasted soft and slow; he drew on her hard and pinched the other. She wanted to come so badly that she rubbed her throbbing clit against his hard cock. Even through all the layers of cloth, she could feel his pulsing, and it was making her hotter.


“You are not going to come without my cock in your hot pussy.” He pushed her a bit so she stood up, and he took off his clothes while watching her. She didn’t think she had ever taken off her clothes as fast as she did then.


“Wow, you are beautiful Ella, and you’re so ready for me. Aren’t you?” He sat back down on the couch with his thick, hard cock pointing straight up.


“Looks like you’re ready too,” she said as she straddled him again. This time they were both naked and aroused… no way he could say they weren’t ready.


“Almost,” he said as he reached into his pocket and got out one of his condoms. He had them ever ready, and she was so grateful he wasn’t one that didn’t come prepared. After he was fully sheathed, he looked up at her. “Now I’m ready. Hop on, lady.”


It was funny that he was cracking jokes, and she was about to combust with desire, so she did what he’d asked and took the smile right off his face. She placed the head of his cock at her opening, and she wondered if she was going to have a problem with being just too wet. It probably wasn’t an issue because she was a smaller woman and he was a large cocked man. It hadn’t been too long since they’d had sex, but she’d never ridden him. It was an exciting change of point of view. Instead of her looking up at him, she was looking down, and the bounce of her full breasts felt different.


She wanted so many things. With his cock stretching her out at full capacity her full nipples were feeling neglected, so halfway down she hooked an arm around his head and brought him to her breasts. He never turned down an opportunity to suck her into his mouth, and she couldn’t be more thrilled with the way he used his mouth to work out each and every noise she was trying to hold back.

BOOK: Beneath His Ink (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 3)
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