Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (5 page)

BOOK: Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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George had come to the hotel room early this morning and called upon Allison. Together, they left to take a walk through the park. They had invited her, but she declined. Ian was bringing her a note today to confirm their meeting, so she must wait.

Charlotte frowned. It was hard to watch George and Allison together. When would her life be romantic? When would she find the man who would make her smile with a love-struck expression and smolder with emotion like George had for her friend?

Last night she’d actually let herself fantasize that life with Ian. The attraction between them had been mutual. His touch and sensual words had stirred a spontaneous fluttering in her chest, and when he’d kissed her, he’d woven a spell over her limbs, causing them to weaken.

She closed her eyes. She shouldn’t have spoken so audaciously...and she shouldn’t have lied to him about George. Why had she told Ian such an outlandish story? He would certainly expect George to act like the doting suitor now. Would Ian discover the truth before he signed the annulment papers?

With her head in her hands, she slumped in her chair. What if he didn’t sign them at all? No. She couldn’t think that way.

Her restless night had made her irritable. Doubts filled her head and created tightness in her chest. Would their passionate moment of splendor last night change his mind about the annulment? Everything had been magical, but she couldn’t bear to be with a man who didn’t want her. Why had she entertained the thought of changing his mind by seducing him? Ridiculous!

She growled, pushed away from the table, and marched to the window. The lovely summer morning beckoned her to come out and partake of its beauty. If she stayed on the main walkway in front of the hotel, she wouldn’t get lost. Perhaps she might run into Ian on his way to see her. But then she didn’t have a proper escort. How could she wander the streets by herself?

Yet as she studied the people, she realized there were several ladies taking a stroll by themselves. Charlotte shrugged. Perhaps it didn’t matter. She was a stranger in this town. Once Ian signed the papers, she’d be gone. Anticipation quickened her heartbeat. She hurried to collect her parasol then left the hotel room. Outside, a soft breeze teased the wispy tendrils around her face. She brushed away her hair and patted her knotted coiffure on top of her head.

The parasol shaded the sun from her face as she wandered down the street. Vendors held out their wares, trying to persuade her to buy their fruits, poultry, and even blankets. She passed, smiled and shook her head. The items they had didn’t interest her. But when she walked by the window exhibits, she slowed to a leisurely stroll. The display of lavish dishes caught her eye. Next, it was the candlesticks that caused her to pause. When she moved by a window with the latest style of gowns, she came to a complete halt.

Her personal dressmaker always designed Charlotte’s frocks to match the newest styles. In this particular window, she stared in awe at a shimmering blue evening gown with a daringly low-cut bodice. Fringe decorated the thin shoulders, and a tapered skirt appeared to fit snugly against a woman’s legs. Charlotte closed her eyes, imagining how the silken material would caress her own legs as she walked.

She fought the temptation to go inside. If she did, she’d certainly buy the dress. Where would she wear such a gown? If she wore it back home, she’d set everyone’s tongues a wagging. But here, this evening dress was probably very popular.

“Thinking about your next seduction?”

The man’s deep voice boomed from behind, startling her. She snapped her attention to his reflection in the glass window before swinging around to face him. Her heart leapt. Coffee-colored trousers molded well to Ian’s muscular legs, and his cream-colored shirt stretched taut underneath his matching waistcoat. Scolding her wandering eye, she looked back to his face and lifted her chin.

“What an impertinent thing to say! Pray, what seduction are you referring to, Mr. Fielding?”

An assured smile touched his lips and his eyes twinkled. “The next man you plan to seduce.”

She was tempted to slap his handsome face. Instead, she kept one balled fist out of view in the folds of her skirt while the other tightened around the handle of her parasol.

“You are wrong again. Although I was admiring the dress, I knew I wouldn’t be able to wear something so daring in public.”

He turned his attention to the display window and cocked his head.
“Why not?
The bold dress you wore last night was just as stimulating.”

She huffed. “Last night I was in costume. Last night I portrayed someone I could never be again.”

He took a step closer as his fingers breezed up her cheek. “I wouldn’t mind seeing that woman one more time.”

Warm tingles ran rapid through her body, so she pushed his hand away. Her heart raced, but she concentrated on her anger. “Fortunately, I won’t be staying here much longer, so purchasing the gown is out of the question.” She waited for him to reply, but he remained impassive, so she turned toward the window. “Were you, by any chance, on your way to see me?”


She glanced over her shoulder and lifted an eyebrow.
“And why not?”

“Because, I don’t have any time for you today.”
He folded his arms and rocked back on his heels. “I’m working on a case that needs to be solved immediately.”

She scowled. “If you are so busy, what are you doing here?”

“If you must know, I was asking questions about my case in the shop across the street.”

His gaze swept down her gown, and the color of his eyes warmed with desire. A thrill rushed inside her. Although she still disliked him, satisfaction filled her, knowing he found her alluring. She quickly cursed her body’s response to his heated stare.

“Where is George?” he asked.

She lifted her chin and faced him. “George is with my friend, Mrs. Archibald.”

“Why is he not with you?”

She let out a bitter laugh. “Why should it matter? You aren’t concerned with my life.”

“Last evening you gave the impression he came here with you and would soon court you. Yet where is the overeager young swain now? Then, when I asked you if the man dressed as an ancient God was your beau, you told me he belonged to your friend.” He paused briefly and scratched his chin. “So, what other conclusion should I have drawn when he’s not with you now?”

She stomped her foot. “You have an over-active mind, Ian Fielding. Do you know that? But of course you do.” She inadvertently flipped her hand. “You wouldn’t be in your line of business otherwise. But to answer all of your meddlesome questions—I told you George belonged to my friend last night because I didn’t want you thinking I was taken. I was very attracted to your mysterious character and I didn’t want to frighten you away, you...

He threw back his head and loudly chuckled.
“Oh, such language for a lady of high society.”

Ignoring his comment, she took another deep breath. “The reason George
isn’t with me now is because I asked to be alone. I expected you to send me a note, verifying our meeting. George has taken Mrs. Archibald out to show her some sights.” She straightened her shoulders. “Have I answered all of your questions?”

His lips turned up into a mocking smile. “Yes.”

His gaze moved over her attire again. His expression was not entirely unpleasant. When his brown eyes softened, butterflies danced in her stomach.

In defiance, Charlotte lifted her chin. “I’ll be continuing my stroll since you are obviously out of sorts this morning. So, if you’ll please excuse me.”

Even as she scooted past him, he stayed in step beside her. His quiet presence annoyed her. She held her jaw tight, her lips stretching in irritation. “Now what do you want? More questions? I thought you had a case to solve?”

“Actually, I do have more questions.”

She kept her angry march just slightly ahead of his. “Then please ask so you can soon be on your way. I know how very busy you are today.
Too busy, in fact, to make time to sign a few papers.”

He chuckled.
I’ll make time. But you’ll have to take the afternoon meal with me because that’s the only free time I can spare.”

She halted and turned her wide-eyed gaze at him. “Are you jesting?” Her hand flew to her chest as she laid the dramatics on thick. “The renowned Ian Fielding, the investigator, actually has a moment during his meal to spare for his wife?”

“Do not mock me, woman.”

She tilted her head. “What makes you think I want to dine with you? Have you forgotten you cannot stand to be in my presence?”

“Do you want to eat with me or not? Like I’ve mentioned, that’s the only time I can spare.”

“And where will our outing be?”

“Anywhere your scheming heart
my dear wife.”

She scrunched her eyebrows together. “I’m not familiar with Bath as you well know, so you choose the eating establishment.”

“I think you might want a private setting in case you are tempted to cut my throat.” He smiled wickedly.

Unable to stop it, a grin tugged her lips. “You read me well.”

“That’s my business.” He stepped closer and brushed his fingers along her hair. “And because I have the talent for reading people’s thoughts, I know you still want me. Last night was merely a repartee for you. I can see it in your eyes. You ache for my touch, and you pray I’ll ravish you with kisses. Admit it, Charlotte.”

Gasping, she slapped his hand away and hoped he didn’t feel her scalded cheeks. “You’re sorely mistaken.” She gathered her skirt and quickly stepped past him, calling over her shoulder, “You really are a scoundrel!”

“My dear, Mrs. Fielding?”
His voice rose. “Are you going to meet me or not?”

Without turning, she shouted, “When pigs fly and hell freezes over!”

He laughed loudly. “All right, my dear. I shall pick you up at your hotel on the noon hour.”

She clenched her jaw and kept her feet stomping all the way down the street. His deep laughter rang through the street and made her cringe. Heat poured through her body from embarrassment, or was it from his touch?

Red, hot anger pulsed through Charlotte as she moved from shop to shop; purchasing items she wouldn’t normally buy. It didn’t matter how indecent the dresses were or how costly the jewelry. After all, this was Ian’s money, the little he’d sent her during his absence. She’d never wanted to use it before, but now she couldn’t wait to spend it all. Yet the excitement of spending money wasn’t with her today. She worried he would follow her, and peering over her shoulder got tiresome.

While she loathed the very ground her uncaring husband slithered across, at the same time her body tingled in remembrance of his touch. And to make things worse, he’d known it and commented on her weakness.

Her feet ached from her tight shoes—bought only for looks and not comfort. She returned to the hotel sooner than she’d wanted. Unfortunately, it was just in time for the luncheon with Ian. The man she met at the masquerade seemed so different from the man who’d left her after their wedding. Instead of cold and mean, he bore a close resemblance to the caring stranger who’d rescued her from kidnappers. Could she have been wrong about him all along?

No. Pain from his abandonment still held a fresh scar in her heart. When he’d rescued her, he’d shown her a kind and giving man; one she wanted with her always. It didn’t take long for her to give him her heart, but when he’d refused her father the first time, her stubborn pride had taken over. She couldn’t let him slip through her fingers. She’d been young and innocent, and her father had spoiled her beyond reason. And, when she’d set her sights on something, he gave it to her. That is why he had paid off Ian’s debtors and bribed him to marry her.

Wearily, she moved to the full-length mirror in the bedroom and pulled out the pins that held her bun together. She brushed out the kinks then pulled back the sides with some new combs that glittered with diamonds.

The green day dress was discarded before her maid helped Charlotte change into a fresh gown. Light violet adorned the material and brought more color to her cheeks. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, worry creased her brow. Had she made a shambles of her life by her hasty decision last night? After all, he was the one supposed to be miserable. Not her.

The loud knock on her hotel room door sent her heart thumping. Her traitorous body experienced a healthy dose of anticipation, and she wished she could control her weakness. She had to keep her thoughts on the annulment. Squaring her shoulders, she walked to the front door, stopping her maid before the servant responded first. “I’ll answer it.”

The maid nodded and left the room. With a shaky hand, Charlotte opened the door. Ian had not bothered to change, and he still looked incredibly handsome. With his over-coat draped casually across his arm, he appeared very relaxed. She tore her gaze away from his physique and looked into his eyes. They were a soft brown and dreamy, testifying of his calm state.

She was far from relaxed.

“Good afternoon,” she greeted without a smile.

“Good afternoon to you, my dear.” His gaze boldly slid over her and she tried to ignore the chills running down her spine. She had to remember the annulment papers lying on the desk.

BOOK: Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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